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Katiecat 06-23-2006 10:14 AM

Yesterday, it was 103. Today and tomorrow it is supposed to be 107. Sunday, they are predicting 112.

And our air conditioner is broken. It was 94 degrees in my house last night at 5:30 pm. The A/C repairman is coming today, and I pray he can fix the problem. If not, we will have to a new system installed, and not sure how long that will take. The A/C repair guys are all swamped with calls from desperate people right now. I just hope he can fix the problem today, and it won't cost too much, or we are gonna be in a world of hurt. :( Our electric company offers financing and rebates for A/C's -- but even if the loan app and the install go like clockwork, I can't imagine having a new unit before next Friday at the very earliest (Tim will have that day off work and can be home).

Last night, we turned all the fans on for Chloe, made sure she had plenty of water, then fled the house. We grabbed dinner at Chili's. I had the "guiltless grill" salmon w/veggies and rice pilaf, not too bad. Not the best salmon I've had, but hey, it was cool in there and I didn't have to cook it! And the waitress kept bringing me more cold diet Coke :) Then we went to see The DaVinci Code. Don't usually go out to movies mid-week, but at least it was cool in the theater. Good flick, Tim says the book was better, but he always does, no matter what movie we see. :dizzy:

No time for individuals this morning, gotta get ready to go chain myself to the oar for 8 hours...

I know I read someone else is having this problem, but when I sign on, then type a post and try to post it, the board shows that I'm not signed on and I have to sign in again? Does anyone know what is causing this? I have made it a habit now to copy my entire post so I can just paste the text after signing on again, but it's a bit tedious. Please let me know if you know how to fix this...

alextucker 06-23-2006 12:02 PM

The storms you guys are getting reached Texas last night!! Along with the dog breaking her hip in 3 places. A little crazy here at the moment. The boys are going to their dad's for the weekend so I will be dog sitting, cleaning and maybe some packing. Were moving into the new house on July 31st. I will post pictures of the inside this weekend. The boys are so excited!!

I will post more later...going to give the dog something to knock her out. I have to keep her off her hip for the next 3 days then she is confinded to the house for 3 days and after that she is free to do as she pleases. Her hip will be sore so she will have to learn what she can and can't do until it's healed completely. She jumped out of the back of my brothers pick-up going 60 miles an hour. Something she hopefully learned not to do again...the hard way!

Marti 06-23-2006 12:46 PM

Morning gals!!

Jane--Glad to hear that your Mind/Body/Spirit meeting went great! I hope the gals decided to pop in and check us out! Jhanai & I are going to the coast for the restaurant called "Mo's" It's a fishhouse of sorts and make some of the best clam chowder! That is what she wanted...the lunch. The beach combing is just an added bonus!:D I've read that the beaches are really windy so we may not get a chance to do that part. Sandy wind is no fun. We already have plans to go again to the coast many time this summer! We all want OUT of the house!

But back to the meeting: Hello Faye, Dixie, Caroline, Judy, Debbie and Linda!! Hope you all make it this way!

Jules--I have an exercise ball that doesn't do me any good. The air isn't staying in much. But I love using it when it's all aired up. May just need a new one!

Angie--I read in the paper yesterday about a guy who is missing. He's in the early stages of Alheizmers. I will pretend you're on the case to find him. The interview w/the cranky woman....I just don't get it, why do they let these types of people interview?? I hope you get a call from a good workplace! You know, about the tea. I used to hate the stuff. Now, I really enjoy it. Don't like the cold tea's, just the warm stuff. Mainly green tea or oolong tea's. Somehow, I got hooked!

Robin--Refresh my memory.....where you going on vacation??? I'm SO ready for mine, which starts the same day!:D Of coarse I'm not actually leaving for SF until the 3rd. what a horrible day to be out driving I know!

Jane--Please be careful! Flash flooding is no fun thing! Not like we ever get something like that here in Oregon, but any type of flooding is scarey. We're having really pretty weather here. And hearing about other states looking out for storms.....truly boggles my mind!

Katie--When you're at the page where it's asking for your user name and password...next to it is a little box that say's "remember me" check it that way you stay logged on. I can't believe you have such high temps already!! I was checking the SF weather report, and it was saying that it's in the high 70's. How far from SF do you live?? What a major difference!

Alex--OMG! Your poor dog!! Jumping at 60mph?? Poor thing! My dogs wouldn't survive such a jump. Being chihuahua's and all. My boy can't even jump well off the couch! We're thinking of putting little steps up for him because of it. Looking forward to seeing more photos of the house!

Today is a pretty day. I'm really excited that it's friday. Of coarse I'm working my normal shift so I don't get off at 7:30 to get Jhanai early, but 9:30 isn't so bad.

James has been talking more and more about getting a treadmill. Not so sure why he's wanting one so much. But I'm not complaining. He said in the next couple months we'll get one. That'll be nice to have! I can go walk after work w/o worrying about the night creature walking the streets! :lol:

Anyway, must get a shower and then get to work soon. Hugs to all!:hug:

jules1216 06-23-2006 02:41 PM

The doctor says I have anxiety--he gave me a perscription for a pill for it (which the pharmacy can't get until Monday) and also one for a muscle relaxer. I am tensing up so bad it is causing the chest pains. He wants to watch it though--if the two prescriptions don't help I will have to go for a stress test. He is sending me for blood work. My BP was 116/82 --it usually runs really low around 100/60, so though the numbers looks really good, it is high for me. He also wants me to also give up my one morning cup of coffee and go totally "O" caffiene. Hopefully this will get me through until my coworker can come back--I am sure I will be able to deal better with her help and not having to add her work to my already heavy workload.

I'll be back later for individuals!!

Jane 06-23-2006 10:49 PM

Hey ladies,

Mary Kate - oh, you poor dear! I can't imagine not having AC with the temps you're having. Yikes! Hopefully by the time you read this, you're through sweltering, and the AC is blasting in your home. Good idea, going out to stay cool. Hope your arms are feeling better, too.

Alex - wow, it's a wonder your dog wasn't hurt even worse than she was. Did she see a cat, or something? I bet you're getting so excited about the house, too. I'd love to see photos of the inside, whenever you can post them. Enjoy your quiet weekend.

Marti - a treadmill is my fave exercise, as you know, and I think you'd really, really like it. Not only will you not have to worry what's on the streets, you won't have to worry about the weather, either. Treadmill walking is harder than street walking.... wait, that doesn't sound right, lol..... I mean walking on the sidewalks, lol, but more effective by far, imho. Have fun with Jhanai this weekend at the coast.

Julie - :hug: :hug: :hug: Hopefully the meds will work, and you won't need a stress test. Everyone of my living sister have had them, and I hear they aren't too bad, but still. Can you give up your coffee without hurting someone, lol? Not sure if I could. :D When do you get a vacation from work again? Soon, hopefully.

Hello to everyone else. :)

I had such a good time with Madison today. We went shopping (a grandma's prerogative, right??) and then read books, and made pictures. We talked about babies not being in bellies, but in uteruses. Oh boy! I'll let Mary answer any more questions about that, lol. :dizzy:

Tomorrow will be really busy, since the weather is cooler, I have a lot to do outside, as well as indoors. And we're having company Sunday after church- my good friend that I've known since I was 9, and her DH are coming over. So I probably won't be back until Sunday evening or Monday. I hope all of you have fun this weekend, too, and I'll chat at ya later. :D

Katiecat 06-24-2006 12:40 AM

:carrot: :cb: :cp: :dance: Hooray, hooray!!! My A/C is fixed!!! And it was only $90, and there was a $25 coupon in the phone book, so it was only $65 :) A bad delay switch, and now it's nice and cool in here, thank goodness. We are having a heat wave like you wouldn't believe.

Marti, we are only about an hour or two drive from SF, but we are central valley, and it's a huge bowl that holds in the heat and the smog. SF is right on the coast, and constantly has the sea breeze and fog. Mark Twain once said that the coldest winter he ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.

Alex, YIKES! Hope your dog is ok! What kind is she? When I was a kid my dog used to ride in the back of the pickup, but we always had to tie him on a really short lead because he'd get so excited and try to run around the truck bed.

Jane, got your card today and laughed my butt off! Well, not really, 'cause my butt is still definitely there -- darn. :D But it definitely made my day... Your little "talk" with Madison reminded me of when my oldest two boys were about 4 and 6. They were watching a show at Christmas that was dramatizing the birth of Jesus, and Mike, 4, asked Erik, 6, how the baby got in Mary's stomach, and Erik told him it was in a special baby place. Then he asked me, "What's it called?" I told them, "It's a uterus" and they both looked at me blankly, so I said, "Sometimes people call it a womb" thinking they may have heard that in Sunday School. "Oh," they both nodded, knowingly. Erik said, "I was in your womb, Mom, huh?" and I said, yes, he was, and then Mike said, "I was in your womb, too, huh Mom?" and I said yes. Then Mike indicated a very tiny size with his fingers and asked, "Was it a wittle bed womb?" (say that out loud if you don't get it)

Jules, what kind of chest pains have you been experiencing? I'm asking because I was in the ER twice last week with intense chest pains, and they were worried about my heart -- tightening, squeezing sensation, burning, spread to my back and jaw, hard to talk or breathe. Had two EKG's, blood work and chest xray, and my heart is ok, except for a little murmur. The second dr. I saw said it sounds like esophageal spasms, which I thought was a bit silly, until I looked up info on the net. Mayo Clinic website and several other sites say they can be mistaken for angina or even a heart attack. Dr. prescribed some meds, but I'm also taking a few drops of peppermint oil in water a day (recommended by a couple of the sites) and it seems to be helping. I think these are being brought on by stress...that's why I was wondering about your situation. Sure hope you are feeling better! Stress can make you really, really physically sick.

Angie, be careful out there on the streets! I hope you are able to help find that old man. His family must be so worried.

Hello to everyone else...

ACK! :frypan: Stupid, stupid me, I ate Chinese food tonight, and have weigh in tomorrow morning. Won't be pretty. Oh well...

See you soon,

Michelle 06-24-2006 01:45 AM

Hi Ladies -- Sorry I've been MIA, but I've just had a very rough last few days and I've been so down and worried about my mom that I just haven't felt like doing anything, or being on the computer either. I've been so stressed that it brough on another migraine, but today I've actually been feeling better. My mom called me finally this evening; I hadn't spoke to her in over a week. She said she's been very sick and the doctor took some of her blood to run some tests. She doesn't know that her doctor and the insurance have approved for her to go to a mental facility where she will have mental doctors and specialists evaluate and test her, to find out what is causing her mental problems and depression, that has gotten very bad in the last couple of months. It has been a very hard week on me, because all I can keep doing is thinking about all of the times I was able to pick her up and take her out to lunch or shopping, and I'm not able to do that anymore, and I feel like it's almost mourning her death. Sorry to unload all of this, but I've been very down and just wondering when I will get out of this rut. I keep telling myself just stick with my plan and exercise, but mentally I haven't been able to. Thank you everyone for all of your kind words and prayers, because I truly appreciate them.:grouphug:

da fat n da furious 06-24-2006 03:35 AM

aw Michelle,,,girl you so need a hug. I wish I could be there to give you one. I am so sorry for what is going on with your mom. Its ok that you sometimes can't get on here. Just so you know we are here for you. Unload,,,sometimes posting about it can relieve some of the tension.

Now Jules and Katie,,,ladies you need to take care of you. Chest pains? That is down right scary to hear.
Jules Im hoping those meds work quick and you can get some of that anxiety taken away.
And you too Katie. My friend Becky has/is going through all that,,,Im constantly pecking at here to see a Dr. But like you both shes under alot of stress. Going to sign us both up for yoga. Say lil bed womb with a lisp. lol

Jane,,,now with your storms, we have been experiencing alot of storms but no where near what you are experiencing. You still have the cellar right? Is it close to this house? I don't even want to listen or read about all the weather storms happening in your area. And you worry about me?..its nothing compared to Mother Nature.

How many more sleeps Marti? James is a smart guy,,,getting a tread mill will be a good thing. Have you got to use the Ipod thing yet?...lol

Alex...OMG your poor pooch. And the vet said 3 days and the dog will be able to walk around? That just seems a bit soon...

Robin...I second what Jane said about cracking walnuts with your legs... aren't crunches so much fun? I used to use a machine called the Ab Cruncher loved it when I could do it,,,hated it when I struggled to do one set.

The PI boss finally emailed me the info. Ill have to start tomorrow. Its 1:30 am...and I only now figured out I can't print off most of this stuff,,,,for whatever reason each time I try to enlarge it it becomes so blurry I can't read it,,,and I can't read it at 3 inches long. Even with a magnafying glass.

I did decline the job,,,with the cranky lady. I have an interview on Tuesday with the Chiropractic office. And Monday at a tool place. Im really hoping for the retirement home,,,its right in my neighbourhood. My friend Angelika works for the extended care home. Which is next door.

Well I should get to bed...

jules1216 06-24-2006 11:40 AM

Katie--my chest pains felt like a band tightening around my chest and even going down my arm. It was kinda scary--I called my mom and she gets the same thing. She has gone to the ER for it but they can never say whats causing it. The doctor says if I can do 10-15 minutes on the elliptical without having the pains or shortness of breath than he isn't going to send me for a stress test just yet. Sounds like yours are pretty serious. I have been edgy and irritable and I am hoping that the anxiety meds I will pick up on Monday take that away.The muscle relaxers are way too strong for me--I am supposed to take 3 a day but I would be a total zombie!!! I think I will take just half a one at bedtime. I started on the stretching exercises he said to do and have been using my hald held massager--(IF anyone does not have one of these things--it is definitely worth it!!) I also have an appt to go get a 1/2 massage. She is so good and will let me now if I need my neck adjusted at my chiro.

Alex--so sorry about your poor dog!!!

Marti--I got my ball at Walmart-it came with a chart of exercises and I got a book out of the library that gives more.

Jane--I am not sure about giving up my morning cup of coffee--i am thinking about either switching to decaf or tea. I really like chai tea.

Michelle ma belle--thinking of you and your family!!

Robin--Hi to you!!

Angelia--hope you get the job you want!!!

Maybe BBL!! Hope everyone has a great day!!

Marti 06-24-2006 12:27 PM

Good Morning Ladies!!

Jules & Katie--Chest pains? You poor girls!:hug: Yes....stress can cause all kinds of "ick" Last week when I was stressed to the max, I was feeling so light headed and weak. I just knew my blood pressure was up! Scared me. I didn't go to the doctor for it though. I just decided that I needed to talk things out and get it off my chest.

Maybe we all need a vacation!!

Jules--I believe I got the same ball!:) I hung up the exercise chart when I first bought it and followed as many as I could at the time. Then we move here, and for the life of me, I don't know where I put that chart!

Jane--I used to walk on the treadmill at work all the time on my breaks. I had gotten to where I started jogging. That was such an accomplishment for me! I want to do that again. I may start using my gym at work again. NEED to use it is more like it. Only $10 a mos. but if I'm not using the gym, I'm just wasting money. Cute about Madison and the baby questions!

Katie--Been watching the weather for San Fran. We're bringing jackets just because we've heard that it's pretty cold during the summer! I wonder how it'll be for 4th of July, will the fog/smog prevent seeing the display?? I loved your son's comment "wittle bed womb"! :lol:

Michelle-- :hug: I'm sorry that you're going through such a tough time right now w/your mother. Don't feel bad about unloading. That is one way to relieve some of the feelings that we bottle up. It should help you feel a little better if you let it out. Just know that I'm thinking of you and sending you hugs. :hug:

Angie--9 more days!:carrot: Not that I'm counting or anything! :D You know, I haven't gotten to use the Ipod or the new camera. James is being a new toy hog! Actually he's been downloading all our CD's onto the Ipod. Not even sure how many he's got on there so far, something like 2000 songs......And the camera, he took it down to Kfall w/him so he can take some photos of the places he see's and always describes to me. I can handle that.

Ok...today is Coast day. It's 9:30 and Jhanai is still in bed. I'm going to get her little butt up and we're going to get ready and go. Weather shows that it'll be in the high 70's low 80's over there.......good coast weather.

Chat w/you all later!

Marti 06-25-2006 12:34 PM

Howdy everybody!

Had a great day at the coast. Was a bit too windy so we didn't stay too long on the beach. We had her birthday lunch at Mo's! Felt like we ate a lot!! (probably did, but it was worth it)

Not much going on today.......more of a relaxing day.

Hope you're all enjoying good weather, if you're having bad...be careful!!

Off I go to make breakfast!

alextucker 06-25-2006 12:37 PM

I had a weird NSV this weekend...I got a stomach flu that would have killed a small person....I am going to make it! Just very very very sick at the moment.

Jane 06-25-2006 09:37 PM

Hello ladies,

Katie - Yay for having a/c again. :cp: I've been worried about you in the heat. Bed womb.... how cute! Kids really do say the darndest things, don't they? Is the esophageal spasm like a panic attack? I've had those a few times in my life, and felt like I was having a heart attack. So scary! Btw, you're welcome for the card.

Michelle - there you are!! I've missed you, and I'm so sorry you've got so much on your plate right now. It has to be miserable to think of what's happening to your mom. :hug: We're here to help you, and I know you have good friends on the other threads who care deeply about you, too. Among all of us, we'll get you through this, ok? Don't feel bad if you can't concentrate on your weight right now. Maybe just try to not gain. Anyway, come here anytime you need a shoulder, ok?

Angie - nope... no cellar. It's scary at times, too, because you wouldn't believe all the downed trees, and roofs blown off with the weather we've had. I say my prayers, and hope for the best. Ange, I'm so glad you didn't take the job with Cranky Lady. That's the last thing you need. Or maybe I should say the last thing she needs, because you'd be kicking her butt before long, lol. Hey, I worked for a chiropractor as his office manager temporarily once. He was a total nutjob, and when he started waving a gun around, I left. I'm serious! He had other reports on him, and got shut down. Not only that, he ate my lunch. That honked me off about as much as the gun thing! :D <- I laugh now, but it's really true.

Marti - hey, do you have Foxfire? Did you have to redo all your preferences and stuff? I started to use it, but had ads everywhere, so I'll have to get Neal to de-ad it, lol. Nine more days! Ohhhh, you lucky dog! I think I do remember you walking the treadmill. But my mind is getting worse everyday, lol. :dizzy: Must be all the fiber I'm eating, lol.

Julie - chai tea? I've never tried that, but I do drink iced tea everyday after I get my water in. We don't make it very strong, so I don't think the caffiene is too bad. Anyway, tell me more about the chai tea, ok? :yes:

Alex - it's good you can still have a sense of humor while you're sick, lol. Hope you're much better by the time you read this. Want me to send you some chicken soup? :hug:

Sue - oh Suuuuuue! Please tell me that your absence here means you sold your house? Or something else really fun or good!

Oh, I've had such a good weekend! After all the rain we had, it was easy to do the weeding, and the flowers around the house look so much better. I tied up some tall ones to some stakes - the stargazer lillies and the hollyhocks. My friend and her DH wasn't able to make it. She had car and fimaily issues, which isn't unusual for her. Neal, Katie and I watched the movie Family Stone a little while ago. It was so good, and I recommend it to anyone who hasn't already seen it.

Better toodle off of here.... chat at ya soon. :wave:

da fat n da furious 06-25-2006 10:03 PM

Hey all,
Gawd Jane you made me laugh,,*,Not only that, he ate my lunch. That honked me off about as much as the gun thing!*
Ya I would be kicking butt and taking names if someone ate my lunch...*grin
So Jane are you going to make a cellar?
Just figured out we had a movie channel and watched Cold Mountain again,,,I have it on vhs but Tanner is the only one with a vhs machine. I saw Wallys has a thing now you can bring all your vhs tapes and have the reverted to dvd. might have to do that.

Hey Marti,,,Sounds like you two had a wonderful day together. Tell James not to be a toy hog. We still have't played with our new camera. I find we spend the whole weekend doing all the things we never have time for during the week.

Alex...hope you feel better...stomach flu is a horrible way to spend the weekend.

I went out to one of the shelters to look around,,,talked with the director there and posted the guys pic...
Still haven't done the trim down stairs...or the touch up painting...Im going to make Brandon and Brandon paint the bathroom and office. Picked up Monte's fathers day gift finally. It was on back order. But he loves it. Its an old stage coach looking tea cart. While
I was at that store saw a cute love seat upholstered in jean(denim) material.
well Tanner needs to study for one of his exams...
Hello to everyone else...

suetalks 06-25-2006 11:24 PM

Didn't realize I hadn't been on here for a few days. That's how busy we have been! House showings, company and today an open house. We haven't had an offer on the house yet, but by the sounds of things the open house went really well and at least 3 couples were very seriously speaking to the agent. One came back and walked all over the property planning where they could put a pool. :) Sooo, we will see what next week brings.

Sat. went to breakfast with DH's family (2 sis' and hubbies) and took them through the new house. Came back here for the afternoon. They had no sooner left than we got more company. Two of my good friends from school stopped by. One from out of town and I hadn't seen either of them for a few years. I was surprised... One friend has had gastric by-pass and I have heard from her via mail, but hadn't seen her. She thought I wouldn't know her, but she looks just like I remember her mom, so I did know who she was right off. :)

Jane- Let me know how Firefox works for you. I have it and just downloaded the new version last week. It keeps popping up sponser ads in tabs and I don't know how to stop it....grrr. I didn't have these tabs before and can't figure them out. Computer illiterate that I am. Our weather was pleasant today, was yours?

Marti- Glad you had a nice day on the coast. I am still envious of your up-coming trip. wahhh...I wanna go to SF. Hope you have a good time. I always dress in layers for SF. I wore a tee shirt, then a denim long sleeve and a windbreaker when we took the ferry early in the a.m. in the fog. Then when the fog burned off I put the jacket and or shirt around my waist and had it available to put back on in the afternoon when it starts cooling down again. That was in May..so in July you might get by with two layers. LOL

Angie- I don't blame you, who wants to work for a Cranky Lady? The only thing worse is a Nutjob man. (as per Jane) I think she should have taken the gun and held him up for the lunch.... Good luck with the PI work.

Jules- Decaf coffee isn't as bad as you might think...it just takes a lonnnggg time to get used to it. Some people do half de and half caf for the first few days. I just went cold turkey and I did have a headache for a few days. Now I do NO caffeine at all. I was wondering from your post...which 1/2 do you get massaged with the 1/2 massage? :)

Alex- I hope you are feeling better real soon. Not a good way to spend the week-end!

Michelle- I am sorry you are having such a bad time right now. I hope things look up real soon.

Katie- Wow, I don't know what I would do without a/c. Glad you have yours fixed and I know it is more comfotable for you. Hope your arm is doing better. My DD is north of SF and she tells me her weather is lots warmer than what I read in the paper for SF. I still love it out there.

Don't have any showings scheduled for the week yet, but I have my fingers crossed. I don't even have anything "biggie" to do for the week. Just keep the house clean. Oh that reminds me..people keep saying how the house is so clean they could move right in...makes me feel like I am doing it right.

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