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FrouFrou 04-10-2004 01:08 PM

Good Morning ladies~(okay, it actually was still officially morning when I started this post!)

Just a quickie here. Our plans changed too Angie. :) Of course it is due to the rain. Not going to buy shrubs & trees because as you all know our yard is dirt, right now it is a muddy mess and to get out there and try and plant something, well, it ain't gonna happen. It's bad enough having to clean the dog every time he goes out. ICK!! Did get my car (mini-van) in the shop first thing this morning. It is not actually the brakes but the cylinder, and the light all they have to do is reset it. I swear this thing is a money pit. As soon as the opportunity arises we are going to get rid of it, or try to anyway. Anywho, hopefully it dries up soon.

Jana~Once again WTG on your loss this week!! :bravo: Keep up the awesome job your doing.

Susan~Thanks for the email-love the photos!! :thanks: Gaby is such a doll! And NO you don't look old! :) Now are both your daughters in the picture? Or just Rebecca? Are they excited about Easter?

Angie~Can't believe you don't own any scales. I don't know what I would do without any in the house. I am not obsessed with weighing but do weigh once a week to try and stay on top of it-so I don't get too far gone.

Marti~I don't hold my hand out after getting my ring cleaned but I do find myself looking at it for days after. Of course I do that a lot anyway. I like the design and the emeralds in it.

Hi to everyone else, Kathy, Katie, Kat, Shanna, Rita & Kayecee-hope I got everyone in there.

I better get going. Waiting for the guy to call to go get my car. I am hoping they finish with it earlier than they said. Not sure what I will do today since our plans changed. DH has to go to work in about 1 1/2 hours so I guess I will watch a movie or two. Finished my one book, guess I can start on the other. Going to go to Mass tonight at 8. It is a nicer service than the one on Easter day, but is the same if that makes since. It is nicer in that they do all the baptisms and they have the candles-it is so pretty. While it last about 1 1/2-2 hrs. longer than Sundays, depending on how many are going to be baptised-it really is nicer service. So we will forgo Sundays service. Tomorrow I won't be here, have several things going on, and who knows if it dries up a bit maybe we can still do some planting-I really doubt it but you never knoe. Anywho...hope EVERYONE has a WONDERFUL EASTER DAY! Take care ladies, see ya. :wave:

Jane 04-10-2004 01:40 PM

Just a quick note to Katie : got your Easter card today, thank you very much!!!!!!

Mom2Gaby 04-10-2004 01:46 PM

Good Morning,

YAY , Jana!!!! On the weight loss!! YAY YAY YAY :bravo: :cb: :dance: :dancer: :wizard:
How is the back????

The Group Photo?? Only REBECCA is in that one. NO picture of Rachel. I took that group one at Rebecca's school while they were on recess. Actually all the girls in the picture were on her basketball team.Rebecca is the one in the CAST...lol......

Geepers Ang.....I guess we will have to be friends the rest of our lives if being your friend means I won't age...lol I thought it was the vegetable oil keeping me looking young.

YEP- she was 2 in Feb. Gaby is 37 inches-tall for her age. She is also a tad chunky ..lol DR's words...not mine. She wasn't sitting still for any pictures- took her to a library that has a pretty creek in back with ducks floating around and had to watch her like a hawk.......she wanted to jump in the wadder and paddle away with her new found friends....

Anyway, will keep working on a decent picture. Think inside shots give me a softer look- also I think I look really tired.Have to rest more and relax.....

Cristi- what kind of mini van do you have?? I use to have a Grand Voyager....I wreaked it though and the sliding door was a hazard- had to crawl through the front ones....lol- anyway, have a nifty Corolla now that works great.

So, I am on call and already have had a busy,busy morning. Rebecca came home with me last night and I helped her get a bath,washed her hair and all. Gabster didn't like sharing me at all.......kept pushing Beck to leave...lol-.....both were crying wanting to be the :bb: baby.....me crying :stress: :bb: :stress: wanting to be the baby too

We survived though!!!! We all crawled in my king size bed and went to sleep.

Woke up and ran to Starbucks and through McDonalds for breakfast. I had my usual Atkins shake and wheat bread , peanut butter thing- need some fruit though-

Weigh in!!!! 150 to 147!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Though I was teetering at 149 last week , claimed 150- but am claiming 147 cause I want to....lol

Oh- ya........emails to Kayecee & Katie came back for some reason- sorry. If you PM with the right email I will send again....

Going to Easter Egg Hunts now and hope for a walk this afternoon.

I hope you ALL have a lovely holiday weekend!!!!


Marti 04-10-2004 07:14 PM

Quick post--

Congrats to both Jana & Susan for the weight loss!! :cheer: :encore: You two are very inspirational!! Now......share some of the motivation!!

Today James and I mowed our entire yard and I took the weed eater/wacker, which ever you want to call it, and went around all the edge! Boy...talk about working out the arms!! I did a great work out! It took us a few hours to get it all done. At it's not even finished. I still need to rake it up!! But it's getting there and it's getting too hot to be out sweating. (my excuse anyway)

Hope everyone has a very

:flow1: Happy Easter!! :flow1:

Make sure you find all those eggs!!

RAR 04-10-2004 09:00 PM

HI! everyone wanted to wish everyone a great Easter!!!!!!!! thanks everyone who sent me a card I was planning on sending the cards out but got side tracked by the time I thought of it was too late sorry!!!!!!!!but you all made my daywell since I got ab at work think I will spend some time with hubbyso have a great night Rita

FrouFrou 04-11-2004 01:05 PM

Just a quick Hi to all~:wave:

Susan~WTG on your loss! :bravo: Keep up the awesome job.

Marti~thanks for the cute e-card! :thanks:

Anyway, hope all is having a wonderful day.


Jane 04-11-2004 09:04 PM

Hope you all have had a very nice Easter!

Angie - sorry your plans got changed! How were the yams and apples?

Rita - what is "ab" at work. Hope you enjoyed the time with your DH.

Cristi - Did you get your van back? Hope you got to spend some time outdoors this weekend.

Susan - :cp: WTG on the weight loss!!:cp: You are doing such a good job!! Hey, I didn't get an email of your pics, what's up with that????

Marti - hope you have had a great holiday. Does Jhania still believe in the Easter bunny? I hope so, cause I do!!

Hi to the others, hope you all had a great Easter.

I posted a new pic of myself at Jaded Photos and I look bigger in it than the one I posted when I began in Jan. w/ WW. Waaaaaa!!! The only thing is, the first one I posted DID make me look slimmer than I really was, that's one reason I didn't mind posting it, lol. Also, it is just a head shot. I wish I could show you one from when I went to Disney last May, you can really tell I have lost from those pics - 10 pounds last year and 25 1/2 so far this year. But anyway, I don't like that I look bigger now, because I'm not.

I have had a good holiday - ate too much, but not nearly as bad as it could've been. Gotta go watch the Jessica and Nick special, lol.


Mom2Gaby 04-11-2004 09:42 PM

Happy Easter ,what is left of it :)

Jana- You are really very pretty! I think there was a failure delivery along with Kayecee and Katie's- maybe Cristi can just forward to you? I have the disc at the ex's- I couldn't send again until tomorrow- besides the addie I have isn't working.....lol,forgot about that.

Out of sorts today!!! Had all 3 girls last night and not getting much sleep this weekend. Can't sleep with soooooo many people in the bed.

Motivation?? Let me go back to 1998 Sept. I think this was a major motivation back at that time. I was 245 pounds and the girls were going to a lot of swimming parties. I asked another mother if she would take Rachel and Rebecca in the pool for me because I couldn't bear to see myself in a bathing suite-
I was only 35-
I sat there and watched....the girls were having fun but it was without me.
How much more was I going to miss of their lives due to my weight? Due to my insecurities??
Certainly there are overweight women that can get in a pool, I am not one of them though-
I also was going to their private school and the building had these long stairs you had to walk up- I would always have to rest half way up-
Huffing & Puffing
Certainly the scale wasn't going down- not that I weighed.
I did know that 22 size pants were becoming tight and 2x shirts were now 3x shirts.
So,,when was the *someday* going to become the *now*?? When was I going to be worth putting on the front burner and taken care of?
Was I really going to be a 35 year old lady afraid to take her kids in the pool? Was I going to hide in the back of the room so I wouldn't embarrass them at school functions??
Was I going to stand in front of the stove eating left over pizza in the dark (because calories don't count in the dark).....we never had leftovers!!! I always was eating after everyone was long gone from the table.

Motivation is something different for everyone. It is something deep inside your being that won't allow you any more to live a life that is not yours.....
I didn't have kids to sit on the sidelines of life.

Being 40 just has renewed those feelings because I want to live life at 100% not at 70%...
Losing weight for me just represents that I won't settle for anything less then what is mine-
Time isn't going to stop for us- time is ticking.

Does that make sense?? lol

Gabster is ansty to go.

Best get! :)


Jane 04-11-2004 09:59 PM

Susan, OMG!!!

That just about made me cry.... could I please have your permission to copy it to the "Why I'm Sticking To it This Time" thread??

You are such a success, and an inspiration to those of us with a lot to lose. I truly admire you for it. Words are failing me here.......


FrouFrou 04-11-2004 11:12 PM

WOW Susan! I just don't know what to say to that, and yes it DOES make a lot of sense. You really got me to thinking because I am the same way. I will not go into a pool or do a lot of other things because of my weight. I have to say I don't even think I am living 70%. :thanks: for that though. I printed it out to reread over and over.

Yes, I will forward your photos on to Jana. Of course with it being a forward I don't know if Jana will open it! ;)

Jana~I honestly don't think you look bigger in the new photo. I think you look beautiful and I can tell a difference. Got the van back the same day, Saturday all fixed and like new.

Well, just wanted to check in real quick. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter Day. Not sure when or if I will get on the computer tomorrow. My cousin is headed back to Colorado from Dallas and is going to make a pit stop here again so I need to get things cleaned and straightened. Not that she would mind what the house looks like. I do though, and not that it is a pig sty, just like for it to be nice when company comes. Did laundry today in between cooking, & touch up painting. Something I had been needing to do for a while-they did a number on the walls going down in the basement. Now it's all clean and purdy. :)

Tomorrow is a new day for me and I am looking forward to it. I am getting back on track and it is going to be hard. Wish me luck ladies because I am really going to need it. :lucky: :crossed: I figure if I can make it one week straight of staying OP I will be doing good. It will be a piece of cake after that, sort of. I know it is always going to be hard but I also know I HAVE to do this. I am so very tired of being fat. Anyway...this was supposed to be short. Take care ladies. :grouphug:

Mom2Gaby 04-12-2004 12:21 AM

Yes, you can reprint it anywhere Jana - just touched up some mispellings though.

Thanks,Cristi ...

Better go lock up some gates and get the Gabster back to bed.She has been real sweet today.

Hope you all have a good Monday!!


da fat n da furious 04-12-2004 12:28 AM

Ladies if you could of saw the tower that Susan climbed...was it 2times a day? Or once? Cause I have to tell you that it almost killed me to walk it once. But then again the difference in sea levels could of been the factor to my light headedness. I couldn't breath...

Yup Susan you are stuck with me for life...lol the benefits are worth it...no vegetable oil can compare to me...ha ha ha now if only I could look younger too.

I went and saw Cold Mountain yesterday...it was fantastic. I cried so much...

Had an awesome dinner today. The yams and apples came out delicious. mashed the yams with some butter and brown sugar...slived apples over top and sprinkled cinnamon. Baked for 20 minutes and it was perfect. The boys and I actually liked it. Monte hated it,,,and he was the one who was always asking for it...but figured out he likes the browned marshmellow gooo on top.

Well need to get to bed...

Jane 04-12-2004 09:33 AM

Hiya Ladies,

Marti - where are you? Hope you had a good Easter with your grandparents and other family.

Cristi - thanks for the Easter card and for your kind words about my picture! You are very thoughtful! I know what you mean about having the house just so... and I don't know about you, but I feel extra pressure since I don't work outside the home. If my house isn't clean I think people are wondering what I did all day, even though I was busy with something else.

Susan - I will copy your story to the other thread - thanks for the go-ahead on that. Who knows how many people (lurkers) you will inspire in addition to the Jaded Ones here.

Angie - thank you for your kind words and new perspective on the picture over at the other thread. Who's in Cold Mountain? Nicole Kidman? I think I would like that movie, too, if she is, because she can act her butt off. Did you ever see the movie where a doctor gave her a hysterectomy w/o her permission and she sued him? I think the doc was played by one of the Baldwin brothers. Tall, dark, good looking guy.... anyway, the movie had a surprise ending.

Hi also to Shanna, Kathy, Katie, Kayecee, Kat, Rita, and Skew.

My back is a lot better and I feel like a new woman! I won't overdo it, though. They found out Macy has Rotovirus... very contagious and hard to get rid of.... I rocked her to sleep at the hospital yesterday evening, and she is a pitiful sight with the IV in her foot.....

Well, I've got good news and bad news ..... and even better news. The good news is - I didn't like my Easter rabbit and gave it to Neal. It just didn't taste the same, and I refused to waste points on it. The bad news is, I had some of everything on the dinner table and a piece of cake, too! The scales shows a 1 # gain :yikes: this morning. The even better news is I'm doing the WW Fast Track Program today through Friday. That will give me a boost. But don't you think I am very very lucky to not have hit any sort of a plateau yet? Maybe it's because until yesterday, the only time I have ever gone over points, in the past 11 weeks, was when I had the strawberry slush in Evansville a while back.

Gotta get!

See ya later,

Mom2Gaby 04-12-2004 11:16 AM

Good Morning-

Curious what the Fast Track involves Jana? Glad your back is feeling better. My mother has a lot of back problems-hope I can avoid that in my life--so far, so good.
Though I am somewhat leary of starting to run because of the risk in injury- and I don't have medical insurance.....blah,blah-

OMG-----The Wiggles are on!! So darn cute!! My fave is the one in the blue shirt........*sigh*

Ok.......snap out of it Susan ...lol

I walked the Astoria Column 10 times at a time for a grand total of 1000 steps--one way I believe....lol. That was all Brian ,Angie--his egging on and daring me to do more to where I was wearing ankle weights.....plus the 3 miles on the treadmill, I was in pretty good shape. Funny, but the place I manage now has the same amount of steps in its 12 story building.I can walk it once and I am pooped, so I have a long way to go before I am in shape again--
BTW-your dinner sounds delish!!!!:)

Have some job things to do but want to get this walk in first.

Oh, ya.........Alex wrote said he was very busy that Friday he left and apologized for not emailing- said he had a nice visit with the family and got home last night at midnight from dropping off the kids.

Pop in later-


Marti 04-12-2004 02:36 PM


I had a post last night but I managed to lose it...and I was too tired to retype it all.

My Easter was very nice! Woke up very early (for me anyway--5:30) so I could get ready to go to my nieces baptism. It started at 8:00 and I live almost 30miles from my sister. So I was tired by noon!

Around 1:00 my family all got together for Easter at my grandparents. It was fun. All these little kids & babies!! I believe the youngest was 5mos. and the oldest was 14. And can you believe it??? I LEFT my camera at home!

Jana--I think you're bad news isn't too bad! You're doing so well everyday that one dinner isn't terrible...and that pound will disappear taking a couple with it!! I have YET to do the FT. I'm not exactly sure why.

Susan--Your story was great. Very inspirational. I'm glad you shared that with us.

Cristi--I know the feeling of wanting to pick up the house when company comes over. James is always telling me that I shouldn't worry so much. But I just like for it to look and smell nice. I hope you have a great visit.

Angie--That yams & apples sounds good! I've never heard of that combination. I also want to go see Cold Mountain. I heard good reviews. (not that I go by reviews...I like to be the judge of a movie!!)

Hi to Shanna, Kayecee, Katie, Rita & Kathy!!

My arms and thighs ache from raking and squating all day Saturday. I think I need to keep doing that to get my muscles used to moving again! My yard looks so much better!! Not an embarrassment to the neighbors anymore!!

I have some errands I have to get done so I better get off of here.

I may check back in later tonight.


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