Back to Basics - September edition

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  • Hey all. Welcome to September. After busting butt the last weeks with moving, then cleaning up after the move, I am ready to get focused again. I am almost all settled in. I haven't been exercising, except for moving and cleaning. I have been eating horribly, due to little time and late hours. So all that has to change. I did already join the gym here, and will be going in the morning. I also finally made it out by my pony today, and am pleased to announce he DID pack his brain and bring it along. Had a very nice, much needed ride.

    I am ready for my fresh start. I need a bunch of sleep right now, and to finish stuff up tomorrow. Then, off to the new position on Wednesday. Where did the time go???

    I hope everyone is ok. Catch up quick, eh? I need everyone's kicks in the rear, and am ready to provide the same.

    Take care, y'all.
  • Hey Jolly! Thanks for starting the new thread.
    Hope the move went well. Did you have to travel very far? Moving is alot of work but it's also a great time to unload "baggage" and start fresh.
    Whoa I just caught myself staring at the screen. Bed time.
    I'm getting an exercise thing going. I've been walking and doing a little bit of step aerobics. hopefully I'll stick to it, because exercise is the key!!!
  • Hey I'm here! Sorry I was among the missing for a few days, but things have been bad with my father. He's officially on hospice now.
    Aside from that the hurricane situation has me a bit bummed out, those poor people. I am working hard to help them and have donated funds, blood and now will be gathering supplies for people coming to New Hampshire. We'll have 500 of them arriving in the next two days really close by to me.
    I want to do all I can to help out.
  • Hi all. Well, tomorrow I start the new position. Am excited and nervous all at the same time. And still pretty tired too. I did go to the gym today. Boy, am I out of shape. I got on the scale, and it doesn't look like the past couple of weeks did any damage - just stayed the same. On to better things now. Had a nice ride again today, too. Very nice.

    Take care everyone. Here's to us!
  • Good Morning all! I finally have some time to check in. In the last week I have had to take my Mom to Wichita (2 hours away) for surgery. She had a detached retina. Had a house full of company and today get to go to the Dr. myself then hit the road again to take Mom back to Wichita for her check-up. I haven't really paid much attention to my diet or exercise. I got on the scale this morning (so I can compare it with the Drs.) and I have maintained. A pleasant surprise! Hopefully tomorrow I will get back on the wagon and get that much need exercise.

    Havea great day!
  • I'm sticking to that stepping! It's been 5 days in a row! Now it's time to quit pigging out and drop a few! I am hoping to lose 2 pounds by next Friday.
    Jolly- hope your first day of work went well!
  • Hey all. First day of work went well. Still feeling a little overwhelmed, as I try to determine what my role is - hard to explain, I know. But, it was a good day. My eating was better, though I did "reward" myself with some ice cream on the way home. Bad, I know. I did run this morning too - only about 1 1/2 miles - but considering how long I wasn't exercising, I am happy. Spooky route though. Feel like I am in the Texas chainsaw massacre. OK, maybe not that bad.

    Anyway. Have a super day all. Talk soon.
  • Hello - I am so tired today! Guess the weekend and all that running around with my Mom is getting to me. I've decided to take a break until Monday. Then I will get back to the gym and really watching what I eat. I have a birthday in a couple weeks and would like to be able to celebrate without feeling guilty. So I need to be a "good" girl until then.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Ahhhh..a break sounds like a good idea. BUT I'm going to be good good good for the next week. Gotta lose 2 pounds. No beer. Low cals! No after diner munching.Hopefully by then I'll be into better habits and I can keep going. I'd love to meet goal by Thanksgiving. Oh I hate it when I set deadlines for myself. I just hope I can be proud of myself by then and not back to the same old "oh well here we go again" situation. I can do it. You can do it! Lets all just do it!!!!
  • TGIF!!! I am sooo ready for a weekend. I plan on relaxing tomorrow and then on Sunday, DH and I are going to a ZZ Top concert!

    Apple - I can relate to what you said. Starting Monday I need to get serious. We are going to Vegas the beginning of November. I would like to have 10 pounds off by then.

    Have a great day!
  • OK Roxy, it's you and me vs. those 10 pounds!!!
  • Hey all. This thing ate my morning post! Obviously, it has food issues too. I am doing well getting back into regular exercise - even went in to get a weight lifting program this morning. But the food??? If it ain't nailed down . . . Poor choices. Poor portion. And resulting reflux, poor sleep, no energy. You all know the drill. So, I am for the 10 pound thing as well.

    Here's to us.
  • A very quick update from me. If I am absent for a few days, it is because my dad is not doing well as all. I feel it's probably a matter of days/hours here.
    I'll be back, though.
  • Hi all. Linda, will say a prayer for your family.

    I am a bit tired today. Bad bout of acid reflux last night. Did get the dogs to the park though, and went for a 12 mile bike ride. Unfortunately, my stepsister got sick riding, so did not make it ot the barn. Will have to go tomorrow.

    Take care all.
  • Hi all. I have finally lost those extra pounds my uncontrolled eating had put on, so now I am what my weight tracker says I am. It's TOM for me, so there might be some water retention going on too. I really want to be 152 by Fri but that might be asking too much. Last night I had a Lean Cuisine for dinner and after I put the kids to bed I was HUNGRY!! But all I ate was half a graham cracker. I had an egg rolled up in a tortilla and some coffee for breakfast and now I am feeling really bloated and icky. I think I will go for a walk. See you later!

    Our prayers are with you and your family Derry!