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SlimmingWorldChick 12-25-2006 10:45 AM

Anyone who DOESN'T celebrate Christmas..Christmas menu.

I thought the boards would be pretty dead today...but then i remembered there is a big ol world out there and if i don't celebrate Christmas there must be others who don't;) .

Just wondering what you are up to today?
Whats your 'Christams' menu?:eating2:
What do YOU celebrate or which day is important/special to you?

Well i'm at home today of course as everything is closed and there is no transport other than my two legs lol, a few of my lil cousins have come over due to school holiday boredom and this desire to bug my relaxing holiday. May do a little exam revision later. :book2: I woke up pretty late:yawn: had a little bowl of Branflakes with skimmed milk. Just here drinking my 1.5 litre bottle of water 1 of 3 i'm going to drink today. Also gonna do some Tae Bo with my family.:exercise:

We did decide to take advantage of the Christmas offers and bought us some spare ribs and duck for dinner also some rice. Might make fruit crumble later.:p (i normally use butter to mix my crumble does anyone have any other suggestions where i can use something else instead of butter?Thanks in advance:D )

Also days that are special to me is EVERYDAY :dance:...i like to spread love and give gifts whenever i can, to everyone. Even a smile is a gift or a hug.:hug:

And to all those who do celebrate Christmas hope your having a wonderful day:hug::hat: and not being to hard on yourselves :dancer:

carolr3639 12-25-2006 11:03 AM

I think you can use oil.....olive or canola.....to replace butter in most recipes.

needtolose4me2 12-25-2006 12:19 PM

hey! I'm in the same boat! I just popped on for the heck of it figuring it would be dead!
A bit bored with nothing to do today. Really thought Kmart and Walmart were open. But there is no answer at Walmart. We have a super Walmart and that is where I do my food shopping , sooo if they are not open I guess we will just be doing left overs!! Gee,I don't even think my Soap is on today!!

I'm right there with you on everyday being special! That's our philosophy in this house as well. However, Merry Christmas to those of you who Celebrate. May it be a happy and joyful one for you!

Spinymouse 12-25-2006 02:53 PM

Hi! I am not celebrating either! Good thing too, since I'm sick with the gunk so there is no question about what to do (lie down under 6 blankets and blow nose.)

But Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate, to those who do!

I think I remember reading a recipe using applesauce or apple butter in that crumble topping...

Tidings of Comfort and Joy,


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