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Vicki in Okinawa 06-28-2005 01:32 AM

Hey all and welcome Candy ;)
Sounds like everyone is doing great. Candy we are stationed at Kadena. I live in Terrace heights. My husband is Navy at CfAO. We love it here. Have any advice on things to do here or places to eat healthy. I have been going to risner gym 6 nights a week. I love this gym. I am sorry you are not wanting to go to Germany. My two bestfrinds were stationed there and loved it. One of them is in Italy now and hates it. Hey if you ever get a chance to be stationed at Moody AF base in Valdosta Ga, that is where we are from and it is the best. The people are so nice and it has grown but you still have the small town effect.Like StacyLeigh said give us the details so we can support you. :cb:
I am trying to set a birthday goal for Oct. 25. What do ya'll think would be not to easy but not to hard?

Candy76 06-28-2005 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Vicki in Okinawa
I am sorry you are not wanting to go to Germany.

What are you talkin' about girl? I am thrilled to be moving to Germany! lol... I love living overseas! The best years of our lives were in Okinawa!

Okay... Here is what I am doing. I am not following a specific plan. I have spent so many years trying different "diets" and "ways of life" to lose weight, but they have always failed... or I have always failed them. My husband was once a personal trainer and is now an avid health and nutrition nut, so I am just going to start eating the way he eats and exercising the way he does:

I have cut out virtually ALL sugar... I have cut out starchy carbs and bad fats, meaning I eat carbs only from veggies and whole grains and fats only from olive oil and things like avacado. I am aiming for a daily ratio of 30% fat, 30% protein, and 40% carbs... approx. 1400-1600 calories a day.

I am strength training with Kettlebells (Russian weight training system that my husband has been doing for years... he is acting as my personal trainer) and I am doing that 3x per week.
I am doing a cardio variety routine 3x a week that includes 10 minutes on the upright bike (followed by stretching), 10 minutes on the elliptical (this is the one I am trying to increase each visit, so next week I am hoping to reach 15 minutes on this bad boy), 10 minutes of brisk treadmill walking, and then a 10 minute cool down on the sit down bike followed by stretching. I am going to start replacing one or two of these sessions each week with Spinning, aerobics, and other cardio classes just to keep things different and interesting... I need constant change to stay interested. I learned that about myself over the past few attempts at wieght loss!
I also walk a mile each night (5-7 nights a week). It would be more, but I bring my kiddos along and a mile takes us about 40 minutes!
I am also in a dance class for an hour each Saturday. We work on abs, stretching, and then ballet moves, jumps, etc.

That is about it! ;)

Vicki in Okinawa 06-28-2005 06:34 PM

Sorry about that Candy, I can't read when it's early in the morning. ;) When I saw misery ,well lets just say I read it wrong. :dizzy: I am so glad to hear that you are doing a life style change and not a diet. I am doing a life style change. I went to the doc a few weeks ago and my bloodpressure was sky high and my sugar was high and she started talking about more meds and a light bulb went off. I decided no! I am gonna take the weight off. I am going to the gym 6 days a week and I need a personal trainer but I haven't asked yet.With the plan you have ,you will be successful. :cp:

Candy76 06-28-2005 09:01 PM

That is like me Vicki. My blood pressure was 145/90!!! Plus, my cholesterol was high... and I am only 29 years old!!!! ugh.

Thanks for the support girls!

Vicki in Okinawa 06-29-2005 08:32 PM

Candy, My blood pressure was alittle higher. I have been on Maxide since my 20's. Now I am 37 and she wants to add medicines. She is giving me six weeks to get some weight off or add meds. They have side effects. I promised myself that I would get fit before I turn 40. I will be 38 in Oct, so I have two years to make this happen. Candy, In my 20's I thought I felt my weight. Little did I know that I would really start to feel it. It slows you down,my knees were hurting, i would get tired just from going to the store. For the first time in my life I started having a sugar problem. My boys are now 13 and 16 and I don't think they will marry early and I think they may not have children till they are 30. How would I get to enjoy my grandchildren?
All this meant nothing in my 20's but now it has become a health issue. Of course I want to look good too. ;)

Candy76 06-29-2005 09:19 PM

We have the same weight goal! That is groovy because we can lose it together! You are lucky though... You get to lay on the beach, go to REAL Japanese restaurants, and visit really cool castles!

I am so excited to move to Germany, but I would trade it for Okinawa in a heartbeat! I really loved it there and I have dreams about moving back and settling down there.

Vicki in Okinawa 06-30-2005 09:01 AM

Hey all,
Hey Candy :cp: I checked out your fitday, you are doing so good. I thought I would never say this but I love going to the gym. :tread: :ebike: :cb:
I am starting to think about how I am getting through this weekend. We are going to a picnic at whitebeach.
We have thought about staying here. My hubby wants to take a GS job and stay. I am so ready to stay for 5 to 10 yrs.
How tall are you? I was in a 20 pants and now the 18's fall off and 16's are alittle snug. I bought a TH 14 pair of jean shorts and I got them up but not buttoned. First goal!! maybe a month or two till they will fit. I think I am gonna set a goal for The middle of Oct because we have the navy ball to go to. I love your goal because it is so hard to travel when I am heavy.
Stay strong this weekend and I will be here if you need me. :wave:

Candy76 06-30-2005 10:58 AM

I am 5'5"... I wear a size 18-20 right now, but most of my 18's are too tight. I carry ALL of my weight around my middle and upper body. My legs are not as big as they should be, but my belly... oooohhh, my belly! It is just icky! My belly probably will not be flat until I reach my end goal of 135... even then, I may need a tummy tuck because I have stretch marks from top to bottom!

If you need ideas for meals on the go, you might want to try the Ready-to-Drink Myoplex Light's by EAS. That is what I use... only 1 gram of sugar and just the right amounts of carbs and protein. Just keep them in the refrigerator until you are ready to use them. If you know you will be using one, put it in the freezer a couple hours ahead of time and it will stay cold longer. In Okinawa, I think you can find them at the Foster GNC store or even the BX/PX on Kadena or Foster. You also might be able to order them online and have them shipped.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Vicki in Okinawa 07-01-2005 09:04 AM

I am 5'4 and my weight is also up top. I have tiny legs which makes people always tell me "you are not supposed to be fat". I have started losing in my legs,butt and chest. My stomach will be the last to go. It has gone down a tiny bit. Our weight is worse than those who have weight on the bottom. Ours is hurting our heart and causing high blood pressure.
I have been hungry today. Friday is almost over for me and I am going to bed soon. We bought a large George Foreman grill today.It is to hot to grill outside.So, What are ya'll doing for the fourth? How old are your girls?

fl_mom 07-01-2005 09:40 AM

Welcome Candy!

I am Angela, 27 yo Blonde 5'4, wanna date?? Ok j/k, I carry all my weight in my middle and upper legs, It is caused by the pcos :( I am currently following the south beach diet (recommended by doc) and taking Metformin to help with my insulin resistance. So far in the past 2 mths I have lost 22lbs and after I get to my goal, I may try for more.

My dh is Navy, we are stationed in Florida and have never been and will never go overseas. We have 2 boys, see pics in sig, they are 5 and 1.5yo. We are trying for #3 (think pink!) and also looking to adopt another boy 0-5yo.

Candy76 07-01-2005 11:01 AM

Vicki- I remember when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter, everyone told me how I was "all baby" and would be back to my normal self in no time... They were assuming that because my legs were still so small. Grrrr. It was a real shocker when I was still over 200 pounds after she was born! I was naive... I gained over 80 pounds with my 1st pregnancy, and I should have KNOWN that it was not all baby weight, lol. My oldest daughter just turned 7 in April and my youngest just turned 5 in June. They are both curly-headed blondes, one with a darker blonde and deep brown eyes (oldest) and the other with light blonde and bright blue eyes (youngest).

Hey Angela- I would love a date! haha! Or maybe just some coffee if I am ever in Florida. Florida must be nice! We tried to get stationed at Patrick AFB at one time... We ended up in Missouri! Yuck. I have to give Navy wives credit... I could never be one. My husband is gone enough as an AF firefighter... I would not even want to imagine how much he would be gone as a Navy guy! Congrats on your weight loss so far! 22 pounds is awesome!

I am so procrastinating the gym today girls... I better get going before time ticks away!

mom2nicolenmatthew 07-01-2005 11:55 PM

I am so mad
Hi everyone hope you are all losing big and staying op! My weightloss so far on day 16 is 14lbs! My Dh found out today that the requirements for a vasectomy is to be at least 25 and have 3 children agh!!!!!! Does anyone know how much outtave pocket the procedure cost I just cant believe they have those darn requirements it should be our choice either way!

Anyways I started exercising finally and I am so sore after 9 months of being so sedentary I am feeling my muscles for the first time lol My clothes are falling off of me so even if the scale isnt accurate I know im shrinking!


Vicki in Okinawa 07-02-2005 04:13 AM

Hey all,
I am about to leave for the gym. I always feel better after I go. Plus it takes up time from the night time which is when I like to eat.Tomorrow hubby has duty so I am not sure what we will do. I may go shopping at Jusco.
That is a bunch of mess, I know so many guys who had it done with only two kids. Including my hubby. My hubby wrote a letter stating that I had a bloodpressure problem and should not get pregnant again.
Talk to everyone soon.

StaceyLeigh 07-02-2005 11:16 AM

Good Morning everyone :)
Hope everyone has an awesome and SAFE 4th of July!! I have some news.. I went to my pre op appointment and everything went well. THe surgery date is for Sepetember 13th 2005. I am sooo excited.. a little bummed that it is still a good ways off, but thankful I am even getting it. I guess it is safe to say I have a huge range of emotions. I am more than ready to go for this.
My husband said to look on the bright side, at least I will be able to still do lots of fun things this summer! He is right. I think I was a bit bummed because I have already been waiting nearly two years. It will pass fast though I bet. The hustle and bustle of getting the kids ready to go back to school will soon be here.
I hope everyone is doing well. Hang tough this weekend with all the BBQ's coming. I know BBQ is my ultimate weakness. Hugs all around!!

fl_mom 07-02-2005 07:46 PM

Hey all, thought I would check in.

Nothing much going on here and we don't have plans for the weekend so maybe I will get some time to relax. Today we took the kids to play at the mall and then I cleaned while DH mowed the grass in the heat. Not fun.

Have a happy and safe 4th of July!!

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