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taichilady 10-31-2004 03:46 PM

Inspiration Needed
Hi Chicks :wave:
I'm having a bad week, and thought others might be having the same problem (that's why we're here :doh: ).How about posting the reasons that keep you going through the bad times :stress: , or what you do (or eat) when you're feeling empty :eating2: ? Personally, I'm sick of vegetable soup and am not fond of fruit. :no:
Not feeling very hopeful about weigh-in this week - help :yikes: !!!!

taichilady 10-31-2004 03:50 PM

Aargh! What's happened to the smilies? Oh, halloween, ha ha

tootoot 11-01-2004 01:12 AM

i wouldnt say i was having a bad week....... but i was working long days at the weekend and i have not any where near enough(cup a soup and a sandwich both days after work) and i know not eating enough is as bad as eating too much, when i do have a horrible food week its usually when things arent right i seem to say to myself............ och so what if i have crisps who cares , knowiing really that i do but the problems or stress at the time seems more important than watching what i eat
got to get ready for work .....again(overtime today) woman at work only 48 had a suspected heart attack!!!!!!! talk about a wake up call

2frustrated 11-01-2004 04:23 AM

Tai chi lady, I fill up on rice cakes (oh so boring) and fruit. Bingeing on rice cakes is no where near as bad as bingeing on crisps and things!!

I tend to go shopping to keep me motivated, yesterday I couldn't fit into jeans that were a size bigger than the ones I was wearing :shrug: don't ask me!!

Then I come home and think about how good I should be too look all sexy in some nice jeans!! And I look at the party dresses too and think, oooh I'd look so good in that when I'm skinny!! :rofl:

taichilady 11-02-2004 04:04 AM

Rice cakes
Thanks 2f, i had forgotten the joys of Snack a Jacks. Unfortunately, I rarely see any clothes I actually LIKE in the shops, and my absolutely alltime fave shop closed down recently :( . I'm not yet at the stage when trying things on is a pleasant surprise either :o . Hey, appropriate icon, just how I feel in the changing room! Mind you, I really like all the plummy dark maroony purply colours that are in at the mo. It's frustrating to see your fave colour in a really vile style or nasty feeling fabric :mad:
Might make it to weigh in today, not hopeful
Right, a stop at the shops to get those rice cakes, and memo to stop wallowing in self pity :D

cat90 11-02-2004 05:53 PM

Have'nt had a rice cake in god knows how long :lol: are they one step up from the kelloggs cornflake BOX? :joker: :rofl: I don't suppose they are so bad really :p :dunno: I used to eat the 'caramel' ones occasionally...i've got a stockpile of jello fat free puddings and diet jelly and coolwhip is'nt bad for a munchie attack either ;)

taichilady 11-02-2004 06:30 PM

Rice cakes etc
Thanks Cat, had also forgotten sugar free jelly, shall go and boil the kettle now ;) . Would you beleive I even have a choice of flavours? 'Thai Bites' used to come in seaweed flavour which were great, you could believe you were eating Japanese rice crackers, but they don't seem to make them anymore :( .

Superwitch 11-03-2004 11:51 AM

Japanese Rice Crackers
You can buy Japanese Rice Crackers in Julian Graves.

taichilady 11-04-2004 03:50 AM

Hey - am I the first one up today? Beat you all :cool: :devil:! I see the clown smilie has gone. Ta superwitch, I love Rice crackers but daren't point them, especially the wonderful peanut ones :eating2:. Anyone?
Having a bonfire party tomorrow, hope we're not overrun by teenagers 'Mum, can a couple of friends sleep over?' - cue extra bodies in morning, six in total, not counting those that came and went! not to mention them all being bright eyed and bushy tailed at 5 am :tired: At least we'll be better prepared this time :crossed:

dilleight 11-04-2004 05:01 AM

Do you reckon snack a jacks are more filling than cereal bars?

taichilady 11-04-2004 07:03 AM

Cereal bars
I never touch cereal bars, apart from WW choccy ones, oh and Asda's good for you range :T . The cereal is fine, but they have to stick it together with something, and it's usually sugar... :eek: . I don't know about filling, but SAJ's last longer, so I feel like I've really had something, cereal bars are gone in a flash. Also, you can never tell how high in points they are unless you carry your tracker around :rolleyes: . I bought some breakfast bars last week, and found I had misread the calories, per 100g instead of per bar. They were a whopping 5.5 points :fr: which is way over what I usually have for brekky (about 3), and certainly wouldn't eat them as a snack at any other time :no: .

teel 11-04-2004 08:39 AM

:o I have a cereal bar for breakfast as I hate bothering with anything else!! I quite like the fruit'n fibre bars from Sainsburys...at least with the fibre you feel as though you are putting something useful in your body! :T Sometimes I manage to do an instant porridge but it has to be really cold outside before I do it!! :o
Taichilady I am somewhat confused now 'cos although the cereal bars do give the nutrition in 100g, the bars do not weigh that much at all...the ones I have say..
per 100g per bar
cals 383 96
fat 9 2.5
carbs72 18
fibre 4.5 1

Oh and I usually have a box of Shapers mini choc/orange bars and a box of Slimfast bars...I like the chocolate caramel bars....they are only 99cls a bar....Hope this helps!!

taichilady 11-04-2004 09:48 AM

Woops, you're right Teel, have made another mistake :o , it's 1.5 points! ie
per bar - 101 cals,1.2g fat (0.5g saturated), carbs 21, fibre 1.2g. But it wouldn't feel like a proper breakfast, although nowadays I only have one piece of toast or cereal with semi skimmed milk. I spend a great proportion of my early morning in the kitchen anyway, trying to fill my two teenage boys :dizzy: .
Taichilady is a bit of a mouthful, perhaps I'll shorten it to Tai :lol:

BritinNJ 11-04-2004 01:37 PM

COR! I'm glad we got those cereal bars sorted, you scared me for a mo there Tai, I eat them quite often as a fill up quick running out the door!
Ours over here I had worked out to be two WW points so have rechecked and I was right.....thank be! :)
Hey, how about you share your real name with us one day then and then we won't have to shorten you down to Tai, which is fine if you prefer it :)
Sheila, how's the weather in lovely SUffolk today? Not cold enough for porridge yet then?
It's beautiful here right now, I've been a busy bee, scrubbed down blinds and windows and Dave is now finishing off by putting some extra carpet leftovers in the closet....... the house is starting to look great again, if only eating properly came as naturally as getting fixtures and fittings sorted, I'd def be a slim jim by now :)

taichilady 11-05-2004 04:09 AM

Tried one of my cereal bars yesterday - far too sweet, though the texture was nice :yawn: . Brit - do you use your WW cardboard slidey thing for points, or have you got an electronic gadget? I find using electronics smooths out (ie loses) a half point here and there :devil:. Not sure about giving out my real name, I find it confusing enough remembering real names, and if we all started using them, I'd never remember who was toot, Veggie, Brit, etc. :dizzy: . But if it makes you happy, I'm Lesley (the female variety) :doh:
A hard weekend coming, party at ours tonight which could stretch into the early hours, lots of nibbles and booze (Chicks -'Oh, you poor thing!'). Mind you, when feeding my broods' friends, I don't feel tempted as it's usually bacon baguettes, and I haven't touched bacon for years, despite being a lapsed vegetarian :smug: .
Spending far too much time online, must get moving :coach:
See ya chicks :sumo: :goodvibes

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