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jbbm 07-18-2004 12:42 PM

Hello on this Sunday,

Angie I don't like to hear you being so down on yourself, you are not digusting, you are funny, kind, and cheerful and don't you forget it. You know have you thought about seeing a nutritionist or a food or regular counselor? They have helped me with tons of stuff, both of them. I had to go see a dietican during my pregnancies because I had gestational diabetes and she was really informative, maybe your doc could give you a referral? I hope I did not offend you by suggesting the two. I am just trying to think of things to help you. And I know life is so stressful, kids, bills, work, and everything else. Put yourself first honey once in awhile. You are so giving. I am thinking of you and sending you hugs and good vibes :).

Noelle brunch on the beach sounds wonderful. It makes me think back of eating brunch on the beach in Jamaica. The breeze, the smell of the ocean water, and the warm sun and of course the delish all inclusive meals! I am glad you had fun at the carnival last night. Michael sounds like a very well adjusted outgoing boy!

Hi everyone else, enjoy your sunday everyone. Julie

chikitababe 07-18-2004 01:21 PM


What island do you live on? Is the cost of living really high? How was brunch on the beach?


I agree with Julie, you are a great person, don't be so hard on yourself. I have to confess to being a chocolate addict. If I eat one piece, forget it, there's no going back!


calnative 07-18-2004 08:31 PM

Hello Everyone,
We got back home today around 1pm. Still getting things unpacked. I want to get everything done today so I can enjoy the rest of my time off. It will be nice to get up in the morning and have everything already put away.
The entire trip was wonderful. If I can figure out how to post pictures, there are several I'd like to share.
We drove to Stockton, Calif the first day. We went through Sequoia Nat'l Park. We drove to San Francisco for a day then up the coast through the Redwoods (beautiful!!!) to Oregon where we visited Oregon Caves Nat'l Monument and Crater Lake. We saw Mt. Hood near Portland, Oregon and Mt. St. Helens in Washington. We flew to Anchorage, AK from Seattle. In Alaska we rented a custom van and drove the interior (Anchorage, Denali Nat'l Park, Fairbanks, The Artic Circle, and even drove the Alaskan Highway to the Yukon in Canada. We took 6 days to get to Seattle; 7 days in Alaska; 4 days to get home. It was a great trip. I will tell you more about it after I've rested a bit.
Angie and Noelle: I did send you postcards from Alaska. I hope you get them.


melekalikimaka 07-19-2004 02:27 AM

Brunch on the Beach was really nice. It was nightmare getting parking in the immediate area though since there was the Tinman triathlon and an art festival going on at the same time. The food was great. I chose the sweet bread cinnamon french toast, it was just wonderful. Rick had a chicken and ribs plate--at 8:40 a.m. in the morning :lol:. My sister and parents each had something different ranging from fried noodles to chicken satay, to some kind of tomato and cheese fritata...it was a smorgasbord to say the least. We stopped at a shave ice stand afterward since it was really hot. Then we came home and I took a 2 hour nap. I feel pretty good right now. It's back to the old grind tomorrow.

Cal welcome back! Can't wait to see the pictures. I saw a National Geographic or Travel channel explorer program last week which featured the Alaska highway to the Yukon, such beautiful scenery, I'd love to travel that road one day. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time.

Holly, I am on O'ahu which is where Honolulu, the state capital is. I live about 20 minutes outside of town, of course, everything is about 20 minutes away from everything else :lol:, this "rock" is kinda small. I guess the cost of living is a bit higher than places on the mainland but comparable to a lot of places on the west coast (Los Angeles, San Fran, Seattle, etc). Another island I'd love to live on would be Maui. It's larger with more open spaces instead of the overcrowding of houses and traffic congestion. Housing prices are steadily rising as are prices in the rest of the nation, I guess. A 3 bedroom house would go for about $481.8K right now-- Maui is up to $500K and Kauai is about $528K...which is why I still live in my parents' house :^:. But! The weather is great year round :rolleyes:

Well, the boy is complaining of a tummy-ache right now. Gotta run. See you all tomorrow.

angieME 07-19-2004 10:51 AM

GOOD MORNING!!!! Well, I did something today that I havent done in a LONG time. :lol: I walked on my treadmill for 1/2 hour!!!!! :cheer: I have such a low self esteem that I am not ready to walk uptown all fat so I am going to try to do a little workout each morning reguardless of how I am doing dietwise. The kids are doing the elliptical right now. They have been doing alot of walking on the snowmobile trails too. Maybe I will do that the next time they go.

I went to bed last night and realized how big I am. I swear laying down the only thing I could compare myself to was a watermelon. :lol: It is amazing that even that doesnt make me totally comitted to losing. I gave up smoking easier than this.

It is gonna get muggier up here this week. I guess I will try to do most of my baking today so I wont have to turn the oven on for to long on those days.

So whats up with everyone today?

Cal, Your trip sounds so fun. I would like to make it over that way someday too.

Noelle, Breakfast on the beach. Sounds so nice. Does Michael start school today? Is he excited?

Julie, How did your weekend turn out? Did you get some time to relax a bit?

Kempy, What did you do this weekend?

jbbm 07-19-2004 12:43 PM

Hi Guys :coffee:

Oh girls I don't know what to do about these sleep problems. I can't fall asleep, and my hus said I was literally moving around all night, turning from side to side. Ugh....Every step I take to walk is a effort today and with two demanding little ones its difficult. But enough B****ing from me. How is everyone else?

Kempy where ya hiding :(?

Noelle the brunch sounds fantastic. Homes are really expensive there, huh? I am glad you had a nice weekend. You deserve it.

Angie :bravo:, great job getting on that treadmill. Yes I did get a chance to relax a bit. About an hour the kids went to MIL's. Did you have to work this weekend?

Cal I am glad you had a great trip. Glad to see you back.

Holly hanging in there today with all the little ones?

Well kids are asking for lunch, better go. I will check back later to if anyone posted. Julie, hi everyone

angieME 07-19-2004 01:20 PM

Julie, I had Saturday off this week. We usually cook extra donuts all week and freeze them and then heat and glaze on Saturday evening for Sunday. This way we get one day off a week. But this Saturday we will have to cook I think because we are so far behind already for the week. I also have dinner with my Mom,sis and Clyde on Saturday so I think Jay will be stuck at home cooking alone.

Kempy????? Come out and play!!!! :lol: :rofl:

Kempyd 07-19-2004 03:28 PM

Hey guys. I am going to stop beating myself up about coming here over the weekend. I never seem to make it like I want to. Maybe I should try though. I am now officially the highest weight that I have eveer been. Talk about depressing. I think that is what is causing some of my problems. I am having some of my depression come back lately and I a one of those people that eats when they get depressed. Along with sleeping more and no exercise. That makes for a bigger Kempy.

Noelle Joe have been pushing me to got to HI instead of Destin in August. I would love to but there is no way I can pay for it. YIKES!! $3000 just for hotel and air, and that doesn't include food. We all know how us southern folk like to eat. hehe I thought parents liked it when there kids are in school. I know my mom did.

Julie how is the hubby situation going?

(((Angie))) I am right with you on the weight loss thing. You need to just get your butt down here so we can support each other. I love the jokes too, his suff is usually pretty right on.

Cal I would love to go to Alaska but only during this time of year. I think I would totally freeze up if I went any other time of year. Isn't there a place up there that has an indoor water park so that it can be open all year?

I hope I didn't forget anyone. I will be back in a minute. The boss is coming and I need to look busy. :devil:

angieME 07-19-2004 03:58 PM

Kempy, doesnt it seem like the more you really want to lose weight the more you end up eating? I know I was ready to get on track right after vacation but it never seemed to happen. I know for as much as I have "thought" about losing weight I should be about 99 pounds. :lol: I hate that I know what to do but I just cant seem do it. Maybe I should just move down by you and we can either diet together or eat together. :lol: Either way we could have fun. haha I know I am totally screwed when I get to do my own bakery front. I will be making cream puffs and carrot cake. Those are my favorites but I cant dso them for accounts because they need to be refrigerated.

I tried a recipe out of the new book last week and I love it. It was shrimp scampi with whole wheat pasta. I didnt think I would like the pasta but I actually like it better than regular white pasta. I tried some chicken enchiladas from there too but it called for corn tortillas and they were gross. I think I will try it with flour tortillas instead sometime and it will be better. The corn ones just turned to mush in the sauce.

The one about Mainers measuring distance in hours is so true. :lol: :rofl: I always say stuff is about an hour away etc. :lol: I love that guy. I like the guy who says "Git er done" too. They all have a new shoe coming out on FOX(I think it is that station) pretty soon too. I will have to catch that.

Kempyd 07-19-2004 04:08 PM

I think you coming down here and us eating sounds like more fun than trying to lose weight. :lol: I love whole wheat pasta. That is all we eat in our house. I don't feel so bloated after I eat it. I usually feel like the size of a large home when I eat regular pasta.

We closed on our refinanacing for our house today. I am so thankful. It is going to save us about $350 a month and that is really going to help whne I start to work for my self.

jbbm 07-19-2004 04:09 PM

Hi Girls

Finally waking up a bit :lol:! I think for dinner I will make something Mexican, I always crave it. And it is pretty easy to prepare.
Kempy glad to see you. I am having some depression probs too, if it helps your not alone. I am going to go see my counselor. maybe, it takes alot of courage to talk. Hus and I situation, lets see, umm well I feel there is alot of distance between us, farther apart then we ever been. We are just like roomates now it seems, kinda funny :lol:. I have to have some humor or I go nuts!! I really would like to take a trip to Disney but funds are kind of tight for a trip. But hus has an aunt that lives in Tampa, I don't know how far that is from Orlando, maybe Angie or you know?

CARROT CAKE yum, yum, yum, yum, it is my favorite with cream cheese frosting. I bet yours is awesome Angie.

jbbm 07-19-2004 04:12 PM

Kempy we also refianced. It helps alot. Did you find a salon to work at yet? Or somewhere else?

Kempyd 07-19-2004 04:19 PM

There have been times when Joe and I were like roomies too. I have to let him know when that is happening. It isn't b/c we are mad at each other though. t usually happens when his work is crazy and I am busy with life too. I have to make him see that we need each other so we need to stop the nonsense that we are doing and get back to being hubby and wifey-pooh. It usually works. I started to take my St. John's Wort again today. I can't wait for that stuff to kick in. I hate feeling this way. And I really don't like to medicate with food.

You could go to mapquest to see how far Tampa is. I don't think it is that far. Maybe about 2 hours but I am just guessing.

I am going to be in the salon that I go to for me hair. I talked with them Thursdau about where they are going to put me and it sounds like they pretty much have it figured out. October will be here b4 I know it.

jbbm 07-19-2004 04:31 PM

Kempy sounds great. I am glad for you that you have something lined up for when you are done with school. Good idea I will have to check mapquest. I am so hungry right now. But dinner is probally not for two hours. I just peeled an apple for the kids and ate the peelings :p. I guess that will be my snack. I wanted to dip them in butterscotch ice cream topping but resisted.

Kempyd 07-19-2004 04:37 PM

Good job Julie. That does sound good about dipping the apples. Joe and I ate sushi for lunch so I am still pretty full. All of the rice made me full. We are going to his grandmothers tonight for dinner. His aunt (the one that had the son killed) is down from north LA and we are going to visit with her. This will be the 1st time we have seen them since the funeral.

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