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SwimGirl 07-20-2005 01:47 AM

Kimberley - glad to hear Howie's tests went good. Bad scale peeking, BAD!! *slap* heh. I know really skinny girls who are MORE obsessed with the scale than I am... I wonder if it ever goes away?

So the doctor felt the need to call here at 9:45 with test results.. Josh's liver enzymes are HIGHER now. We are going into the doctors tomorrow morning EARLY, I figure we'll either sleep REALLY good or really bad. I will be tested tomorrow as well, they suspect it's either mono or Hepititis A (or maybe even that toxic hepititis). Hep A means someone didn't wash their hands and prepared food.. ick, if thats it i'm never eating out again! I better sleep.. I'm alive.. gotta remind myself that.. nite gals!


Gardenwife 07-20-2005 01:51 AM

Sleep well, and take good care. We'll be there with you guys in spirit!

jillybean720 07-20-2005 06:49 AM

Aimee--here's hoping for mono! I know it sucks, but it's also not as serious as hepatitis! I remember when my sister had mono--she like locked herself in her room for a week and then just came out feeling better one day :p They say rest is the best medicine, that being tired is what makes your body more susceptible (sp?) to mono. I really do hope it turns out to be nothing too serious (and nothing too gross, like unwashed restaurant kitchen hands!).

Kimberley--glad to hear Howie's MRI went well. Did you guys get the results right then or do you have to wait a few days?

I know I will obsess over food and the scale for forever. I think after a while, though, my clothes fitting tighter will be the better indicator than the number on the scale. Guess I won't know till I get to my goal, which I am SO determined to do!

A typical day on my diet: today my 4 meals are fish, chicken, scrambled eggs, and egg salad. Now, rarely are there 2 egg meals in one day (this is the first time that has happened), and there's usually a meal that includes fruit. They also say you can have veggies with the meals (like with the fish or chicken), so I put salsa and spinach in my eggs for breakfast this morning. Yesterday, my meal plan was: banana shake (banana, milk, vanilla, and optional peanut butter), chicken, ham and pineapple, and fish. When you make your plan, you pick the foods you prefer out of groupings of 3 (for example, it will make you pick your favorite out of chicken, fish, or ham). Whatever foods you don't pick won't be on the list. That's why my menus never include tuna, cottage cheese, or mixed veggies (which are foods I have seen on the list, but are never on my menus). Of course, it also says to make sure you drink at least 10 servings of water a day and try to go for 2 30-minute walks each day. Now, the second week I did it, I only lost 2.5 pounds, but I cheated and had cake on like 3 or 4 of those days (darn office parties!). Also, you stay on the diet for 11 days, then take 3 days off. It says eat whatever you want, but I still plug my foods into fitday on those days to keep myself sane and make sure I don't go too crazy. The menu gets somewhat monotonous sometimes (I have ham and pineapple almost every day--good thing I love ham!), but there are ways to mix it up, like I do veggie fajitas with lettuce wraps on my fruit/veggie day (oh yeah, there is one day in each 11-day cycle where you eat 3 meals: one of only fruits and 2 of only veggies), I eat different kinds of fruits for my "mixed fruit" meals, and I use different kinds of seasoning/sauces for my chicken (it allows bbq sauce on your chicken, so I just try to stick to sauces that have about the same or fewer calories than bbq). If you want to give the diet a try, don't pay the $27--I'm sure we can find a way for me to get you a menu through my membership ;) I would say you could make your own menu of just mostly protein with some fruits and veggies, but I like to use the generated menus because there are days when you can have pasta with your chicken and days where you can have a burger or hotdog or sandwich, and I know if I mad emy own menus, I would have those things every day :p

Well, that's certainly enough babbling for now! Guess I should go do some work, even though it is my brithday :D My gift to myself--I don't have to work job #2 tonight, so I get to stay at the gym as long as I want, then go home and take a nap :dizzy: Have a great day, ladies!!

SwimGirl 07-20-2005 12:09 PM

Happy birthday Jill!! Working on your birthday? You ARE hardcore! I prefer to have the day off, the week off... perhaps the MONTH off.. I'm addicted to birthdays, hope yours is GREAT!! :)

I am off to the doctors (and I slept in until 9am!), bbl!


Gardenwife 07-20-2005 11:41 PM

How'd it go at the doctor's, Aimee?

Jill, what diet plan is that? It sounds interesting. Howie and I are happy with what we're doing, but my mother-in-law's still struggling. I'd like to learn more about what you're doing so I can see if Nancy would be interested.

I've been photographing and measuring oodles of our "fat clothes" for a big old series of eBay listings. I worked on them for about four hours and only have 48 pieces of clothing photographed and measured! I've learned that clothes for better prices when I include measurements and good photos, so it's worth the time. But, OH, the time....And I got a sore back from standing in one place so much. Don't even ask about the wrist. LOL But it'll be worth it when we can buy some new duds with the proceeds, right?

Still have all the jeans to catalog. Bleah. Tomorrow.

SwimGirl 07-21-2005 12:58 AM

Kimberley - I need to sell clothes on Ebay, you should teach me... I have enough clothes to clothe a family! I gave away a 250 dollar down jacket because it was too big.. I also have another down jacket with a huge hood with a fur trim.. cute, worth money.. also too big. The doctor went alright, there was a wait to see the doctor, so we went back at 11:30am, and he talked to us about the symptoms, what tests he was ordering, talked about the type of diet Josh should be following (bland foods mainly), and how Josh shouldn't be working. I was able to ask the doctor a TON of questions (I love it!), so it was very good I went along. The doctor also said I don't need to worry about getting tested until they discover whats really going on in Josh's body. I'm relieved for myself... I feel bad for feeling that. But I love Josh, and take good care of him, and he takes good care of me..

Jill - your diet does sound interesting.. I'm going to try this other one.. I'll see if I can find the web site.. but my mom had a photocopy from some magazine. Basically it talks about your liver, and xenoestrogens, which comes from the pesticides on our food, preservatives, processed foods, all of that stuff. The idea is that those almost clog up your liver and it's unable to process things properly which causes it to turn more food into fat. There is 3 steps, the first one is where you eat certain foods (it lists groups of foods), and to take a 20 minute sweat producing walk everyday. The second step is to follow a 24 hour cleanse of a certain drink, and the third step includes more foods along with that first group. It's very interesting, and the logic really makes sense.. I've always liked the idea of cleaning your liver (I take ibuprofen every TOM and know I need to clean up my act), so I'm thinking I'll give 'er a go. I need to do some more grocery shopping before I get on it. I'll keep you guys updated on that, and how it works. And Kimberley, you should suggest it to your MIL, it might help.. you never know!

So I had a big shopping day today, my old neighbour took me to the mall, and we wandered around.. hit up some of those side walk sales going on. I got a really cute t-shirt from Old NAvy, it says "bahama mama", very cute.. trust me! And it was only 7.99 WITH tax!

Kimberley - http://www.spafreshmag.com/fresh_ide...?id=50_0_4_0_C
Thats the website.. read it!

Alrighty, I am off to drink some tea! Have a great night!


Gardenwife 07-21-2005 01:26 AM

Glad you didn't have to undergo tests just yet. Still keeping everything crossable crossed for Josh (even my eyes!).

I love Old Navy's commercials, and have checked out their website. They have some really cute clothes! I will have to check out their store in Columbus and see what trouble I can get into. ;)

SwimGirl 07-21-2005 01:42 AM

Kimberley - I'm picturing you with your eyes crossed, makes me giggle! heh. Old Navy is good for certain things, their clothes are the best quality, but thats alright for cheap seasonal clothes. Did you read that site?


jillybean720 07-21-2005 06:33 AM

My diet is called the Idiot Proof Diet (it's available online--if you search for it, you'll mostly just come up with advertisements for it and the $27 fee for their website). Like I said when I started it, I just got suckered into the gimmick (all of their ads say lose 9 pounds every 11 days!--I figured it was some kind of pill or drink or something, but it turns out its this actual FOOD diet :dizzy: ). I paid for it more out of curiosity than anything else.

When I tried to talk about it here on 3FC in the Support forum (I put it there cuz I was wondering if anyone else had tried it or anything), it got moved to the Buyer Beware forum (which has recently been changed to "Does it Work?") and the thread got locked because 3FC does not support it or endorse it, and I guess the Idiot Proof Diet website has an affiliate program, so they have had trouble with people trying to recruit on these boards and trying to use the 3FC name in their advertising! It sucks that it got so commercially out of hand because it has really actually been working for me.

I had my 3 days off plan from Friday-Sunday (went out to eat every meal, had french fries and burgers and even shared a banana split with Jeff), and I got right back on for my next 11 days on Monday. It's easier for me to stick strictly to it during the 11 days because I know another 3-day free-for-all is coming :p After peeking at the scale this morning, it looks like I might even be able to squeak out a bit of a loss for this week at tonight's TOPS meeting, too, which would make it 3 weeks in a row of losing and 3 weeks in a row on the diet :D

I don't suggest it for everyone--like I said, it can get repetitive, and if you're not super-strict with yourself, it can be hard to stick to, since you only eat 4 times a day, your meals have to be at least 2.5 hours apart, and you have to eat what they tell you (so I sometimes end up having something like fish for a snack :dizzy: ).

My menu for today is: ham and pineapple (which I had for breakfast), fruit (I have apples, grapes, and peaches for my mid-morning snack), salad (veggies and dressing--I don't put any cheese or egg or anything like that anymore), and chicken (though I think I might cheat bigtime tonight and have my Subway sweet onion chicken teriyaki sub--bread is not allowed for me today, but I think I might splurge). I would love to eat less processed foods like Aimee is suggesting, but with my schedule, I don't always have that option (turkey burgers at Ruby's, fruits and veggies from the work cafeteria that probably have pesticides, etc.).

Some people have said it's just calorie cycling (which is varying your calories from day to day and just having a normal average number of calories at the end of the week or 11 days or whatever time period). However, I have been logging my food into fitday every day, both on and off the diet, and my calories are pretty consistent (usually between 1750-2050, and a 300-calorie range isn't drastic enough for calorie cycling according to what I have read on the subject), so that's not it. I think it's just the elimination of bad carbs for 11 out of every 14 days, the increase in protein, and the increase in veggies (for me, since I hardly ate any before). The 3 off-plan days are supposed to sort of trick your body so your metabolism doesn't get used to being on the diet all the time and keeps it in high gear. The website has an online book, too, but it's not very helpful, IMO. Plus, there are grammatical mistakes and such, which always makes me think it's not a very high-quality site. I just use the menu generator so I get new menus for each 11-day cycle.

See now, that's what ya'll get for askin' me questions--a novel!! :p

So, I resisted the birthday cake yesterday in the office. They even got angelfood cake and fruit instead of regular frosted cake because they knew I was dieting, but I didn't eat any. It was actually easier to resist than a regular cake would have been (I LOVE frosting, but I get to eat fruit all the time ;) ). I suppose it was worth it since I was a pound lower this morning than I was yesterday morning (normal fluctuations, I know, but I have my weigh-in tonight, so I'm happy to be down). I didn't do anything last night to celebrate--I'm too far for Jeff to come visit during the week, and I don't really have many other friends around here. So, I went to the gym (about 22 minutes on the elliptical and then 2 sets of 10 reps on 3 different upper body machines). Then I watched some Judge Judy and Gilmore Girls, then fell asleep in the living room till about 9, then got up and moved to my bed and slept like a baby all night :^: I will celebrate with Jeff this weekend--can't wait to see what he got me!!

SwimGirl 07-21-2005 02:56 PM

Jill - sounds like a relaxing birthday, its hard to have those bdays in the middle of the week. I'm sure you'll have a great celebration this weekend :)

I did it, got on my scale for that pesky weekly weigh in! The first one after my vacation, I am up! The day I left I was 257, and was already up 3 pounds, and so I added 3 more pounds to that. It's amazing how fast those pounds add up when you are on vacation! I'll weigh in again on Monday, but ONLY because then TOM will be gone, and I'll have a real idea of how much I gained. shh I know.. I know.. but I've got an addiction!

I am off to find something for lunch, I'm STARVING!


Gardenwife 07-21-2005 02:58 PM

Thanks for explaining that. Does it have much room for grains at all? Man, the dieting world is so hard to navigate. You've got people saying carbs are the antichrist, others touting supplements, us going by the AHA...All of them give compelling evidence as to why their system works well. But then there's just as many naysayers for every method. It's craziness! :dizzy:

jillybean720 07-21-2005 04:43 PM

In this 11-day cycle, I get to have a hamburger on 2 days and pasta on one (tomorrow!), but that's it for grains. Like I said, it's basically high-protein with lots of fruits and veggies. Also, there's not much dairy at all (an occasional banana shake or oatmeal made with milk is about it--oh and cheese allowed with scrambled eggs). Since I know I'm missing out on some stuff, I started taking a multivitamin plus a calcium supplement (though according to fitday, I'm still very low on folates and Vitamin K--hope those deficiencies won't kill me!).On a different note, I just got home from the mall, where I went right after the gym (just so you know I didn't sacrifice my workout ;) ). While at the mall, I went and got my hair cut!!! This is a HUGE deal for me, since it was almost down to my waist, and I have had long hair pretty much my whole life. Now it is just above my shoulders--I feel so nekkid :p But I think I like it :)

Gardenwife 07-21-2005 06:32 PM

I want to see pictures! Let's see this new 'do!

The doctor's office called with the results of his Tuesday MRI, and it's not good news. There are some vertebrae with nothing between them, a herniated disk, arthritis, and his curve is bad. It was just the nurse we spoke to, so we won't know more until he can see the doctor. He was so afraid it would be something requiring surgery, and this looks like it is. He's said he's not having surgery again, but where will all this lead if he doesn't?

It's so ironic that he could lose 140 pounds and be hit with this now. Doggone it. Where DID I put that darned magic wand of mine? :?: He's my heart, and I can't stand that he's going through this.

SwimGirl 07-21-2005 07:03 PM

Oh my goodness Kimberley, I am so sorry to hear whats happening. Has he had surgery before? Sounds as though he might have had a bad experience, I hope you can convince him to do it if he REALLY needs it. I can definitely feel where you are coming from, and hope everything turns out in the end. Cuddle lots!

Jill - I want to see pictures as well!

I'm dying over here, Josh hasn't been able to eat and now is only able to eat certain foods.. so he's just happy to EAT. Meanwhile I'm trying to support him with what he's allowed to eat, so we only have certain fruits and veggies in the house.. I'm STARVING! I've had a smoothie for breakfast with 2 pieces of toast, carrot and celery sticks with dip for a snack. And I had 10 almonds.. lordy lordy lordy, I just want some pizza! lol..



Gardenwife 07-21-2005 07:35 PM

Yes, his back's seen a lot of trauma. He fell out of a lumber loft at work in 1994 and broke his back (L3-L4) and eight ribs. He went through physical therapy and was able to return to work in 1995. But, while helping with a load of shingles that fall, he reinjured the area, herniated a disk. He had fusion surgery in 1996, where they took bone from his hip and laminated around the two vertebrae, fusing them together.

I want pizza, too.

No! No! NO!

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