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Wabby 10-12-2005 07:23 PM

I think Schatzi has been smoking the peace pipe.

Wabby 10-12-2005 07:37 PM

I'm going to this place - www.cinetopiatheatres.com on friday w/ some friends. We're going to see In Her Shoes. We can watch a movie and eat food at the same time. How fun. Anybody want to go? :hat: :corn:

oooo. Cool - look at our new smilies


Cowpernia 10-12-2005 08:05 PM

BP/Arco must be negotiating to be bought out.

NOOO. YOU may NOT have MY chicken BONES>... Take some Nyquil and go to bed.

Doesn't the bf already have a twin? What did they do in that canoe that could be construed as "quick"?

Bagzz 10-12-2005 10:05 PM

helpppppppppp me---we have the TROJAN virus and Norton says it can't get rid of it!!! helppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

PainterWoman 10-13-2005 01:54 AM

I don't want mass cards or burning sage, but some sort of trophy would be nice... (or chocolate... Peaches, just KEEP your chicken bones!!)... My BABY DS is now 24. EGAD.

Baggz-- so sorry about the Trojan Virus. But apparently you can still post? Do you have some amazing person who can reformat your hard drive... or ARE you that amazing person? I remember when I first was working on exH's TI PC... and he had me convinced that if I did one thing wrong it would be irreparable. Who knew that if you had to, you could just turn the whole thing off!

Wabby -- Congrats on granddaughter verification. Girls rule! I've heard great things about In her shoes.... For one thing that it isn't "really" a chick flick.. more about intergenerational communication.

Peaches -- Do you think your preacher knows something about crop circles that the rest of us have missed? I'd prefer to look at a circle of grass than a serpent of brass... Oooooh, maybe it's faerie rings... with crazed Belgian Leprechauns like Shatzi was referring to! I wish I knew what to tell you to decrease your no-work panic... Maybe one of the stupid low-wage jobs would at least distract you... even if just part time.

To prevent us all falling into "the slough of despond" (who made up that phrase anyway... I learned it in Freshman Humanities but missed the author)... lets all list 3 gratitudes. Now. Pronto.
1. Whatever I die of it isn't going to be this breast cancer.
2. My children survived their childhood ... and are doing well.
3. I am easily amused and rarely bored.

Kiwi-- Take DH to W&G anyway... Or break him in with Chicken Run... maybe let him review The Great Escape First. We LOVED the Were-Rabbit. DH was kind of crabby before (worried about work, I think) and it cheered him up. There were plenty of "grown up" jokes that only the adults laughed at. Or tell him he needs to see it because the special effects are so neat. (At least as good as Star Wars in my book. What a shame that their old models burned.
I can't imagine canoodling in a canoe.
Was anybody else turned off by the news stories about the AK woman having her 16th child in 17 years? I think they said they were doing it for God or Church or something. Do you think that husband has pulled the wool over HER eyes or what?

Shatzi-- you got it right about mad leprechauns and the difference between wants and needs. I wish I were "evolved" enough to have fewer wants! You say such smart things. and I LOVE the tragedy joke.
I hope your cold is going away. I'm thinking it might be a post-move stress cold. The choir director at my old church got sick every New Year's because that was when it was finally "safe" to let down after all the Christmas preparations. When you convince your body that you can't afford to get sick, it doesn't... and then when you stop telling it that you HAVE to stay well... well, it conks out then! Hope you have lots of hot apple cider and chicken soup... or whatever.

Oh.. if y'all want to subscribe to a dubious joke of the day....
send an email to: bikers-subscribe"at"dailybj"dot"net (write subscribe in the subject). They're sent out by a good ol boy in Texas... many are sexist, many are conservative, almost all make me laugh even though I consider myself a liberal woman for equal rights. He also has a "virgin" list if you want only the clean jokes... (but you'll only get about two a week!!).

Cowpernia 10-13-2005 02:22 AM

painterhood i find you absolutely uplifting. i am typing in the dark. ds's hernia is bothering him. we see the dr tomorrow. i am going to learn to knit socks. my gf's birthday is sunday. what can i knit her by then that she'd really want?

kiwi will fix bagz's puter.

SugP 10-13-2005 03:42 AM

blah blah blah
Hi darlings!

Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I seem to have fallen into Painty's slough of despond (I love that!) and it's lookin' pretty deep. Got my life jacket on though, so I should be coming up for air soon. :D

Painty! I like your attitude. I need to get me some of that. Congratulations on being the mom of a 24 yr old. I can't even imagine it. My oldest is only half that now.

Kiweeee - I still haven't got around to reading what your most excellent dd was up to. Was there a link on the previous thread about her music/writing? I wanted to look at that.

Peachy - is it cold enought to knit a scarf? A tea cosy? A hot water bottle cover? A stunning potholder?

Schatzi - Angelina AND Demi? And isn't Katie whatsername Tom Cruise's :twirly: fiancee :twirly: also expecting? Even though he's supposedly gay/sterile?? Gahhhhh! I heard that Britney kicked her man out of the house for a while because he was acting like more of a baby than her newborn. :lol: Oh yeah - GET WELL SOON! :rain:

Bagzieee - how on earth are you dealing with all these mobile teenagers. I dread the day mine learn to drive, which won't be until they're 17 around here, but still.

Wabby - A granddaughter! How wonderful. You can dress her up all purdy and be the proud grandma.

The chimney sweep was here at 8 o'clock this morning to do whatever it is he does to the furnace in the basement once a year. But this wasn't the usual sweep, the slightly pudgy but still very adorable one, this one was a blonde cabana boy chimney sweep. Lordy. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I opened the door.

And I got an e mail from alternate life #37 (no, not THAT alternate life, the other one) in Ontario yesterday informing me that his wife is expecting twins in February. They're both over 40 already have two little pre-school kids. Can you imagine the exhaustion?

I now have my train ticket to go meet all those expat internet axe murderers in some city I've never been to before. Should be interesting. I'm practicing my whining.

Wabby 10-13-2005 12:13 PM


I now have my train ticket to go meet all those expat internet axe murderers in some city I've never been to before.
How cool, Sugar! ... sorry you're "in the slough of despond" (I love that, Painty!!) but if it makes you feel better, your post perked me up. You're so sweet and young, even tho you don't know it. hee hee --- cabana boy chimney sweep. We could all use one of those, and I don't even have a fireplace. :lol:

Painty - 3 gratitudes, hmmmm? The first one is obvious for me --- Baby Girl ----, but I need to think on the other 2 ---- I may have fallen into the slough lately myself, but I'm working on climbing out. It's probably a symptom of the gray weather -- all the bunco gals were talking about the "happy light" they have at Costco. Big seller here in the Northwest.

Peachers, I was going to suggest a potholder, but Sugar beat me to it. Ear muffs? ya'll wear earmuffs in Florider don'tcha?

OK, Painty, here's number 2 ---- even tho I have a couple "conditions" I'm durn healthy, even tho I don't deserve to be because I haven't been taking care of myself.... need to work on that.

I'm thinking on #3. :chin:

I want to hear everybody elses gratitudes. Come on. Dig deep.

Kiwonk 10-13-2005 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cowpernia
Doesn't the bf already have a twin? What did they do in that canoe that could be construed as "quick"?

Yes he does, but how boring would it be to go to twin day as your twin's twin? I'm pretty sure all they had time to do in the canoe was to paddle to the little island out in the lake and paddle back, but I enjoyed the reaction anyway. :devil:

Originally Posted by Bagzz
helpppppppppp me---we have the TROJAN virus and Norton says it can't get rid of it!!!

How do you know you have it? Have you scanned your computer and it says it's infected? Or have you just received something that says it's infected? Sometimes when we run Norton, it finds a virus and can't remove it because it's actually already gone, in which case your computer's not infected. Not very helpful, I know.

Originally Posted by PainterWoman
To prevent us all falling into "the slough of despond" (who made up that phrase anyway... I learned it in Freshman Humanities but missed the author)... lets all list 3 gratitudes.

1) I can instantly find the answer to practically any question because of the miracle of Google: The slough of despond is from John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress". It's a deep bog.
2) Thank goodness my DH is willing to spell me with this puppy-on-10-I-have.
3) I'll get back to you

I think that was Schatzi's DH who wasn't willing to see W&G. Mine likes them, but we only get to the actual movie theater about 1-2 times a year, so pretty unlikely we'll see it on the big screen.

I am always horrified when someone talks about having so many children. The article I read didn't mention their reason, although I always suspect some religious bent when I hear that kind of thing. I wish people would consider it a bad thing to bring a lot of children into the world, but I have a nasty suspicion that it's going the other way these days. Sure, children are a blessing, but foisting 16 on the world is just selfish.

Must go make dinner and read more later.


Cowpernia 10-13-2005 07:53 PM

3 gratitudes:

1. DS does not have a hernia. (although they will continue testing to see why he has tenderness)
2. Cats.
3. I feel good today.

Bagzz 10-13-2005 09:00 PM

my grati=effin=tudes-------------number ONE-----i have several girlfriends who resemble cows. Number Two-----it's almost winter so i have a nice generous flap of blubber to keep my knees warm. and Number three----chocolate covered chicken bones have been invented and i only live sixty miles from the factory.The End.

Kiwonk 10-13-2005 11:29 PM

My #3: Bagzie always makes me laugh.

I am so glad DS doesn't have a hernia, Peachie. It couldn't be appendicitis, right? Or simple stress?

I was doubled over in pain in my stomach this morning and I know it was just stress. It was a late day for school (after 8am) and Jet slept until 7, which was nice. I took her out and she peed very nicely. Then I fed her and made DD's lunch. Not rushing was nice. When I was done, I took Jet up the driveway to get the paper and she did a poop on the way, and then the problem started: You know how you get that leetle tiny piece of poop that just won't fall off and you wiggle your butt this way and that way and you scoot it along on the grass and it just won't fall off? (As Roseanne Roseannadanna would say) Well, I figured I'd clean her up when we got in the mud room, but she ran off into the house and wouldn't come back so I followed her and she hightailed into the computer room and hid under the desk. :rolleyes: So I dragged her out of there kicking and screaming and took her back to the mudroom where I discovered the poop was gone (I can hardly wait to find it somewhere else), but I was po'ed already and put her in her pen. She whined and whined, and DD was getting ready to go, but she needed to call her guitar student's mother because she didn't get hold of her last night and today is the lesson, so I insisted she call before we left the house. Turns out the kid doesn't really want to take lessons -- he hasn't shown up for 2 weeks -- typical of a kid he wouldn't just say he didn't want to. So that got me more po'ed, but I figured the dog is always good in the car, so maybe I should take her with me. DD opened the door and let her out without a leash on and of course then I had to run around the yard chasing her to get her into the car. So that got me more po'ed and by the time I got in the car I had a giant pain in my gut, which was worsened when I turned on public radio on the way home like I always do and they have a goddam moneygrubbing thing going instead of the news. :mad: Watch Kiwi's top blow off! Sheesh, none of this stuff was exactly the end of the world but oh boy did it give me major stress.

Silly, huh?

Sugar, remind me of where you are going on le train and I will give you the url of DD's review again: It's the review of Barakus.

Wow, that Cinetopia is my kind of place, Wab!!! Sounds delightful.


PainterWoman 10-14-2005 04:02 AM

And all this time I thought I was in a slough created by T.S. Eliot... or maybe Joan Didion. but NO! It was one of nearly biblical proportions.... (Ok grammar experts, should biblical be capitalized? Don't want to offend anyone. I'd actually have to get up to find my Chicago style manual. SO lazy. :rofl:

SugP lucky you with cabana boy! The flower delivery guy on my birthday was pretty hot... in a uniformed Mediterranean way... The name on his badge made me think he was of "Eyetalian" descent. I had bad luck with an Italian before... so that curbed my enthusiasm. Rather.

Baggz... thanks for reminding me of the laprobe attributes of belly flab. I should be toasty cozy for quite some time to come. :lol:

Kiwi-- I hope that puppy's last dingleberry managed to get shaken off before she hit the door mat.... OR that you never ever find it! If you can suggest reasonable places to live in Maine, please let me know. DD is investigating yarnshops near Booth Bay Harbor and seems to think I might be a good employee... I'd rather pull coffee shots and serve customers... or maybe teach some basic knitting classes....

Cow-Girl... Do a crazy crazy scarf with lots of glitz. I made one with eyelash and a sort of metalic, slick synthetic that looked like the pelt of a science fiction creature... all gold and copper, but furry. You could do it on fat fat fat needles and 8 or 12 stitches... OR... cast on longways and do a different kind of yarn every two or three rows. See if your library has The Box of Scarves... Big needles = FAST!

I'm grateful that it's one radiation session down and "only" 32 to go.

SugP 10-14-2005 07:59 AM

world traveler
Here's where I'm going:
Marburg :moped:

Two and a half hours on the train. Seven people, I think. We're meeting in a cafe and then going sightseeing or something. If I never post again you'll know they've kidnapped me. Or that I've run off with the butcher.

Bagzz 10-14-2005 11:34 AM

take cabana boy with you---------i need someone who likes music to download and listen to Gavin DeGraw's sexy song "Belief" {not religious} needs no capitalization.i want to talk to all of you about dingleberries,hernias and trips to marburg and scarf knitting and how adorable Boothbay is but Camden is more classically gorgeous {IMHO}and how Lushie is probably is somewhere in philly eating cheesesteaks but i have to go to work--------one more thing----peach----could ds have IBS or some other bowel thingy---???sometimes they have patches of pain-----------

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