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annie175 10-08-2015 07:49 AM

Mommie and Sassy 10.2015
1 Attachment(s)
My eyes are a little dark, the ol allergies were really hitting me that day.

Terra1984 10-08-2015 09:41 AM

Ceejay52,Laura & Annie ~ Thanks for all of your comments on me having C.P.

Happy ~ Nope I've never watched American Horror Story but I have seen commercials for it and It looks really creepy.

Laura ~ Yeah I only know what other person in my city that has C.P. Yeah I did wake up really early the other day.

Annie ~ Yeah I think its a good reason not to be able to take my laundry up and down the stairs.

Ceejay52 ~ I'm sorry you have problems with your knees. Please let me know what you think of the recipe.


Hey Everyone,

I woke up at 5:00 a.m. but I sure didnt want to get up but I can only have 9 hours of sleep at the most. Its now 8:00 a.m. I dont have to start watching for my bus until 10 a.m. so I have 2 more hours to get caught up on my t.v shows. Today I have cooking class and Music and Movement class. I'm gonna start doing Music and Movement class for 2 hours starting today and every Thursday after today. We're having Chicken and Noodles on Mashed Potatoes with a side of Canned Carrots. I'm not sure what I'm gonna have for dinner tonight, I'm thinking about Spaghetti with sauce and Hamburger meat. I hope everyone has a great On Plan day.

diyana 10-08-2015 10:35 AM

Good morning ladies,

I've been so busy...I've barely had time to come up for air. Work is in the mad push to get the website finished. My "free" time has been packed with activities...football games, doctor appointments, 5K walks and even a couple interviews for permanent positions. Today after work, it's dinner at my friend K's house. She's having me and Santa over to make sure that Santa gets along with her cats (we already know he gets along with her dog), since I said I'd house- and dog-sit for a few nights next week.

My body is now telling me I've been pushing myself too hard...I'm fighting off a cold. Thankfully I feel a little better than yesterday though.

I have been thinking of you lot...and am hoping you're doing well. I'm going to be having shoulder surgery on November 16th...just 3 days shy of my Gastric Bypass surgi-versary. The shoulder surgery involves removing the rather large calcium deposit from my rotator cuff tendon, and possibly shaving down the bone on top of my shoulder so that there won't be as much friction and to minimize the odds of future calcium deposits (which tend to be caused by friction and irritation). It will mean 2 weeks off work and since I'm a contract employee that's 2 weeks without pay...but the pain is getting really bad and more frequent.

I had an in-person interview for a perm job with another company this past Monday...I think it went very well and I hope to hear later this week or next. And I have a phone interview today with the Humane Society. When I was at the fundraiser doggie walk this past weekend, I heard some of the HS staff complaining about their website. I asked if they needed website help and told them of my extensive experience. A woman gave me the name of a person to email my resume to...and I did...and we're going to talk later today. :crossed:

Anyway...I've got a lot of work to get done so I'd better get to it. I have three meetings today. :faint:

Much love and big hugs to all,

Laura705 10-08-2015 11:58 AM

Morning all.

Happy – Oh yeah, Coal is a Daddy’s boy all the way. Of course bf works from home, so they are together all day.---I hope you have pleasant weather for a while yet, especially while your sis & BIL are visiting. But it’ll be late October and in your area…it’s a gamble! I just hope it’s sunny and not the gray/rainy stuff. We had about 4 days of no sun and it just drags me down.--- How was your yoga class?---Did you go to see The Martian? I’ve also heard it’s getting good reviews.--- Blind hunter??!! Just what you DON’T need up there in the woods. :no:---Yeh, I get you about people doing voluntary activities that are dangerous, or in a dangerous environment and then have to be rescued. Like those people who won’t evacuate areas being affected by flooding, wildfire, mudslides, etc.--- Gosh, my favorite type of exercise…for cardio vs strength, I choose strength. I’d much rather increase muscle mass and get toned and increase my metabolism than huff and puff. That said I do like Zumba and Jazzercise for cardio. For strength, Pilates is at the top. I also liked the kettlebell class, and many of the other strength classes I’ve taken, though the interval ones can be too manic for me – pushing as hard as you can for x amount of time, then switching to something else, and on and on. :faint: On the flip side, I didn’t care as much for Corebar, Piloxing, Spin, and Step classes. Part of that has to do with the instructors…overall, the instructor can make or break it for me.---As for eating out, most foods agree with me…if I ever started having a more sensitive belly, like you, I’d definitely be more wary about the frequency of eating out and the type of food eaten out.

Annie – Wow, they don’t make you do a full evacuation of the building during a fire drill, do they?? :yikes: In our building, they tell us that the reality is that they would only bring us up or down a few floors if something happened. So that’s what we do during fire drills – up or down three floors. Gosh, you’ve got temptation way too close with that pizza place by the nail and hair salon. :drool: Be strong!!! :strong: A cold water shampoo doesn’t sound too bad. Not nearly as bad as a cold full-body shower!! Good you didn’t lose too much sleep last night. Awww, nice Sassy & Momma pic! :)

Ceejay – I’m glad you’re starting to feel better. Weekend coming…that’s gotta help. :D I hope you have some fun activities or treats (non-food) planned for yourself. Yum, potato and ham soup. :hun: Scary about those cougars and bobcats in residential areas, but I guess it’s close to the rural/wooded areas. What can be done – the wildlife habitat is getting smaller and smaller with all the development that happens.

Susie – Thanks for your comment re my photo. It sounds like that offsite event was just what you needed after the stress of the previous days!! :yes: And what a good lead-in to your long weekend. :) Congrats on winning that basket – some great stuff in there. :cp: That reminds me, I won a raffle for a basket a few months ago and I have a gift card to a boutique I need to use! Maybe this weekend... Enjoy your long weekend. I’m sure your DH and his dad will enjoy the football HOF, and I bet you’ll find it interesting too. My conference last week had a closing speaker and he was a retired NFL referee – I went into it without much interest/expectations, but he was a good speaker and it was quite interesting.

Shad – Glad to hear the nasties are (finally) leaving you alone. It’s about time!! :yes:

Terra – Enjoy your classes today. Menu sounds tasty! :hun:

Michelle – Busy busy!! I hope you don’t get sick – I recall that your colds often lead to bronchial infections. Take care sistah. Is that shoulder surgery all done arthroscopically? Sounds pretty extensive. I sure hope that brings you the relief you need. Fingers :crossed: re the job opportunity.

Hi Dee!! How’s your week going? Is tonight breakfast for dinner at your house?? Sure wish I could show up at your door for that!! :hun:


We had our car in for service and it turned into just over a week in the shop. Luckily a big chunk was covered under warranty, and we also had a loaner vehicle. Another part of the work needed was considered maintenance (brakes) for which we were on the hook, but since we only bought the car 6 months ago, that was not expected. Thankfully, we got the dealer we purchased the car from to agree to pay for half of the cost of the brakes. They were the ones who certified the car (used car) and should have taken care of the brakes at that time.

Last night bf met friends to watch the Cubs-Pirates wildcard game. I stayed home and flipped back and forth on the tv just to stay up to date on the score. Cubbies won, yay. Onward!! Just hope the weather holds out…

Before I left the office last night, I stopped by the office of the department member who’s having surgery today to wish her well, but she was away from her desk. Oh well, I hope everything goes well for her today and in her recovery.

I got my flu shot this morning.

Nothing planned for tonight. I need to change into workout clothes as soon as I get home so that I actually get down in the basement for a workout!! For me, it’s all about routine.

The day started out a bit cloudy, but I see it’s now looking bright & sunny out there. I’m gonna get out for a walk at lunchtime. :running:

Time to post! TTFN!

happy2bme 10-08-2015 01:51 PM

Happy Thursday All,

Got a contract to review for the shelter software. Talked to the sales person and it appears there is a glitch in some of the components you can opt in for a discount. It appears that it's more of an "all or nothing". I was peeved, they apologized but I said ok, what else did you "forget" to tell me??? :mad: I can probably make a case to push for the discount, we'll see what the board says. We are a small shelter that takes no outside help so every dollar we save is one less dollar we have to beg for in fundraisers. I have to write up my findings to send to the board members and then I have the rest of the day to myself to clean and tidy. I am reading "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up" and after about 50 pages, I have to admit the first thing I am going to "tidy up" is sending this book BACK to the library. OMforREALgawd !!!! This woman used the word tidy/tidying ever other sentence. 1/3 of the words in this book are TIDY. Seriously. And she takes a very long time to make a point. It's a small book but as the one star reviewers say (and I must agree) she makes 2 points. 1) Only keep the stuff you really love and 2) loose the sentimentality you may have attached to objects and when you purge, do it all at once. Doing a little at a time only prolongs the process and keeps you from seeing the end result. It was a good springboard to change your thinking but an awful book. But it made her a lot of money. ;)

I am having company on Monday and with my sister coming and my newfound motivation, I am eager to purge.

Laura- I think unless one has a predisposition to heart issues, I'd say you are much better off concentrating on strength vs cardio (as long as you get a little of both). Keeping the muscles strong not only burns calories but as I am finding out now, it keeps a strong support structure for the skeleton and muscles and will help with joints and things like back aches too. Good for you girl! That's great that you got the car dealer to share the cost of the brakes. Now you should be in tip top shape for winter travelling. How are the tree colors out your way? Ours are sort of dull and DH heard it was because our nights were not cold enough. Really??? We have hit a hard frost and temps in the 20's several nights. Yay for the Cubbies - I hope they finally make their fans dreams come true at last. (I'm a Sox fan if anything :lol: ) Even people up this way are excited.

Michelle - yikes on the surgery - I take it that is your dominant arm that needs surgery. Good luck with that and the interviews.

Terra - yum chicken and noodles sounds really good. Especially on a cool day. Are you walking outside or just doing your indoor exercises?

Annie - such a cute picture of you and Sassy Girl! You should make it your avatar. My hair dresser does a cold rinse after she washes out the hair dye. Brrrrrrrr - makes me flinch. I can't even imagine an entire cold wash. Invigorated my eye - hahahahahahahaha. But I guess better than walking out and rescheduling. I think the highest floor I worked on was 19 and they made us walk down the stairs for a fire drill and go outside on the street. Afterwards I was like Quasimodo walking all hunched up. We were told the same thing as Laura - in the event of an actual fire they'd evacuate 3 floors up or down from the fire. But honestly, after seeing the horror of 911 / World Trade Center - I'd run my butt down those stairs even if I had to roll down the last few sets. :yikes: As for your comment about the pizza - actually pizza, like potatoes is not that bad for you. It's the toppings we put on them that rack up the calories. IF you can handle a whole wheat crust, lots of veggies and easy on the cheese, it's a well balanced meal of good carbs, protein and vegetables. I actually like Pizza Huts Garden Party pizza with tomatoes, lite onions, mushrooms and after they bake it they top it with fresh spinach and do a drizzle of balsamic reduction over the top. It's the only pizza that does not give me heartburn afterwards. And it's lighter than just a veggie pizza with traditional sauce and cheese. Ok, now I am hungry. :lol: That's great (I think) about you becoming the secretary at the AA meetings. A former boss told me once "from any group, a leader will emerge" and one has to be smart enough to pick up on that and choose good people who will lead the team forward. Which is why our commune one day will be the most AWESOME one in the land. People will come from all over to hear us speak and give them tips ;) :rofl: :lol3:

Susie - loved your reference to The Carpenters "Rainy Days and Mondays". I am still singing that in my head today. Yes, I think you are right about the change in weather also bringing in a bit of gloom. The thing with the copying job they gave you is that they just keep coming up with more and more impossible deadlines because you ALWAYS come through. And I'm sorry, but I think sometimes (maybe not always) they know this stuff is coming up. I had a selfish boss that always did that to us - I think she liked to see us scramble and reveled in her "power" to make the marionettes dance. :mad: But that is all behind you. Happy Anniversary and enjoy your time with DH.

Ceejay - there is a lot going on in your head right now. It's scary - big decisions, not always sure you are making the right ones. It takes a toll mentally. But at least you are thinking things through. And then you have to remember there is good and bad to everything - no second guessing and sometimes you have to just take your decision for what it is. Now go enjoy things like some yummy potato soup. I love the autumn to bring back comfort foods.

Shad - I don't ever remember you being so sick for so long. I'm sure these long work days are contributing to it. Time to take a slow down before you land in the hospital. I don't think your poor lungs can wait it out until the summer weather returns!

Hi Dee :wave:

Well. Time to get some lunch in me and go put together a letter of my recommendation of software to the board members. If I don't hurry, I will lose part of the day today and I don't want that. Have a good one every body.

Laura705 10-09-2015 11:00 AM

Morning all. TGIF!! :carrot:

Happy – Did you get any 3rd party references for that software? They might be helpful as to the software itself and doing business with the company that provides it. ----Too bad the tidying book wasn’t all that good. Thanks for saving me the trouble of seeking it out. The thing with the concept of losing the sentimentality of objects is this: easier said than done, as you experienced with some of your jewelry.---Re the cardio, with the potential for me to have asthma symptoms following workouts, cardio becomes less appealing from that standpoint. Re other benefits of strength training, having toned muscles certainly helps with balance, though developing/improving balance is a separate thing to be practiced through yoga, etc.---The trees are just starting to change, though I was surprised to see one tree a couple blocks from us that had completely changed color and had lost a ton of leaves already. With our mild weather, the process has been delayed. Gosh, can’t believe you had to go down 19 floors for a DRILL!

Hello everyone. Have a good weekend!
Nothing much to report. I did a load of laundry and a BE workout last night. It wasn’t one of the better ones as for the types of exercises, but it was better than doing nothing. It was another show I recorded to DVR as I worked out to it playing on a VHS tape (since I didn’t already have it). The vhs tape quality wasn’t so good – audio & video even cut out in a couple spots - but it doesn’t impact my ability to work out to it.

Nothing special planned for this weekend, though I better shop for a dress to wear to a wedding we’re attending in a couple weeks.

I will take out the veggie garden this weekend, and probably move the mulch bags out of the garage.

I’m taking a vacation day on Monday and bf and I are getting massages from the woman who works out of her house. We’d bought a couple gift certificates last fall when she offered a special and we’re using those. I’m sure she wished we’d given them to someone else as gifts so she could have a potential new client or two, but oh well. :D After using those two certificates, I still have two more gift cards for massages that I received as gifts, so I will definitely be using one of those before the end of the year.

That’s it for me. TTFN. :wave:

annie175 10-09-2015 11:35 AM

TGIF and Good Friday...payday...

LAURA...I would gladly take that spa gift card off your hands. I love me some massages. Enjoy yourself. It is just never long enough. I lay there thinking how much time do I have left and then disappointed when it is over.

Gotta go, will try to get back this afternoon.

ceejay52 10-09-2015 12:14 PM

It's Friday and I haven't gotten a whole lot done but I'm through thinking about retirement. I've felt like a victim of circumstance. It's my life and I have to choose what is best for me. I'm taking advice from a cousin and friend to work as long as I can. Social Security tells me I can retire at 65 but with a cut in pay. I'm waiting till I'm 66 to retire with full benefits. Yes that's next year but time has a way of flying by. Actually I'll retire in 2017 to get the full year of 2016. This will give me more time to spend with the uncles and then decide on whether to stay in Arkansas or move to Missouri.
I need to go pay my light bill then come back to finish cleaning house.

Laura705 10-09-2015 02:05 PM

Annie - Yeh, massages are never long enough. I've told this woman we go to that she can shorten time on one body part so she can spend more time on another, LOL.

Ceejay - I just recently listened to a personal finance podcast about SS benefits and understand that unless someone really can't work any longer (i.e., poor health, etc.), or don't think they will have a long life expectancy, people should strive to at least work until their full retirement age or beyond (up to the max benefit level at 70 years old. ) So I get where your cousin & friend are coming from. Big decision for you. And disappointing if you really want to be retired NOW but know it might be financially wiser to work longer. :( But at least you know your options.

happy2bme 10-09-2015 02:45 PM

Hi kids,

Well we decided to purchase the software and now I am the new administrator "driver of the bus" and it's up to me to get everything up and running. By October 31. AND factoring in that my sister comes up October 24 for a week and I intend to spend as much time (or little) as she wants to see me. I think I can squeak by with the basics enough to satisfy the grant requirements and then put pedal to the metal in November. At least this ain't no SAP installation so I will not be in Shad's shoes losing my mind. I am far too smart for that, especially doing this all for free. ;)

I am somewhat skeptical about all this talk about people delaying taking SS benefits and deferring to age 70. Although I am in the age group that is supposed to be grandfathered for benefits, I still don't trust that they will run out of money. And I can't see people like my niece paying into a system that will most probably never pay anything to her so I think one day there will be an overhaul and not in a good way. Angry that our so called politicians were able to somehow tap into the system they should have never been allowed to touch. And... there is flagrant abuse of it in some cases. If they'd actually look at who's claiming and kick the abusers to the curb, there'd be enough money for all. I am turning 62 in April and am in the process of deciding whether to file for early benefits. Yep, it's a big chuck I'd lose claiming early but then again I am weighing if there will be money 10 years from now which might cheat me out of what I'd get in hand now and there's always the old mortality factor of "how long will I live". It's a different kind of thinking. I am still on the fence, mulling it over like Ceejay.

Ceejay - if you only have one year to go and as Laura says - barring any issues of stress or physical limitations, I'd agree to try your best to push through these final months until your full retirement age. (I'd be waiting 4 more years for me). Sounds like you are still debating the merits of where you want to be. There might also be the option perhaps of maybe stepping down to a part time position your last year of service? Can't hurt to ask. y friend who is a nurse and is dealing with the pain of rheumatoid arthritis went from 5 days to 3 or 4 a week and said it helped her.

Annie - hahahaha - laughed at your remark about time left on the massages - I do that too. Same with getting your hair washed in the salon. Why do good things go so fast and yucky stuff extends forever.

Laura - no I didn't go into getting references. I could have but we are bumping against a time line. AND I am coming to terms with myself that sometimes I take excessively long to do something and that excessive time really doesn't matter. IE - if I spent an extra week playing around with the demo database, would it change my recommendation? No, probably not. So just get to the point already. I can be an excellent procrastinator and diddler. :rofl: As far as purging goes, I think when you have a sentimental attachment like I do, I need to pair up with someone (for the love of God NOT DH :P ) who will help me toss out things - wrench it from my cold, bloody hands. :kickbutt::kickcan::tantrum: Actually I am being mindful, tossed a bunch of stuff from the refrigerators last night. Being honest, no I won't use this up and ignoring the nagging feeling that I wasted money. Just promising myself that I will not buy so much the next time. And I returned the boots that I just bought that I liked a lot but didn't really need. We have a few really pretty single trees in red or orange that are gorgeous but they too are losing leaves. We are going for a drive and an ATV ride Saturday and Sunday - looks like the colors are popping more so I hope to see more in the way of color, especially around the water. Enjoy your vacation day and the massage with BF, yes that's the chance you take as a business offering discounts - if she wants new clients, better to offer your services at some of the health fairs that are happening this time of year.

Geez it's almost 2pm. We usually go to dinner around 5 and I haven't eaten yet (REALLY BAD habit of mine although I was going to have cereal and DH finished the milk). Need to find something light to eat as I am getting a headache.

Hellos to the rest of the Worldlies :wave: have a good weekend.

Terra1984 10-09-2015 03:08 PM

Laura ~ I did enjoy my classes, Thanks! The chicken and noodles didnt have much flavor but the canned carrots and dinner rolls were good.

Happy ~ I'm gonna start walking outside, I dont think we are gonna get anymore 80 degree weather, At least I hope not, I hope it stays in the 70's for the rest of the month. I got my new Zumba Beginners DVD so I'm looking forward to trying it out.


Been having a good day today. I'm looking forward to trying out my new Zumba DVD for beginners. I cleaned the bathroom. I'm about to go do the dishes. I have to pull off all of the tabs on the pop cans and then put the cans in a bag and throw them over the gate to the back yard. I pull of the pop tabs for ronald mcdonald Charities. My mom and I are taking one of my friend's to go get her car license today. We also need to go pick up Scott's med's but we will probably do that after 2 p.m. tomorrow. I'm gonna start going to school 3 days a week for now on starting Monday. Monday I'll have cooking class(Healthier food hopefully) Wed. we have DA4A Lunch and Bingo and then Thursday I have Music and Movement class. I'll have to pay more for my bus passes but thats okay I'll already budgeted for it for next month and for Dec. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday. Take Care All.

happy2bme 10-10-2015 10:47 AM

Good morning everybody,

Yesterday we completed the paperwork to purchase the Animal Shelter software program so now it's all up to me to get trained, do all the set ups, figure out how we want to use it in what capacities, do the initial data entry and train the other staff. All by the end of the month. AND I want to have as much free time as possible for when my sister visits October 24. AND I need to get my house in order. I am trying not to be overwhelmed and set priorities. Oh and I promised DH I'd do some things with him too like take a few drives and ATV rides to enjoy the colors which seem to have popped over night.

So I will be doing far more reading that posting for the next couple of weeks. Will check in when I can and forgive the lack of personals for the time being. :grouphug:

Shad 10-10-2015 04:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Morning all,
I'm sick of the sound of silence and talking to myself does not give me the company I need so I am just finishing up with my bacon and egg breakfast and then I will go to someplace which has people around.

The go-live is going very well. Minor problems and a couple of major ones (which fortunately have little to do with me apart from affecting the system capabilities) I have been doing floorwalking and scooting from one place to another trying to sort out why somethings just don't work. It is normally the human error, but ............ My other thing is to help them find things, look at ways of making life easier for them and fortunately that is my thing! I'm not called short cut Sally for nothing. I work at it. This coming week I am shifting to nightshift. That will be fun -Not!!!!!!

I'm afraid I haven't kept up with a lot of the posts. Been flat stack and also because I forgot my charger, it's been difficult to do much on the computer. I now have a charger. Bought it yesterday - along with a whole range of new clothes because I seem to have changed shape over here and all my trousers were falling off me - hitch, walk, hitch - some worse than others. So I have bought several new pairs in a smaller size. That works for me. I also bought some more summery tops - on the presumption it will warm up here in Auckland at some point. Or maybe not.

I bought a top in shades of blue, turquoise and green, with a bit of lemon thrown in. It looked good on and I love the fabric On the way out I see that they have matching skirts so I may well go back on Monday and see if the skirt looks good as the top did - maybe a new complete outfit that wont be trousers??? Also I got another top which is a sort of silk ribbon knit. The colour is called Paua - a paua is a New Zealand version of Abalone - not sure if you have ever seen the shells, but the inside is a sort of mixture of iridescent blues, greens, olive, pink, purple. Then again on my way out, I find it has a matching jacket. Might need to look at that too!. I'll see if I can find a picture of paua shell that will show the colours. After that I can't spend anymore since I will have to then get another suitcase to bring it all home in!!

Found a picture but apparently it can't be uploaded since it is too big. One problem I have with Windows 8.1 is that I can't always find how to edit things. It is not simple like the previous version and always refers to one note or the cloud - neither of which I have the time to devote to learning properly. Argggh. Soon as I sort the picture, you will see it.

Anyway, if I want to do something today, I had better go get on with it. I may be back tonight with the days doings. If I get to do something. It isn't very springlike or summery out there - back out with the winter woollies again.

At last Paua - or abalone - call it what you will.

ceejay52 10-11-2015 09:59 AM

Glad that you are buying new, smaller clothes. Wish I could say the same thing. Ugh on working the night shift.

Yes, there is a lot of concern about retirement especially if one is dependent on ones self. I don't like the fact that SS counts their year from January to January, but it is what it is. I wanted to retire in August of 2016 but now I have to work till at least 2017. I can do it. I've been thinking about asking for an 8 hour per day job. I'd even take a cut in pay, but as in the past they want me where I am. I would love to help B in the lab.

I've talked to an SS agent who gave some good advice. And I'm healthy enough that I can make it till next year. I am the type of person who wants to please even if it's a hardship on me. In fact I had an appointment with her again for the 29th but called and canceled. I can file the application on line.
I mulched the leaves and pine needles yesterday on the front and side lawns. There was a black kitten following me around and playing with the cord on the mower. It's an electric mower. When I had to moved the cord out of my way the kitten jumped 2 foot off the ground. This still makes me smile. Got in my 30 minutes of cardio by doing this.
Fixed stewed potatoes instead of potato soup to go with my baked pork chops. They were so good.
I've scheduled several goals on my Fitbit but I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything. Thinking I may be a bit OCD on this. Today I'm going with water intake and 30 minutes worth of cardio.
I've been getting boils/cyst type things. The doctor says it's from stress and I'm beginning to think my food and fluid intake may have something to do with it also. He's recommended that I take fish oil to help clean the blood. I'm tired of taking antibiotics.
Back to work today. My co-worker has put in for a vacation day on the 23rd of October. She's scheduled for a court date. I didn't ask why.

annie175 10-12-2015 08:53 AM

Good Morning Chicklets...

Shuweee what a busy weekend. Let's see...Saturday...meeting, grocery, laundry, made a meal to take over to a neighbor who both the mom and dad was in a very serious motorcycle accident. They have 3 small children. Our neighborhood set up a on a sight "Mealtrain.com" to take a meal a day to them. So far we have meals clear up to Thanksgiving for them. The mom was in ICU for a week then in a regular room for a week, the dad came home in about 3 days. She has to have OT and PT for severe head injuries. Anyway, on to my weekend. Made dinner for C and I then went over to Sissy's to drop a few things off that I got for the kiddos. C play tag in the front yard with the G-babes and several of the kids from the block. When it was time to leave, Jacob said, "Papaw who is going to tag us if you leave" Too cute. We went home, watched a movie and went to bed.

Sunday was church, then my brother Michael met us at Olive Garden and we bought his lunch for his birthday. He made it to 64. Then C and I went to see the movie Martian. What a great movie, we loved it. Highly recommend. Then we were off to my nephew's house for a cookout for Michael's (nephew's dad) birthday. Chicken wings and legs on the grill, raw veggies and blue cheese dressing, sauteed mushrooms with homemade horseradish sauce. YUM YUM YUM...Jello poke cake for birthday dessert. Home again, watched a movie, folded towels and off to bed. Was asleep in about 30 seconds.

Will come back for personals...my day has gone to hello.

ceejay52 10-12-2015 09:26 AM

Sounds like you have had a good but busy week end. That's a special thing to do for the family on your block.

Nothing special here. Light office was very slow in changing over the phone. Finally called my boss. There's two lines and both of them were switched to here. hmmmm. I'm wearing the fitbit on my shoe today. Not sure if that will help but we will see.

happy2bme 10-12-2015 11:28 AM

Good morning ladies,

Had a nice weekend. The colors have peaked and it was sunny and got up to 80 degrees yesterday so it was far too nice to waste. We all knew it was summer's last hurrah. With the warmth came a billion Asian beetles. They look like ladybugs but they are their mean cousins. These things are flying all through the air like those little white whisps of dandelion weeds in the spring. They are looking for a warm place to winter so they are covering the house - screens, doors, everything. And the little turds BITE when they land on you. And they stink when you smash them. My window sills are filled with bodies. They crawl through the outside window via the little drain holes in the screening.

Saturday we took a car ride all over just looking for color spots for pictures. Yesterday we took the UTV out and were gone for 6 and a half hours which was wayyyyy too long. We took to the trails with average speed about 20 mph which is why it took so long even though our dune buggy can get up to 100mph. That would SCARE me as even 45 seems unduly fast. DH took a mess of pictures but has only posted a couple. It's getting to the point now in my opinion that he is getting overly fussy with the pictures and insists on post processing or tweaking each one. That takes time and never gets done. He also discards a tremendous amount of pictures that I think are just fine. Oh well, ain't my hobby. :shrug:

I did manage to get some housecleaning done in between things. I thought we were having company tonight but instead we are going to our friends house which I am glad about. They are leaving next week for 6 months in Florida to spend the winter and she is cooking up a big meal to clean out their freezer and refrigerator. The thought of emptying my larder would make me shudder. I might enjoy 2 weeks on a beach in February but I don't think I would like maintaining 2 separate homes or living in 2 different places for extended periods of time.

Today I have to run into town and pick up some supplies for cookies to make for tonight, I should get them a housewarming present for the new place and there is Mt. Washmore to be tackled - seems I can never quite catch up with that. I am continuing to purge things, pay bills and if I have time I will start on the orientation and training for the new shelter software. If I don't get started on that today, for sure the rest of my week will be devoted to it. I am even giving up my stint at the shop for the next couple of weeks.

Oop - phone call I gotta take. Back later.

diyana 10-12-2015 03:01 PM

Hi ladies....

Sorry I've been MIA. Work has been insanely busy. And my "free time" has been anything but free. But I'm having fun...and enjoying myself a lot with friends.

Tomorrow through Friday, I'm house and dog sitting for my friend K. And another friend of mine asked me to house and dog sit for them during Christmas week. My friend over Christmas week wants to insist on paying me for sitting...but I told her I'm doing it to help out my friends and to get to spend time with their sweet doggies. Plus it gives me a little break from my roommates. :)

Tomorrow at 4 pm, I have an interview for a full-time "permanent" position as a web developer with the Humane Society. I don't think the pay will be as good as I'm getting, but it would be a little closer to home. Wednesday, I'm going running with Mark.

This Saturday, I've signed up to do a 5K...but if I'm not feeling over this cold, I might skip it. I'm still feeling run down and like the beginnings of a cold. On Sunday...I'll be meeting up with other Packer fans at our Packer bar hangout.

I hope you (and your loved ones) are all doing well.

Much love,

ceejay52 10-12-2015 04:00 PM

Sending good vibes for the interview. And hope you feel better soon.

Talked to my boss this morning about my continuing to work. He's all for it. Like he said it is all a mind set. Think he was happy. At first I thought I would be happy in retirement. But I'm not one to set around and twiddle my thumbs all day.
Called my eye doctor and cancelled the appointment with him for January. And made another appointment with an eye doctor in Jonesboro for Thursday. I'm feeling good.

Laura705 10-12-2015 08:50 PM

Evening all. I think I might need a massage after my massage - my shoulders are sore.

Friday the big boss let us leave at 4pm so we could get home in time for the Cubs- Cards playoff game.

Saturday I pulled out the veg garden & took down the little fence around it. I also went to Aldi & Walmart. Dog walk, then out for a Thai dinner. We saw a gorgeous sunset on our drive home. Wow.

Sunday I met my friend D for breakfast. She's doing so well after her knee surgery. :) Afterwards I went to our produce market for a few things. Puttering, watching the end of the Bears game & a dog walk after I was back at home, then went to the middle eastern joint for a late lunch/early dinner.

Today bf & I had our massages. On the way back home we picked up bf's contact lenses. We also stopped at the boutique from where I had a gift card to use. Too bad they're not open on Mondays... Back at home I prepared a batch of rice to eat with my leftover Thai for lunch. Ate some chips AND crackers while I waited, then a large portion of the Thai, and then a cookie and some ice cream after that. What a binge! :yikes: I think skipping dinner last night & breakfast this morning brought that on. Can't believe I'm getting hungry for some dinner... Even though I was soooo full after lunch, I took doggy for his walk & brushed him afterwards in the yard. Yet another gorgeous fall day, even though it's been quite blustery today.

Been reading & watching TV (watching the Cubs game as I type this). Yup, played hooky from my Pila-tes class. :shrug:

Okay, gonna sign off & watch the rest of this ball game. Back for personals tomorrow... :wave:

Terra1984 10-12-2015 09:08 PM

Good Evening Guys and Gals,

Went to bed at 8 p.m. last night, Got up at 4 a.m. but I went back to sleep at 6 a.m. until 8:30 a.m. and even then I didnt want to get up but I had too cause I start my new cooking class today. I need to start watching for my bus at 10:40 a.m. I'll be back home at 3 at the latest and 2:30 at the soonest. Tomorrow I dont go anywhere, I'm gonna sweep and mop the bathroom floor and I'm gonna do my new Zumba dvd too. Wed. I have DA4A Lunch and Bingo between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and Peer Support from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday I have Music and Movement class from 2 to 4 p.m and then after Thursday I wont go anywhere again until Sunday. I hope everyone has an ON PLAN day. Take Care All.

ceejay52 10-13-2015 10:03 AM

Sounds like you had a good week end also. Gonna find a place that gives massages. I need one.

You will be busy this week also. I may get out my Zumba DVD this week end.
Cleaned up the kitchen when I got home last night. Tonight I will clean the living room and do a load of laundry. Trying to get to bed earlier but I woke up earlier this morning.

annie175 10-13-2015 11:47 AM

Hello Ladies...

Guess I didn't make it back yesterday to finish my post. It is crazy here. Had to go to a closing for work about 35 miles north of my house this morning, didn't make it into the office till 10:45. This day will zoom by quickly.

Fixed Italian sausage cream sauce with cheese tortelini. Very tasty. DS stopped by and of course he always eats with us. Made garlic bread and a salad to go with. Then was off to a meeting, got home around 8:30, finished the laundry and went to bed. Was about 10:15 before I got into bed.

Crap will try to come back this afternoon to do personals. This dang job will be the death of me.


miniDoodles 10-13-2015 12:19 PM

Hi Girls :smug: I don't know what to say right now, my life & body r still messed up :( I stopped by & read about your wonderful lives a few times & I didn't have happy stuff to contribute so I haven't posted.

Our health insurance changed on October 1 @ Dh's company. My adult entire life I've had a awesome Blue Cross/Blue Shield coverage during both my marriage's companies. My hubby said this insurance lacks several things including some RX coverages. I'll b checking prior to our RX refills in a few weeks to see our new co-pays & which RX's r excluded. Funny thing about my needle biopsy in February, that breast has been in daily pain for almost a month now :dizzy: soo unfair to have that going on because I haven't been indulging in chocolate or coffee/tea that can irritate breast tissue.

I'm Happy that everyone here is doing Great w their Wonderful lives :) If U see ppl today that r looking sad, pLease share a Compliment & a Smile or a Hug w them, because life can b really hard... "Hello" to everybody :hug:

Happy, :spid: How about putting a few pics of Dh's photography on your profile page ;)

Annie, :angel: Blessings to U for your Commitment to AA that's saving soo many lives w Courage & faith, "Thank You Jesus" for your wisdom & grace.

:witch: :dust: :m: :chockiss: :wizard: :haphal:

Laura705 10-13-2015 01:18 PM

Morning all.

Happy – I suppose if you need to meet the requirements of a grant, it’s important to get that software up and running. It’s just too bad that the timing is poor for you. Good luck with that, and don’t worry about getting here to post. Enjoy your sister’s visit.--- Re SS – I should think it would be a long while before any great change comes for SS benefits. There are way too many baby boomers depending on it right now and in the coming years and the politicians would be loathe to want to even try and take that away or make any material changes to it. In the meantime – big decision for you, and it’s not always as obvious as it seems given everyone’s individual circumstances. --- I get how it can be to have a sentimental attachment to things, but I think helping my mom out back in August made me understand how difficult it is once there’s a long-time accumulation (for them it was the 20+ years they’ve been in their house in MO). And even if there’s no sentimental attachment there’s the regret over all the stuff that was bought and not used, or bought in duplicate, triplicate, etc. because of disorganization. My personal burden is keeping paperwork too long. And not even as evidence of purchase/ownership, but stupid stuff like keeping utility bills on hand once they’ve been paid. Why??? At one time I thought I might want to compare our usage from year to year. Now it sounds so ludicrous. So I think now when I’ve paid an electric, gas, or water bill, I’ll just toss the statement into the shredding bag right away. Now to keep myself from thinking I should at least keep them a year…---Sounds like you had a good weekend, but that does sound like a really long time to be riding on the ATV. And ick to all those Asian beetles!!! Hope they “went away” with the cold overnight temps.

Terra – You have a busy week going. I hope you enjoy the Zumba workout dvd. Take it slow and don’t be impatient to become an expert at it.

Shad – How long will you have to work the nightshift? That would be a difficult adjustment if it’s an overnight shift. Smaller size clothing is a good thing. Abalone is pretty. For as long as I can remember, my mom has had a small keepsake box covered in abalone shell. I came across a photo frame in abalone and gave her that as a gift several years back. I bet the paua print/color blouse is beautiful.

Ceejay – Good that you’re okay with working until 2017. (Not surprised your boss is happy with that at well.) And now you can shelve the moving decision for a while. :) I hope that your stress level decreases. Stress is a big risk factor in many illnesses! Is the eye dr appointment for your cataract surgery?

Annie – Sounds like you had a good weekend. So nice of you and your neighbors to help out the couple injured in the motorcycle accident. There seems to be a website or software application for everything now! I might be going to see the movie “The Martian” tonight. Wow, that dinner sounded fabulous!!

Dee – I hope the new insurance coverage doesn’t cut out anything that’s important for you and DH. Everyone’s life isn’t wonderful all the time…and I know I’m not always sharing everything when my life’s not all sunshine and roses, LOL. Some days we whine and/or rant and others we don’t. And some days we need to stretch to find something positive to say. But if we really give it some thought, there’s always something for which we can be grateful. (:idea: Maybe for November we can post things we’re grateful for.) We love to hear from you, no matter what, so don’t be a stranger!

Michelle – I hope your cold went away. Good idea not to tax your immune system if you’re still feeling under the weather. Good luck with the interview today. :goodluck: As a dog lover, the organization itself sounds like a great match for you!

Hi Susie! Hope you enjoyed your long weekend!

Nothing much to report from here. Another blustery day today, but cooler.

Time to post!

Shad 10-13-2015 03:50 PM

Morning all,
Quick post unfortunately since it always seems to be that I run out of time even though I think that I have the entire day to prepare. I don't!

My nightshift is really afternoon shift. I start at around three and go to Midnight or a bit longer, however I am usually in the office around 1.30 to catch up on the days problems and do some documentation. Update stuff and all that.

This morning I need to go shopping to get some vegetables in - The fridge is bare and since I am taking my dinners to work I need to get something that I either eat cold (like last nights Caesar Salad) or can warm up in the microwave and I had better get some laundry to wash while I am out there doing that.

I am reading the posts, but for the time being there isn't time to do personals. Maybe when I get back, maybe sometime tonight if it stays quiet.

ceejay52 10-13-2015 05:20 PM

Sigh on the insurance woes. We have BC/BS at work now but it only pays for 80%. We are responsible for the other 20%. Hope you feel better soon.

Yes, this eye doctor's visit is concerning my cataracts. I need to be closer to my relatives so they can take me to and from the surgery if and when it's scheduled. And have a place to re coop. Jonesboro is only a 20 minute drive from Paragould. I will basically have to do the exam again but it's okay.

That shift is not bad. More quiet if and when the bosses are not around.

Doing surveys on the pumps and motor's this month. I run each one for an hour to see if they match with the master meter numbers. Have one that is a little lower today than normal. I'm still in a weird mood but better than before. Trying to put things behind me.
A weird phone call this afternoon. The person stated that he was from the IRS and that they have found discrepancies on my returns. H and R block files my short form each year. I added them to the auto reject list and told myself that if they wanted they could come and arrest me. I would have free room and board in my senior years. I want some one who speaks fluent English to tell me what is wrong. I don't scare that easily.

miniDoodles 10-13-2015 08:11 PM

Hi girls, my heart is beating very fast w excitement. I just got a phone call from a Vet clinic where a lady found 1 of my doodles & brought it there instead of the animal shelter, I used to micro-chip my litters @ 8 weeks before selling my puppies.

Laura, Please reply when U read this. The Vet clinic that phoned me is in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, Dupage Animal Hospital the tech said. It was the biggest puppy in our litter from breeding our AKC Golden Retriever w a AKC miniature Poodle stud from another breeder, our 1st generation & first miniGoldenDoodle litter; this sweet doggy is almost 5 yrs old that was brought to the Vet. A beautiful blonde boy about 30 pounds she said, he's been groomed & has a collar. If the owners don't claim him by Friday night, he'll go to a animal shelter :( Do U know if that Vet clinic is in a safe area of Chicago for me to drive to him. I'm phoning the Vet clinic @ 5 pm Friday & if his owner hasn't claimed him, I'll drive the 9 hours early Saturday morning to save him from going to the animal shelter if my Dh lets me. I didn't sell any puppies from my 1st generation miniGoldenDoodles to a Illinois family, to phone them about him being found. I kept 2 small females from that litter to downsize the puppy size & I bought a beautiful AKC miniature Poodle for a stud & pet & our 2nd generation litters r small averaging 12-20 pounds. I'm worried he could b euthanized @ the animal shelter :( If U know of 'anyone' that would like a 1st generation miniGoldenDoodle dog, pLease give them the opportunity & information I told you, to pLease adopt him before he could b killed :( I'll post if the Vet says his owner finds him, Doodles r very intelligent from the Poodles & he'll b non-shedding w a loving, sweet, silly Golden Retriever personality. Okay all I can do is pray now, that his owner didn't abandon him because of a job loss or moving into a apartment, etc. & they phone all the Vet clinics tomorrow & they come pick him up. I'll appreciate your telling me if this Vet clinic is located in a safe suburb of Chicago :hug: Thank You, Dh told me to stop worrying because stress makes me sick. No, this is about a sweet, innocent doggy that will die without a home...

Laura705 10-14-2015 12:28 AM

Dee, this place is in Villa Park & it's a fine area. Not an affluent suburb, but it's safe. If i needed to go there for something, I wouldn't think twice about it.

Keep me posted!

miniDoodles 10-14-2015 06:43 AM

Laura :hug: Thank You for your fast reply. While I was showering last night the tech @ the Vet clinic left a phone message. The doodle owner called them & picked up their boy :cheer3: & also gave the owner info how to get their phone# updated for the micro-chip. My Dh said that Chicago is 6 hrs from us & he would've drove us to get the doggy. On the up side of bringing him home w us, maybe U & your BF could've met us :smug:

Regarding your post to me. I agree w U & yes I'm happy daily & thankful, I say that while praying. It's just that I've always been the person who helps ppl, not the girl that needs help & I enjoy :) being helpful. Having a health condition is new to me & unacceptable in my life because I'm always active. So I have to tweak my days & do what's possible, instead of feeling like I'm lazy now whenever I can't finish my day-planner list. Dh sometimes snuggles & naps w me if I'm napping when he gets home from work. He gets up @ 4:30 am daily for work & if I had to do that daily, for sure I'd take a nap after work.

Hi Ceej, Yep our BC/BS paid 80% also for co-pays on doctor visits & our RX, then after we paid $1,000 for tests, surgical, etc yrly we had to pay 10% of the bill. You're a Smart chickie :D regarding the phone call trying to scam your info, I like your spunky attitude little sister. About your eyes, I'd enjoy not needing to wear glasses & I took care of my mom for 3 days after her cataract surgery, it depends on the Opthmolagist, I envied mom's perfect vision.

ceejay52 10-14-2015 09:18 AM

Thank you for calling me "spunky". Most of the time I am and I'm very seldom depressed. So this last depression spell got me down. I'm like you I don't and can't accept being sick. You are so good to the animals. Glad the owners came to get their beautiful dog.
I posted on FB about the phone call from the so called IRS. I've done some research and even found a segment which our local news station did regarding this. I've found the original IRS number to report the fraud. So I'm doing this today or in the morning. I have the phone number.
I'm impressed with myself that I have more energy than normal. Cleaned the living room last night and did a load of laundry after I got home from work. I'm cleaning as I will be out of town this week end. I may come back to the house Friday but I may decide to stay Friday night in either Jonesboro or Paragould in a hotel for a treat to myself.
Supposed to be in the 40's and high 30's this week end. Good sleeping weather for sure.

diyana 10-14-2015 10:29 AM

Really quick post.

I got a text from Annie either very late last night or early in the morning. She had a mild heart attack yesterday afternoon. She's in ICU at a hospital in Indy. She's going to have an ultrasound at around 9 or 10 AM eastern time (so she's probably having it right now...or just finished). She's also going to have a heart catheterization to see the extent of the damage and possibly put in stents (this was a mild heart attack but there still will probably be some heart damage). She said for us not to freak out....she'll know more after her ultrasound. She said that the doc said that genetics, diet and lack of exercise contributed to it.

She's asking for all of our prayers.

Sending you love, hugs and prayers, dear Annie! :hug:

diyana 10-14-2015 11:28 AM


I just got another text from Annie. She had an emergency catheterization at 8 am Eastern Time. One artery is 100% blocked and another artery was 80% blocked. She had two stents put in and she feels great now!

She appreciates everyone's prayers.

ceejay52 10-14-2015 12:42 PM

I got the same message. I'm definitely going to concentrate on getting heart healthy. This could happen to me also. Heart disease runs in my family as well.

Get well soon.

Laura705 10-14-2015 01:08 PM

Saw the fb messenger stuff - so so glad Annie's feeling better! Those blockages are scary! I guess that's why my doctor listens to my neck arteries with her stethescope.
Annie - Re-read your post here from yesterday - do you realize your last statement was "This dang job will be the death of me." Turns out it wasn't!!! I'm so glad you're okay. :hug:

Dee - Soooo happy the doggy and owner were reunited! :) :cp: It would have been great to meet you (I'm about 12 miles straight north of that place), but I'm so glad this was how it worked out.

Shad 10-14-2015 04:43 PM

Ouch Annie. Thinking of you and hoping that you will begin to feel better now that you know what is wrong. Keep smiling

annie175 10-14-2015 05:03 PM

Hi. Still doing great. Very lucky girl may go home on Friday.

miniDoodles 10-15-2015 08:14 AM

Annie :hug: I'm sorry that this happened to U, but sooo Thankful for your quick medical care :getwell: I hope your boss gives U a week for recovery ;) Will U have any restrictions @ home or @ the office?
With my Luv & many Hugs, Dee

Thanks Chelle :hug: for keeping me updated on Annie. If anyone wants my phone# or my email, just PM me. Susie I still have your cell# :smug:

Laura, Thanks for your Vet help. We'll all get together in 2016 for a wonderful day :grouphug:

ceejay52 10-15-2015 09:40 AM

I'm so happy that your boss took you to get the medical attention. Think we need to get an exercise group going.
I will be going to Jonesboro today for an eye exam. If he says the cataracts are ready then I will have surgery.
All the stress I have been under the past few weeks was concerning for me and even more so since Annie's heart attack. I will not be able to do marathons yet but I can do 20/30 minutes of exercise each day.
Need to get some more things done before I leave for Jonesboro. I will be spending a couple of night with bff and then one night with the aunt and uncle.

happy2bme 10-15-2015 11:04 AM

Hi all,

Geez you take a day away and all heck and commotion breaks out!

Annie - I am glad and truly thankful that you will come through this heart thing. How scary is that! Quick thinking on the boss to get you to the hospital - that's some serious blockages. I guess that's the end of the exercise excuses. But all the walking and stairs you did probably did help to some bit in a better outcome for you. I know we sometimes kid about the diet, exercise and things that will kill us but sometimes that's no laughing matter either. Do EVERYTHING the doctors tell you to do.

Michelle - thank you for the alerts and the updates.

Dee - glad your doodle and the owner found each other. There is something to be said for microchips. BUT part of the problem (as it is up here) is that adopters don't bother to register the updated info with the micro chip company glad it turned out well.

Ceejay - good luck with the cataract surgery - don't think you will have perfect vision afterwards. Better but might still need some tweeks. Are you going to have both eyes done? Do you need glasses now because if your vision was bad like mine, I could not wear glasses for the 2 weeks in between surgeries and was not able to drive because I could not focus well enough. I am just mentioning that just in case...

Dee - I too paid more and had the better BC/BS health insurance for probably 30 years. We had to change when we moved to Wisconsin. I hear from others it is not as good as it once was - so the case for so many things nowadays.

Laura - I had to smile regarding your comment about keeping paperwork for too long because you "might' want to compare things over time. :lol: I'd do the same thing (and never did follow through). I used to save 7 years of receipts and such, DH would toss them out the next month. Then he started paying the bills and I'd save my receipts - now I get to the point where I don't see the need to save anything either. Even the electronic stuff. But I will admit to tossing receipts and then needed them a week later but oh well... :shrug: ;)

Terra - did you get a chance to try your Zumba DVD? How did you like it?

Hi Susie and Shad :wave:

Yesterday I had a thrift shop meeting and then yoga which took up my whole day it seems. Today I have to run a few errands and then buckle down on working on this software installation. Still more to do than hours in the day. It's those little niggling things that creep up and interfere with my plans that are driving me off the rails :dizzy:

Have a good one everybody.

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