3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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mary1979 01-31-2012 08:34 AM

Hi Everyone.. Mary here!
Hi all

Total newbie on here.. so thought i would write a quick hello and for those that are interested i'd tell you a bit about my weight loss / gain story so far...

So, i'm 32, been with my bf for 2 years (this March) and have been dieting since the age of 15yrs.

My dieting started young as i've always struggled with weight, portion size, exercise etc etc (the normal story).

Over the years i've tried Slimming world, weight watchers, cabbage soup diet, cambridge diet and lighterlife. Always lost some weight but never got to target. Lost 4 stone in 3 months with lighterlife a few years ago after losing my mum but since then have put all that weight (and a bit more) back on :-(

(and for anyone who thinking about doing lighterlife.. i would not recommend it)

Now i've re-joined weight watchers but this time with the support of my very oldest friend (lets call her Sammy since i havent asked her for permission to name and shame on this site! lol). Me and Sammy have forever struggled with weight and throughout our School lives we were bullied. we lost touch after leaving senior school and have only in the last 2 years found each othere again. I'm so glad we did.

Sammy has succesfully done Weight watchers before but finds herself in the same situation as me .. back to a heavier weight and trying once again to finally get to that mysterious, magical place that we all call Goal or target!!! This year we have made a pact that for both of us, 2012 will be our Slimmiest year ever as an adult.

Since joining a few weeks ago i'm down 3.5lbs (starting weight 17.1 stone and a size 18/20)... not the fabulous start that i had hoped for but hey.. a loss is a loss and i will stay focused on losing half a stone at a time. :carrot:

Afterall... if i can lose 7lbs a month, thats 6 stone over a year!

I don't know how much i need to lose to get to my target.. but i know i will recognise that i'm there when i can look in the mirrror and be proud of how i look.

So.. good luck everyone , whatever the method you're using... we all want the same thing.. so lets make 2012 the best year ever :smug:

Mary xx

Talk again on Thursday morning (after weigh in on Wednesday night)

mary1979 02-02-2012 09:14 AM

Hi everyone
Hope you are all having a lovely week with lots of weightloss.
Well... weigh in at weight watchers last night and did'nt really expect much of a lose since i've had a bad cold since the weekend and so have'nt done any exercise since then. Although i have still stayed to plan and tracked .. i ate no where near enough so was a little concerned that my body might store the fat and i'd stay the same on the scales..

But thankfully i jumped on the scales and low and behold 1.5lbs lighter than last week. happy days! I think the full 1.5lbs was down to Mucas alone LOL

Also.. I was good after class last night. No eatting rubbish after weigh in... I used to kid myself that because that week was over and technically the next week doesnt begin till the next morning so in my eyes i'm in what i affectionatly call 'dead zone' and so none of the food counts!! Gone are those days...

My classs leader talked about exercise and motabolism this week. I love staying to class. Shes funny and so encouraging and every week i go away feeling really positive with new ideas.

so.. still have a bit of cold left and my cough is stopping me getting a good nights sleep but i'm gonna get back to my exercise routine this week and have a really good loss hopefully.

A work dinner on Monday night may be a challenge since we are going to an all you can eat chinese buffet style place... its my worst nightmare. I must remember to have will power and stop eatting when satisfied instead of when i'm fit to burst.

All booked to go to RPM and Zumba this week and will also fit in a gym session or 2.

Sammy and i came up with a fab idea. we went for a walk round a country park a few weekends ago and whilst walking we were chatting about how much easier it will be when we are carrying less weight. We've decided to set a date at the end of march to get together and load a backpack each with the volume of weigh we have lost at that point. We're gonna walk round the park wearing the backpack and then take the packs off and walk wound again . I think it'll be really interesting and uplifting to really be able to feel the volume of weight we have taken off our bodies . can't wait!

Well.. thats my ramblings complete for another week.

Happy weight loss everyone.. They'll be less of us all in no time.

Mary :-)

takingcontrol 02-02-2012 01:46 PM

Hi Mary! Welcome to 3fc, well done on your loss this week :)

I love your idea of walking with your lost weight in a backpack, it'll be amazing to see just how far you've come.

Lots of really positive things in your post, which is lovely to read.

I wish you and your friend all the success in the world on your journeys, please keep on posting here and keep us all updated!

This UK board can get a little quiet, so maybe also take a look at the rest of the board, some really supportive and very active boards out there :)

Have a great week :)

mary1979 02-03-2012 08:33 AM

ah, thanks for your lovely response takingControl.

I shall have a good read through the rest of this site. There does seem to be lots of support for all us fat fighters on here.

Well done on the 38.7lbs loss so far! amaxing :-) xx

Violet Rose 02-05-2012 12:19 PM

Hi Mary,
Was great to read your post, u seem so motivated and I love the idea of a walk with the equivalent weight in your back packs, I may suggest that to hubby as there is a lovely place to walk by us too. This year I started with good intentions, I don't follow a set diet, more calorie counting and exercise. I swapped from my old calorie counting app which I lost 2stone with last yr to the one my husband uses cos he said its better, after a week on my old app and building up exercise on the cross trainer from 15mins to 30mins per day 4x a week I'd lost 2kg, then swapping to his app I put on 4kg in the space of a week! Then on top of that I had retirement parties and wedding receptions to go to meaning I pretty much wrote off January. Really gutted cos I was killing myself on the cross trainer after an 11hr day at work so to put on 4kg was heartbreaking. Really gonna try again now, been having trouble with not feeling full and eating crap so need to knock that on the head.

Anyway inspired by your post, a bit dissappointed that people don't talk much on the board but hopefully they will become more talkative!

cat90 02-05-2012 03:52 PM

Hi Mary, you sound so motivated :) that's a great idea about carrying the weight that you lose it will be interesting to see how you do with that ;) How is Zumba? i'm really interested in it :) I recently bought Zumba 2 for Wii and i've got the DVD so i've no excuses not to try it really :o LOL. Anyway, I don't know where I found the motivation but i'm really determined to meet my goal this year :) so you'll be seeing a lot of me on here or should I say less of me LOL :wave:

Kitcherella 02-05-2012 05:16 PM

What a great idea! I think I am going to do that too!

mary1979 02-06-2012 08:50 AM

Ah Thanks so much for replying everyone.

I'm chuffed you all like the back pack idea. I need to constantly remind myself how much 1lb actually feels like in weight to fully appreciate just how much that is.. It doesnt sound much but actually its feels ALOT!

Violot Rose - I feel your pain on the gain in weight. I've followed other peoples advice and changed plans before and then seen a negative result. :devil: I guess what works for one person might not work the same for someone else. We all just have use trial and error to find a plan that works for us individually. I'm postive that for me its weight watchers (and trust me i've sampled enough different diet plans to be able to come to that conclusion!! lol).

Cat90 - I love love love Zumba. If you havent tried it yet, please do! It doesnt even matter if you have 2 left feet (like me !!) cause every one is busy trying to focus on following the steps themselves that they wouldnt even notice if another person had fallen over. he he. The other thing thats nice is that in my class there is a really wide range of ages, and sizes which makes me feel more comfortable about being there and shaking my ta ta's and rear end. :carrot:
I do Zumba Tone as well. Its basically Zumba but with the addition of hand weights that you shake. Doesnt sound to hard but my word the following morning i struggle to lift my arm to brush my teeth.

Anyway... i'm off to RPM tonight. Hopefully i won't have to sit behind the tiny lady that goes every week wearing hot pants and what can only be described as a bra top! When i reach that point in the classs (that i always do) when i feel like i may not survive the class, i look over and she looks like she has'nt even broken a sweat, I feel like giving her a shove off the bike at that point! :chin:

Anyway ladies.. onwards and upwards (or inwards for all of us !! )

Mary ;-)

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