3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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PamPSM644 06-21-2005 12:56 PM

Hi there everyone. Remember me? It's been ages I know. So much is going on. My life is going though some major changes. I stated dieting last Aug. I could barly walk, almost house bound. I was 49 but looked 59. I weighed almost 300lbs and my heath was awful. Now, 80lbs and look drasticaly differant so everyone says and I think so to. I'm even taking it a step further. I haven't worked for over twenty years but resently signed up to Voccational Rehab in my state for job training for eventually going back to work. I'm terrified and excited all at the same time. Lots of the credit goes to this web site. It helped me get started and keep me on track . Now, at 50 yrs of age, I'm starting a brand new life and the world is full of possibilities. Thank you one and all.
Ellen, lost your email address. WAAAAA!

FrouFrou 06-21-2005 03:56 PM

Back again ladies...got toooo hot outside and I am almost out of stain. V is getting another can tonight.

Ellen~again, (((((HUGS))))) to you all. It is a horrible thing to go through and my heart goes out to you all. You come back when you feel up to it, just remember we are here for you. :grouphug:

Anita~hope that didn't come out the wrong way. :foot: I do see and understand about the accounts. When V and I first married we had separate accounts till about 3 years ago. As hard as it was I finally just took the plunge and merged to the same account. I wish you much success in your weight loss and I do think that was a sweet thing of your hubby to offer.

Pam~they say that when a person loses a lot of weight it changes them and I definitely could see that happening. How can it not? I am so very happy for you!! I can tell from your post you are very happy & excited! Best wishes to you in/on your new journey!

Well, gotta go and look up a few things while I have some computer time. Hadn't been on the computer since Saturday morning till I checked in this morning-had some catching up to do with my e-mails. Whatever did we do before e-mail and the internet? :p

Have a good one ladies :wave:

Neets 06-21-2005 04:34 PM


oh no hun!!!! there was no offence taken whatsoever. most think outr financial arrangements are a little weird considering we have been together for 16 1/2 years (married for almost 4) lots of people ask why we don't just pool all our moneh\y. i do all the banking anyway, so there really is no point.



Jane 06-21-2005 09:03 PM

Good evening ladies,

Anita - Neal and I have 3 accounts - his, mine, and ours. That way we don't have to worry about forgetting to tell each other about checks written. Whatever works for a couple, just do it, lol.

Cristi - noticed your ticker is back and going downward almost to Onederland!! YAY for you!!

Pam - well of course I remember you, hon! And I know what you mean about being 50 and feeling brand new, lol. I love the new me, even if I am still too fat, lol.

Ellen - (((HUGS))) to you, your son and his girlfriend. You're all in my prayers.

Well, ladies, I've got a NSV to report. Today I took Makenzie to the Dairy Queen to celebrate her pooping in the potty. I planned ahead for the points of a DQ sandwich, which is 4.5. Makenzie wanted the small Oreo blizzard, and only ate maybe 1/4 of it, and said she was full. As much as I love DQ ice cream blizzards, I threw it in the trash w/o so much as a taste.

Maintenance is as hard as losing, but it's doable! If you want to do it, you'll find a way, and if you don't, you'll find an excuse. I read that on one of the other mods signature, and thought, How true!!

I recieved a PM supporting the idea of changing the name of our daily thread to Weight Loss and Chit Chat... sounds good to me! It's important that we remember why we signed on with 3FCs in the first place, right ladies?

Hope you're having a great day - talk to you tomorrow!

tlprocks 06-21-2005 10:01 PM

Hello ladies...

Was another gorgeous day here.... spent a lot of it in the pool. I figure i am getting a lot more excercise in there anyway! I even bought a bikini.. I figure in the pool at home noone will see anyway lol. I finally figured out how to make a photo album.. so here it is http://photos.yahoo.com/terrileeplante that should take you there. I even put a pic of the car there.. i will be adding more.. i was just testing it for now..

WEll.. i am not getting anywhere with the weightloss.. I have come to a dead-end. I am tired all the time and cant seem to get the energy to get out and moving.. I am trying to at least eat well.. but it seems that everyone is always shoveling food at me and i am too weak to say no... WAH wah.. i know.. but i am just really discouraged today and i had an episode with a family member this week-end calling me fat and i just feel horrible. I cried all night saturday night and all day sunday.. it was horrible.. i have never heard someone be so mean! Ok well i am not going into it anymore because i dont want to be crying all night again. I am off to have a nice bath.. TTFN.. xxoo thanx for listening.

Mom2Gaby 06-21-2005 10:24 PM

Welcome back Pam! It was nice to read your post. It brought back memories of when I lost weight and how excited I was.....and scared of a new life ahead.

Who would have thought?? lol Bring me the Ding Dongs!! I am joking *sigh* being overweight was miserable. I agree with Jane maintaining is just as hard.

I weighed in at 153 this morning and I am starting to think my body likes being 150/155. Goodness knows I have been stuck there for awhile. lol

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Jhanai :woo: :wizard: :balloons: :gift:

Staining sounds like fun Cristi. I wish I could do that. I wish I had a yard. I have a sunflower that I need to replant. It is Gaby's that her babysitter had the kids do, so cute. Gaby points to it and says "mine" and says that it makes her happy. lol.
She went to the museum this morning and they have a Foto booth , so we did that. Got some cute pictures.

I better go. Nothing new here. I envy you all that have such normal lives......lol

da fat n da furious 06-21-2005 10:30 PM

Woweee we go from cold rain to heat! Again thank goodness I have the excuse of staying off my foot and vegging on the couch.

Jane,,,YAY for MaKenzie for her potty pooping... and for Grandma not eating the left overs...your a stronger woman then me...I would of gobbled it all up. I am at this point hoping for a hysterictomy (sp) Ive done the D&C and the abalation...next step is taking it all out.

Anita Monte and I had everything seperate for about 10 yrs and then we merged everything and its so much easier for me to do,,,I do all the banking.

Pam,,,you must feel like a totally new woman....and you are.

Well we opened a companion account for savings,,,we are going to Disneyland in August. I had been saving coins and had over a $1000. rolled...it was heavy carrying it into the bank. I put into my big canvas pink purse,,,Monte wouldn't carry it in...*sigh

Tomorrow Monte and I need to a major Costco shop...
well Im wiped out and am ready for bed...night all

Marti 06-22-2005 04:02 AM

Hello everyone!

Thank you all for the Birthday Wishes for Jhanai. I will be sure to tell her since I've already put her to bed for the night. I have her one more night and then she goes home. So nice to have the extra time w/her this summer!

Angie--I got the book in the mail today! Thank you. I will get to it as soon as I'm done w/the book I'm working on now. (who is wanting it next?) As for the rolled coins....OMGosh! How many could that have been being $1000 worth? I don't blame Monte for not wanting to carry it...especially in the pink purse! :D

Susan--How is everything going? I'm glad to hear that you got the order against that man. Must be a huge weight off your shoulders.

Terri--Adorable kids you have! And very nice car! I know all about your feeling of weightloss....I'm feeling the same. I haven't weighed myself in months it seems and I'm not ready to! Might be an embarrassment if I do! :o But I have been thinking of things that need to be done. Going to work on it hard.

Jane--What a wonderful NSV!! So proud of you. I can imagine that maintenance being difficult. Now to get to where I want to be so I can maintain. I don't necessarily feel like I look overweight, more like my body is becoming jello and it's in dire need of some toning.

Anita--I hope the diet program you go on works well for you. Keep us posted on how you're doing. I think it will help motivate me and maybe some others to see your success as you go. I love to hear the good news of weightloss from others. So inspiring.

Cristi--Your home is going to be absolutely gorgeous when your all finished. I love the looks of stain instead of paint for some things around the house. Just gives it a whole different look.

Ellen--Sending more hugs your way! (((((HUGS))))))

Ok...here is my plan. I've been talking to James about smoking. I'm VERY tired of being tired and having absolutely no energy. My schedule may have some to do w/that, but I know smoking is a HUGE thing. I also want to work out more. And smoking and getting in shape don't necessarily mix. So I'm going to attempt to work on not smoking. I don't want to say I'm for sure doing it...then turn around and cave in. I would look like some kind of A$$ if I did. But I do promise myself to try harder this time.

Also, been trying out some new yoga moves w/James supervision (he used to do them all the time) and boy let me tell you how much I feel when I do these moves. If I just got on the gazelle...did 20min. on that, did some yoga and ate better...I think I would be able to see a diffence in my muscle tone. I hate how gravity is taking over. All going south on me. :dizzy:

I have been cutting my portions and drinking more water. It seems to be doing ok for me. But I'm truly feeling the ick in me and want to make some changes. I said at the begining of this year that this was the year to reach my goal...well darn it...it's already 6mos. in and I haven't accomplished much. Still have 6mos to go......I'm determine to make a dent somewhere in my weight or measurements.

Well, I've rambling on long enough.

must get to bed and snuggle w/my husband!!!

Hugs to all!

Katiecat 06-22-2005 10:45 AM

Good mornin', ladies...

Ellen, very sorry to hear about the baby (((hugs))) You know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Susan -- glad you filed your restraining order. Mike does not sound like he is stable or safe at all. How does this affect the visitation order? Does the restraining order cover both you and Gaby?

Anita, that diet program sounds really tough, but if it's worked for you in the past, and you have a positive attitude about it, then go for it! I know myself well enough that I wouldn't do well on that kind of program because the stricter I try to be, the more likely I am to just fall off the wagon totally. Ah, I rebel against all authority -- even myself! :lol: WW has done it for me in the past, and has the freedom I need, but I just can't seem to get motivated this time. **sigh**

Angie, loved the pics -- and it really was a cute pic of you, everyone here likes it, you know! :D I had a hysterectomy about 6-7 years ago. I wasn't having TOM that lasted as long as yours, but about 10 days a month, and had to stay home with my feet up because I would go thru heavy duty pads, I was having to take Darvocet for the pain, etc. My ovaries were in good shape, so the doc was able to save those, and I don't have to take hormones. Surgery is certainly no fun, I'm a big chicken when it comes to hospitals, but I feel so much better now, and I got my life back.

Jane, yay for your NSV! That's a big downfall for moms/grandmas, the temptation to finish off other's goodies, and not to let things go to waste. Often at restaurants I used to eat too much because the darn servings were too big and "I paid for it, I'm not going to waste it!" So now, I will often ask for a take home box right away to put half of my meal in to save for lunch the next day. I've been meaning to ask you...did you struggle with any plateaus when you lost your weight? That was my biggest problem when I've done WW before -- I've lost a significant amount of weight on WW three times, but each time the same thing happened -- I hit a plateau, it lasted like a month, I got discouraged and quit going, thinking, "I can do this by myself", and then gradually gained it all back.

Cristi, glad you like your new haircut. :) I keep thinking about cutting mine but it's such a security blanket...

Marti, Happy Belated Birthday to Jhanai! :hb: :gift: :woo: There is a Build a Bear place in Downtown Disney (the shopping center right next to Disneyland) and I almost went there on our last trip. What kind of bear did she end up with? Yoga is a great exercise, toning and makes you flexible -- and helps mellow you out, too! And I will send good vibes for you on the smoking thing :goodvibes My husband quit a few years ago, and it was so hard, but I am so proud of him. And so happy, because I'd sure like to keep him around for a while, you know?

Pam, how exciting -- good for you! Did you use a particular program, or what was most helpful for you? Keep us posted on the job training thing...what are you working toward?

Terri, thanks for sharing your pics...your kids are adorable :) I'm right there with ya on the weightloss thing. Depressed, tired, feeling too worn out and stressed from work to want to exercise, eating junk from the vending machine when I feel stressed...it's a really bad cycle, and I need to get out of it. I fortunately haven't been gaining, but I sure haven't been losing either. I'm just...stuck, it seems. The only time I feel energy is when I'm on vacation. When we went to Disneyland last time, we walked 11-15 miles A DAY -- yeah, that was extreme and my feet hurt, but I felt great and was ready to get up and do it again the very next day.

Ah, it's that time...off to the saltmines.

Hello :wave: to anyone I missed...


Jane 06-22-2005 02:00 PM

Hi ladies,

Terri - I haven't checked out your pictures yet, but I will. So sorry about your insensitive family member. Takes all kinds, doesn't it? When people "shovel" food at you, just push it right back and say, No thank you!!

Susan - at your height, 150-155 would be a good weight, wouldn't it? Maybe your body knows best! I love sunflowers, too. We have lots of them around here, and now when I see them, I'll think of our little Gabster.

Angie - oic about the hysterecomy. Do you think your ovaries are good enough to keep? Like Katy said, you could do w/o harmones if you keep them. Although lots of women w/o ovaries don't take harmones anyway. YAY for Disneyland!! When should I have my bags packed to join you? I've got a quarter jar that I can bring, lol.

Marti - just keep telling yourself "I'm not a smoker". And eat lots of fruit to help with the nicotine withdrawal. The first 3 days are the worst. If you can get past that, you should do ok. Yep, the year is half over! Time flies, right?

Katy - I was lucky that I never hit a plateau while losing. Keep in mind, though, that I never actually reached my goal. Had I gotten smaller, my body may have rebelled. But I truly stayed POP the whole time, and I think that was a huge factor. Probably the biggest reason for not stalling. Speaking of restaurants, I adopted the attitude that it would be more wasteful for me to eat the extra food or to bring it home as a temptation, so I would take the lid off of the salt shaker and douse the extra portion with salt. Then it was no longer an issue, lol.

So glad everyone is talking about health issues and losing weight again! Keeps our reason for coming here in the first place in focus, right?

Well, Katie and her best friend are going to Chicago to a Redwalls concert Friday. They've dubbed this event "Katie and Kayla's Excellent Adventure" lol. I have to say I'm a little worried, since they both are fairly unsophisticated country girls, but have put my faith in God to get them there and back home safely. I would have loved to have done something like that when I was 18.

I've got a sinus headache that is driving me crazy, so I best get. Have a good one, ladies!

FrouFrou 06-22-2005 03:47 PM

Good afternoon ladies~

Jane~I think the Weight Loss & Chit Chat thread name/idea is a great one! I for one haven't forgotten why I first joined this site and actually missed that we hardly talk about weight loss here-may be just what I need to get going. My ticker has been up there for a while, and stuck at that weight also! I lose just a little bit and then get stuck for what seems like the longest time and that's when I usually get frustrated and quit. Well, I have to say I haven't actually ever quit entirely, just kind of put it on the back burner. :bravo: on the NSV!!

Terri~hmmmm, I saw pictures of your adorable babies, your cute little kitties, and your pretty car but...where was Terri? LOL Thanks for sharing the pics-they really are nice. I am sorry to hear about the family member making you feel bad, (((((HUGS))))). Know exactly how you feel about the weight, I am feeling the same. I get stuck and get so frustrated.

Susan~Gaby is such a sweetheart...now when I see sunflowers I will not only think of you, but you and Gaby. I too love sunflowers. Have a few in my kitchen still but not as many as before and my plates have sunflowers on them. Would like to get some new ones though. I do enjoy staining and can't believe that I did the majority of the fence! DS helped on the outside.

Marti~I too like the look of stain-shows the grain of the wood which looks nice.

Angie~jeez louise! $1000 in coins?! And you carried them into the bank?!!! I think it would have literally pulled my arms off! Isn't it amazing though how it adds up? I need to rob my piggy bank and get that stuff to the bank. I have a big fat pink piggy bank full of silver coins and then a big jar of pennies and I don't feel like counting them. Luckily the bank will do that for me. I know you guys are going to have a FUN time at Disneyland!

Katiecat~know what ya mean about your hair being a security blanket. Last year I had a hard time cutting my hair. It was passed my shoulders and I kept going back and forth on whether to do it or not. Of course I did it and then regretted doing it! Still regret doing it. But it did nothing for my face. I always look better with some layers around the face so took the plunge and did it last week after having it straight for who knows how long. It does feel better too.

Hi to everyone else. :wave:

Well, did the wally world thing this morning. Couldn't get up and going for some reason. To top it off, woke up with a headache that just won't seem to go away. Anyway, love when the store is quiet and not a lot of people/kids running around. There was a woman in there getting a couple of things with about 10 kids-yikes! But it surprised me that she had them in a line and they stayed there. When she walked away they were still in line following her. Don't see that often, the kids listening or that many kids. Also, had to take a couple of things back to Penneys. This time I decided to try the things on so I wouldn't have to take anything else back. Now I am trying to get caught up on my laundry and must do my toenails. I have been putting off polishing them and I really don't like wearing thongs/sandals without pretty polished toenails. :D Didn't get any staining done today. Decided to take a break because I had other things to do and it is a HOT one today! Supposed to get up to 97 and believe me I think it was near that this morning when I went to Wal-Mart. Guess I best get going. Need to go check on a couple of things before getting off the 'puter.

Take care ladies and have a wonderful day!

Marti 06-22-2005 06:06 PM

Hello ladies!!

Katie--So glad to hear from you! Jhanai ended up getting a dog. A pug type dog. She had me say "I love you" for the personal message instead of getting an already made sound. As for yoga...I think it can really help me get back into shape. I love pilates too, so I want to incorporate that in to my weekly exercise too. I want to be able to be more flexible and limber, I think it will make me feel younger! :D

Jane--I'm going to do my darndest to get over the bad habit. I may get a real good start this weekend. I WILL be smoke free by the end of the year!! James' says that they can no longer smoke on the UP yards by the end of this month...that will help us both. (boy.....I hope I have the willpower!)

Cristi--That's what I like about stain. Seeing all the grains of the wood! I would like to stain my front porch. Someday maybe. I need to paint my toenails too! I think the same thing about summer and flipflops (Jhanai would kill me if I call them thongs! :lol: )and having pretty toenails to look at!

Today has been a great day for eating wise. Been really careful w/the portion sizes. And I've been drinking tons more water. I haven't been exercising yet, but Jhanai & I have been running around and plan on going back to town here as soon as I'm done.

later on tonight I will get on my gazelle!

Ok ladies...I will check in later on tonight.

Until then!

Mom2Gaby 06-22-2005 11:36 PM

Ang- I can understand a penny jar but curious where you had all these pennies?? lol

I need to go get Gaby. I dropped her off last night with the girls. I MISS her!!

I was up early today. I had a coffee and bagel w/ cream cheese for breakfast and another bagel w/ ham for lunch , a bag of popcorn for dinner w/ a Sprite.

Pretty good , huh?? lol

I don't think I drank any wadder.......what do you think Ma Jane?

Lawyer visit went ok. If I squint my eyes while looking at him I can almost see myself dating him. NOT........

Though he has a cute kitty and I think a Chow doggie, very cute.

Restraining order had to get transfered down there to that county so the judge could modify the visitation. Something like that.......so confusing.

The clerk said the restraining order doesn't stop visitation but my lawyer says it does. I am going with my lawyer on this on.

better get!!

da fat n da furious 06-23-2005 12:33 AM

Good evening ladies,

Susan, I hope the lawyer is right...fingers crossed.

Cristi, now that my hair is past my shoulders and I can do the updoes,,,I had one hot day and was thinking of getting it cut...lol I just need it thinned out,,,if I let it dry naturally i have a fro...
Up here in Canada we have loonies and toonies,,,$1.-$2. coins
I watched suppernanny tonight,,,I wish she had been around when Brandon was small...gawd that kid put my through the hoops. Still does

Im hoping I walk 10-11 miles while on holidays! I went and did the Costco thing and felt like my foot was on fire,,,it hurt. Its late and I want to take the cast off and soak my foot in cool water.

My left ovary has a small cyst on it,,,that irrates my regularly. Right ovary is good.
And boy do I know the feeling about using maxis...used them with supers.

Anita, as everyone said,,,whatever works for you,,,run with it!

well off to bed I go,,,night all

Marti 06-23-2005 12:48 AM

Good Evening ladies--

Did a lot of moving around today.....should really get on that gazelle, but I'm going to save it for my morning exercises. (TERRIBLE aren't I???? :dizzy: )

Susan--I would go w/what the cute lawyers says too! :D What does a clerk know anyway?? I mean "COME ON PEOPLE!! TWO...not just one...but TWO restraining orders! That's got to be a huge RED flag!!" Or are they just blind? Always thinking of you and Gaby!

Angie--I hope you've got your foot in some water at this moment giving it a soak! Sounds painful!! There is this girl at work who just had surgery on her arm....carpel tunnel surgery. Now, she is so trying to get attention from it! It's funny to watch. She walks around w/this look on her face and her arm held up high.....to remind people she had surgery. And she loves to talk about it. Some people are just funny like that.

Hello to the rest of the girls.

Jhanai went home tonight. I called her up when I got back home and told her the house is sad and lonely w/out her. She told me she was sorry and that whenever we get a chance to go back up to Portland to the "Make A Bear" she'll make one for me for when she's gone! I just love that girl!!

Well....going to browse a little bit and then clean up my house. Been needing to sweep up the floors. Don't want to spend too much time cleaning while Jhanai's over.

Talk to you gals tomorrow.

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