Hopelessly devoted to MOOOOOO!

  • Hi cows! Get this - someone was mean to our 3FCs!!! Go read Jennifer's latest journal entry on the home page. Rude rude rude! The internet really brings out the worst in people.

    I for one am grateful that we have a place to park our huge butts and will never, ever complain again.

    I'm still fat. How 'bout yous?

    Yesterday afternoon the doorbell rings and I am confronted by a pimpley young man in a suit who says:

    Man: Good afternoon , Mrs. P! I'm from the XYZ phone company and I'm here to save you money on your next phone bill.
    Me: Oh really?
    Man: Yes! You're with the ABC phone company, right? Well, could I just see your phone bill for a minute?
    Me: Certainly not! Why in the world would I show a perfect stranger my phone bill?
    Man: Uh, well, why don't you just tell me how much you pay every month on average?
    Me: Oh, around XXX.
    Man: Aha! Then I can help you. Could I just come in for a minute?
    Me: You've got to be kidding! I'm not letting you in my house!
    Man: What? You mean you don't want to save money every month?
    Me: NO! I'm not interested. Go away.
    Man: Ok, bye.

    Why do they always pick on meeeeee??
  • shake shake shake
    that that booty!!!

    I don't know HOW TO get to Cherry's page so what did somebody says about 3fc? What could they say? They have a web site and they think a lot about losing weight. Is there more? Have they been arrested for accessory to petit theft or something?

    I saw this guy in the arrest report at work who was arrested for soliciting prostitution. Basically, he offered this woman a bunch of money to do something she didn't want to do. She didn't know him just happened to be in the same place. So she called the police and guess what he does for a living?????? He's a city attorney in one of our nation's well known (but not huge) cities. Dumb.

    We have those telephone guys here too, Sug. They get paid for new accounts, I think. I don't trust them either. These phone companies have better methods than sending someone to ask for your bill. They're always young and usually come in 2s.

    G'bye. *kiss* *kiss*
  • oh duhhhhhh
    Jennifer!!!!!!! So sorry. Face red.
  • wellllll
    h-e-double-matchsticks (Lush used to say that. She was so demure.)

    the 3fchicks just need a lesson in being thick-skinned and completely ignoring the Clines who undoubtably are perfect and have conquered all their personal obstacles so completely that they are free to search the internet for others who may benefit from their advice. Such people are truly valuable to those of us who are floppy and sloppy but I would give them up so they can go back into the kitchen and make perfect rice pudding using a half-gallon of half-and-half. I have the recipe if anyone needs it.

    I just got email from fly telling me to go to bed.
  • Still fat, too
    But I'm working on getting less so.

    Sugar, I think that very same guy came into my office the other day. I get them all the time, but they'd have to be crazy to think that you'd let a complete stranger into your house!!! Don't they think we read the paper? There are wacky people out there!!!

    I can't take my DH shopping. He has no restraint. I wanted him to go with me so that I could buy a new rodeo shirt. He walked in, picked out a pair of $180 boots and 2 new shirts. He asked me if I was getting anything and I told him he spent all my money, so no. Geez. Actually I'll go later by myself and buy something, but I just wanted to make him feel guilty. It didn't work.

    Cranny sends greetings. Her life is crazy and she works waaayyyy too much.

    I've got to go read Jennifer's journal. bye