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SaraB 08-22-2001 10:33 AM

Good morning ladies!

Geneve -- Of course you are still welcome to join us! Boy, am I jealous that you are back to your pre-pregnancy weight! That is amazing. Maybe we can start a post-pardum thread once most of us have had our babies.

I had a good birthday yesterday. I treated myself to a manicure and pedicure (felt heavenly!) and DH got me floweres and such.

Right now I am just so anxious for this baby to come, I just can't concentrate on anything else! Feels like the rest of my life is just a fog I am walking through until the baby comes. Anyone else feel this way?

Jen, you hanging in there?!

Scully, I hope you are okay!!!!


Jen 08-22-2001 10:40 AM

Happy B-day Sara!!!! Yes it would be a nice gift to deliver today but you can't possibly be that lucky.

I'm in the complaining/feeling sorry for myself mode today. last night I kept waking up wanting to cry because there was always something wrong. I had heartburn, numb hands, sore back, felt like I had to go to the bathroom, just felt miserable all the way around. I know I should be grateful, like you said about your friend Sara and also I have a friend who is desperately trying to get pregnant and not having much luck. She is pretty depressed and driving herself crazy with anxiety. I can't help it though. I wish this were all over.

Geneve - I'm glad to hear about your weight loss, it makes me feel a bit better. even if I do lose 25 lbs in the first 2 weeks that will still put me about 14 lbs heavier than when I first got pregnant but less than my all time heaviest prepregnancy weight. Why don't you go ahead and start a postpartum group and we'll join in over the next few weeks. Sara and I have 2 weeks (or less) to go but there are tons of postpartum mommies out there. If you don't I will start a new group later on as I need the support to help me deal with losing weight and I'll probably need help as a first time mom.

Take care all.

SaraB 08-23-2001 10:51 AM

Hello, pg and pp friends!

Nothing new to report here, unfortunately!! My doctor visit went without event. I am still one cm dilated...sigh. I was hoping for another cm or two. Oh well, not that it really matters anyway. I had lost another lb at weight in and baby is measuing right on track.

My other two doctors would not induce labor unless their was a good medical reason (being overdue by at least a week, etc.) but she said induction is so safe these days she will induce up to a week before your due date. We are to think about it and if we want to schedule something can do so at the next appt. It can be hard to get a bed so she said it's good to schedule just in case and then we can always cancel if we don't need it or change our minds. I'm thinking I might go ahead and schedule for Sept. 6th or 7th (my due date is the 8th, a Saturday). I really don't want to go overdue. I am going crazy as it is. On the other hand, I really have no desire to be induced. Pitocin hurts!!! Any advice? What do you guys think???

I'm feeling about the same. I am good but just ready for this all to be over with...


Jen 08-23-2001 01:02 PM

Sara, sitting here right now, I would vote for being induced. If the Pitocin hurts get an epidural as soon as you can. That is what I would do if I could. My dr said that she would induce me if I haven't gone into labour by my due date because of my size but I don't think that she would consider a week prior. I would jump on the opportunity! At this point the baby is term so there are no worries about that. Less one week is not going to hurt the baby and it will make life a little easier for you. That is my opinion anyway.

I am feeling so awful today it isn't funny. I'm just wiped out, I could lay in bed all day, no kidding. My eyes are all swollen and I just feel achey and miserable. I'm going back to bed for awhile and see if that perks me up a bit.

geneve 08-25-2001 06:56 AM

hang on in there ladies....your babies will be here soon, just rest now...giving birth is like running a marathon so keep looking after yourselves.
i will start a post partum group just as soon as i get some sleep..
zzzz zzzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzz

RoadRunner 08-26-2001 10:28 AM

Good MOrning Ladies!!
Not preg yet but trying hard..Been surfing the thread and wondering what everyone is going through..I have never had a child, but 3months ago became a proud mother of a 10 y/o and 5 y/o when I got married(their mom died of cancer 3 yrs ago)..It is very scarey to think of getting preg but I cant wait...My 5y/o has Down Syndrome soo I am more leary than most because of the challenges I go through every day....Hope to join the group soon~~~
(3 days late and smiling!!!!:D :D )

SaraB 08-26-2001 08:47 PM

RR -- Welcome to our group! I hope you'll have some official good news soon! There are early pg tests that can tell if you are pg from the day of your first period or even a few days before that. Good luck!

I'm still HERE, ugh. Doing fine, though. I'm trying to keep a good humor and keep my spirits up. Now being 2 weeks from my due date, at least I feel like the end is in sight! Jen, how are you hanging in there??? I figure God knows exactly when this baby's birthday is going to be -- it's just a matter of me waiting for it!

Hope everyone is doing well. Geneve -- I'm sending sleep vibes your way! :)


geneve 08-27-2001 04:30 AM

Thanks Sara...I can't wait for another baby to arrive! I do feel sorry for you in this heat though...
RR-I hope this is it for you, BUT if not hang on in there and on this thread...as I guess you knoe now, having the babies is the quick part, raising them is the bigger picture. At least you'll have plenty of practice at that, being a step parent is hard work...I'm not one but I do have a step father and I gave him **** when I was younger:devil: and now my best friend has become a step father too and I see his two boys using all the same old tricks I did...hope yours are little angels for you.
Must dash DH has just come in with my two...he's been to post a letter and come back with the baby crying and the 4 year old with a grazed knee and hand!! Oh, the joys of motherhood!

Ada 08-27-2001 10:49 AM

Well i'm into week 8 of the pregnancy. So far I have no other symptoms of being pregnant besides being absoultly exausted. Yesterday, after I led my 2 meetings I came home and took a 2 hour nap. My husband woke me up at 4:00 to go over to my in-laws. When we returned home at 8:00 I laied down on the bed to watch a little tv. I guess I fell asleep around 9:00. I was so tired my husband tried waking me up a few times to go for a wakl that he had promised me. I wouldn't get up. At 1:00 he woke me up to change and get into bed. I sleped the rest of the night and just woke up at 7:30. From what I've heard I have a little over a month of exaustion to go untill the third trimester.
RR good luck
Sarah two weeks to go! Congratulations!!!
I only have one meeting today so I am going to take it easy today. talk to you all later.
Sleepy in California

Alex's Mom 08-27-2001 12:07 PM

Hi everyone, I feel so sorry reading everyone's post who are at the home stretch. It just sounds SO exhausting!!! From what I hear most people feel as if they can't take it another minute. My heart goes out to each of you. Rest when you can. I delivered my daughter almost 6 wk early, so I have NO idea of the end of the month blahs.....
I'm here at 18 wks. Feeling really good. I'm up about 6-7 lbs, which is just about where I wanted to be. At times I do fret weather I'm gaining or not gaining the right amount of weight. I'd say my diet it just about the same as before I conceieved with the except on getting in more fruits and veggies. Afterall, you only need about an additional 300 cals and that really isn't a lot of extra food. I'm doing well with my exercise too. I'm still at walking or using ellicptical machine. On occassion of use my beloved Firm tapes. I wish I could be more consistant with them. I think I've felt a flutter here and there, but I'm not always too sure. I can't wait until I start to feel that baby moving all around. I have my u/s in about 2 wks, so we're hoping to get a peak at the sex of the baby.
Welcome to all the new people, congratulations!!!


EDD 1/31/02

Jen 08-28-2001 06:42 PM

Sara - I am right here with you, anxiously waiting for that little one to decide to make an entry into the world. I am due on the 6th so that is a little over a week. The dr said that she would induce me shortly after my due date because of my size and the baby's size so it won't be too much longer either way. I had an appt yesterday and the baby's head hasn't even dropped yet. I'd love to feel that lightening so that I can BREATHE again. I guess you decided not be induced early? Well keep hanging in there.

Ann - I know you have already been through a pregnancy but make sure you keep up with your exercise. I didn't and I regret it now. You'll feel that flutter soon!

Allison - I think I spent the first trimester completely asleep! It is exhausting but do try and stay with some exercise of some sort. I didn't and like I said to Ann I really really regret it. Now in my 38+ week I have a tough time even walking for more than a few minutes without getting out of breath and my back aching. I was already overweight to begin with and I have gained 39 lbs which was more than what I was hoping to gain.

geneve - my goodness, I can't even imagine managing a newborn let alone another child to boot. Take lots of naps is all I can say!

Ada 08-28-2001 07:07 PM

I accually have a huge challenge in February ( I wii be 7 months pregnant) My brother is getting married and DH and I are in the wedding. I just ordered my dress. It was very difficult for me. I had to order a size dress I have never been in even when I was at my start weight. I am telling myself that it is ok, I am just going to be wearing a maternity size 10. I have been really religous about doing some form of movement every day and I ave been journaling everyday since I found out I was pregnant. I need that dress to fit! I can already tell that gaining weight is psycoligicaly going to be very difficult. I fought so hard to loose my weight and now I have to see the numbers on the scale go up. My goal is to only gain 25-30 pounds on this pregnancy. I will do my best!

Jen 08-29-2001 11:53 AM

Hi all, still hanging in there. My biggest problem is not lack of sleep like Geneve but when I am sleeping. I have been sleeping in mornings but now I am having trouble sleeping at night. Today I stayed up but had a short nap earlier (only an hour) so hopefully tonight I can get to sleep at a reasonable hour.

Allison - that is great that you are keeping up with your exercise. I'm having a similar problem with a wedding. My SIL is getting married in Nov. so I will be several weeks postpartum. I am not exactly in the wedding party. It is a long story but her parents are being idiots and not coming to the wedding so my hubby is walking his sister down the aisle and we'll light the unity candle at the church and be in the receiving line. So I still have to buy a nice dress but there is no point until close to the date hoping that I will drop some pregnancy weight but I'll still have these massive mammaries so you know I'll never be wearing that dress again unless I have it altered after weaning.

Anyway I had a question to put out there for mothers who have already breastfed. I want to buy a breast pump. I am not willing to invest in an electric one as I will not be needing to pump a lot (I don't need to go back to work for a year) but I want it for when we need to have a babysitter or whatever. Can anyone advise me on brands? I already know not to get the cheap bicycle pump style. I have seen one by Gerber and one by Avent that look like they would be good, they are similarly priced, just wondered if anyone had an opinion.

SaraB 08-29-2001 12:38 PM

Hello, friends! I am still here! What more can I say?!

Jen -- I am still considering inducing. The doctor wouldn't induce until the week before my due date, which is next week. I am considering scheduling for the 6th or 7th (my due date is the 8th) with the hopes that I still go on my own, but I have no desire to be overdue. It's feeling like it's taking long enough already!

Not too much else new to report...


Scully 08-30-2001 06:27 PM

It's been a long time, hasn't it?
Hello girls!
Sorry to have been MIA for a while now. I am so darned busy that I rarely have time to post anymore. Next week my boys start school, and I am mentally preparing to get myself in labor mode.

Well, here I am at 36 weeks! Now, THAT is a hoot!!!! I am feeling good, and not too heavy - considering. At my last appointment, I have gained a total of 16 pounds. :cool: and I am happy that I was able to keep my weight down as much as I have. My fundal height was measuring 37, so I know that he is growing on target. My OB did an internal and found me dialated to 1 cm so far. :o which is not a total surprise for someone on their 3rd kiddo...
Poor DH was in shock, and I told him that it really doesn't necessarily mean too much. WE are not ready to have him be born yet! His nursery is still in progress and although I am not in a panic about that (since he will be co-sleeping in a bassinette in our room - since I am nursing) the room doesn't HAVE to be done. In the meanwhile, my FIL refinished the crib - and it looks like new again! It was the crib for all three boys! And I also have a Dutalier rocker-glider that needed to be refinished that he wanted to also do for us. Isn't that sweet?

I ordered my bedding set :D HURRAY!!!! But we have to wait 6-8 weeks until it is here. It's by Glenna Jean and is called High Sierra. I just found out that it is going to be a discontinured pattern! So I am so happy to have ordered it. It' s cream and beige with a subtle Dragonfly pattern on it. I really loved it SO much! I can't wait til it arrives!!!

I guess that is it for now. I go back to the doctor on Wednesday and the following week I will go in for the final ultrasound to see how big little mister is...or is it BIG mister? LOL

WELCOME to all our new girls! This is a wonderful place to start out and chat. If anyone is looking for a really social on-line mama's group, try this link... www.thelaboroflove.com

Look at the message board, register, and have a look around. It's really a great place for support and questions.
Not that I am trying to steer you away from here! But sometimes it's a great place to ask specific questions!

God Bless,
Scully and Bellybean
EDD: September 26th, 2001 :dizzy:

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