3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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dazzler82 01-17-2003 08:20 PM

Dieters Emergency!
Hi there all, just new to this site and I think its fantastic! Enough of that, I need help! I just can't seem to stick to my diet at the moment. I'm not even hungry and I just feel the need to put something in my mouth! What's wrong with me!

It's my new year's resolution to lose this weight, i have finally reached my lowest ebb. But it seems i start off ok (well for the first day at least!) and then it all goes wrong.

I was 23 stone (did i really just type that out) and have slim down to 21 stone but that took about 2yrs (was a bit lazy)! Basically half of me has got to go. But when i think of the task ahead after a while it all seem too much. I have actually lost 4lb in the past 2 weeks, but I don't feel good, i just think, about a 100 more pounds to lose, have a treat!

I really want to lose weight more than anything, its my top priority for 2003, but why can't I stick to my diet if I want to lose weight so bad? I majorally need motivation (or a prayer). Some how i will do this, i know I can but a few words of wisdom, encouragement, reproach or just sympathy would help:)

cat90 01-17-2003 09:04 PM

Hi Dazzler...we all have times like that..i for one can 'graze' all day if the mood suits :lol: do you journal what you eat on your good day's? i find that helps me a lot :D and don't think of the big picture..i.e. 'i've got 100lbs to lose' break it up into 10lb increments...aim for a goal date..i'm aiming for 10lbs by valentines day..i've lost 3.5lbs so that's a good start and then it will be another 10lbs for Easter etc. It might be of help to you to look at Ali's website..she has done incredibly well..i think she posts under the name of Posy..you will find her web addy at the bottom of her posts :)

BritinNJ 01-17-2003 11:03 PM

Hi Dazzler, you've come to the right place. Everyone here is fantastic and will give friendly advice and encouragement when it's needed by anyone.
We all have bad days too, I am having one today, I just ate a little slice of pizza I disn't want, but ate it anyhow...I'll be sorry in the morning, I'll have a belly ache no dobt but I WILL be BACK ON TRACK!!!
Once again Dazzler, welcome, pleased to meet you :)

tupperware queen 01-18-2003 05:04 AM

Hi dazzler
welcome aboard!! You are in the right place we all feel the same as you from time to time and are all at different stages of our weight loss journey.
Thinking about the big picture is too much take it 1lb at a time and one day at a time,treat yourself every half stone or 10lb, not food treats, pampering, cinema whatever. Make a chart, plot your losses make good use of the www and find whats out there, lots of links on this site to other useful stuff, above all hang around we are all going to get there!! Good luck!!

leigh-r 01-18-2003 08:07 AM

Welcome Dazzler.
Thanks to the people on here I am still dieting. When I have a bad day I come on here. I started off at 18.8. My first goal was to be under 18 for christmas. I managed it and was 17.12 for christmas. My next goal is to be 17st for Valentine. I am currently 17.4. I have set up goals for myself all the way to my goal weight. I find it much easier than having only one goal.
Set yourself small goals and you will get there.

Smiling Sal 01-18-2003 06:16 PM

Hi Dazzler,

It helps to look on it from the positive side of the stream, I, personally, My objective is not losing all this fat, but telling myself my aim is to be thin.

They say willpower is all in the mind, but I keep looking in the fridge for mine, and only finding cheese instead !!!

dazzler82 01-19-2003 11:43 AM

thanks for the words of encouragement, was that really me a few days ago... I did freak out just a bit! Anyway i seem to back on track again, hope it lasts...

MadamDotty 01-20-2003 07:41 AM

Hi Dazzler

I can only agree with what the others have already said, and wish you encouragement and luck.

What diet are you following, half the battle is finding a diet plan that suits you and works for you.

I've tried so many different diets, and in the last few years did Atkins for 18 mths, followed by 6 mths of Slimming World. I had limited success with both, but I don't think they were right for me. I now count calories which suits me as I can be flexible with it, I give myself a range of 1300 - 1500 daily and up to 2000 on the weekend. If I do go up to the 2000 on the weekend it does slow my weight loss down a bit but I can have some nice treats and not be miserable on the weekend which is when i like to eat, I;m ok in the week, the routine of work helps me to stick to it, but hte weekend have always been my hardest times.

All the best, this is a great place for support and advice.

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