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LauraB 10-07-2005 08:47 PM

Theresa-don't be upset by the scale. You know it doesn't mean anything. You know what you've been doing and that's what counts, not the silly number.
Sandi- I am definately ready for witness protection. Not only do I have my own 4, but my 2 DILs feel compelled to call at least once a day. But witness protection has to be in a resort, with a nice beach.
I will stop buying 50 calorie ice pops. There are 3 left out of 14 and I bought them Tuesday. That's 550 calories in 4 days. Not good. I must face that I am powerless when it comes to sugary stuff and it just can't be in the house. I know I've said this before, but now I have to act on it. There's nothing else with sugar, and summer fruit is over here in NY, so it's apples and pears and bananas and I can control those. I am powerless with peaches and plums and melons.
I am at 1280 calories for the day so I am ok.

sandisuze 10-07-2005 09:24 PM

Theresa I keep going back to what the trainer I talked to said: You can lose inches but not pounds. Your pants are loose! that is awesome!:bravo:!

I like the "melra" as long as she is ok with it :lol:

Laura- I am thinking nice resort with sunny beach and a private chef and trainer- add maid service and all the books I want to read or movies to watch-NO PHONES- mmm maybe toss in a cute guy or two for applying suntan lotion..or a massage now and then.... Hmmm I could handle that ;) with me it is the fudge bars I could eat 6 in no time flat
they actually have guys in Miami that are "tanning Experts" they work at fancy resorts and walk around the beach area applying the perfect tanning lotion- of course they are good looking buff type guys.. cracked me up when I saw that on TV

I am NOT stepping on the scale this week. I don't want to go even deeper into "the I don't care" mood I am in. When Jocie goes to visit her sister tomorrow I will have the house to myself and I plan on adding all kinds of food to my fitday. I don't care if it takes me 3 hours. Let the dishes sit :p
I am more important than breakfast dishes :lol:
Ya'll have a good night and see ya tomorrow!

LauraB 10-07-2005 09:42 PM

I just read the fitday directions today, so for weeks I've entering each food over again. I didn't realize it was all there if it had been entered before. What an idiot I am. It's easy now. I do love fitday.
Aren't we going to have husbands in Protectice Custody with us? They won't like the cute guys.

cadwell125 10-08-2005 02:17 AM

well i am very excited about my december goal. i think i will be able to do it if this month goes well. are we still racing melra? i bought my ticket today to go visit my family for christmas and i hope to reach my mini-goal by then. even though my mom knows about me and has seen my pictures, she will be all excited about it. yay, i can't wait!! :D

sandisuze 10-08-2005 08:53 AM

Cadwell That is so fantastic! you can tell people what you have lost and even send pics but it's nothing like in "real person". cameras really do add weight.

Laura- I plan on insisting on a place that has 24/7 car racing, car fix it and home repair shows on TV that way when I am enjoying lounging by the pool checking out the *sights* hubby will be busy with his own hobbies! ;) :lol:

besides getting my hubby to exercise or eat right will NEVER happen until he has a major illness from it and it will scare him into behaving. his dad and all 3 uncles & his oldest brother have either had bypass surgery, or they are on meds for heart disease related problems. he feels he is young enoug to enjoy his food as he says . he has been very accepting of some changes and is eating a bit better because of my health issues but he still can down a 1/2 gallon of ice cream in 2 days- (and don't forget the 5 lbs of toppings with that ice cream.)

As soon as I drop off Jocie with her sister I am back home to enter foods into fitday and I have decided to make it public:yikes: - (if anyone would want to look- :lol: they say laughing DOES burn calories) I am gonna post it in my sig as soon as I get it together. Laura, I did the same thing for weeks so don't feel stupid. I am also trying to reload my IM's back into this new hard drive. I CAN'T wait to get a new computer the beginning of next year.

I hope everyone will have a great day!

Purplefirefly 10-08-2005 12:00 PM

Quick note between chores: hubby and I had a quite heart-to-heart last night and he said he doesn't care that I lose weight, but he thinks I am not happy with myself and that he loves me as i am and I should too. I told him that is why I'm doing this, to feel good about myself and like myself again. He said he's been worried because he thinks I'm heading back into my eating disorder and am getting obsessed. i guranteed him I'm not, but this was his "evidence" against me:

1. I won't sit down and eat what everyone else is eating, i have to have my own special meal or I leave something off. I told him to deal with it, but he is welcome to eat what I'm eating as well.

2. I weigh in every morning and he swears my mood for the entire day hinges on this. I don't know if this is true, but said I'll keep it in mind and try to only WI once a week.

3. I down water all day and act as if one glass of tea will kill me. He doesn't understand that it's a trigger for me, but I tried to explain.

4. He thinks I exercise obsessively and that it might not be good for the kids to see me doing that. I just think he's flat wrong here, exercise is good for the kids and they don't even pay attention to it anymore. It's just what mommy does, normal life now. He said he just doesn't want me to end up in the hospital or something because I'm doing like 10 miles a day. I assured him I do not do 10 miles every day, that's only been a couple times in the last few months. I've gotten into a routine of doing 3-4 miles one day, and 6-7 the next. And when I have a busy day I do less. My goal is just 1 mile every day, which is just 15 minutes.

He informed me he's been coming home and searching the cabinets for laxatives and diet pills he's been so concerned. I told him I AM NOT GOING TO DO THAT, TRUST ME. And he said okay, and noted that I do have a bottle of diet pills in the kitchen. I told him they've been there for a few months, and are unopened. He can throw them away, and he did. If I was doing this, the weight would literally fall off, a LOT quicker than 10 lbs. in 2 months.

I brought up him accusing me of cheating and he said he honestly was joking each time he said something like that, and I told him it's not funny and don't do it again...unless he has a guilty conscious he just can't control. He agreed to not go there again.

Things are okay now. I exercised while we watched TV together and it was nice, we laughed and joked, but he was in the chair and I was marching and jogging in place. Got 4 miles in and he didn't say a word, but did kiss the back of my neck and commenting that my sweat tastes good...ick.

Have a great day everyone, I hope to check in on you all later.


neo98292 10-08-2005 12:16 PM

I am glad to see that things have mellowed for you Theresa-me I am ready to ship kids to outer mongolia! For the second day in a row, they stopped up the toilet and my whole laundryroom was covered in water. First time it was josh but today he watched odessa put like a whole role of tp in the toilet and flush it and then couldn't understand why I was so stinking mad! Two days in a row the girls completely tore my bed apart and threw everything on the floor. I sometimes wonder why I even try to bother keeping things tidy. I kind of watched supernanny last night while reading and how that woman kept her house so stinking clean with 4 kids is beyond me and those cream colored carpets! Ugh I would be insane. So ok I am cranky today and would like nothing better than to take off for while and let someone pamper me for a bit. I will check in later after I get some of this muck out of my way.

Purplefirefly 10-08-2005 12:48 PM

Melissa, i feel your pain on the kids tearing things up, have the same thing here every day. I think I have finally broke Ty of tearing the toilet paper up all over the house, but he has never stopped the toilet up like your little ones, guess I should be thankful :lol: Oh, the lady on Supernanny last night, she kept the house spotless because she locked the kids outside and refused to let them in. Did you see that? I was shocked! She put them outside in the swimming pool, went in the house and locked the back door. Let alone they were small for being in the water alone, but they were banging to be let in, crying and begging, and she would open the door, yell in their faces to be quiet and go play and no they can't come in, then shut the door in their faces, lock it and continue cleaning. The windows weren't even open so she could watch them.

I was really appalled at that. I could never do that to my babies. Come on, they are more important than a clean house! Okay I'll hush now.


Purplefirefly 10-08-2005 12:59 PM

Forgot to say that the pound I was up yesterday is gone this AM, so it must have just been water.


neo98292 10-08-2005 01:29 PM

I saw it too and was telling mom about it. I think that is abuse and neglect. It is so easy for kids to drown. I believe in being tidy but home should still be home and comfortable and you should feel like you can walk around in your underware if you want to. Glad the pound was gone and probably was water. I have got a jump on a few things but much more to do-I am cleaning out toys again today. They have so much junk, they don't even know what they have anymore. Two bins are full to over flowing around here. Plus I need to go put josh's bed together yet again. For some reason, he just can't leave his sheets and blankets on his bed. They are stripped off the mattress daily. I will check in later and everyone have a great OP day!

cadwell125 10-08-2005 02:20 PM

wow i can't believe someone would leave their kids in the pool to swim by themselves. if she wants them to play outside that's one thing, but not in a pool. there are stories all the time about kids drowning even when adults are supposedly watching them. what a nut.
i have been reading this online book i found called the hacker diet and it's terrific. have any of y'all heard about this book? i can't remember ever seeing a diet book beside this one that actuallly talked about calories and just plain eating less food to lose weight. awesome.

neo98292 10-08-2005 06:33 PM

never heard of the hacker diet-I would be interested in reading it too and you know truthfully that is all that needs to be done to lose weight. Watch portions and sweets and get that body moving! I got alot done today and the house is as normal as it gets lol. I am so glad I can go grocery shopping on Monday. I never thought I would say I miss eating salad but I do. No matter how hungry I feel, I just can't make myself eat any top ramen or mac and cheese.

cadwell125 10-08-2005 07:18 PM

if you want to check it out melissa it's in an ebook-type format at http://www.fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/www/hackdiet.html
i was interested to learn about how many calories i burn in a day. definitely not as many as i had hoped. even within my calorie target range, i sometimes go over what i supposedly burn everyday (not counting exercise).
i haven't had a salad in forever either. i kinda got salad-ed out toward the beginning of my diet, but i know i should be getting more veggies (esp. green) in sometimes. i tend to stick with hot foods because i feel more full after. but i agree with you about the ramen. yuck. we always have a case of korean ramen in the cupboard because my husband eats it everyday, but i have personally never had it (except a bite of his, like twice). even though it's better than regular american ramen, it's still useless fat-filled carbo caca. if i'm going to eat 560 calories, it's going to be a delish homemade entree or yummy restaurant something-or-other. not dehydrated kimchi and noodles :barf:

neo98292 10-08-2005 07:33 PM

ROFLMBO I hear you. I did a search and found it and have started in between all the interuptions and screamining fits. I am going to have Odessa's vocal cords surgically removed I think. I did the same thing with salad for awhile-it was like it made me feel like gagging so now if that starts, I save some points and add some cheese and sunflower seeds to it until I feel more normal about it again.

LauraB 10-08-2005 10:23 PM

I read some of Hacker. Here's my question. He says a 5'4" woman uses between 1594-1967 calories a day. Is that for a woman whose at her "correct" weight ? I thought if you were 190 lbs you needed more calories to maintain that weight so if you had 1200 calories a day you would lose faster than a 150 lb woman on 1200. I am 5 4 so if I need 1700 to maintain and I eat 1200 calories per day, that's minus 500 calories a day, times 7 days a week, equals 3500 calories or a loss of 1 pound a week. Is that what he's saying? That means to lose faster. I would have to do 1000 calories a day and that's way too hard.
any ideas?

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