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RavenToy 02-21-2004 11:12 AM

Why am I sitting here!?!?! :lol:

I should be out there doing my biceps/triceps and getting my cardio in. I was up really early today, and took the dogs for a long walk, then did the dishes, then ate my weekend treat of Rasin Nut Bran for breakfast and had my coffee... I did drop a half a pound this morning, but that still leaves me up a half a pound from the 187 low I hit a couple weeks ago. I really don't know if I'm going to make it to 185 this month. Adding in the weights really drops the speed of loss, and I knew it would happen. The positive here is that I lost the half pound while lifting, so I know it's fat and not muscle. I keep repeating this, but I have to, I just need to keep going. Keep doing what I'm doing.

Happy - Planning meals for a month! :eek: Holy cow... two weeks tops for me. "Sloshy squooshy pizza maven." Now THAT'S a lovely visual. :s: I hope you're feeling less sloshy and/or squooshy today! I thought for SURE I'd overdone it on dinner last night, but when I entered in all the ingredients on fitday, lo and behold, I was right on target. Sometimes I still just have no clue how many calories something has in it. Last night was wonderful shrimp wraps.. I think I could live on those things. I know that when I'm eating right and working out regularly and staying hydrated, I seem to fight off the disease of the week around here MUCH better than when I'm not paying attention to my health. I hope that you can avoid the spring bugs lurking under the melting snow!

Hippy - Aw girl. *MAJOR HUGE HUG* I'm so freaking glad it worked out for you! Man.. I was checking the board all afternoon waiting to see your post. Way to keep me on pins and needles!! ;) And WTG staying OP when you must have felt like just saying to heck with it and feasting your little heart out. What a relief for you and Gary! Now I hope you have a WONDERFUL (and equally OP) rest of the weekend!!

Phooooo... I guess I really do need to go work out, then eat lunch, then off to the stables we go. So far, the weather is a little cooler, but sunny! Yes!! I did my major Super Walmart shopping this morning, so now all I need to do is pick up a few things at the other store that Walmart doesn't carry, and hopefully I'm pretty well set for the next couple weeks.

Happy Saturday!

happy2bme 02-22-2004 12:15 PM

Happy Sunday all,
Hippy :grouphug: so glad that your scare turned out all right in the long run. Geez, we can do without those kinds of things but sometimes I think it's a poke in the back to remind ourselves the importance of putting our health first in life. And tho it wasn't worth the stress, I'm sure the adreniline rush of whooo I feel so good zooms you through the weekend.

:dunno: what happened to Jolly and Tracy. I know in the past Jolly's life has gotten way crazy and she's dropped out for a while but always returns. There have been times myself when I considered giving up on this place for many reasons but I'm glad I didn't.

I was eating a sandwich yesterday when I felt something hard in my mouth. My temp crown busted into 3 pieces just leaving a little stub of a tooth. I called the dentist who said as long as it doesn't hurt (it doesn't) that we could leave it go until Monday. I can't blame him, I've had this temporary crown which is meant to last about 2 weeks on for 5 already. And when the abscess was at its worse, he tried to pop the crown off to work on the root and I about went through the roof from the pain of him squeezing the cap on my sore jaw. So he drilled through it instead which I'm sure weakened it. I'm just glad it's quiet and I've been extra careful brushing and rinsing with Blisterine (Listerine - the INTENSE germ killing rinse :rofl: ) I've also had more than my share of carbs this week - spaghetti, pizza, sandwich and I've noticed that at night my body is really achy and hurting. The weather has been pretty consistent so I can't blame that. Has been an interesting road discovering how certain foods make me feel. Even though I might not want to mentally make some changes, at least I'm getting a better handle all around on the things I need to do in order to recapture that feel good feeling inside.

It's a beautiful sunny day, the temps are warming slightly above freezing and the snow and ice are starting to melt. There's a hint of warmth in the air with the promise that winter is on it's last legs. One more week of February and we're into the home stretch. I haven't lost any weight this week but my body fat percentage (according to the scale) is down 2 points so I consider that progress and I've had a very off plan week.

I'm ready to get cracking again starting in 10 minutes when I get off this computer. Hope you all have a great day. Raven, I hope the weather held enough for you to get in some serious riding time! Catch you later...

luckycharm 02-22-2004 01:23 PM

Hi ladies.

Hope everyones Sunday is going great. I'm just popping in really quick before I start the laundry and everything else that I have to get caught up on.

Hippy *Big bear hug with a great big sigh of relief* Which I am sure that your family has been giving to you all weekend long also. :grouphug:

Happy I hope that you are able to get through the rest of the night until tomorrow with no pain from the tooth. Now I hope that it can be fixed and it will bother you no more.

Raven did you get out to do your riding? Was this the weekend that you were stable sitting for Rosa? Sure hope the weather was good for you.

Alright. My friend is getting married in May. Yes 3 months from now. (Valentine's day was good for her.) Do we realistically think that it is possible for me to lose 30 pounds in 3 months? Ladies. You will have to yell at me at poke at me and kick my butt so that no matter what is possible I know that I have done everything in my power to lose as much as I can.

Must run so that I can get things done.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


happy2bme 02-22-2004 02:16 PM

Ooh Kathy, 10 pounds a month. That's pretty aggressive! But I would say that if you went gung ho on the exercise and really kicked it up a notch, you could do some serious toning and trimming in that time that would probably do more for yourself than just dieting alone.

May I suggest a personal consult with our trainer extroadinaire - the Lovely Miss Raven :D :D :D :s: :s: :s:

I can tell you from personal experience that if you start doing Pilates now - there's several good beginners tapes, that in 2 months you will stand taller, flatten your abs and it will sculpt you nicely. 3, thirty minute sessions a week. C'mon, I'll even do it with you :strong:

luckycharm 02-22-2004 04:42 PM


I do have to say that it maybe isn't so much losing the poundage as it is to lose a few dress sizes, and to trim the tum a lot.

I do have a pilates for beginners video. It does actually seperate the workouts. 1 for abs, butts and thighs. So ok. Lets do it together.

To borrow your phrase, if its gonna be, it really is up to me.


RavenToy 02-22-2004 05:32 PM

Helllooooooooo Ladies!!

Happy - Owies on the tooth! Or at least, my mouth flinched when you told us about it. I'm so glad it's not painful! Hopefully you can get the permanent put on and everything will be right and good again. I know what you mean about being more aware of how certain foods make you feel. I know that when I carb out too much, I'm just not at my best. OTOH, I can't handle too much protein, either. It's a balancing act.

Lucky - HI! :wave: Kathy Kathy Kathy!! Guess what I did!?!?! I rode Copper on Saturday and I CANTERED! Not just once, either, but many times!! And I didn't even fall off. *preen* :lol: I had a BLAST. I have reached my goal of maintaining a posting trot 3 times around the arena in each direction. It was not pretty or graceful, but I did it. I have yet to achieve the two point once around. My balance just is rotten. I'm getting there, slowly. Pilates will definitely change your shape. But only if you DO it. :s: I still need to get a DVD player so I can do mine again. I'm hoping I can make that my mid month purchase next month. I was hoping this month I could, but I ended up with a few horsie expenses that were unexpected.

So it seems like we all might have some real motivation to get going here, hm? Hippy - you got that shot of fear thing going for you, Kathy - you have a dress to fit into, Me - I just can't tolerate not losing the pudge, Happy - what's your motivation?

This weekend was a wicked awesome good one. I've been needing a weekend like this for months. The weather was wonderful, I rode for over 2 hours on Saturday PLUS doing my bicep/tricep AND my running. This morning we went out early and I ended up stripping three stalls (one of which was really ooky), picking the arena, picking dog poo from the property, scrubbing out all the water buckets, walking a couple of the pastures and filling a few holes, and then sweeping the center walkway of the barn. I'd say that was workout enough. I get my lesson on Tuesday free for the work I did, and I made an arrangement with Rosa to work for her every Sunday morning so she can take one morning off, and I'll get free lessons in exchange! Fantastic! Hm. Maybe showing this summer is my motivation. :s: I have one more week to reach my goal.. I wonder what the scale will say tomorrow morning.

Alright.. off to cook dinner.

luckycharm 02-22-2004 05:52 PM

Hey Raven

Look at you go... Canter.... YAHOO. Now the way to improve your balance??? Start your canter, close your eyes, and let go of the reigns and stick your arms straight out. Or if your not quite ready for that yet, Linda does make the girls ride with one arm behind their backs when they are not riding quite right. Amazing the difference it makes.
Actually do you find a difference in your leg strength and your riding now that you are back to running and doing an incredible job might I add, and lifting your weights? At this rate we will get you up on Shadow yet.

I was reading your journal entry from the other day, and I read that you have your tongue pierced. I kind of thought that maybe if I lost alot of weight, and shrunk my stomach, I might get my belly button pierced. But I think I am a big chicken and probably wouldn't be able to do that. Anyway I am glad that you got a chance to spend a little money on yourself.

Happy is your motivation still your birthday that is coming up? Have you finalized all your plans for your trip that you are taking? My husbands mother is thinking of taking us to Disney World next year for Christmas. That would be cool if I was in a much smaller dress size. (or if that was the week that I would be needing a tummy tuck so that I could get my belly button pierced).

Ok must run and start thinking of dinner.

happy2bme 02-22-2004 06:06 PM

Hah, all our little eggies are lit right now, so much for going off and doing other things, eh? :rofl:

Actually I just got back from grocery shopping. Have vowed VOWED I'm getting back on the diet plan this week with a will of steel. I told my husband that it costs a @#$%#$# lotta money to eat healthy and not stink! But I am stoked with lots of good fresh veggies, a few legal fruits and I even bought some of these low carb candies hoping that will put some treats into the food plan. And I'm going to do the Pilates tonight.

My motivation? I am turning 50 in April. I am not happy about being an old hag. I miss my disco youth and the ability to walk on platform shoes without worrying about irreparable harm to some body part! :rofl: Although my hair is baby fine and straight as an arrow, it WAS thicker before my hormones took a fast train outta here. Oh and this has nothing to do with anything but Raven, I am only 5 foot 1. Anyhow, I am tired of avoiding pictures and watching my life pass me by. I have missed some fantastic photo opportunities - sitting on a rock by the ocean, at the ledge of the Grand Canyon - yes we have pictures, but I sure would like to have one of those photogenic backdrops with me in it where I can say, what a nice picture instead of cringing and wondering why I'm not obliterating the sun here. We are also going on vacation in April with my SIL and her husband - they are quite the hikers and nature lovers. Would love to keep up with them. So my motivation is to get down 2 sizes by April. I am not going for pounds lost because it seems that when I shoot for a goal, the self saboteur kicks in as I approach a goal. So once again, I am playing a game of wits with Myself. How dumb is that??????

Raven it's cool to hear that you had such a great weekend with the horsies even if you were mucking stalls part of the time. Sounds like you are flying high and back in the saddle in more ways than one. Good positive motivation for us all.

Guess my break is over, got some fish and veggies to cook up for din din. I am still pushing that blasted bike - it's only a couple of minutes but I will NOT let it defeat me. And I've got some studying to do to round out the night. It's actually pretty mild out there and yippee, spots of grass are appearing. I wish it was earlier or still didn't get dark so early, would have been great to get out for a walk in the fresh air. Maybe tomorrow. Later chickies...

happy2bme 02-22-2004 10:37 PM

Raven, if I could ask - what happens to you when you get too much protein? And not enough what???? How do you balance it out? Just wondering...

And yes Kathy, it's this birthday coming up in April that I am shooting to look better in. That would be cool to visit Disney World. I haven't been there in a long, long time but there's alot to see there besides just the Disney stuff. Better sock away half the paycheck tho, the admission tickets are killers. Don't know how a family could afford to vacation there - even IF all the rides are free. But it is a cool place - of course we liked Epcot a little more and I did get a freaking panic claustrophobic attack when they stuffed me and a bunch of other people in the tiny submarine for the 20,000 Leagues under the Sea ride. - I can laugh about it now, but NEVER again :yikes: Oh cripes, now I can't get that song "It's a small world" out of my head. But that's definitely a goal worth shooting for - doing alot of walking around in shorts and summer tops!

RavenToy 02-23-2004 09:33 AM

Hey Ladies!! Look at me, I'm doin' the happy Monday morning dance! :cb: :dance: I dropped another pound. Only a half pound more and I hit my official 5 pound for the month goal. If I can somehow squeeze another pound and a half out of this week, I meet my stealth goal.

Lucky - OMG woman, I'm lucky to freaking stay ON at this point at a canter! :lol: Closing eyes and one arm behing the back and all that stuff will have to come after I get that hip roll thing going on. It's so funny - intellectually I know the mechanics of the movement, and I did it 30 years ago, and I was the one teaching my daughter how to get to *know* her saddle. And now here I am trying to do it and she's the one teaching me, and yelling "shoulders back" as I'm cantering... it's a great thing. The lifting and running have REALLY helped me with my riding. Not only just strength, but stamina and balance, too. I feel a lot more *in* the seat now, and I have a greater ability to hug my horse with my thighs. I have to tell you that riding for two hours, most of it at a trot or canter, really whipped my inner thighs. I'm still walking funny today, but that's also a good thing. For whatever reason I've never really wanted my navel done.. even when I lose the weight and get the tummy tuck. But when my daughter hits 15, she wants her tongue pierced, too. Soooo... I'm thinking I might get a labret done then. Or maybe the tragus if I chicken out on a facial piercing. I think it would look good on me, though... I dunno, I waffle on that one. Disney World!! That's one of my great fantasies! :lol: I'm hoping that darn house up in Alaska will sell soon, and if it does, a trip to Disney World is on the agenda. I've never gone to anything like that, and it would be so fun to take Richard and the kids and just go have a good time. Definitely another incentive for YOU!!

Happy - Turning 50? :lol: You certainly don't act your age, at least not online... and that's a compliment. My birth certificate tells me that I was born in '60, which means I'm going to be 44 this year, but I think it's a lie! I don't feel a day over 30something. So there. :p I can see where that number would kind of make a person really re-evaluate their life. I don't think it's dumb at all Happy. The games we play with ourselves, I mean. We have to do whatever it takes to get us out of the old way of thinking, and change our perspectives. I figure whatever the heck works is a go, you know? And if you keep a number of little tricks up your sleeve and pull them out as you go, then you have a better chance of staying on track. Have you thought about maybe looking into one of those elliptical trainers? I've never used one, but I hear great things about them. No impact, but a great cardio workout. Maybe you could get one used? I'm still dorking around with the protein/carb/fat ratios on fitday. But when I tried to follow the 40/30/30 plan, I felt weak, shakey, nauseous, clammy. And when I tried Atkins a couple years ago, the same thing happened. That high a protein ratio seems to not work well for me. I seem to do much better around 30/50/20, though I can pop up the protein and lower the carbs for a day at a time without any effects, if I do it for more than a couple days, I start feeling real puny. Now what I'm thinking is that it might be because the calories themselves were too low. I try to stay around 1200, some days a little higher, some a little lower, but overall, that's my average. Wow, girl, you're even shorter than I am. :blink: Careful, if you lose too much weight we won't be able to find you! :rofl: :grouphug:

Ok, I need to make a noon run over to Walmart today to pick up a new set of headphones. I didn't get over there over the weekend, and it's really hard for me to maintain a good run without music set on "ear bleed." I did a good walk this morning, with a quarter mile run, but .. it could have been better. It's interesting how we depend on things like that to motivate us. I'd hate to think what would happen if my treadmill died. :eek: I'd be lost. Ooooooooooooooooo I hope I can drop that other pound and a half!! God that would rock.

Ok chicklets, so .. what's the plan for this week? Who's motivated? Who's a LOSER? Who's gonna work out!? :love: I love you guys. Thank you so much for being here!!

hippychic 02-23-2004 09:46 AM

Yesterday was such a beautiful day! 56 degrees, sunny!!!!! We did a little yard work and then we went fishing. Jordan asked me to cast once and low and behold!!!!! I caught my first bass! Truth be known, my first fish! I'm 38 ans can't remember ever liking to fish! I was excited, I guess because it was so unexpected. Jordan just could not believe that I caught it the first time I cast. Am I saying that right? I don't know fisherman talk :lol:

New motivation today. Gary is a diabetic and has been feeling poorly lately. He has never been one to keep up with testing or eating healthy. He tested for the first time in a year yesterday. His reading was 371 :yikes: I told him enough is enough. He needs to take charge of this because it is so controlable. I know it's hard, I battle eating everyday but that's it. I refuse to be a widow and Jordan not have a dad. I refuse for Gary to be laid up because he has lost a leg or his eyesight. I'm prepared to take care of the meal planning, now I just have to keep him going and myself. I must eat healthy with him.

I would love to have my belly button pierced! Not with it being all stuck out right now but I love it. Sometimes I think maybe I'm too old to have those desires but then I think I will never be too old!!!

SOOOOOOOOOO GLAD to hear everyone is so motivated! Lets do this girls! My inspirational saying is..... the less there is of me...the happier I will be! Here's to us :cheer:

Better get going, lots of planning to do and OH! I'm going to go for a walk! Talk to all of you later!

hippychic 02-23-2004 09:48 AM

Raven, we crossposted. Way to go!!!!! Keep the motivation coming!!!

happy2bme 02-24-2004 01:51 AM

:bravo: Raven on coming ever so close to goal for the month. You are awesome! It's a real testiment to the power of exercise and the wonderful things you can achieve. After watching you, I have decided that I'm going to vacumn down the basement and unearth the treadmill again. I just won't let DH do any more sanding for a while.

Hippy congrats on having the catch of the day. I don't fish but can imagine how exciting that must be. Are you going to look into a diabetic diet for Gary? The American Diabetes association has a great plan - everyone seems to lose weight on it and it's a good, well balanced spectrum of foods. I think it's great you are looking after him - there are so many problems you can avoid now by taking some proactive steps.

Ok, I'm ready to sit on the fence and watch Lucky and Raven ride. I had one terrible experience on a horse in Denver 25 years ago and my horsie riding is now limited to carriage rides. :lol:

I must admit I have sinned today. :o My temporary crown broke into bits over the weekend. I was able to get into the dentist at 10:30 today. He finished the root canal and put on the permanent crown. Let's hope that's all over and done with now. I was in there a long time and had to rush back to work. I didn't have enough time to fix my planned lunch and McD's was the fastest to get in and out of. So I got a Big Mac. :nono: It was good but within 15 minutes my tummy started rumbling and my body went "Just what the heck did you put IN me??????" I actually got physically ill. And I'm glad it happened because I needed that in your face moment. I did have a good dinner - grilled salmon, fresh green beans and a spinach salad. But all night long and I mean ALL it triggered this craving for junk food. It was really hard to control. I guess chocolate is not my only trigger. I just chalked this up as an important lesson learned and will start fresh tomorrow because I really don't want to go through that again. I still have the rest of the week to make up for today.

With that, I'm off to bed, later than I wanted to as usual.... here's to an uplifting Tuesday for all of us!

hippychic 02-24-2004 09:09 AM

Good morning! I have to say I did an excellent job on eating and drinking water and exercising yesterday :D pat...pat! It's amazing what you can accomplish with an attitude adjustment!!

I have to say I was truely shocked that you two are in your 40's! I thought I was the old one here :lol: You have great dispositions and are hilarious so therefore I don't feel bad for acting like I'm way younger! Act young, feel young? Not that any of us are old but I fear old old age if I'm still fat and unhealthy!

Happy, I'm not sure how we are going to approach Gary's eating. I'm experimenting right now. We have a diabetic plan but to be honest it's loaded with carbs. Potatoes, white bread and so on. I know the plan is balanced and I know it lowers sugar levels but I also know eating those things bring on cravings and it's very hard to fill up and stay full on carbs. We did that plan for him yesterday and he was starving all day long. Today we are trying SB. I'm thinking a breakfast full of protein is better and more filling than a half cup of cereal and a slice of toast, oh, and a piece of fruit. The next few days will be trial days to see what works best for him as far as feeling full, not deprived and how his sugar lowers. Guess we will see what happens!

Good morning Raven, hope you have a lovely day!

Kathy, thanks for the well wishes and hope you are well on your way to fitting into that dress!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

Better run, meal planning and exercise are calling me!

luckycharm 02-24-2004 09:12 AM

Good Morning

I am just running in this morning to give everyone a quick :grouphug: before I go to work.

Hippy you are the fisherwoman. My kids love to fish, and it is one thing that my grandpa always use to do with me and my brother. Its a great family relaxing time that doesn't cost anything.

I will post more after I get home.

Happy Tuesday.

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