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Goth_Girl 05-07-2005 05:32 PM

A little boost needed
I seem to have lots of friends going on the 'lighter life' diet. £40+ a week for meal replacements and lose up to 7 stone in 4 months. I am suddenly filled with doubt that I can lose this weight through the gym and eating well way.... with the media and british society fully accepting sugery, chemicals and crazy dieting as the answer to obesity. Where does that leave me?

To add to my down day, someone at work was telling everyone about a man at the hospital who collapsed and was the same weight as me (she doesnt know how much I weigh) and the fire brigade had to be called to winch him on to a bed. Everyone laughed, I was so mortified, didnt say anything but went home and cried.

I know I'm pre-menstrual but do you ever just feel like the world is conspiring against you. I live on my own and I really wish i had someone around to hug.

Sorry I'm a bit ranty this evening
Much love Cat x

veggie 05-07-2005 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Goth_Girl
I am suddenly filled with doubt that I can lose this weight through the gym and eating well way.... with the media and british society fully accepting sugery, chemicals and crazy dieting as the answer to obesity. Where does that leave me?

Thats the only way to lose isn't it? Eat less and move more. Save your £40. ;) The work people sound nice! :devil: Just feel superior to them, it's their problem that they think that's funny.

BIGGIRL27 05-07-2005 08:49 PM

Hey Cat

I totally understand how you feel and I think we all get into those 'slumps' from time to time. Of course you are doing the RIGHT THING - YOU ARE DOING THE PERMENANT THING! Exercising and eating well is a gift you give yourself for the rest of your life, not until the weight is lost. Don't forget, you are in this to get healthy, get fit, and STAY that way! Fast and easy weight loss usually leads to fast and easy weight gain - even more than you lost sometimes!

Let those ignorant fools at work laugh! You'll get the last laugh by taking care of yourself!

2frustrated 05-08-2005 05:08 AM

Exercise and eating well IS the only way to do it, and you can loose lots and keep it off. I lost all of my weight this way! It's taken me 5 years to lose 5 stone, but hey, I feel a lot healthier and am learining more about myself and my eating habits every day!

The people at work are insensitive and I bet they were exaggerating anyway! They have strong porters in hospital! After all have you seen ER when all 10 people around the bed move the patient from the gurney! 10 people could lift a lot of weight!

Don't give up! *BIG HUGS* :grouphug: If all else fails throw a :tantrum: and you'll feel better!

kykaree 05-08-2005 07:07 AM

Goth girl, go and visit the maintainers and the 100 pound club. There are some inspirational individuals who have lost it doing it "the old fashioned way" with diet and exercise. I have a friend on Lighter Life, she has had to abandon it. She lost 8 pound in a week, and has spent the week after being very ill and has returned to "normal eating" and so have the pounds. There is no way I could do lighter life, I need food!!!! I like to eat, why would I abandon eating for horrible liquid supplements, YUCK!!!!

This is one of my favourite recent posts about doing it the old fashioned way It looks like its about low blood pressure, but keep reading. Both Meg and Boiaby are great to talk to and I'm sure if you pm them, they would be happy to chat to you (they've been there for me many a time!)

You will do this, it will be hard, and it'll take ages, and you'll have times when you feel you should just give up or have the surgery, go on xenical, do lighter life - whatever seems easier. The truth is, whatever path you choose is going to be difficult, with its ups and downs. But you'll have all of us plugging away with you, we're in this for the long haul.

Keep your pecker up and don't let the hormones, or the turkeys, get you down!!!! If that ever happens again, I would say in a loud voice, I weigh exactly the same as that man, would you laugh like that about me???? Put em in their place, or cast a hex on them! How dare they make you feel like that! I feel angry on your behalf. Don't be a victim chook!

Love and hugs


MadamDotty 05-08-2005 07:23 AM

Hi Cat

Just want to add my support, agree with everything everyone else has said. Lighter Life might mean quick weight loss, but as already said, that always mean quick weight gain too (the main, permanent loss sounds like it would be from your wallet!!). Do you really want to pay that much to drink shakes all the time - it just doesn't satisfy you, you can't do it long term, it doesn't re-educate your eating habits (or taste buds) and as soon as you go back to "nomal" eating, you'll put it all back on, and more besides usually.

Try and rise above what people say, just remember that skinny people who can eat whatever they like, may look slim but are probably very unhealthy and in the long term, losing weight slowly through good eating and exercise, you'll end up slim AND fit. It's the way to go.

Take care :grouphug:


Goth_Girl 05-08-2005 01:58 PM

What can I say? You guys are so wonderful and I thank you so much for your kind words of support. I feel much better today - went to the gym (6am on a sunday - see my halo :angel: ) and thrashed out my anger and humiliation. Got all buzzy from the endorphins and ate a lovely healthy meal with a friend.

You are so right - I've got new inspiration, thank you for your help and support it really is appriciated. Kykaree I'll take a look where you suggested, sounds like it could be really benificial for me to talk to them.

Thank you again for everything :goodvibes:
Cat x

kykaree 05-08-2005 02:37 PM

Glad your feeling better, nothing like the gym to work out your frustrations!!!! Help your halo is blinding me (I think mine is slipping down and choking me!!!)

We're all here to help, even those who don't know you yet. I went through a phase like yours (hang it - I do it all the time!!!!) where I thought my weight was just too much for me to manage on my own. There is even a support group on the Miscellaneous forums called Doin It The Old Fashioned Way.....

Both Meg and Boiaby have before and after photos which I keep implanted in my brain.

I am a bit jealous your gym opens a 6 on a Sunday morning!!! Mine opens at eight and the pool shuts at 12! I did the pool this morning and went back to the gym this afternoon. No cute gym instructor though.....no eye candy at all to speak of (my motivation for the gym is purely my weight you understand, but a bit of scenery does me no harm!!!)

2frustrated 05-08-2005 03:09 PM

Glad you're raring to go Cat! Keep up the good work!

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