Slimmin SAHMmies 2!!!!!!!!

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  • Good Afternoon Ladies
    Good Afernoon Everyone, how is everyone doing? Good i hope? Things are going well here, just been doing some errands most of the day but now i am back at home, and i gotta clean the critters cages out, i have 2 gerbils and 2 parakeets. Anyways......

    Cara: Dang girl, you did some MAJOR working out, you go girl I think this weigh in is going to be your weigh in!! *~*~*~*~*~*~Sending Good Vibes Your Way*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

    Cynthia: Green Tea Cheesecake?? Wow thats different....hmmm You know its so great that your hubby works out with you, what GREAT support!!

    Chris: I know what you mean about a smaller Gym, when i first joined a gym it was small and only for women i really enjoyed that ALOT!! I just hate the contracts you have to sign at most gyms, the YMCA is the only place so far that i have found that you don't have to sign any contracts.

    Well ladies i need to jump off here and get those critters a clean new home..... I will chat with you all tomorrow. Have a GREAT night!!

    My Goals for today:
    Water Intake: 96oz atleast but shooting for 128oz i have already drank 96oz.....Go Me...i know i can drink atleast another 32 while i am working out.
    Excercise: Billy Bootcamp, of course!!

  • Hi everybody, I've been lazy today (again)... Still sick, unfortunately and am really missing my workouts, I have realized the last couple of days that I have MUCH more energy after a workout. Hopefully this bug will work out of my system soon...I dont know what is up this year, I NEVER get sick this often, lol.

    I've got a date w/ billy tomorrow, I cant miss, LOL... And I have really screwed up today...Pizza, crazy bread and regular soda for lunch, and a small pkg of sugar donuts .... I already at about 1200 cals for the day, and I havent even had dinner yet, which will be a steak sub w/ sauteed onions and mozzarella cheese (plain, no mayo) So I have probably blown my limits for the day...I'll do better tomorrow.. I bought some healthy things for me today

    I gotta go get dinner started for the kids, here's hoping I didnt cause myself to gain this week (crossing fingers). I'll talk to you ladies tomorrow, and hopefully I'll have a MUCH better report
  • Just checkin in. I've been working on my homework for a few hours now. I'm tired and my back hurts. Its almost done though. I more assignment to complete for my computer class, one for records management, 1 quiz and 1 I still have to turn it all in.

    I did get 1 hour in at the gym last night. I didn't get a chance to do much today. Now my body is just screaming to get some rest. I hope everyone has a good night...I'm sure most everyone is asleep.

    Night ladies..I'll check in tomorrow with hopefully more exciting news than what I have to report right now.

  • Good Afternoon Ladies!!
    Good Afternoon Ladies, how is everyone doing? Good i hope. Things are good here, i just wanted to check in....Tonight we have to take our oldest son to his BM for a couple of days, i hate it when this day comes. But i guess there is no getting around it. I have to deal with it. Anyways, i have been feeling kinda down today, last night me and DH got into an arguement about discipline w/the kids etc...and then money has me stressed, and i had a bad dream about my parents.....i don't know all day all i feel like doing is crying, and i have off and on....Days like this suck!! Sorry to vent, i just feel like i can tell you gals anything. Thank you!!

    Chris: If your body is screaming for rest then you should listen to your body, take a day off! You have been doing so good lately, you gotta give your body rest. Take it easy

    Amanda: *~*~*~~*Sending GOOD Vibes*~*~*~*~*~ Your way in hopes that you don't gain, but even better that you LOOSE!! Good luck!!

    Well ladies, my goal for today is atleast:
    98oz water
    Try to excercise, i just don't know if i feel up to it....but i will try.

    Have a GREAT day, i will chat with you all later!!

  • Hi all, not feeling very much into anything today. I got most of my homework done and turned in now. Just the quiz and test to take but since i do those on line, i can't take them until sat or sun. I even stayed home today. I didn't feel like venturing over to my sisters or anywhere else. I do have to take a trip to the pet store later so that I can get another pump to clean my daughters fish tank. Seems to have disappeared.

    I just got off the phone with my daughters counselor at school. She's been having some problems with having night terrors and nightmares, so she can't sleep. Her counselor wants me to take her to a regular doctor. She can't do a diagnosis on her but all the signs point to an anxiety disorder. I just feel like crying. My legs are numb, my arms are whole body is numb. Breaks my heart to not be able to help Tiana. I wish she wasn't having all the problems she is. Most of it, according to what Tiana has said and what they talk about, relates back to problems with her dad. He wasn't and isn't an "upstanding" kind of guy and his wife. Doesn't make it any easier. Just don't want her to hurt so bad.

    Gotta go and get the other monkey from school. And then i think I may just read a book for fun, instead of a textbook.

  • Alisha - That's what we are here for. Type away. I am sorry you'vr had a rough day. Money & disicpline stress are top five for us. Get some rest and try to think happy thoughts. I am sending restful, refreshing vibes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~zzzzzzzzzzzz~~~~~~~~~~~~ your way. I threw in a snore just for laughs! Take care girl!

    Hope everyone else is ok & doing well! Tomorrow is weigh in day, are you ready??? What's the challenge for next week?? Any ideas?

    Curves 30 min
    bike - 30 min (6.7 mi)
    abs - 20 minutes

  • I am not giving up, but I was still 202 this am!!???? I have worked out so much - and not lost anything again. I need to go calm down.

  • Good Morning Ladies! I actually LOST this week! I'm down to 201lbs (YAY!!!)

    I didnt do well yesterday either, lol. DH and I went to the local mexican place for lunch yesterday, I had chips w/ guacamole, 1taco (ez on the cheese), mexican rice, and an enchilada. Then we went to my moms for dinner, and there i had 1sm porkchop w/ kc masterpiece bbq sauce, 1 roll w/ butter, and about 2 c. of my mom's macaroni salad. and ummm NO water

    I'm not going to beat myself up over it though...I had been craving food from teh mexican place for weeks now, lol. especially the guacamole (and the fats in avacado are good for ya), Seriously though, I am back on track today, ready to get to at least 200lbs this week (and maybe get into Onederland)

    Chris: sorry you had a bad day yesterday. Stay strong, we're all here for ya

    Alisha: Must be something in the air, I've been weepy all week long, the littlest thing sets me to crying. I do have an idea whats going on, but I REALLY dont want to think about it, cause I'll get even More depressed.
    hope you are feeling better today.

    Weekly Challenge suggestions anyone?

    anywho, I gotta get off here and get some laundry done, then do my Kathy Smith workout. I'll check in later
  • Cara: w/ all the exercise you've been doing you probably gained muscle. Here's some weight loss vibes for next week's weigh in:
  • Good Morning Ladies!
    Good Morning Ladies, how is everyone doing? Good i hope. Just wanted to check in, i am feeling a little bit better....paid bills last night and now i am more stressed over money, oh well it will get better.....right now money is tight because DH is in school, and having to drive 30 min to and from college, so thats gas money now we are not used to have to putting out......anyways.....I am mad....i am up 2 pounds!! It makes me wanna cry so bad!! WHAT HAPPENED!! I have done good this week, i had a few cheats but not that many.....WHY IS IT SO HARD TO LOOSE BUT SO DA** EASY TO GAIN!! I mean a part of me tries to keep telling myself that maybe it is due to TOM on the way...i hope thats the reason. I don't know.....i am so upset with my scales and myself!! This week i VOW TO LOOSE THOSE 2 POUNDS PLUS 1!!!

    Cara: Thanks for the support!! Don't stress the weight, seriously with all the working out you have been doing, it DEFINTLY is muscle you are starting to gain!! Stay strong!!

    Amanda: Don't you find Mexican food to be a weakness i love the chips and salsa!! That was one of my cheats this week too!! So what do you think it is why you have been stressing and weaping this week?? Do you think your.....ooohhh i won't make you think about it........

    Chris: SUPER BIG stay strong, things will work out! If you need someone to talk to i am here for you!!

    Cynthia, Julie, Cat, Fit, and anyone else i forgot, what are you gals up too?

    Well ladies my goal for today:
    Water: 98oz+
    Excercise: Billy Blanks Bootcamp Workout

    I hope everyone has a GREAT weigh in!! Good luck to all of you!!


  • Good Saturday Morning, Ladies!
    Hello all! Hope everyone is doing much better than they seem to have the last couple of days. What, I leave the board for a whole day and everyone starts getting depressed and having family problems and everything! Seriously, I'm just kidding. I've been kind of down at the end of this week too. And the little guy is acting up a little bit, which is unheard of for him. I've heard from some others who are having relationship problems and children & pet problems. If you're into astrology at all, Venus is in retrograde right now and that explains a lot. If you're not into astrology, just chalk it up to.... well, I don't know, but just remember it's temporary and things will always get better.

    As for those who have gained or not lost, please don't get discouraged. I did so well this week (well, better than I have been lately) and I stayed the same too. Carafre, you are definitely gaining muscle, and not necessarily losing pounds. If you would also keep track of your measurements, you would probably see the difference. To those with their monthly friend about to visit, well he brings a lot of weight with him (or is it her? ), so just keep it up.

    I didn't do great with water last week but I'd like to try again this week, so I'm going to keep my signature as is to keep track. Unless someone else has another challenge?

    Okay, time to get a few things done before we go grocery shopping. Talk to you ladies soon!

  • Hello ladies. I was on this thread a long time ago and it changed names a few times and then a bunch of us left. I would like to join in if that's ok? Chris know's who I am. I am currently doing WW and I am in week 2. I lost 4.2 my first week and I have commited myself to NOT look at the scale until I go to my WW weigh in on Mondays. I am a SAHM of 2 ages 5 and 3. Girl and girl. So is it Cynthia, Alicia, Cara, Chris, and Amanda on this Thread? I didn't go read back 30 pages, but I see who is posting. Ok I guess that's it for now. IF it's ok, I will respond personally from here going forward. I don't think I could catch up otherwise.

  • Melissa, Welcome (back) Wow, 4.2 lbs that's awesome I look forward to seeing you here

    Cindy: a bunch of people I know are all down this week too, lol. maybe there is something to astrology whatever it is, I hope we all start feeling better soon.

    Alisha: Here's to hoping you're only retaining water. I had been waiting a month to go to the mexican place, LOL.. I love guacamole, and i can buy it cheaper than I can make it (plus it wont be in the fridge calling my name, LOL) I've pm'd you on the other matter

    everyone else I hope you're having a great saturday!
  • Hey Mel! 4.2 lbs. Awesome. I took off 4 of those pounds I was telling you about the other day. It was probably water like you said. Way to stay away from the scale...

    Thanks for all the well wishes. I did get a bit of good news-what I would consider good news. Tiana's dad is going to work out of town in Utah. He says he won't be back until June or July. That makes me feel better.

    Just gonna kick back today and get my tests taken tonight. I helped my stepmom out at the school auction so I'm gonna take the rest of the day off.

    Check back in a bit.

  • Melissa - Congrats on your weight loss!! We are so happy to have you here! I am carafre - sahm to a 3 year old girl and 17 month old boy. Can't wait to get to know you!!

    Chris - glad to hear you feel better after some good news!

    Cindy - It must be going around. I am not sad or discouraged but alot of people I've talked to are. Here's to a better week emotionally!!! How are your workouts going? Bowflex any??

    Alisha - It really could be TOM water weight. You are still on track. IT's all gonna be ok. Hope you got to tan & drink some h2o!!! You are still my hero ...

    Amanda - thanks!!!

    I am sure I lost some inches. I tried on ALL of my jeans, (sizes 14-22) and the 22's are too big to wear. The 20's fit, but loose. The 18's fit just right (they were snug). And the biggest accomplishment is the 16's fit almost over my thighs. lol!!!! Progress... I guess. Maybe the scale will catch up soon. I get measured @ Curves the 16th of Feb..

    take care all