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LadyFirelyght 08-27-2006 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Rosario (Post 1381426)
lydia---that sucks about the boobies. but come on, would you rather be overweight with big ones or healthy with small ones. I'll take being healthy over huge jugs anyday!!


Sorry. It's just the thought of me EVER having big boobs is hilarious. Even at my heaviest (186), I was a well-rounded B-cup. 50-70 pounds overweight and only a B-cup!

But yeah, I'd definitely take micro-boobies and health to the way I was before. Besides, the girls look a lot better now than they did before :D

I can't believe I haven't posted my points since TUESDAY! And now tomorrow I have to weigh in. I'm SO hoping that I've reached my 15-lb mini goal by then!

Rosario 08-28-2006 09:28 AM

Good morning gals!! How'd everyone fare over the weekend.

I'm only down 0.6 pounds. Which is a good thing because last monday I was up to 239!!! But i am happy I am slowly going down. food was so-so this weekend and excercise wasn't as good as I wanted it to be, but I'm working on it.

Dee--hang in there girlie!!! it'll pass and I know you'll be back in it!!

canadian mom---i'm sorry your sick, but I'm happy for your inch/pounds loss. awesome for you. feel better!

lydia--good luck on your 15 pound goal!

take it easy ladies!!

la3y_un1c0rn_37 08-28-2006 01:17 PM

Here I am Here I am(running in late)

I am back at work. I am over my pms....I am getting better every day and tonight I will be walking 40mins! I have got to get back in this thing....I do have a cold but I am not going to let that stop me!!!! So tell me all the news!!!!

Wide in Winnipeg 08-28-2006 03:31 PM

Guess who's home!!!!
With only a half pound gain:o considering I ate alot of crap food while at the lake I think that's pretty good!!
Guess who is enrolling at freakin' high school???? Yep, me, going to get my grade 12 diploma finally:carrot: 16 years late but better late than never I always say!!
Going to go exercise this energy off, catch ya later!

LadyFirelyght 08-28-2006 07:57 PM

Met and EXCEEDED goal! Wow, does that ever feel good. It's nice to have this to be proud of because I'm sick again :( It seems like I just got over being sick and now it's back. Oh well, I'm almost FOURTY POUNDS DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Had to add those two extra, because I wasn't sure you could feel my excitement. Can ya dig it?

I forgot to mention: I've gotten some of my coworkers at McDonald's to start eating healthier! Yesterday, one of my managers (who is probably 100lbs overweight) bought he and I a foot-long lean turkey sandwich from the deli to share. Low-fat mayo, one slice of cheese each and plenty of lettuce. We ate that for breakfast. Normally, he eats the Deluxe Breakfast (2 pancakes, 1 sausage patty, scrambled eggs and a biscuit plus a hashbrown on the side. He always gets three pats of butter and two syrup packages). Today, another coworker bought a sandwich as well instead of eating a double cheeseburger. I can't believe people are actually taking to heart what I say about food!

JasonsLea 08-28-2006 10:11 PM

Hi everyone! Kinda rushed so sorry for the short post. Congrats to all WL and NSVs. Love ya!

JennyDee25 08-29-2006 12:56 AM

It's gonna be a quick post for me! I've been so so busy & crabby here at this end! Since I've been keeping busy decluttering my house getting ready for a yard sale...I am actually proud to report I have no gain & no loss...funny how yesterday morning I would have been reporting a 1.8 pound gain! Darn water weight! Okay OFF I go too sleep gotta wake up early for working AT curves!

Congrats too each & everyone of us for the hard work & dedication yous are doing too reach healthier lifestyles!

Awesome job ladies and congrats on the losses!

~over & out~

canadian mom 08-29-2006 02:17 PM

Well it looks like my weight loss journey may have to be put on hold. I may be going to Toronto in September to become a surrogate, so if this happens I will have to put my weight loos on hold for 9 months. I am really excitted I have wanted to this for quite a few years now.I am just waiting to hear from the office if it is a go.

ArtsyGirl 08-30-2006 12:22 PM

Where is everyone??? Well, I have fallen off the wagon and despite trying fresh every morning have not succeeded in getting back on the darn thing. So far I'm ok today, but its still early. I'm not exactly sure what's gotten into me, but I seem to be eating like I'll never get another meal so I need to shove in as much as possible. I know my thinking is whacked out, but not sure how to get back to normal at the moment. Anyone got a kick in the butt for me? I REALLY need something to get me going.

Rosario 08-30-2006 01:32 PM

canadian mom---wow, that's an awesome thing you are doing. do let us know how it turns out.

brandy-:kickbutt: get back in there!!!

I need some major help with eating. I do fine when I am work and during the day but when I get home....ohmygosh!! Even my bf makes fun of me about how much food I eat. I eat so much, it's not even funny. Last night I got home and I went straight to the fridge. I really need to stop that. (btw-we still have those little cakes. i can't wait until they are gone!!) I think I need to start working out right when I get home, because I have noticed that when I do that I don't snack/binge as much.

Well i am definitely going to LA in two weeks. Yay!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait. Now I really want to lose a couple of pounds before I go, so I gotta giv eit 110 percent. I am ready to do this!!!!

take care everbody!!!

JasonsLea 08-30-2006 08:59 PM

Jen ~ OMG you are amazing! Drop us a note and let us know how everything is going okay?

Brandy ~ What Ro said.

Ro ~ God I am SO jealous! I so want to go visit California again. It's all I've been thinking about lately. But with this government job....it's **** trying to get off!

WI was yesterday and I'm up to 245.8 I'm okay with that because I expected it. I ate so ungodly last week.

Wide in Winnipeg 08-31-2006 12:27 AM

:p Sorry I didn't post today, very busy, and time for bed:yawn:

ArtsyGirl 08-31-2006 09:42 AM

Morning gals,

Today is a brand new day and so far, I haven't made any bad choices. Never mind that its only 9:30 in the morning. I can do this today! It wont be easy, but I can do it.

Rosario-Thanks for the kicks in the butt. I'm going to need it over the next few days as I get back into my routine and past the horrible cravings. HOORAY for your trip. You must be so excited!

I am babysitting this morning, and then I think I'm starting a scrapbook from my 3 day walk. I'm hoping to add a bike ride later today also. My walk this morning was nice, but its amazing how dark it is compared to a month ago. So sad to see the daylight waning away.

I've been slacking off in my workouts and not pushing as hard as I was. I gotta get back into upping my times and intensity. But truly my problem is in diet. I just really LOVE food, and although I like food that is nutritionally sound, I also really love ice cream and chocolate. Even when I'm eating healthy, I know my portion sizes are growing. Knowing, and fixing it are 2 different things. Maybe its a process and now that I've admitted the growing sizes I can better get them under control. I really dont know, I just dont want to ruin all the progress I made back in the spring.

Hope you are all having a great day.

la3y_un1c0rn_37 08-31-2006 12:18 PM

Brandy hun I hear ya! I want so bad to get back to my workouts and walking...its feels like its been weeks and I have not done a thing I dont want to look at a how much I may have gained....Now I have a camping trip comeing up this weekend....yet another chance for some bad eating...I dont have any healthy food at work or at home so I know I am not eating right.....If I dont not get to shop for some food soon I will go crazy I did get me some healthy soup to have today at work so I will start with that.

Come on Brandy let me and you get back to this thing......

canadian mom 08-31-2006 01:45 PM

We have had the flu going thru my house so yesterday and today I have not ate much and today no exercise. It hit me all of a sudden yesterday and I was running to the wasshroom all night.

I stll haven't heard from the office yet but They will not be implanting in Sept it will just be tests. It could be 3 weeks to 3 months after depending on which method they use. So I think I will just try to maintain my weight loss right now and start again when the baby(s) r born (incresed risk for twins). I probably will still post in the pregnacy part here I want to have a healthy pregnacy (that is if I pass their test). I will keep u updated.

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