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Dahlia 01-25-2004 05:04 PM

Hi Cathy,
Looks like it's just you and me today..I went to church this morning then over to my son's house to have lunch with him and the grandbabies. Then when I came home my oldest son and his girlfriend were over. They just left a little bit ago. I have supper in the oven and I'm working on my stocking while I wait. The sun was out today, and even though it's only 18 degrees it was nice out. Real exhilerating.

I am doing real bad with food today, but tomorrow I will be right back on track again. We are suppose to get more snow, but I hope it holds off so I can get to curves. One day shouldn't be to bad, I'm hoping.

Well, hope everyone else is having a good day. Will check in later.


zookeeper16 01-25-2004 09:10 PM

Good evening everyone! Its been a busy weekend which is why I wasn't here. I didn't have time to squeeze in a workout and an extra shower yesterday and today is my day off, so I've had no exercise all weekend! I know I could have made up that missed workout but I've been really tired. I may try to squeeze that focus abs & glutes exercise in this week sometime...maybe on the yoga day or pilates day!

Been busy with a petsitting client all weekend. Yesterday I had to cook for a couple hours for my DH's work Christmas party last night. I didn't overeat at all...did have a couple sodas though - my first caffinated stuff since Jan 4th! Actually, it didn't even taste good!

The scale is STILL not moving, but my body fat has gone down one more point - so I guess I'll take those two points loss happily! Its better than nothing! I keep telling myself that once the muscle is built up the weight will start dropping (I hope).

I had a big ego boost last night. I had left the party to go take care of some pets. While I was gone, DH and some friends of ours were discussing chest implants, lasik surgery, etc. DH mentioned that I would love to go on Extreme Makeover and have a bunch of stuff done. One guy I had only just met was astounded and told my DH that I was beautiful - why would I want to do that!??? WOW - when DH retold me this story, I think I blushed! But it felt goooood!

Well, I will check back in in the AM when I get myself back on schedule! Take care everyone! Just think - January is almost over! We've made it one month!

TechAlum 01-26-2004 12:45 PM

Happy Monday Everyone,

Sorry I haven't been back in a few days. We had guests over on Saturday for dinner and being the great procrastinator I am I left everything for the last minute and if I sat down at the computer nothing would have gotten done :lol:

The wine tasting Thurs was fun. They did a really cool exercise where we sniffed 21 things we couldn't see to see if we could identify them (they were smells usually associated with wine). Some were really easy like vinegar and anise, some were really hard like dried cherries and honey. I didn't do too bad got more than half right.

Dahlia - glad you like your haircut, I'm going in on friday trying to decide if I want to get it all chopped off or just a trim. You must live on the west side of the state to be getting so much snow, we haven't had any (well just dustings) in a while just cold. Tonight might be messy tho.

Lisa - Yea on the comment, gotta love when stuff like that happens.

Cathy - Hairnets??? I must have missed something.

Pam - Congrats on passing on the cookies wish I could say the same.

Well, I've gotta go. I've got a online training class that starts in 15 mins and I need to go log on.

Have a great day everyone!!!!

-Tech :spin:
249.5/242.0/231.5 (first 10 lb goal by 3/15)/160ish

Hmm I was down 1.5 lbs I thought it was just .5 :o

Dahlia 01-26-2004 02:36 PM

Hello ladies,

I was half done with a post and I accidently hit the wrong X and poof... so I'll try this again. :lol:

We are getting more snow again... I think this year we are getting more snow than we have had in the past 7 years. Yes, tech, I live right on the shore line of Lake Michigan.. and we get a lot of lake effect. But what of the state are you in? Barbara is also from Michigan.. she is over on the east side. Speaking of Barbara has anyone seen her lately? We had been e-mailing daily but suddenly she has disappeared.. I hope all is well with her and her family.

Lisa, :high: way to go girl.. what a thrill for you, that was a terrific compliment, it must have made your husband proud too.

I went to curves this morning. IT's getting to be a habit, which is good.

LIsa, I know what you mean about the scale being stubborn,, mine still appears to be stuck even though I have lost 12 1/4 inches in the past 3 months. When I mentioned that maybe it was muscles the lady laughed, that is the one bad thing about curves, the ladies who run it don't really know much about nutrition and stuff like that. They just hire people off the street who have no training etc...

Well, guess I'll go finish up my laundry. Hello to Terry, Emily, Pam, Barb, Grandma G. Cathy, and anyone else I missed.

Have a great day all,

cat90 01-26-2004 11:21 PM

Hi Ladies,

I've had another excellent day :D worked out with my stability ball this morning as yesterday when i was jogging i started to get a pain in my big toe :?: so i gave it a rest..its fine so i don't know what that was about :shrug: must have overworked the little blighter :lol:

Tech, i had a temp job just before christmas at a choc factory and we all wore hairnets :lol:

Dahlia, i hate when things go 'poof' i used to really hate it if i used too many smilies and was told to go back and do it again and when i did the whole lot was gone :rollpin: don't know if it still does that or not :?:

cat90 01-26-2004 11:24 PM

Tech, tell us more about the online training class if you don't mind :^:

Dahlia 01-27-2004 09:46 AM

Good morning ladies,

Not much to say here today, getting more snow. Feeling kind of depressed today. I think it's the cold and snow.... guess I'll go get dressed and take a walk on my treadmill, and then find something constructive to do...

Still haven't heard from Barbara.... wonder what is going on with her.

Cathy, are you working anywhere now? To bad you are far away, we always need part time seasonal help..

Well, better go.. can't think of anything to say this morning, will check in later.

zookeeper16 01-27-2004 10:06 AM

Hello everyone! I'm with Dahlia...not much to report on except for cold and snow!

I got back on track today, starting with exercise and water. I had not worked out in THREE days, so I just knew if I was going to start back up, I had to start NOW!

Tech - I'm interested in your online course too! I've always wanted to look into doing something like that, but figured with everything I got going on, I probably wouldn't be able to keep up.

Dahlia - I wish I lived closer! That would be so much fun working in a greenhouse! I bet you get a lot of seasonal help though.

Well, I'm gonna get going. Having some femine problems again and not sure what's going on, so I'm gonna go take a rest or something non-strenuous! Take care!

TechAlum 01-27-2004 03:52 PM

Hello Everyone,

The weather just s*cks around here today. We had snow yesterday, followed by freezing rain overnight, which changed over to the wet nasty crunchy snow this morning!!! I'm trying to remember again why it is that I like winter. At least the temp's better :)

OK enough venting.

Dahlia - I'm in Dearborn (and no I've never worked for Ford). I really like it here although I miss living on a lake which is where I grew up.

Cathy and Lisa - the class is thru Century 21, it's a training class for new agents. It meets 4 days/week 2hrs/day for 3 weeks and then has self paced lessons for the next 3 weeks. It uses a system like "microsoft meetings" that you may have used or seen ads for on TV. Today was the first live class (yesterday was setup/computer check), and it seems like it'll be ok. The only problem is that during a real class when I get bored I have to keep listening because there's nothing else to do, while here I'm wandering away surfing the net, playing solitare....Maybe I'm ADD and didn't know it :lol: (just kidding).

I have a question for everyone, does anyone else have a problem with being hungry, and I mean stomach growling hungry not the just the munchies the third week of your cycle? It feels like I'm constantly hungry no matter what I eat. I've been this way as long as I can remember but it seems to be getting worse the older I get....

Anyway...as a result the last few days haven't been going to well on the diet front. I need a great big kick in the behind to get moving. Maybe I'll go upstairs and change into some exercise clothes and get moving that should warm me up...

Have a great evening everyone.

-Tech :wave:

Dahlia 01-27-2004 05:54 PM

Hi tech,
Which lake did you grow up on..? We didn't get the freezing rain, knock on wood, just the snow but it is blowing and visibility at times is zero.. I doubt there will be school tomorrow and the wind is drifting the country roads shut again...

And in answer to your question, YES.. the week before my period I was always hungry and nothing seemed to fill me up... but I don't have those problems anymore,
had a hysterectomy back in Sept. of 99. Now I am pretty even all the time.. and I don't miss them a bit. LOL

Going to spend the evening watching Law and Order and Law and Order special victums unit with hubby, it's a new kick we are on.. :) we hardly ever watched tv when we had kids home, so now that they are all gone, and it's just him and me, we can sit down and relax in the evenings and all the shows are new for us...:)

Well, Tech stay warm, and everyone take care,

cat90 01-27-2004 09:42 PM

Hi Ladies :wave:

Gosh, i'm just watching the news and it seems like the whole of the country is freezing while we have it very mild :shrug: the only thing i have to complain about is the rain :lol: i hate the snow so i'm glad about that.

Tech, i misunderstood the 'training' class :doh: i thought it was an exercise class not work related :lol: about the growling tummy, do you eat meals at regular times? or do you wait until you are hungry or your tummy growls? mine rarely growls ( probably because i don't know what real hunger is :lol: ) but the last couple of days i've noticed that its about to start and i eat before that happens because if i wait too long i know that i'll binge :rolleyes:

Dahlia, No..i'm not working now..thanks for the job offer btw :lol: i'm going home next month so no point in looking for something until i return. Wish my hubby would sit down and watch something with me :mad: he sits at the table watching the news while i try and sit on the couch and watch a series or a movie and i hate it..its so distracting when there is another tv on..blaring away right behind your head :rolleyes: i usually give up and curl up in bed when i want to watch something.

Lisa, good job getting back on track after a break :cp: that is hard to do sometimes.

I've had a very good day..did lots of organising and cleaning..i don't mean the usual vacuum and a duster stuff i mean pulling the fridge out kinda stuff :D the house looks great and this afternoon i walked on my treadmill for 4.25mls :) Eating has been good although i've had a couple of beers tonight :o but hey..i deserve them.

Hi T :wave: are you still watching us :mag: hope you get back soon.

Pam and Em, how are things? We miss you gals.

Sammy01 01-27-2004 11:02 PM

Hi all,

I'm still here but I'm frozen half to death. Yesterday it was wind chills of -47C and today the "high" was -31C. Brr..chilly.

Guess what ladies? I had my first belly dancing class last night. It was fun and an absolute riot as we all tried not to be self conscious. Tech, what video do you use for belly dancing?

Cathy, you are my exercise idol these days. 4.25 miles!!! Wowza.

Dahlia, I wish I lived closer to you too so you could teach me how to have a green thumb and not a black one LOL.

Lisa, good job getting back into the groove of things. I know how easy it is to fall back into the habit of not working out.

Tech, the 3rd week of my cycle is a killer for me too. I just really, really try to keep myself busy and occupied so that I'm not munching away all the time. The joys of being a woman eh?

Terry, miss you! I'll email you soon.

Well I'm off to bed. Had a raging head ache all day but now it's gone so hopefully will get a good night's rest and start the day off all refreshed. Have a good one everybody and I'll pop back in tomorrow.


zookeeper16 01-28-2004 10:23 AM

Good morning everyone! How are we all doing? I'm betting most of us are trying to stay warm!

Pam - Great job on the belly dancing! That is so cool! You and Tech will be able to put on a show in no time! (kidding!)

Dahlia - I too, wish we lived closer! I love to garden and plant things! My veg garden is 20x100 and my herb garden is about 8x10 next to the house. But now we may be moving so I'll have to start all over. But that's okay, there's nothing like a little (okay, a lot) of manure (remember those rabbits, chickens & horses?) to start a new garden and improve the soil! Hee hee!

Tech - I don't know where I heard it or read it, but someone said to think of your stomach grumbling as its way of burning up the fat....each time it grumbles, I am picturing a green smiley dude eating up the fat! LOL! Whatever works, huh?

For those of us who have scales that measure body fat, I found an interesting site that explains things a bit better (at least for me): http://www.healthchecksystems.com/bodyfat.htm By going through those figures, I have learned that I've lost 5 lbs of body fat! That made me feel better. It also helped me come up with my ideal weight, so to get there, I have 34 lbs to lose. Great insight.

Well, I have to get going.....Hope everyone has a great day, stays warm and loves themselves!

cat90 01-28-2004 09:08 PM

Hi Ladies,

I'm the cheat of the week :o went shopping and bought a pizza and mars bars and i had a LOT of pizza (hawaiian) and a mars bar and a beer :eek: did walk 3.5mls today but thats all :lol: never mind i stayed on plan at the weekend so i won't worry about it too much :shrug: i've not been sleeping well at all the past few nights and now i feel tuckered out :lol: wonder if its all those carbs? :chin:

zookeeper16 01-29-2004 04:25 PM

Hmmmm.....awfully quiet in here today! I just got back from running errands. Now I have to go empty the dishwasher, fold two load of laundy and work on some Ebay auctions for this weekend. Worked out this morning and am a little behind on my water so far, but I'll make that up!

Where's everyone else? Huddled inside trying to stay warm? Its freeezing here!

Take Care!

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