3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Jane 01-23-2006 09:46 PM

Weight Loss and Chit Chat #163
Hello and :welcome: to the Jaded Ladies!!

We'd love to have you join us while we talk about our weight loss efforts and our daily lives. So come on in and chat away!! :gossip:

Jane 01-23-2006 09:57 PM

Hi ladies, :wave:

I didn't take notes of who said what on the last thread, so I'll just say that I hope everyone is fine and that you're able to post when you try, lol.

We got the countertop and file cabinets in, and wow, that's lots of room for the computer and desk stuff. Love it!

Neal and I are going to Montgomery, Indiana tomorrow to eat at an Amish restaurant, and to just poke around at the flea market there. Yikes, his retirement is making it hard for me to stay OP!

Have a good one, ladies. :hug:

fat&sassycat 01-23-2006 10:07 PM

Do the Jaded Ladies change over every 3/4 days/???? this is a HOPPING GROUP!!!!

ang_wil5 01-23-2006 10:16 PM

Anyone On Ww?

Jane 01-23-2006 10:20 PM

Christine - We try to change threads after every 50 or so posts to help those who have a dial-up server.

Ang_wil - :welcome2: to the Jaded ladies! WW and calorie counter here. :) How about you?

eloisecat 01-23-2006 10:31 PM

on ww
I'm on ww. It's the slowest it's ever been for me, but amazingly, I'm sticking with it. :cool: I have found a good meeting, and enjoy the people there. I'm trying hard not to get frustrated.

I just joined this group - you guys look like fun!

fat&sassycat 01-23-2006 10:32 PM

thanks JANE.........just a curious soul>>>>>>>>>>>>:D

tommysgirl18 01-23-2006 10:47 PM

Christine~ He is bound to end up somewhere….and it probably will be the dog house. LOL Congrats to your son!! Oh, I saw your options for you sports car. I love the new mustangs (but then again, my BIL works there so I guess I am impartial)

Cristi~ I hope you can get things straightened out with the server soon!

Marti~ That is an awesome birthday gift!

Mel~ I know what you mean. I didn’t notice it that much until we had the boys. Now, the only time one calls is when her boyfriend isn’t around and she is bored. (and to think….we made her one of the boys’ godmothers)

Ok….now I am not getting the server busy message, I am getting the sign back in when I switched from the last thread to this one.

Tommy's going to be another year older this coming Saturday. He wants to go out someplace for his birthday....which should be fun with both boys in tow!

Allensmom23 01-24-2006 12:14 AM

mindee-I know, it sucks. I really haven't changed at all since I had Allen. I still do the same stuff as b4, just not as often. And what's really funny is that of the friends who've stuck around, a lot of them are single guys! I would have thought that they would cop out long before the married/ engaged women friends. Whatever!
I just got done watching Celebrity Fit Club, and am wondering why Countess (whom I've NEVER heard of!) needs to lose weight when she only weighs 128 lbs!!! I would totally love to be 128, and my goal is 145!
I'm really fighting myself for some reason, I've hit the winter blues I guess.
I can't get back to being motivated to go to the gym, or to eat good. I feel hungry. I've been hungry all day long, and I'm not sure why. AF is here, I'm not sure iuf that is playing a role in my hunger and or mood.

Mom2Gaby 01-24-2006 11:17 AM

Welcome Ang-wil & Eloise :)

Walked 2 miles last night and another 1.5 this morning. Had oatmeal and thinking of going on an oatmeal diet for a week - lol

Soooo, hope Bach picks Susan or Sarah from Tenn on the show. Sarah from Canada is only 23 (to his 33??) she still is in school, and I think she wears braces - lol - what is she going to do with a doctor??

Chat later

FrouFrou 01-24-2006 12:38 PM

Hello ladies...

Actually got on today with no problems, so far! LOL :crossed: Couldn't even sign off yesterday so just gave up. When it comes to the computer, I am very impatient and want to throw it out the window! I think it is just the time of day I got/get on , I don't know.

KATY...I've tried refreshing, going back to the page I was on, closing the pae and coming back and nothing has worked. I waited a few minutes and came back and it was fine. Then I posted and lost the post because when I hit submit it went to the server is busy page! :crazy: I watched the very first Bachelor and have never watched again. I can't believe these women get on national t.v. and fight over a man!

MINDEE...OMG! :rofl: what the heck is Brandon watching that he learned to hump anything and everything in sight?! I thought only dogs did that! Anyway, WTG on the 36 pounds! That is awesome! :bravo:

CHRISTINE...so glad that DS finally passed his test! Bet he was getting so frustrated. Of course like you said, now the worrying begins! I still worry about mine!

MARTI...what a great BD gift! Nothing like being pampered for the day, or a few hours. Didn't get any scrapbooking done after all. I did get it all on the table! LOL I haven't done any in so long I was having a time trying to figure out what I wanted to do with the page I was going to start. Also, need to go through my pictures and find some more. I have some Belle stickers, and papers and I had a Belle (Beauty & the Beast) Birthday party for DD when she was little. Of course she took Belle off the cake before I could get a picture of it!

MEL...been there done that. Sometimes we find out the hard way who are friends truly are and yes, it does hurt. (((((HUGS))))) to you. I think Katy said it best though. Sorry, your trip to AZ wasn't the greatest.

JANE...I know when V is home and we run around a lot we tend to eat a lot also. As long as you are conscious of what you eat, I think you will be fine. I heard the song on the radio yesterday-again, now I always think of you and Katie when I hear it. Of course it did make me think of Josh also, not that I don't think of him every day.

CONNIE...hope your back is better today.

SUSAN...a jade and diamond ring would be pretty. My cousin did an opal and diamond ring. Opal is her birthstone. I've heard a lot of people use their birthstone as an engagment ring and then add a diamond or gold weddingband to it. I've got four small emeralds (it's a wrap) around mine, which is my birthstone and I love it, of course we did marry on my birthday too. Always get compliments and people say, I wish my DH would have thought of that. Well, I never told them that DH didn't think of it, lol! I did, I wanted something different than the trends or the traditional wedding ring. Another suggestion is (not that you asked, lol) the stone for the month he proposes or the month you get married. Anyway, I know Rocky has GREAT taste! Just the talk of wedding rings/weddings, etc. makes me excited for you! I love weddings! How is Miss. Gaby doing? And WTG on the walking.

JULES...glad DH was able to fix DD's car.

ANGIE...the proposal would have brought tears to my eyes! I am a sucker for proposals and weddings-I always cry! I love too when men are creative and actually put time into the proposal. V wasn't, but he did get on one knee.

A big :welcome: to ANG_WIL and ELOISE! Glad to have you aboard and hope you stay around.

Hi to everyone else! :wave:

Not much going on today...going to get my walk in and straighten the house a little, mainly vacuum and do a couple of loads of laundry. Yesterday was WI and I am down 1/2 pound, same as last WI. I'll take it. As long as it keeps going down I don't care if it is a 1/2 lb., 1/3 or what...as long as it is a loss I'm a happy camper. Now to get to walking and lose more! Well, that's about all I have. Need to go look up a few things online and then get things done around the house.

Take care ladies and have a wonderful day!

tommysgirl18 01-24-2006 02:27 PM

Cristi~ My sister has a bulldog that humps all male legs, as an initiation into the house. We were over there on New Year’s Eve, and I think Brandon saw him do it when he saw Tommy’s buddy he went to school with. Thanks for the encouraging words on the weight loss.

I changed my goal weight from 120 to 135. So, in order to hit that goal, I only have 95 more lbs to loose.

Welcome Ang_Wil and Eloise!!

Jane 01-25-2006 12:21 AM

Hi ladies,

Cristi - the administrators are trying to fix the problems with the "busy signals" people have been getting. Hopefully, it's much better now. About the food, I could have made better choices than I did today. Time to quit messing around and Just Do It for me.

Hi to the others. :wave:

Neal and I did have fun today, but now here it is past midnight in Indiana, and I can't sleep. Drat!

Tomorrow I'm going to have little Makenzie for the day. It's her turn to spend the day with me, and I know we'll do something fun, lol.

Catch ya' later.....

da fat n da furious 01-25-2006 01:06 AM

hey all,
Welcome Eloise and Ang_Wil
Cristi, at least V got down on one knee. Monte just asked if end of May was good for me. I thought he ment dinner out with friends, being it was mid May. He ment the following May.
Jane,,,amish food? what is that? Is it like Hutterites?
Not much happening. I will somehow have to find the time to go to my meeting tomorrow. Needing a meeting,,,feels like forever since I went to one. Seems like an AA meeting sometimes...lol Did volkunteer work at school today and found out one of Tan's teachers goes to the same meetings as me...I just haven't been staying after getting weighed. Plus one of my cast members goes same day,,,shes an afternoon person though.
Ive had two people (same day) ask me how much Ive lost,,didn't feel like I had but I personally think like sand my body is shifting,,,boobs and butt seems smaller and feet seem bigger...lol
well i should get to bed,,,night all

fat&sassycat 01-25-2006 07:29 AM

Hi Everyone ! :wave:

Being able to relax and NOT pick up children IS special!!! Hubby away till Friday............DD coming over this afternoon and we'll go apartment hunting!

All else is well.........since my weekend off with the girls I've not been able to make myself get REALLY back on my diet and exercise program.........NO loss this week either..........

Motivation seems to be lacking...........plus poor will power. February 1st will be 4 months since I stopped smoking and I've been craving a cig REALLY bad......I suppose when the craving stops I'll be able to get back on track....I can't seem to STOP more than one thing at a time???

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