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Mom2Gaby 03-21-2005 07:14 PM

brrrrr, it is soooooo cold in this dang office! My legs and arms are so cold. I am so uncomfortable, waaaa, waaaaa.......

I love your flapping in the breeze flowers Ellen, so cheery- made me smile , thanks.

Welcome scooby :) I am sure you will enjoy it here among us Jaded Ladies. Though I don't think any of us are jaded in the typical sense, we just like to pretend - lol.

Wow, Mindee little Brandon is growing waaaaaay to fast. I use to weigh Gaby the same way - how funny. Now she will get on the scale by herself. Gaby weighs 43 pounds - little chunk. I swear I think she can wear some siz 6's.

HUSG Pam. I am sure it hasn't been a easy time for you. VERY happy to see you pop in and say hello. You have been missed :)

Welcome again Terri. Thanks. Gaby does have an older sister that talks - lol. She will be back in April (( she went to Mexico for 2 months with her mother & 2 half brothers))- so that will either ease my doubts that she is being taken care of or make my fears become more real - lol

Gaby came home!!!! YAY.....

I went to Freddies and bought some groceries last night. I got home at 6:23 and looked out the window and saw Mike was already parking his truck down below. I ran down and grabbed & hugged her - sooooooooo thrilled to see her..........alive,.......ok , that is dramatic - lol.....anyway, I said "You are early???" He said yes he was , traffic was light.

Now my point here is this.....one time he is late and another he is early by a half hour. The court order says 15 minutes in front of and 15 minutes behind the hour. This is probably anal but if I let it go by now he will just start showing up whenever.

Do you think I should make a point of it or just let it go??? Do you think I am anal??

psssst , Ellen.......do you have anal clip art?? lol

Anywho.......grabbed little Gaby's hand and started walking away. He said " I will see you in 2 weeks ( ya, over my anal butt you will.......naw - didn't say that , though I wanted too. ))

Gaby was messy and smelly. So, I gave her a bath right off the bat. Her socks were filthy and I noticed he never changed them because the 2 other pairs were still balled up like I had sent them.

Yuck.......can you imagine the germs??? lol - I can.....sheesh....

Also, she was wearing her pants that have a red trim with a pink flower shirt. THIS sent me in a foaming at the mouth teether and I called my mother right away.......ugh - she isn't EVEN matching!!

Making fun of it now but it annoys me. I send her clean and presentable - he can send her back the same. He also has yet to open the new tooth brush I have sent both times.

Good News though Child Support will send a letter today asking DMV to suspend his drivers license because he has never responded after he failed to comply with his agreement of $50 a month.

Also, she will look into contempt of court charges being filed because he has lied about working. He stood in front of the court at our last hearing telling the judge he was going to be a landscaper.....and he shows up with mowers in his trunk...ding bat.

Thank you for the bithday card Jane :) that was sweet of ya :)

Anyway, best get busy!! Drank 60 oz's of water so far today!! YAY...

Mom2Gaby 03-21-2005 07:59 PM


you are so funny :)

I just want a round kitchen table and Mike to drop this silly court thing for my birthday. Cake, ballons,cards and a marching band would of course be acceptable!! lol.

Naw, going to be 41 on Friday,can't believe it.I am so old....lol.

k- going to put a load of laundry in and clean all those smelly clothes of HRH Gabrielle and get her ready to go to the beach for a few days with Doug and the girls.

Tea Rose 03-21-2005 08:34 PM

Hey where did my post go

Mom2Gaby 03-21-2005 09:14 PM

poof, it is gone Ellen. :mag: :mag:

It was very funny, very informative. I know......I read it .

Ellen gave us all her bank account numbers...........and said "Go spend Jaded Ladies in celebration of Susan's 41st Birthday.We will have cake,ballons and The Wiggles performing."........

hmmm, I don't know where it went Ellen :(

I had one of those weight watcher dinner, 3 points, whatever that means.

anyway, have to hurry and get the clothes in the dryer.

Neets 03-21-2005 10:34 PM

Hi Ladies

Is it Monday already? This weekend has been :crazy: for me. First off, I have been dealing with a sick baby who has done nothing but screech since Thursday afternoon. (when she was awake that is) She is teething now and naturally I thought this was this issue. By Friday she was running a slight fever, and had the poops (TMI SORRY). I try the tempra, I try the ambesol. Nothing seems to help. Being a first time mommy I am like :dunno: She won't eat. and won't even take her bottle. The only thing I could get her to drink was mostly water.

Yesterday, my mum came over and after describing Joycelyn's symptoms, thought that perhaps she also had a touch of Gastro. Anyway, poor little love had a really rought go of it. Me too, at one pount I was crying right along with her.

Saturday I had my Partylite candle party, and got $200.00 in credit (YAY for me!) AND my hubby bought me a brand new microwave. It's bigger and faster, and I love it. (Personally I think that perhaps he's trying to help me out when I go back to work, so I can cook his dinner faster LOL)

Anyway, Joycelyn seems to have turned a corner so I am able to type without a Whiny and Clingly darling angel stuck to me. Poor Love. :(

One bright spot. I got my new pedometer on Friday, and after finally figuring out how it works, started to clock my steps per day. My initial goal is 10,000 steps a day. Since I started am constantly on the go I was interested to see how many I could do without any extra walking. (Meaning the daily dog walks.) I was surprised that I only logged about 2800 steps per day.

So Today, I decided that I would make an extra effort, and...... I logged
11, 658 steps today. Or roughly the equivalent of 13 miles. I also burned 437 calories.

Ellen You didn't scare me away. Yet. :devil: LOL BTW-- I am in Southern Ontario too. Whereabouts are you located, maybe we're neighbours!

Marti I just read it was your 1st year anniversary! CONGRATS!! P.S. I would love to share some pictures of Joycelyn. In fact I have some from her Baptism 3 weeks ago. Is there anyway I can post them here?

Welcome Scooby 2

Jane Thanks for the advice the other day on the weight loss. I have read Dr. Phil's book and am trying work through the seven keys. Hence the reason for my more sensible approach to the task at hand.

Anyway, TTFN I want to catch some winks in case my darling angel needs me later tonight. I also want to try and get an early morning workout in. I know that I need to set aside this time for myself, but sometimes, I would really just set aside the time for myself with my pillow. (But that ain't workin for me so......HI HO HI HO It's off to bed I go.
Hi to everyone else.

GLYSDI (God loves you so do I)


suetalks 03-22-2005 12:06 AM

HI HO HI HO Anita...hope you got some rest. Little ones can take a toll on you when they are ill. Bless them, they don't know what to do any more than we know how to help them. My DD had ear infections and I remember rocking her while we both cried. Now she is going to be 40 this year. Egads.

Marti, I envy you the trip. I would recommend that you schedule a trip to Alcatraz next time. You often have to book these early though. They leave from Pier 39 which I love! The ferry over is neat and the tour itself is really great. (if you like that kind of thing) I plan to go into the city next time I visit my DD out there. She and I want to do an over night in SF, so let me know what hotels you like...reasonable ones...most seemed way expensive. Was there once during Chinese New year and that was an experience..parades and all.

Jane, Have fun in Chicago. Would you believe I am this close and have not gone sight seeing to "the windy city?" Have been through there going other places, but not just for fun. Looking forward to your pictures.

Cristi and Katy...Hope you both have fun filled vacations also. We want details and pictures.

Ellen, I hope your kitties recover quickly. Seems like someone has been sick at your house for a long time now. YOU all..get better now!!

Pam, So sad about your sister and you trying to clean up her possessions. I am just glad I don't have to take care of my brother's things. I am still having a hard time believing he is gone. I lost my Dad and brother within the last 8 months. It is a tough thing...Just one day at a time is all we can do.

Terri..good to have you here. You are going through what my DD is with the "ex" and the child visitation. Her son is almost 5 and a very happy boy. When he comes home from his father's he is moody and mis-behaves. Then the "ex" tells her that they have to work together on stopping his acting up. Well, okay, but he doesn't act up for her. He is very well behaved. It is so hard isn't it?

Susan, Feeling the same sympathy for you. Makes my heart hurt when I hear about Gaby having to go. I know my DGS cries sometimes and doesn't want to go with his Dad....DD is upset all the time and then she calls me and we both cry. The courts just SUCK ! I do enjoy reading about your life..and Ellen..you two crack me up. I need the humor, believe me.

Mindee, Hope your little guy starts feeling better so you can both get sleep. You need your rest. :) Good luck on keeping the weight down and being happy and healthy.

Okay...I know I am missing lots of you JL's and I am sorry. Hi and Happy Spring to you all.

Today is my DS's 25th Birthday. He is wayyyy out in CA and I miss having him here. Talked to him Fri. and today. Such a sweetie and a hard worker. Almost has 2 years of law school under his belt. woo hoo... We talked today about ways for him to expand his business while still keeping his grades up.

We just found out that we are not going to be able to build the condo as we had planned which really messes things up. Now I guess we are back to looking for a lot to build a house on. It is just very disappointing.

Visited BIL at the hospital today. He gets released Thurs. to a re-hab facility until he is strong enough to go home. Hope he can soon walk on his own.

My DGS (15) came and stayed two days with us. He is so happy to be here from CA and to have family around him again. DD in CA is missing him and planning to come here in May or June. I wish all the family could be here at one time this summer...will have to work on that.

The great news is that Mom is moving back up here from FL and will be within 10 minutes of me. I am really turning cartwheels over that one. (Yeah, like that will happen with this 56 year old fat body)

Okay, I am done flapping my jaws here. Have a good week all JL's!

Mom2Gaby 03-22-2005 12:39 AM

PLEASE HIPPY HOP :sman: :sman: :sman: :sman: (suppose to be bunnies) over to CHIT CHAT #119

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