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Jean 04-23-2018 05:49 PM

Steel Magnolias — #22
Good Afternoon! It’s another sunny and nice 66 degrees day in my neighborhood this afternoon! It feels like spring might actually be here! :crossed: We balanced on the first try at church this morning which was nice after not counting last week. This afternoon I went to the gift shop and worked on checking in the greeting cards and filling the card rack. Wednesday will be my day to work there; seems like I just did that. Not much is newsy from here today. I have a load of towels to fold and a load to get in the dryer so best keep moving. Hope you’ve all had a good day and enjoy your evening! :wave:

gma22 04-25-2018 07:21 AM

Good morning. Once again I have been remiss getting in here. Yesterday was busy as it was the day they installed the scooter lift. It is all done and works fine except it takes awhile getting the scooter undone from the holding straps, etc. It is only a problem at the house though. We decided when we take the scooter, we will pull up parallel to the garage, I will unload it and go park it then Jack will just back up or go down and turn around and then put the car in the garage. We have some jackass that is parking his huge truck across in front of his garage and it makes getting into ours tough. We have to go to the end of the drive, turn around and then come back and pull in from the other direction. They aren’t supposed to park outside the garages for that very reason, but they continue to do it. I have no problem for a couple minutes but using it as a parking lot, no. You don’t want to start something with them though as you never know how they’ll react. It’s a pain.

We saved the labor charges on the hitch install as the guy got called away for an emergency and was late getting back for our appointment and we received the $200 cover for the scooter free because the thing wasn’t counted in their inventory so they couldn’t charge us. At least that’s what the service manager said. I think he was just being nice because it cost $2200 to get the thing. It took them 4 hours but it’s all done now and we can have our trunk space back. The only bad thing is it blocks our back up sensors so when you put the car in reserve it whines at you until you put it in drive, but we’ll get used to that and just have to be careful. One good thing though, I can drive the scooter into the area where the containers were instead of leaving it covered out on the deck. The garage roof doesn’t leak, just on the ground so it will stay dry.

I slipped in the bathroom a couple days ago and did a semi split. I caught the sink so didn’t fall, but my groin and hip muscles still hurt and it messed with my knee of couse. It is better this morning but sure has been tough to get around the last couple days. It is always something.

Jean: We are finally moving into regular temps now. We are getting a lot of rain though. We put a bunch of stuff out for trash pick up today from cleaning the garage and they are going to hate us. We put our old fake Christmas tree out and the box got wet and is falling apart. They aren’t gonna be happy having to pick the pieces up instead of the whole box. Hopefully the snow is at an end for you finally. I saw the coolist thing on FB this morning. It is how to make that cake fondant using melted marshmallow. She made flowers and such and it was pretty neat. Don’t know if Beth or Amanda are into cake decorating for their family, but an easy way to do it.

Well, I need to balance my checkbook and get my chores done. Have a good day everyone.

Jean 04-26-2018 12:18 PM

Good Morning! The sun is shining, a breeze is blowing, and we are supposed to hit 70 this afternoon. :cp: Once the sun moves around I can open the sliding doors! There is laundry in the washer and vacuuming is next on my agenda. I need to run a couple errands after lunch. Yesterday I worked in the gift shop and will again tomorrow for a friend whose husband is going through chemo treatments. Reminds me every day to be thankful for our good health.

“Gma,” I’m glad you were able to get your garage organized and the scooter lift installed. Does it get in your way when you have things to put in the trunk? I can never reach in far enough without touching the bumper which always seems to have a layer of dirt on it. I wish car washes, or car designers, would figure out something so that the back ends of SUVs would be squeaky clean after a wash. The guy across the street has fishing buddies who come and park right at the end of our driveway or else in front of our mailbox. Same guy who lets his two labs run the neighborhood. :mad: Our regular mailman is good and will get out to put mail in the mailbox or Bob will take it from him if he happens to see him coming. It seems like everyone who visits over there drives a big pickup. The weekenders next door to them all drive pickups, SUVs, and vans. It gets a little crowded sometimes. I saw the FB video making the roses. I wonder how they taste, or if they are edible after sitting.

The washer should be done so time for the next load and to rev up the vacuum. Hope you are enjoying a terrific Thursday! :wave:

gma22 04-27-2018 05:49 PM

Good afternoon! I worked on housecleaning today and that was it. Hubby has been running a fever and says his knees and ankles ache which usually means a virus coming on but shows no cold or stomach flu symptoms. I made chicken noodle soup for him and tomato for me for dinner because he didn’t want anything heavy.

If he feels well tomorrow I need to pick up stuff at WM. He said he wants to get his hair cut early tomorrow.

I feel very tired today. My allergies sure haven’t let up and our pollen count and trees are very high. I get tired of the headache more than anything.

Jean: Jack says he has no trouble getting into the trunk. One thing is it sets off the backup alarm so Jack disabled it. I don’t know why people are so darn rude. I can’t imagine your whole street is lined with cars that there is no where to park.

Everyone have a nice night and good day tomorrow.

Jean 04-27-2018 10:46 PM

Good Evening! The sun was shining all day and it’s been a beautiful day in my neighborhood at 68 degrees. I worked in the gift shop this morning and spent most of the time visiting with the volunteer in the coffee shop. It was pretty quiet all over the hospital. I did the weekly paperwork and brought the money home to count. It was a slow week so didn’t take long to count and I took it to the bank. It was too late to start any projects so cleared off the counter and called it good.

“Gma,” I hope Jack feels better tomorrow! The stomach flu is making the rounds again here, must be the crazy weather we’ve been having. We never park in the street but it gets a little tricky backing out when it’s bumper to bumper on both sides of the street. Since we are in the back of the house, at least we don’t have to look at the menagerie. It’s not every day which is good.

Hope you all enjoy a nice evening and have a great weekend! :wave:

gma22 05-01-2018 07:42 AM

Good morning. Crazy last few days trying to get things done and with a sick husband. He felt ok on Saturday. He got his haircut, came home and we went shopping at WM. Never again on Saturday early afternoon. It was totally nuts there. Well, we got home, got the groceries unloaded as well as the scooter, got some lunch and put everything away. He went and picked up his Father’s Day present from me at Sears (it was on sale for $200 off so figured he’d just get it early.) It’s a big rolling tool box. The thing is huge and he struggled getting it in the house, unloaded and getting the wheels on. Afterwards I noticed Jack didn’t look too great and ask him if he was ok. He wasn’t feeling well so I took his temp and it was 102! I gave him some Advil and told him to try and nap, which he did. The temp came back down and he went to bed early. The temp has been popping up and down and he said Sunday he thought it might be his tooth. It’s his front tooth and when he was a kid, he knocked out both front teeth. His mom just shoved them both back up into his mouth as they cam out root and all. Anyway, I found Jack a dentist and he went yesterday. I guess the tooth’s nerve has thinned or narrowed or shortened or something along with some kind of calcification. He said he couldn’t do the work as he didn’t have what is needed to do it so Jack has to go to and endodontist. He put him on antibiotics and gave him pain meds. So we’ll get the infection cleared up and he’ll go and get the tooth fixed. I imagine this will cost a lot but it has to be done.

I got my grandson’s graduation announcement. Can’t believe he’s graduating though. Seems like just yesterday he was a baby. He’s a great kid. We are very proud of him.

I have laundry today and need to clean up the upstairs bathrooms. We are going on a trip for a few days a week from tomorrow and am trying to get everything done and pull clothes to pack, etc. Jack says he thinks everything will go in the trunk now that we have the scooter on a lift instead of in the trunk.

I guess we’ll have to deal with the guy parking in front of his garage. He saw Jack was having trouble getting the toolchest on the handcart thing and helped him. If it didn’t make it difficult to get out of the garage I could care less, but these are not regular width streets. Just one vehicle can crowd the street. From what I understand, garages were not part of the original comples. By building them, it narrowed the street somewhat.

Boy, the website is acting goofy today.

Jean: Sorry I haven’t gotten in here and posted. I guess I need to do it first thing when I come downstairs in the morning. I imagine your weather has warmed up quite a bit.

Everyone have a good day. Off to get the day started.

gma22 05-02-2018 09:17 AM

Good morning to everybody! Gonna be hot here today. It’s nice for the temps to finally be up. I have bathrooms to clean today and I need to decide on clothes for the trip. We have warm areas traveling then cool when we get there. I may have to do half summer half fall stuff.

Jack is doing ok. He has no pain and his off and on fever should stop soon as he is on his second day of antibiotics.

Everyone have a great day today.

Midget2 05-02-2018 10:43 AM

Morning ladies! Thought I better be checking in here so you gals wouldn't forget me! ;)

Knee is coming along fine. I've graduated from the walker to a cane which gives me a lot more freedom. Therapy is rough though. I dread going each time but I always feel so good when I leave. I haven't been very faithful about doing exercises at home :( which is my own stupid fault! Hoping to get back to church this Sunday for the first time since the procedure.

GMA: So glad your fall in the bathroom wasn't serious! Is your grandson planning to go to college? Glad Jack's doing better.

Jean: I saw where Bob had some surgery...is he doing okay? Is all your snow gone? You really got hit with it!

Nothing exciting going on around here. Therapy this afternoon and then a haircut. My hairdresser's having shoulder surgery in June and is going to be off 6 to 8 weeks. I'll be quite shaggy by the time she returns! :D

Everyone have a great day!

Jean 05-02-2018 01:23 PM

Good Morning! I have been to WM this morning, only because Amanda asked for a mini whisk for her birthday and the Hallmark store didn’t have one. We give the “big” kids money but I like to wrap a little something too. She will get a bottle of wine for her new wine rack too. The dishwasher and washer did their jobs while I was gone so need to unload them.

“Gma,” just thinking about Jack’s two teeth being knocked out and his mother shoving them back in, gives me the heebie jeebies! I hope he is on the mend and can get the tooth fixed asap. Poor guy! I’m sure Thomas is anxious to move on to the next chapter in his life. It is hard to believe he is graduating. Our weather has been warmer but very windy which brings out the leaf buds on the trees. With the last two snow storms blowing from the east, off the lake, my windows were filthy. Bob washed them and it promptly rained the next evening. We have a crazy few days coming up. Tomorrow Maddy has a soccer game at 5, then she is in a play at 7; we plan to go to the game, skip the play, then head to the make up program which is the Glenn Miller orchestra and chorus. Friday we are invited to a wine tasting/vendor/craft show in Sioux Falls. We are staying overnight to try out our new bed. Saturday morning we will go to band contest for both Ian and Zowie, then head for Maddy’s Saturday night play performance. :yawn: We are counting church money on Sunday afternoon because I have a May breakfast first thing Monday morning. We double up on some games the next week but will decide which to go to when the time comes. I am betting there will be some rain outs. I now you are looking forward to a few days away, hope the weather is good.

Sandy, it’s good to see you today! I have heard others say the same thing about therapy but admit the exercises are so important. Hang in there! :D Bob came through his surgery fine, no pain but is stiff after sitting for very long. The surgeon told him it just takes time to heal. His mom always used to say getting old isn’t for sissies. We laughed at the time but not any more!

I need to put my WM purchases away and think of something for lunch — leftovers I think! Hope you enjoy a nice day! :wave:

gma22 05-03-2018 07:52 AM

Good morning ladies. Going to be another hot one today. I think it got up to 87 yesterday. Can’t complain as I am just glad the cold is gone.

Igot the checkbook balanced, noticed I have a pr of shoes, a duster jacket and a tank top coming today so had to unlock the gate. Ever since they fixed our garage door opener, when it gets very hot or cold the darn thing doesn’t want to open. Jack says it’s already started that nonsense. Eventually I want one we can connect to our cellphones that have cameras. It’s just irritating to have to mess with trying to get it up.

Jack is feeling much better. He said he’ll make a dentist appt as soon as we get back and get the tooth fixed. I often wonder why they don’t have dental insurance comparitive to health insurance and frankly why eyes and ears, glasses and hearing aids aren’t part of it too. Dentists want you to come in twice a year but yet a lot of people just cannot afford it. You need a hearing aid, it comes out of pocket as does glasses.

Sandy: Good to hear from you. Oh yes, Thomas is quite an intelligent young man. I am not sure where he is going to college. We don’t get to see him. My only contact is through mailing him greeting cards. At one time he want to go to Georgia Tech, then University of Chicago and who knows. He has the grades to go anywhere he wishes so don’t know what he will do.

Jean: You have one crazy week and weekend. You two are always on the go. I bought a set of whisks a few weeks back that I love. One of them is the little one and it is great for scrambling eggs and such. I told Jack we are going to have to hand wash the car now with the lift on back. Ick! I may just take it to one of these guys that set up in parking lots and wash your car. I need to get power wash stuff and do our windows. I don’t know if there is a spigot out front, but I doubt it.

Everyone have a good day. I have a waxing appt today and yea my hair appt tomorrow.

Jean 05-04-2018 12:57 PM

Good Morning! It’s a beautiful day in my neighborhood with a bright blue sky and sunshine! I ran an errand this morning and have been doing some laundry. Need to get clothes together for the weekend. Ernie will think he is an orphan again. :lol:

“Gma,” I hope Jack gets along ok with his tooth. Bob went to the dentist yesterday and has two old cracked fillings that need to be replaced. One on each side of his mouth so two trips because the dentist doesn’t want to numb his whole face. For some reason he has to have more than usual, of whatever they use to numb the tooth. Bob has a new spring for his garage door. It broke twice and the guy cobbled it together because he didn’t have one on hand. Third time is the charm. :D

Bob is home for lunch so need to get moving. Not much else is newsy from here. Hope you all enjoy a fantastic Friday and a nice weekend! :wave:

gma22 05-05-2018 10:55 AM

Good moring. Dreary here today. Supposed to rain today off and on but tomorrow will be sunny. We are leaving a WM run until tomorrow when the weather is nice.

I am laundering, dewrinkling clothes to start packing. I have my usual bazillion lists. Since we have to come back early so we can be at Thomas’s graduation, we will probably go back. No big deal as Jack is ok on vacation.

I was sitting next to a young gal waiting for my waxing lady and she was going on and on to her two friends about she just couldn’t take school and the rules and everything and she just up and quit. She was probably 15. Just another idiot kid who thinks she’ll have someone provide for her I guess. Then yesterday listening to the owner of the hair studio as she was doing my hair talk about her sweet baby grandson who is only 4 months old. He had some birth trauma and so has some disabilities that may or may not right itself. It irked me one kid had a chance she blew and another with the possibilty of a hard time down the road.

Jean: I see your governor got up guts and passed a strong abortion bill. Will see how much stink that causes. We had to have our spring replaced a few years ago. Our garages have no inner or outer handles so it can be a bugger to get them up manually. Have a good time with the kids!

Everyone have a good weekend. I am off to clean up breakfast dishes and then when Jack gets back from Krogers, I want to clean the inside of the car for the trip.

Jean 05-06-2018 10:24 PM

Good Evening! It has been a “catch up” day around here. It was a beautiful, gorgeous day with no wind, sunshine, and warm enough to have windows and doors open. We got home tired from the whirlwind of activities; wine and walk was a bust because Amanda’s parents decided to come and were late so by the time we got done eating the walk was about over. Zowie’s team was out played big time and they lost their game Saturday morning. Her solo judge was very kind and positive giving her good points to improve her tone on her saxophone. But on the way back to the car the tears began to flow, I felt bad for her and tried to convince her that we had all been through the contest routine so knew how she was feeling. She was supposed to play first thing in the morning but changed her time so she could play in the soccer game. Just thinking about it all day, and being at the end would be nerve racking too. We headed to Sioux City in pouring rain and met Beth and Will for supper. Kolby had been to a birthday party so didn’t want to come and Maddy had to be at school early for pictures. Her play only lasted an hour and was a musical so that was fun. Some of the lead singers really have amazing talent for as young as they are. She went to a cast party afterwards and we headed home. I counted the gift shop money, started laundry, then went to count money at church this afternoon. I am tired tonight! Tomorrow morning is a P.E.O. breakfast at 9:30 to start the week, soccer games, and lunch bunch. Ian is supposed to get his baseball schedule sometime this week. I am looking forward to his games since we are beginning to know other parents and grandparents.

“Gma,” unfortunately, a lot of kids in today’s world don’t like rules and/or think the rules apply to them. Once again poor parenting skills imo. Bob cleaned, vacuumed, and washed both our vehicles today. We come home from seeing the kids and the cars are plastered with bugs. Many nights he will head to the car wash as soon as we get home. The rain just smears them around if we have to turn on the wipers. I hope you have a great time and safe trip! When is graduation?

I need to round up clothes for tomorrow. I am filling in for part of a practice initiation so have to wear black slacks and a white top. Hope you all enjoy a marvelous Monday! :wave:

Jean 05-07-2018 11:20 AM

Good Morning! It’s going to be another nice weather day in my neighborhood. The sun is shining and it’s already 70 degrees. I am skipping my much anticipated May breakfast this morning. We ordered chicken late yesterday afternoon from a local restaurant. I spent most of the night in and out of the bathroom; I’m thinking food poisoning because I’ve never had my stomach hurt like it did. Bob is fine so may have been a touch of flu but sure don’t feel like eating in a group this morning. I’m bummed because the hostess lives on the lake and has several beautiful china sets that she entertains with, always a treat to go to her house. So far my tea and crackers have settled in so I’m hopeful the worst is over. Hope you all enjoy a marvelous Monday today! :wave:

gma22 05-08-2018 08:52 AM

Good morning! Going to be hot today and nice and sunny. You never know about weather anymore.

Been struggling badly with arm and shoulder issues and since it’s my dominent arm, it makes it worse. When we get back I have to make a doctor’s appt and talk to him about what’s going on. It was so bad on Sunday I had a heating pad on my shoulder and one wrapped around my arm. I had even taken one of Jack’s pain pills but it didn’t help. By one AM I came downstairs, took 3 Advil and put heating pads on and finally slept in the recliner. I went and got my nails done yesterday but by 1 PM my arm was hurting and the bones were “popping” so I definitely have something going on there. The muscle in the front of my arm if you pressed on it was knotted and bruised feeling. Tough to get old.

Going to have to give the house a good cleaning when we get back. It’s a mess right now.

Jean: Hope you’re feeling better by now. Sounds like you had a rough night. Thomas graduates next Monday night. Poor Zoe. It’s hard to do competition stuff unless you have a will of iron. I always messed up my piano recital because I got so nervous.

Have a good day. I’ll try and get in here if I remember but wil be really busy for the next week.

Jean 05-08-2018 04:20 PM

Good Afternoon! It’s another beautiful day in my neighborhood, sunny and 82 degrees as I type. We had a very brief rain shower this morning as I was heading out to WM and the grocery store. I was almost out of orphan/robin food and wrestled a 35# bag into the cart. I got behind a mother/daughter combo in the check out lane. The mother had a debit card but didn’t know what to do with it. I had already unloaded my basket so stayed in line. After everything was done, the daughter had her sign the screen, then the lady takes out her checkbook and enters the transaction. Lucky me, I got behind the same woman in the grocery store! The daughter was off doing her own shopping. Same procedure with the debit card, the checker walking her through how to do it; only now she also has the gas rewards card but not with her. The checker asked for her phone number then had to explain she could look up her card number that way. The kindly gentleman who sacked her groceries asked if he could carry them out for her and she said no, she had to wait for her daughter who wasn’t in line yet. He tried to convince her to wait at the front of the store and he would help both of them. She stayed planted where she was, just far enough ahead so my cart was in the way and I couldn’t reach the credit card machine. The checker is rolling her eyes and the sacker finally said she would have to move in order for me to get out. :hyper: By now two more people are behind me waiting. I kept reminding myself that some day I will be “old” and need help too. Consequently, lunch was a bit late because I was hungry for a casserole that had to bake an hour. I need to clean up the kitchen and will be Bob’s taxi service when he brings his tractor home to wash it then take it to the manor. He lets the retirement home use one of his tractors to pull their people mover around town. It used to be for the 4th of July parade and the month of July, but now they have their own people mover so will be all summer. They go for rides around town and often stop at a bar by the lake. It has a patio and they like to sit and watch the boats, some have a beer, drink pop, or whatever. They have had their picture in the local paper more than once, really enjoying the rides. The funeral the bells are playing for will be Friday morning; we play Sunday so assume will practice both pieces at the same time. I have been watching the lava videos from Hawaii, so scary!

“Gma,” I hope your shoulder and arm feel better soon! Mine hurt when I would reach back for the seatbelt or to put my arm in a coat sleeve when Bob would hold my coat. I got the most relief from ibuprofen which is a big no no from my doctor and also Bob’s. I think the two weeks doing nothing in Maui helped the most. It’s not fun to hurt! Now I am 99% positive I had food poisoning since my stomach has had “twinges” both yesterday and today. Food is staying where it is supposed to but I am being extra careful about what I eat. I was always closer to the end of my piano recitals as I got older. Everything had to be memorized; I couldn’t memorize anything now. :o My only salvation was I had the summer off because my teacher liked to travel.

I need to get busy! Have a terrific rest of your day! :wave:

Jean 05-12-2018 03:21 PM

Good Afternoon! It is cold, windy, and rainy again today. I was going to put my electric blanket away but will wait another week. My furnace is running right now. I was looking forward to a “catch up” weekend but Beth and family are coming over tomorrow so have been doing some extra cleaning I hadn’t planned on doing. Guess the rest will wait until next week. For some reason I am tired and a nap sounds awfully good.

I need to get busy or I will still be working this evening when it’s time to go to bed. Tomorrow and Monday are early mornings. Hope everyone has a nice weekend! :wave:

gma22 05-14-2018 06:01 AM

Good early morning! We got home around five after one crazy trip home. Construction, traffic, cop pullovers and accidents. The last one only 40 miles from home was a hum dinger. They had traffic stopped in both directions because whatever happened started a block long fire in the medium. I was driving and the truckers wouldn’t let me into the right lane as the left lane was blocked with a police car. I pulled up and forced my car front between a truck and RV and sat kind of sideways as they were making people drive on the shoulder and we were inching along. All of a sudden I hear a truck honk and this dumb volunteer fireman is in a firetruck and drove up the right shoulder without his siren on. He wants me to get out of the way so he can get between me and the rv and onto the left lane and up to the accident. Here I am backing onto the interstate to try and let him through. (the dummy could have driven the left lane all the way up because it was totally clear.) Then this nitwit gets up to the accident and discovers he’s on the wrong side of the interstate because the fire was being dealt with from the other side! So what does the dope do? He turns around and drives the wrong way in the left lane down the interstate. I hope somewhere back there he didn’t come in contact with cars still in the left lane.

We came home to 95 degree temps. My feet and calves were swollen (I neglected to put on my compression leggings because I had on jeans and was afraid if I needed to take them off I wouldn’t be able to,) so Jack made me sit and he dragged it all in. We have to deal with it all this morning as all we did was fix us a bite to eat and we crashed in bed at 7 pm, me with swollen legs and Jack with a headache. Felt great to be up in our cool, dark room in our own comfortable bed and we were sound asleep in just a few minutes.

We have Thomas’s graduation tonight at 7.

Jack got a voicemail while we were gone from the HOA president. He called him back after we got back to the hotel and he offered Jack a position on the HOA board. Whoopee now maybe we’ll know what the heck is going on.

Well even though it’s only 5 AM guess I better get crackin’ so I can make some headway. Have a good day.

Jean 05-15-2018 09:02 AM

Good Morning! It is very foggy here this morning so not sure what kind of weather is in store for today. Yesterday was rainy most of the day and the sun came out late in the afternoon turning on the humidity big time. We went to Maddy’s soccer game; she made a goal and they won, 3-1. She played goalie, without getting clobbered, for the first half then forward the second half. Soccer camp is on her summer activity list so she can try out for the high school team next year. Zowie has a game this afternoon so will be on the road again. There is laundry waiting and a bathroom to clean this morning, maybe even a quick swipe with the vacuum if I am really ambitious. ;)

“Gma,” glad you are safely home once again. The older I get the more I dislike driving in any kind of traffic! Most drivers have no manners and are just plain stupid! On our last interstate trip we could see the black smoke long before we got to the interstate. As we got closer, something was burning on the shoulder on the other side. A man was standing in the ditch talking on his cell phone but no emergency vehicles in sight. Traffic had stopped behind semis because they couldn’t see through the smoke. We did see a tiny fire
truck trying to drive on the shoulder to get to the fire. I saw on FB you made it to graduation, I’m so glad. :hug: Hopefully Jack can make a difference on the HOA board. I admire him for volunteering.

I need to get dressed and get my day going. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday and enjoy the day! :wave:

gma22 05-15-2018 02:46 PM

Good afternoon! We are finishing up getting things back to normal from the trip. It is super hot here this week so today we are staying in. Tomorrow we’ll be out for awhile but not out in the weather. I like the hotter weather but it causes me problems like swelling, dizziness, etc so I try to stay inside buildings in excessive heat.

Well, the cutting down of our tree and bushes and azaleas has caused a mess of odds and ends. It sprouted all kinds of stuff so tomorrow we’ll get some weed killer and try and get rid of it all.

Jean: I saw Maddie’s goal. She did a great job! Why is it women seem to always have something they need to do? I don’t think we’re ever caught up because we get done then it’s time to start back at the beginning.

I need to get back to putting stuff away. Have a good afternoon.

Jean 05-16-2018 05:22 PM

Good Afternoon! It’s a beautiful day in my neighborhood with NO wind, sunshine, and 81 degrees. I went to have my nails done first thing this morning. I had a different tech and she was so slow but did a good job. Then I made another trip to WM; they are rearranging stuff again. I replanted a plant this afternoon and have been working on the checkbook trying to find a mistake. I hate when that happens but have gone through it twice and am about ready to forget it and start over with what the bank says. I did find a ten cent mistake in the gift shop checkbook a couple years ago, and it was the bank’s mistake.

“Gma,” is someone going to replace your bushes and azaleas? If not, they should! Unless you don’t want them to do so, that is. It’s nice you got to have lunch with Thomas. :yes: It seems likes the grandkids grow up so much faster than our own kids did. Zowie turns 13 on Sunday, doesn’t seem possible as she is our “baby” and taller than I am. Of course everyone is taller than I am, :lol: except Kolby and he’s catching up fast. Are you watching any of the royal wedding hoopla? I saw the gals trying on hats yesterday and that was fun.

The dishwasher is finished so need to unload that. Beth is coming over to go fishing with Bob tomorrow so I need to think of something for lunch, either that they can take with or could be ready in a hurry if they come back to the house. Supposedly the fish have quit biting so hope they catch something. Hope you enjoy your evening! :wave:

gma22 05-17-2018 07:33 AM

Good morning. It is only going to be low 80’s today but rainy so gives us some relief from the heat. We never did get to Lowes yesterday. It was pouring down rain when we left lunch and we decided just to go home. I’ll get the stuff this weekend. I may not be able to spray anytime soon as we are supposed to have a lot of rain the next couple weeks.

Jack took my car today and tomorrow to work. His AC has gone out and they can’t get him in until Tuesday. He’s going to drop the Mariner off after work on Monday and I’ll just go pick him up. The dealer is only about 4 miles from here. I hope it’s just a hose needing replacement. It won’t keep a charge.

I am doing a load of laundry and going to clean upstairs bathrooms today. My house needs a good cleaning for sure.

Jean: We had a great Time with Thomas. Boy has he gotten tall. I hugged him when we left the restaurant and my head came to his chest. :lol: He has these super long fingers too. He is going on an 80 mile full pack hike with the Boy Scouts next month. They have a big scout camp out in New Mexico. I think he said that next week is his triathlon. His dad is doing it with him. I am afraid they are going to be doing it in the rain again this year. I hope the swim is fairly warm for him as last time the water was too cold and he had to quit. I don’t remember having so many things going on in my life like kids do nowadays. He definitely keeps busy. He will be 18 next month and Jackson will be 12. He said he’ll be in New Mexico for his bday so I’ll send his card to him early I think. They do grow up fast. When I joined 3fc neither of us had any grandchildren! The lady next door was fixing her stinky stuff whatever it is. Jack said he came out of the clubhouse after the board meeting and he could smell it outdoors! Lasted all evening. Ugh!!

Everybody have a good day. Off to balance my checkbook and put clothes in the dryer.

Jean 05-17-2018 01:09 PM

Good Morning! It’s another beautiful day in my neighborhood with sunshine and NO wind again today. What a nice treat that is! The sliding doors are wide open and birds are chirping away. I think most of the orioles have moved on, only had a couple this morning along with one hummingbird. Beth was here early to go fishing; I hope they catch something! Kolby is in a parade this afternoon so she will head home to pick him, and his saxophone, up from school. They had an incident too close to their home, for comfort yesterday. A man tried to grab a 10 year old girl who was walking close to her house. She managed to get away from him and into the house. It was on the news last night but not a good description of the man and no visible car. Maddy and Kolby both walk home after school and usually separately because of different practices. Next year they will be in different buildings. I made tacos for lunch; ever since our Taco John’s closed I have been hungry for tacos. We have several resataurants that make them but not just “plain and simple” where you can add your own stuff. I am still trying to find my (?) mistake in the checkbook. Makes me so frustrated even though the bank says I have more than I say we do.

“Gma,” I always tease Ian that he grows taller between the times we see him. His other grandpa and uncle are both 6’6”; I hope he doesn’t get that tall because the clothes are outrageously expensive. I think he is 6’3” now. But like Thomas, he is such a nice young man! His girlfriend dumped him a couple weeks ago without giving him a reason. She showed up at their door with the gifts he had given her and wanted the things she had given him back. Amanda said one of her gifts was a nice birthstone necklace and no one in the family has the same month. :rolleyes: His feelings were really hurt since she wouldn’t give him a reason, just wanting to be friends. Jason keeps telling him there are lots of fish in the ocean! Did Jack learn anything at the board meeting?

I need to set the table and be ready when the fisher people come in for lunch. Hope you all enjoy a nice day! :wave:

Jean 05-18-2018 06:11 PM

Good Afternoon! We started the day with sunshine but it is getting darker like it might rain any minute, which it is supposed to do tomorrow and Sunday. This morning was my once a month coffee date and this afternoon I had to do the end of the week paperwork for the gift shop when I picked up the money. The only problem is that “someone” took it upon themselves to remove the signed payroll deduction sheets for Monday-Thursday so I have nothing to double check against what is written on the daily sheets. GRRRRR! :mad: :mad: :mad: The Friday coffee shop gal is clueless as far as the gift shop paper record workings so she was no help. I do have the cash and checks counted so the deposit is ready for the bank. Nothing planned for the weekend except more decluttering, laundry, and church because Bob’s group is singing. Have a nice evening! :wave:

gma22 05-18-2018 08:05 PM

Good evenig ladies. We have had a lot of rain and boy my knees and hands are certainly complaining. I can’t knit or do anything where I have to move them a lot.

We are watching a rain delay for the Cubs. Don’t know if they’ll get the game in or not.

We have grocery shopping this weekend and I have to get to Lowes and get weed killer before we are overrun. They have popped up everywhere. It’s a mess.

Jean: The hoa is raising the fees by $20 starting in Sept. They are working to get residents heavily behind in their fees to pay up or lose their home, but they are finding when they push and demand, the people file bankruptcy and they end up getting nothing. It’s one of the reasons why they can’t do the heavy maintenance. They want to raise the fees by $100 but the retired folks can’t afford it so they are doing a little at a time. I told Jack 5 yrs ago they should double the fees. We have lived here 17 yrs and they haven’t raised them once. Sounds like you have issues at the hospital. Hope you can find your booboo eventually. Years ago there was a taco place in Jack’s home town called Princess Tacos. They were the best tacos ever. I am not big on putting that powdered taco mix in my meat. It has too much chili powder, I think. I too like to do my own. Jack is a meat, onions and cheese guy. I like putting, lettuce, tomato, black olives and guac if it will fit. lol

Well, I better get going.. You all have a nice night.

Jean 05-19-2018 12:09 PM

Good Morning! The sun is shining, it’s a cool 55 degrees, and windy. I have laundry going and am debating about whether to the electric blanket off the bed. We have a few cooler rainy days coming up. Not much planned for today except to iron church clothes for tomorrow, dust, and vacuum.

“Gma,” my hospital “boss” was gone last week so that’s why I didn’t have all the paperwork I needed to do my report. If I can’t do her end of the week balancing she will ask someone in administration to do it. I’m hoping she will find out who has what I need first thing Monday. I did the money part just not the payroll deduction. It’s too bad the management company let repairs get so far behind for so long. What do you put in your taco meat if you don’t use the taco powder?

I am hungry for potato salad so am going to make some for whatever lands on the grill later. :D Hope you enjoy a nice weekend! :wave:

gma22 05-21-2018 07:45 AM

Good morning. We have :rain: today and very humid. I turned the AC on first thing this morning. I have been sitting here knitting a pair of socks for a friend, but already have a load of laundry going and dishes unloaded and reloaded.

I need to get the rest of the upstairs done today, start on the downstairs, and go pick Jack up from the dealership at 3:15 or so. It’s not far from here so can leave at the last minute. Sure hope it’s not the compressor or something more serious. We have had to spend a lot of money lately and we still have the crown on his tooth when he gets it done. The boys birthdays are next month and we are taking a trip to KS City in August. Ahh well, it’s just money. :lol:

I wanted to go out and soak all those weeds with weed killer today but no such luck. Hopefully I can do it tomorrow as they have run amok. :lol: I don’t know how cutting down a tree, holly bush and three azaleas could start a forest of weeds as I never had problems with them before but they are everywhere, even against the fence line. They literally popped up overnight it seems.

I have been fighting with Zales online to get my $325 refund. I bought a bracelet that it said was peach colored. It came and the beads were teeny tiny and tan so I boxed it up and sent it back priority mail with signature confirmation on April 5th. I have emailed three times and called them three times. I was originally told 3 weeks for a refund. That past so I called them. She took all the info, gave me a reference # and said if I hadn’t heard anything in 2 days to call them back. I didn’t so I did. Got a guy who cheerfully told me last Thursday, I would get an email from them that day, which I didn’t. So, now we are 6 weeks out from them receiving my package (I gave them all that info including the person’s name who signed for it) and still nothing. So, I am calling them this morning and raising the roof. I am telling them I want a supervisor. I am fed up. On top of that, my credit card got charged for Macafee and we haven’t had it in over 2 years. We went with PC maticas they are cheaper and made here in US. Anyway, I went to Macafee this AM, logged onto my account and I do not have auto renewal so I hope I haven’t gotten hacked again! It is always something.

Jean: I don’t make hard shelled tacos much, but when I do, I just salt and pepper the meat with some garlic and onions cooked in. We use taco sauce on hard shelled tacos and using the taco seasoning seems to be too much. We like rolled tacos and since they have cheese inside and out, I just make the meat the same. I had the worst potato salad ever a few days ago. We ordered dinner from Jason’s deli, which is a chain and I got potato salad as my side. First, I don’t like bell pepper in my potato salad, it had no sweetness, which I like and the potatoes were mashed not cubed. :eek::eek: It was disgusting. The chicken salad sandwich was awful too. They mangled the chicken like it’d been through a grinder, then just mayo, almonds and a couple grapes. Dinner for me was a failure. I threw out the chicken salad, ate the croissant it came on with the lettuce and tomato and some lunchmeat with a few chips. Bob Evans used to make the best chicken salad ever. It had pecans and grapes and chunks of chicken. It was delicious, but we went there for breakfast on our trip and they quit making it, I noticed. It came with a bunch of fruit and a dinner roll.

Well, I guess I should get some breakfast in me and get going on chores. Have a great day.

Jean 05-21-2018 12:57 PM

Good Morning! It is cloudy and cool again today with a few raindrops now and then, but no wind so far. It was really foggy when I drove to church early this morning. We balanced on the first try and I was done earlier than usual. I made the gift shop deposit and dropped checks off at the hospital on my way home. I have towels in the washer and need to think about something for lunch shortly, potato salad for one thing. :D

“Gma,” we have rocks around our deck and in front of the house; I noticed the tiny weeds are popping up but Bob said he sprayed them. I just pull them if I see one or two but seems like there are quite a few right now. I hope you get your refund from Zales soon. Couldn’t you have had the credit card company charge it back? Either way it is aggravating! I ordered four bottles of Oriole food from Amazon because no one around here had any. When I got home, the box was in two plastic bags by the front door delivered by Fed Ex. The note said they were leaking when they received the box. We’ve never had Fed Ex deliver anything ordered from Amazon. :dunno: There were drips the length of the driveway and a puddle under the plastic bag. The box is ripped open across one end; one bottle is completely empty and another bottle almost empty, two were still in tact but a sticky mess. Bob took pictures on my iPad, then I get on the phone to Amazon and get the nicest English speaking lady! After I explained the situation she said I didn’t need to send the pictures or return anything. She gave me credit for the two bottles and was so nice. I complimented her several times! Within a half hour I had a confirmation email the credit had been applied to my account, and sure enough it was there when I checked. I was lucky! My potato salad is just potatoes, eggs, and onion with Miracle Whip and mustard, pretty simple. Bob’s mom put celery and sometimes green olives in her’s. Do you have Arby’s where you live? They make a seasonal chicken salad sandwich with nuts and grapes. It is good. :T

Bob’s singing group is going out to eat tonight, tomorrow and Thursday are soccer games, and Wednesday is my morning to work in the gift shop. I need to get busy! Hope you all enjoy a nice day! :wave:

gma22 05-22-2018 02:27 PM

Good afternoon. Just got a text from Jack. So far the car charges are $570. That’s just to do a recharge and shoot dye through to check for a leak somewhere! Who knows what the end amount will be. They didn’t even say whether it will be fixed today or not. They’ve had it since 3:15 yesterday afternoon.

I got a ham steak out of the freezer and we are having mac n cheese I think. I don’t know whether dinner will get interrupted or what with the car business. I wanted something fast.

Kelly sent me a link so I could order Thomas’s graduation pictures. Still can’t believe he’s a graduate. Where do the years go? I see the little burger roller skating at his house or all dressed up on one of their cruises. Now he’s well over 6 ft, shaves, and drives. Life goes on.

Jean: I already talked to the Zales credit card people and she said they just have to wait for the refund people. Hopefully it won’t be much longer. I went out and sprayed my weeds. I noticed they’re shriveling already. I may have to do a second spray to get them all gone. I accidently sprayed a toad that blended in with the dirt. He merrily went hopping away. I have never had problems returning stuff through Amazon. Like to use canned potatoes because they stay firm. I put in boiled eggs, miracle whip, mustard and a bit of sugar. I also make german potato salad, yum. Enjoy all the kids games. We have Arbys, but ours here in Memphis don’t have the chicken salad, bummer!

Have a good afternoon.

Jean 05-23-2018 04:00 PM

Good Afternoon! The sun is shining and it’s a beautiful day in my neighborhood! This was my morning to work in the gift shop and it was was a busy place with people coming to the coffee shop then browsing the gift shop. I sold a few things so the morning went by quickly. One of the gals in my card club was volunteering in the coffee shop so it was nice to catch up with her. Maddy had her last soccer game yesterday and they won, 2-1. Zowie has a game tomorrow. A guy is coming on Friday to look at the bathtub. I am hoping to just have it repaired and not have to replace it. I am looking forward to the long weekend with not having to be anywhere or do anything on a schedule.

“Gma,” hope your car is fixed without any added expense. :crossed: I thought maybe you had used a generic credit card so could stop payment. You would think with technology Zale’s could have issued the credit within a shorter time span. I haven’t seen the Arby’s ad for the chicken salad sandwich so maybe we won’t have it this summer either. :( Ian’s team lost their Monday game, 13-0. Jason said it was the worst game they have ever played and against a town where they always win in every sport match. A downer for the kids but the only way to go is up. It is not a school sponsored team but a VFW league.

I could put a load of clothes in the washer and I do need to vacuum so better keep moving. Enjoy the rest of a wonderful Wednesday! :wave:

gma22 05-24-2018 01:20 PM

Hey everybody! It is :sunny::hot::hot::hot: here today. Going to get near 90 today. We are then going to get 4 days of rain. I wanted to go out and spray more on the weeds again so the’ll be easier to get up, but my knees just won’t take it today. They have been aching since I got up this morning.

Waiting on the clothes to finish drying then I’ll get them folded. Maybe I can talk Jack into vacuuming tonight so I can get the mopping done and the dusting then I’ll finish up tomorrow.

Jean: The car cost us $650 but come to find out the tech charged us $250 because he said he couldn’t get the ingition to engage and had to check the module. The actual ac problem wasn’t all that expensive. There was nothing wrong they could find. They did a recharge, changed a couple valves and oiled the compressor. I told Jack to refuse to pay for things we don’t authorize from now on. I didn’t see it until he brought the paperwork home. It wasn’t listed what it was except as labor until I looked at the last page, which was where they do a general check of your tires, fluids, battery, etc. You could barely read what he wrote. Jack signed the paperwork saying we approved of everything so not much we can do at this point. The problem with Zales is they, Kays jewelers, Jarrods, and about 3 others are owned by a company called Signet. They offices are not in the US and I’m not paying for a foreign phone call. I’ll just keep raising you know what. They have until Monday. The problem is not the refund, they lost the jewelry or it was stolen. They are “researching” the claim. I have all the postal info that it was delivered to them so they have no reason not to refund me. Also, the credit card is not part of the corpoartion but backed by someone else so they have nothing to do with the purchase.

You gals have a nice afternoon.

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