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1fralick 02-25-2003 05:48 AM

Lo Carb #41 Winter hangs on
Good morning all
Make sure that you see KINa's and Sue's post from #40.

Well I have an air cast on. ANd that has helped the mobility alot.

I ahve to admit that I am having trouble staying focused. Can't seem to find a schedule that fits me. I read an article in the paper about sugar addiction. The author who worked in a alcohol addiction program was seeing simularities w/ her clients and her relationship w/ high sugar sweets. It was debated and she sited a study w/ rats that showed withdrawel and the rats choosing sugar water over food. Very interesting.

I know That I am upset that I am growing out of the clothes I shrunk myself into. It is now Almost Mar 1. Warm weather is supposedly around the corner. And I know that I feel better all the way around when I et lo carn and w/o. I just can't seem to make and stay with teh connection.

ANy one else have some insight?

lodyangel 02-25-2003 04:22 PM

Hello All.

I am sorry I went MIA for awhile. We had the most awful ice storm here the Sunday before last, and we have not had any electricity since that day. 10 days with no heat, running water, or light. It has sucked big time. But we have muddled through. The ights came back on at 1:00 today. We threw a big party of course. The kids were especailly happy to have their video games returned to them. And Trini missed Barney something awful. I am so glad we are back to normal.

I have been off program since this happened. I haven't even been working out, which bothered me a great deal. But it is hard to do when you have to work so hard just to cook, and clean. I actually washed clothes by hand one day. I would not have made a very good victorian, I am afraid. But it was fun at times. The first night we roasted marshmallows over candles. It is a memory I think Christian will keep with him.

WEll, Just wanted to let you guys know I have returned from the land of the lost. I am ready to get back to it.

1fralick 02-26-2003 06:09 AM

Oh my gosh Melody
DH and I were stranded in kentucky Sun. La Barge. The icing was awful. We hobbled thru on Monday. 20 -30 miles an hour. We had an ice storm a few years ago and were w/o power for 13 days. But we have no kids. It's an awful experience. SO I know how wonderful it is when the lights come back on. You were missed, I could here myself echo around here.

Still waffuling here. In diet limbo.
Hey everybody how goes it?

Kina 02-26-2003 10:20 AM

Good Morning!

Melody I am so glad to see your post.

I am feeling something horrible. We have 40 degree temps and any normal Texan is just not use to that. I think I am about to die. I started a baby blanket for my X-SIL . She invited me to her baby shower this coming Saturday and I am hoping to have this blanket done by then.

Well now that I have checked in I am going to jump back into bed and hide under the covers. Stay warm.

Melody...you don't know how happy I am to see your post.
Pat...we really must do something about this growing epidemic. I am having the same problem.

I am outta here. Talk later.

nasus40 02-26-2003 11:56 AM

I am on a dead run again today day off HA!! that is no such thing they just make those words up so people they they are getting a treat!!! I am in limbo here too pat. so lets make a pact i will get on your back if you get on mine!!! (just a min let me put down that cookie!!!.:lol: )

I missed all you girls!!! lets get rolling again!! starting tomorow i will be ready to roll and really get things moving here.

I just purchased a system cleaner for me to get rid of all the toxins that i have built up so i am ready to hit the pot (yes it does make you shi#) starting tomorrow so lets let it rip!!! (pun intended!!!)

this should be interesting.!!!!

Well got to run and pick up the DD BF so he can get to work)

Kina 02-26-2003 04:04 PM

Good to see you Sue. Would you mind sharing what it is you purchased. I have only two 1/2 more weeks to drop some weight for my family weight challenge. I need all the help I can get. Melody I also started taking Hydroxycut. I know you have mentioned Metabolite or something similar. Do you or any of you have insight to these dietary supplements? All wisdom is welcome.

I will check back later.

Sue...I am really sorry you were having computer problems. I don't know what I would do without our computer. I think DH is the one that would go berzerck. Talk later.

nasus40 02-26-2003 06:10 PM

it is a product from sunshine nutritional supplements. it is expensive a bit more than i wanted but it is worth a try!!! it has some laxatives and a bunch of other things. but is suposed to clean out the toxins of the systen. I am going to try it for a week (2 week supply) then get on low carb, hoping that it will clean out all the carb toxins that i have built up!!! I have never tried this before i am a bit worried that i sound like a quack about this. like the colonic lavages (nice word for huge enema) but it is suposed to make the body work better after the bad toxins are cleaned out. I will not make any reccomendations untill i try it

I have used hydroxycut, and metabolife and diet fuel and just about every thing that is on the market with and with out mau haung it does help i find that it makes me dead tired at the end of the day. and i sleep very soundly but not necessarily a good sleep. it is an exhausted sleep. but it dies give me great energy in the day but i have high and lows of energy and the days that i did not take it i would fall asleep in the middle fo the day. if i sat down some times i would say i need to sleep and go down for a hour just because my body needed the rest. I am hoping that this will also get this out of the system. I am just comming off some that i was taking starting this year beginning they say that you must take a break from them. it helps i will say most of my weight loss was during time that i was taking somethng. I have very stubborn weight.

well that is that. I do need to get the kids to swimming.

1fralick 02-27-2003 05:34 AM

Hey All!
I am in a way glad I am not the only one experiencing this rut. But sorry too. Cannot get focused. I know it is a mental thing.

But yes Sue we can do this.

We can do this. I will focus on what goes in my mouth. Maybe a daily food and w/o log?

What do you all think?
A weekly challenge?
Let me know

Hello everyone else

Anyone heard from PaM?

Kina 02-28-2003 03:48 PM

Okay you guys I CAN do this! I am going to do this. I have only 15 days til the family weight challenge comes to an end. The bank is worth $300 buckaroos. What do I need to do?!?!


1fralick 02-28-2003 07:58 PM

Water water water
Go to teh library and check out Jan Oprah Mag(i think) she had a boot camp w/o out that was supposed to jump start you. Don't cut your cal's too much or you might stall. Sue is the expert in this area really.

Toatlly awfull day here feel just miserable mentally and physically.
Will I never learn

Hey Sue how goes it?

have you heard from Pam?

I need to get it together.

Anklle still hurts I think I am pushing it too much!

How is everyone else?

nasus40 02-28-2003 08:31 PM

I just had a great post and lost it!!!! UGH

well any ways it was i had a terrible day dove into doughnuts and cookies big time

Kina drink drink and drink keep out of the cafiene limit the low carb bars and shakes (can stall weight loss) for the next few week do this clean, think of the cash!!! go for only 1200 calories make the fat be quality fat and keep your protein at about 60 - 80 atleast daily. split the carbs over the day. that is about all that i can give for advice!!! that should do it.

no i have not heard from Pam. Hope soon!!

nasus40 03-01-2003 06:36 AM

I am going to have a rough day today at work so i know Opness is not in the picture. it is because i have to do the med transfer and our floor has to cover the lunch now. it is tough!! and manage to eat lucnh. Yesterday i had 4 admissions adn i managed to do 3 of them but was still 2 hour late getting out. with no lunch can you see why i hit the doughnuts and cookies.

I can not manage to get up earlie enough to make lunch and have no ambition. so life sucks at this time but i will make up for it!!

1fralick 03-02-2003 05:53 AM

GOsh SUe, I am sorry.
All I can think is that we have come so far, what's the deal? I know I am letting alot of things get in the way of me getting back on tract. They are just excuses really. I remember my nursing days. You are working nights? That was always the worst. Stress, lack of restful sleep, carbs galore. A viscous cycle.

Kina think $$$$$
I hope Pam is OK, she usually check in by now.
Hello everyone else

I am shooting to achieve some goals beginning Monday
We'll see how I do.

1fralick 03-04-2003 04:52 AM

Good morning all
Yesterday I did a pilates w/o. Can you belive it???
Was almost OP until I succombed to a snack size bag of cookies.
I did get to thinking though about what the people in my life think to themselves when they notice that once again my weight is increasing. that bothered me a little. I am planning on goin to the gym in a few a hope the am w/os help me w/ being OP food wise.
OK where are you all??

lodyangel 03-04-2003 01:03 PM

I am here! THings have been crazy so I haven't got to stop in as often. Kina think cash...its a great motivator isn't it?

I started a weight loss challenge at my work, every payday we each put in $5 and weigh. Whoever is the first to lose 10% of their total body weight wins the money. It's a great motivator. And now I work with a bunch of people who are watching what they put in their mouths too!

I started my personal 3 month challenge on the 1st, and so far have stuck with my goals. I have managed to keep my calories under 1800 which I think will help me lose weight.

I plan on beginning running in mid to late March. I am going to the Dr. today to see what they can do to help me with my arthritis. It is better, but when i start to run...Oh boy, I just bet it will start acting up. I want to run a 5K in September so I have got to get training if I am going to make it.

I am focused and ready to go, and if I have to I will pull you guys along with me! :lol: Let's do this girls!!! ;)

1fralick 03-05-2003 04:47 AM

Way to go Melody!! I can feel your enthusasm.
I went to the gym yesterday. w/o'd out for 50 mins. Felt good.
Ate OP until I ate a choc easter egg. got all my water in. SO iam gradually getting on tract. I am keeping it focused a day at a time, right now.

How is everyone else doing?

I am worried about Pam as this is a very long time for her to be away

lodyangel 03-05-2003 08:48 AM

Doing great here. Tae-bo'ed last night with Trini. She loves to work out with me. It is so funny to watch her try to kick and punch. She will be 2 on the 21st. Where does the time go?

I miss Pam too. I hope all is well.

I went over calorie limit last night, not real bad though...was very hungry. I think I ate too many refined sugars, not enough veggies....got to work on that.

I am so sleepy this AM.

I went to Doc yesterday about my arthritis and anxiety. She put me on new arthritis medication and is sending me for an echo cardiogram. She thinks I may have a small murmur. She said it is nothing to worry about. Just a precaution. SHe was happy to see I had been working out. I hope everyone else is doing well.

Kina where did you go? Did you get lost again? :lol:

Sue, You have been the queen of OP in the past. I know you can do this , and run circle s around us!

Everyone have a great day.

1fralick 03-06-2003 05:14 AM

Good morning
I did the pilates things again yesterday. I think the gym w/o pushed the ankle thing a bit. It was pretty sore and bruised yesterday. Was OP but ate a candy bar. So mentally I'm not back 100% Planning or lack of is a big part of it. The pilates w/o sure does work the abs though, which is where I carry alot of my weight.

Melody I think that w/o w/ you're kids is great. for both of you. I am sorry about the arthritis. It was amozing that when we were in TN. All my pain went away for those days. don't know why.

To all those MIA you are misssed and I hope you can check in soon.

Kina 03-07-2003 03:37 PM

I am still here. I am just sooooo busy with school and work. The semester ends early May...not soon enough. Since we are in the middle of the semester they are crunching in as much material as they can. Aaaaarrgh! I feel the stress. I have been trying to exercise but my free time seems to get taken over with my study time. I can't seem to have my cake and eat it too.

Well I am outta here to do some more research for a paper I am working on.

nasus40 03-11-2003 01:56 PM

OK GUYS!!! Wake up!!! I know I have been sleeping with a carb hangover!! UGH I hate that!!

So Kina how is the last min push for the weight loss going. when is the weigh in??

Melodyhow is life with DB??? still OK?

Pat what about the new house getting settled??

Pam how is the back?? You have been lost for a while? where are you!!!



for me life is busy I have not been Op and feel really bad about not being here. so I make it a point to show my face even if i have gained now 30 lbs from my low!!! I am now over 200 UGH I feel so fat. I can not do much till after this weekend to get back Op as i have to spend 3 days away from the house at a swim meet, (no chance for breaks away) i will not have much oportunity to eat healthy so i will wait till the 17 and then get OP!! WAV

so all hang in there. check in and let us know how you are doing!!!

Kina 03-11-2003 04:39 PM


Originally posted by nasus40

So Kina how is the last min push for the weight loss going. when is the weigh in??

Weight out is this Saturday and I know I didn't pocket this challenge either. My dad has already lost 21 lbs effortlessly. The man does NOT exercise and well he does cut back on food but he doesn't deprive himself of any luxuries. ugh...don't you just despise MEN. I am just hoping I have a loss on weight out...it's better than nothing and much better than a gain!

I hope everyone is doing well.

Kina...homework awaits me.

nasus40 03-11-2003 10:21 PM

Well loss is better than a gain!!! I am seeing a gain!!

By the way i just want to say what a beautiful woman you are!!!

Give your old man the weigt loss. Men are just made differently. So let him get skinny!!! we will slowly plod along and lose for the long run. (I need to turn around)

1fralick 03-12-2003 04:57 AM

Hey all,

I am here and slowing getting OP. Went to the gym Mon. and on the way there in a few. The ankle is still holding me up a little. Got the new Oprah mag and I must say the she looks awesome on the cover. Something that I desire.

The house slowing gets to gether and I am very anxios for spring to get here. Looking forweard to having a garden again. AM hosting a lunch this weekend for teh female inlaws. Now there is stress. I am also apllying for the position of clinic director at work. The scary thing is that I might get it!! Winter has a firm grip on us here. we got a foot of snow 2 nights ago.

Kina sorry about the $ but you have done a great job of it!

Hey Sue we will be good. I am up 20#'s from my low. clothes are tight I hate going to teh closet for anything.

I hope the others check in soon, you are all missed

lodyangel 03-12-2003 07:53 AM

Hello all. I have a cold and am miserable. I feel like crap. I keep breaking out in cold sweats just sitting here at the computer. On top of that I feel all fat and flabby. I definitely need to get myself together. Did not work out again last night. Was going to but DD pulled the little TV over on herself, and after that i was just too scared to leave her alone. She turns 2 the 21st. Can you believe it? She is okay thankfully. I am ready to lose this weight once and for all. Weigh in is Monday. I have to lose some kind of weight before then!!!! I just have tooo!!!!

We used to be such a focused LOSING group...What happened to us? We have got to get our heads straight, get OP and get on it.

I love you girls. Let's get thin and healthy once and for all!

1fralick 03-13-2003 05:49 AM

Good morning all!

Melody I hope your DD is OK. ANd I am sorry that you are ill. Nothing like a spring cold to bring you down. Hopefully you are experincing some spring.

Yes I know I am quite discouraged with myself. I am not sure of the cause. But I know I keep going back and forth

What does everyone else think? Any ideas?

nasus40 03-13-2003 10:01 PM

I thing that we have alowed our selves to get distracted with life. things have changed so much in lur lives this last year that it is hard tokeep the focus and goals in hand. I know that when i do good i do great. the house is in order and the bills are paid and the kitchen is clean and the laundry gets put away. I do not have any of that. bills are piling and finances stink, and life just falls apart. I blame it in the lack of light, (I seem to do this every year at this time (this is the third year) and it is just as the spring hits that i get back OP, and get my self going. (last yesr it hit a bit later when DD's BF moved in) but i can not blame that right now, he has lived with us since October. I can blame the fact that life has slowly sliped out of my control and work has take over me. I am trying t regain the contol that I need. I am feeling better slowly but it is still hectic.

After this weekend I will be readyI feel fat I feel out of control. I need this gropup to get that wonderful focus that we all have had.

Pat good luck with the job!! I hope that you do get it. I also hope that it is some thing that you feel that you can do. I know you will be great!! Good luck.

Melody Glad that Dd is OK. those kids are just the reason we get gray hairs!!! thost TV's are very heavy!!! My DD2 bit the end of a glass thermometer once. I know the feeling!! She will not learn!!! No matter what. Just keep an eye on her. and make sure that thigs are away from the edge.

1fralick 03-14-2003 04:54 AM

Good morning all!
Thanks Sue for the support. I interview next Weds. I agree with you, when I feel everything is going ok I feel in control. ANd this lomg winter has sucked the life out of me. But I also feel miserable when I eat wrong or don't work out. I have been to teh gym 2 times this week and will be heading out this am. That gives me 3 w/o's. Eating 80% OP, water is fair. Looking to improve on this next week.

Mentally straining to stay focused and aware of what I let myself eat. Or what excuses I let myself use to not work out. Well tommorow I host a lunch for my female in-laws. We'll see hoiw that goes.

You all have a good w/e.

lodyangel 03-14-2003 09:34 PM

things are crazy here as usual.

i know Sue how you feel. I get all excited and motivated and then life steps in and something happens to completely break your focus. It is irritating me! I wanna do this. so what is the problem????

DD has tonsilitis and a URI. I have a URI and a metricular heart valve murmur. Whatever that is, They don't think it is anything but a small murmur, but i have to get a small camera shoved down my throat just to be sure! I am not happy about it either. I'll tell them to look in my stomach while they are at it, and see what is wrong with it!

I will begin working out again tomorrow. I will get OP again if it kills me! I lost 2 pounds according to the doctor scales. That at least is a relief. Too bad it is not "virgin fat". Weigh in at work is Monday. I am staying strictly low carb for the next 2 days...

Pat, Good luck with the job intterview! Sue, I will be looking for your glowing reports of how well you are doing beginning Monday! Here's a kick in your rump>>>>>>> I know you can do this. You know you can do this. We can all do this!!!! So Let's DO it!!! Where are all the OP goddesses?

Pam, Where are you love???

nasus40 03-14-2003 10:22 PM

just checking in briefly. things went well today just a few kids hyperventilating after a hard swim and one broke toe ( it was broke but needed it taped so he could swim again) and on kid needed an excuse not to swim tonight (running a fever and sick to her stomach) she needed a good sleep and a medical excuse so she can swim tomorow, or she will bwe scratched fromt he whole meet.

well night I bough a few bags of apples so i will not much on all the coookies.

have a great weekend night all!

nasus40 03-17-2003 07:22 AM

Winter is breaking and so is my string of Off plan!! (I hope) starting today I will be good. who is with me???

Pat can you see the nice warm weather yet?? can you find your lawn??? I can start to see patches of mine!!

Melody I know you can see yours is the flowers comming up yet??? this is great time to get that renewed motivation going.

Kina how did the weigh it go?? I hope well atleast you know you did lose some.

I am at a high of 205 today I know about 5 of that iw water but that is my new start time virgin fat will be at under 169! I will have to update my signature!!

nasus40 03-17-2003 10:23 AM

Just a reminder that spring starts March 21! i will start a spring challenge then with a new thread!! called the spring fling!!!

Kina 03-17-2003 02:04 PM

Uh-hum Attention Please
I think it's time to get our little "dairy airs" in gear...full steam ahead. If it were so easy as that! I have one month to get my butt moving and to lose some extra pounds. I try SO hard to stay away from the carbs but well you know how it is.

But this is the update of the family weight challenge...on the day of weight out the scale went whacky. My parents had to go out and buy antoher one. Well my dad had already lost (based on the first scale) over 20 lbs. My aunt lost 17 lbs. Well I am really not sold on the info that she has lost that much...she doesn't look any different! I'm sorry I had to get that out. See my DH and I both agree she is out of state and she weigh's in on her own with no one to witness it and then she weigh's out with no one to witness. She sends us a before picture but she didn't look like a size 26 or whatever it was she said she was at and then she went to a size 16 or 14! I am not even in a size 16. I'm sorry I just didn't see it and neither did DH. I know we should trust eachother and be honest... :) I just feel for fairness of everyone that whoever wants to join the challenge (if money is being involved) we should ALL be able to witness eachothers weight or atleast the moderator should be able to witness the weight in and weight out.

Well anyway I told my mom I didn't feel it was fair that my aunt should win because it was obvious that my dad had lost a whole lot of weight based on the old scale. Including the fact that every scale weighs differently. With the new scale my dad had lost only 8 lbs from the old scale to the new scale. So I told her we either go for another month or forfeit this challenge. So my mom has to call everyone and see if everyone wants to continue the challenge to Easter Sunday or forfeit. I told her I will go another month if everyone else agrees.

So that means finding the time to get my behind moving EVERY DAY and watching what I eat. I need to get to the atkins website and find the things I can and cannot eat. I am going to get it right this time.

I will talk to you all later. I have some things I have to get started before the kids get home. I will check in later today.

1fralick 03-18-2003 05:41 AM

I am starting a new thread

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