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jomatho 12-06-2011 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by alaskanlaughter (Post 4130027)
so apparently i can post from home tonight...weird...was a veryyy long day, didnt get home til 7 p.m. and i'd been gone from home since 630 a.m....after work took younger son to pick out his glasses frames at the eye store, he was soo excited lol...then home to make dinner...while older son and DH stacked the half-cord of wood that just got delivered tonight...sadly we got the news that DH's cousin's son committed suicide today :( please keep his family in your prayers...i think DH will fly home to the village for the funeral...its almost 10:30 p.m. and im finally sitting down for a minute...think i'm going to bed next :)

krystal...how long does it take to really become a runner? ive been doing treadmill for just one month but i like it because it's efficient (i dont have all day to do a workout) and because i never thought i could do it

I know this question wasn't aimed at me, but you are running right? You are a runner! I know what you mean though, when do you feel like a runner. I think for me it took about 4 months to feel good running enough so that I felt I could call myself a runner, everyone is different though.

Rana 12-06-2011 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by K9Owner (Post 4129871)
Rana: Are you an addicted daily weigher as well?? I am doing well not weighing everyday like I am used too. It feels nice not to have to be so addicted to it every morning. I usually try to weigh every 3 days or so now. :crossed: Saturday brings results in your favor!

I am addicted and I force myself to weigh in only once a week (usually, not recently :o ) because I do let it affect my mood or worse, it will affect what I eat or not eat!!!!


Originally Posted by alaskanlaughter (Post 4130027)
sadly we got the news that DH's cousin's son committed suicide today :( please keep his family in your prayers...i think DH will fly home to the village for the funeral...

I am so sorry, Alaskan! What terrible news. :hug:


Originally Posted by jomatho (Post 4130088)
Question of the day: Do you guys take vitamins or supplements, and which ones? I know everyone is going to have pysllium on their list ;)

I am sorry about your pulled muscle! I hope you feel better soon.

As for multivitamins....

I am the exception, I don't take psyllium! I get my fiber intake from the food I eat -- legumes, brown rice, vegetables and fruits.

But, back to vitamins/supplements:

D3 (2000 u - 4000 u) - (Recommended by doctor because my D levels were low)
Vitamin C (1000-2000)
Super B vitamin complex - recommended a long time ago because of my PCOS
Women's Whole Food Multivitamin - made from whole foods, rather than minerals
Chelated Magnesium (400 mcg)
Chromium Polynicolinate (800 mcg)
Cranberry pills (2)
Fish Oil (Krill/Sardine) (2)

I think that's it.

Basically, I got little baggies (from a craft store, they have them in the jewelry sections) which are the right size for putting in all the pills. I carry them in my purse or have a little pile of them around the house/office, so I can take them (and not forget).

Rana 12-06-2011 09:30 AM

My update -- stayed under calories yesterday (yay) and still got on the scale today and saw two pounds go down, now I need to see the next two come down too.

Today, I'm sticking to the calories or slightly under and I am going to Pilates.

K9Owner 12-06-2011 10:20 AM

Good morning Ladies (and gents if you're lurking) ;)

I wanted to take this opportunity this morning to invite you to a different dance just for today.

Despite our unique situations and circumstances with weight loss and personal fitness and all the upsets we may be facing today, I'd like for you to reflect on last year December 6, 2010. Perhaps you remember the clothes you were wearing. Perhaps you were working and in your using business attire--for me SCRUBS!

Imagine your bottoms: Were they snug or loose? A size larger than today? 2 maybe? The same size as today? Smaller? (Hopefully not).

Now picture your top: Was it snug or loose? Form-fitting to your chest? Did you even like it or was it "just a tee shirt"?

Today, I am dancing with a new skirt on. It is a jean skirt from Gap. I bought it last week at Goodwill for $6 USD. It is a size 10. Last year, on December 6, I would not have even worn a skirt. My "Fat girl" complex would not have allowed for that! I have on black knee boots and a black 3/4 sleeved sweater. I also have on a cute black and white furry hat because it's frigid and wet in the south today. :rain:

I can even wear most of my clothes that I couldn't wear last year or in 2009! I feel like much of my hard work is paying off, because I can go shopping in my own closet!

As many disappointments as I have had with weight loss over the past few months, I have much to celebrate today. I am NO WHERE close to where I want to be in this fitness journey, but I am so proud to know that I am still choosing to press on toward my personal goals.

I'm inviting you to reflect on where you are today compared to last year and take a twirl around your kitchen in your favorite skirt (or jeans) and smile on yourself on how far you've come so far :)

alaskanlaughter 12-06-2011 11:33 AM

good morning! a year ago today i was about 20-25 pounds heavier...or i accumulated it over last holiday season's baking festivities...i realized i had gained weight when the sweater that i bought that was BIG on last year's black friday shopping was getting way too TIGHT at an early january birthday party!! so it took me a month or two of getting my head on straight and then in last March i truly started working at being healthy for life

i have been up since 3 a.m. with my younger son who seems to have developed a sudden severe ear infection...we are going to the doctor as soon as my early morning work shift is finished and the doctor is open...i wont be at work the rest of the day and i doubt i'm making it to the gym either...

K9Owner 12-06-2011 11:37 AM

Alaskan: :hugs: OMG! I hope he feels better after the MD appt. Ear infections are evil :devil:

runningfromfat 12-06-2011 01:09 PM

K9O- Great comment! A year ago today I was over 200lbs (probably around 205), still couldn't eat ANY sugar because I was likely to binge, and wearing a size 14. Just this week I got to wear my first size 6's EVER!!! Ok, I get it's due to vanity sizing but it's still pretty cool. :lol:

One thing that sucks, though, is that a year ago today I could still run/jump all that good stuff, now I'm not allowed to. :cry: Although I can swim for an hour multiple times per week and there was a guy swimming next to me in the pool yesterday and I was kicking his butt. :encore:

Here's hoping that a year from today I'll be at my goal weight or at the very least at a healthy BMI. :cheers:

Alaskan- I hope the ear infection gets better soon! Those things are evil.

Rana & K9O- Another daily weigher here. It's great but it sucks because today it put me back in the 170's, ugh! However, I worked out right before going to bed last night, which normally always means water retention, arg.

jo- I should be taking prenatals but we keep pushing back the time when we want to TTC. I think at this point it won't be until I hit goal and maybe even awhile after that. So right now no.

forloveofself- could you get some shapewear for the dress? My waist and arms are so incredibly stubborn and even with a lot of weight loss are just SLOW to leave. :mad:

geoblewis 12-06-2011 01:28 PM

A year ago, I was in a size larger than I'm wearing now. I had been struggling to lose the weight, found some parts of me were slimming down but other parts of me refused to shrink. I was cleaning out my closet and found that my old boots were too big for me to wear that winter. It was the start of cleaning out my closet. All my coats just fit me, as did my winter sweaters, but I knew that I wanted to get rid of them by the end of winter to make room for a new, smaller size this year.

I still have most of my coats/jackets this year. I got rid of two that were really roomy and of no use to me, but the rest are roomier than they were last year. I bought myself a new pair of boots last month and I look fabulous in them! The shaft is definitely smaller this time. I chose not to buy new sweaters because even though I've slimmed down a little, they're still not making sweater sleeves long enough for me in my size! I have long arms and an even-longer torso. And an even more anorexic bank account...so keeping the new clothes on the minimum.

Looking forward to splurging on a new spring/summer wardrobe in an even smaller size!

forloveofself 12-06-2011 04:07 PM

Hello alaskan, Rana,Jo, pp, princess, geob, and all missing and new here!

K9O Yes, the good thing about insomnia is being international. I have family and friends on nearly every inhabited continent, so we do have occasion to connect :)
Funny how you should ask about reflection, as I was doing the verything this morning while in front of the bathroom mirror.
I was thinking about the dress not fitting right yesterday, and I decided not to feel sorry for myself and to think about the things I did like:
*I like my face overall
*I like being a nerd
*I like that I've had to think about buying new sz 12 US jeans and skirts as all the ones I own that are between szs 14 ( I've bee able to wear the sz 12 leggings and other elastic waist sz12 for a while now) that were snug last year fall off unless I wear a belt, and they are also very loose in the thighs.
*I love that the belts worn on my hips are at least two spaces tighter and there isn't so much muffin hanging over the belt anymore.
*The "goal" waist belt I have had since I was thinner are now only 1.5 inches too small instead of almost 4 inches!
*I like that I only want to lose 14 more lbs this year instead of 30 lbs last year.
And the major thing I saw when I looked in the mirror was that area between my upper arms and breasts is showing definition again, even if the skin needs to nip in tighter.

Stayed on plan even though I added half a cup of gluten free mashed potatoes to last nights dinner (tasted a bit like cardboard esp since I didn't add milk nor cream to it)

Take care everyone.

IsabellaOlivia 12-06-2011 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by K9Owner (Post 4130326)
Good morning Ladies (and gents if you're lurking) ;)

Despite our unique situations and circumstances with weight loss and personal fitness and all the upsets we may be facing today, I'd like for you to reflect on last year December 6, 2010. Perhaps you remember the clothes you were wearing. Perhaps you were working and in your using business attire--for me SCRUBS!

Imagine your bottoms: Were they snug or loose? A size larger than today? 2 maybe? The same size as today? Smaller? (Hopefully not).

Now picture your top: Was it snug or loose? Form-fitting to your chest? Did you even like it or was it "just a tee shirt"?

I can even wear most of my clothes that I couldn't wear last year or in 2009! I feel like much of my hard work is paying off, because I can go shopping in my own closet!

I'm inviting you to reflect on where you are today compared to last year and take a twirl around your kitchen in your favorite skirt (or jeans) and smile on yourself on how far you've come so far :)

On the 15 december 2010, which is just 9 days until it has been a whole year since I was at the doctor and weighed on a scale. I was told to watch my weight. I was utterly crushed being a freshman at university and being told I was 'fat'.

My bottoms were okay. They were bigger than today.

And the story of my top: I wore a jacket that I bought in 2009, only to find that in december 2010 it was so tight that the zipper popped off while I was walking on campus.:o Mortifying for a freshman to experience.
The tops I wore were all too tight, however it was too embarrassing to start buying 1-2 sizes up.

Now a year later, I, just like K9Owner, have had to gotten rid of clothing that are simply too big.

Btw, loved this reflection challenge K9Owner.:D

ThinkinThin5 12-06-2011 06:44 PM

K9Owner - Thank you for this thread. I am a newbie to this site although I have been lurking for years. Your post really caught my eye because I can relate to everything on the list. It is especially frustrating to be on program and continue to see the same number on the scale. However, this time I have decided to be kinder to myself on this journey and giving myself small goals rather than looking at the end result I am trying to achieve.

I have joined one of the challenges on this site to keep me motivated and it seems to be working. Yay!!

princessgina00 12-06-2011 11:16 PM

One year ago, I was three months into my second weight loss journey. I weighed around 240 lbs and had lost nearly 30 pounds. I was a around a size 20W and my size 22Ws were falling off of me. Now, I wear a size 16 in regular clothes (no women's sizes), I have waved goodbye to my old friend Lane Bryant because I can no longer fit any of their clothes, and I can sit in an airplane seat without spilling into the neighboring seat (NSV!). I look forward to this time next year when my size 16s will look like clown clothes on me. :D

K9Owner 12-06-2011 11:47 PM

LoveofSelf & Alaskan: It is difficult for me to order a salad from a fast food chain I am such a picky lettuce eater. I love lettuce, but it has to be just perfect in order for me to eat it!

Alaskan: I totally agree with Jo in that if you are running intervals now on the :tread: , you ARE a runner! You may not be able to run a 5K at the moment, but you are running. :yay:

Jo: I am missing you and your usual chipperness! Can you pls tell TOM to return my friend. As far as Vits go, I SHOULD take a few more, but I don't. I was taking Alive! for Women daily. I used to do the Alive! liquid with Iron. I am anemic all the time and my stores are low, but I hate to take it. The Alive! liquid was tolerable with white grapefruit juice. The only thing I am taking now is 2 Cinnamon Caps, 2 Cranberry Caps, and 2 Silhouette Caps. You probably have forgotten that I bought a detox kit while I was on the cruise. I am on the 2nd month of 3. The last pill is called Vitality. The rep told me not to take supplements while I was detoxing. I am supposed to do 6 more months, but I seriously doubt I will.

Thank you all for the "dance" today. It is very encouraging and inspiring to hear all of the successes over the past year. It keeps the big picture in perspective when all the daily hum drums of life bog you down ;)

RFF: Perhaps a run is not suited for you, but I admire your diligence to find something active to do. If you're able to :swim: I say DO IT--enjoy every lap of it!

Geoblewis: :yay: for smaller things! I feel you on the anorexic bank account, which is why I shop at thrift shops. Actually, that's not the only reason, but …..:lol: you get the idea!

Isabella: :wave: great to see you pop in!

ThinkinThin: :welcome2: we are thrilled to have you join our thread. Stick to your challenges!

Princess: Your report is such a joy to read! I loved reading all of the reflections today!

alaskanlaughter 12-07-2011 01:28 AM

omgggg i am sooo tired....ive been up since 3 a.m. this morning and its 930 p.m. now...ive been busy alllll day...i came home from work expecting to make dinner and sit down, instead older son tells me that "oh by the way, i have a choir concert tonight and i have to be there in 45 minutes"..ughhh...so i did that, and a bunch of other stuff tonight and im finally sitting down...

im finding lately that my stomach just cant handle as much food like it used to...its a very weird sensation...for example i had two little plates of spaghetti last night and a couple pieces of garlic bread and that normally would have NOT filled me up (i am one of those quantity eaters) and i felt so full that i felt like i was gonna puke..not right away, i mean if i'd felt that full i would've stopped eating...it hit me about 10 minutes later...perhaps it was my stomach catching up to my brain? ....and tonight i made an old chocolate tapioca recipe because it's TOM and i was DYING for a bite of chocolate...and i ate one little bowlful and it was sooo sweet i dont dare eat anymore although in the past i could have devoured the whole recipe....is this normal? is this a side affect of hard exercise? ive NEVER felt like this before which is why dieting has always been a struggle

did not go to the gym today...i only got 4 hours of sleep last night and was busy literally every minute...i had THOUGHT about going tonight until older son sprang his choir concert thing on me *sigh*....i have a regular day tomorrow so i should be able to get to teh gym..i hate missing a day :(

and i can notice a definite difference in my legs and some through my stomach area and waist even though the scale remains permanently stuck around 209-210

forloveofself 12-07-2011 06:31 AM

Good morning everyone!
Jo missed your vitamin question before. I try to take the B vitamins and fish oils, and occasionally multivitaims along with at least two of my prescriptions ( I tend not to take 'scripts unless I'm really having a lot of pain, or if the directions read "you must take daily' or similarly). I also have a tablespoonful of olive oil weekly in addtion to what I already use on my salads.
I used to rely only on legumes and other fibre from foods for regularity but they are really harsh on my system so I just, as you may have read, started taking pysllium. The Benefibre did work for me, but was also very harsh.

alaskan, Hope you get some rest tonight, and also hope your son is feeling better.

Decided to make working on removing stress from my life a priority; It greatly affects me physically. So I'm going to listen to my relaxation/meditation CDs again, and try to be more aware of triggers, and work at keeping negative people out of my life.
Have a great day!

jomatho 12-07-2011 07:40 AM

I don't have the mental capacity this morning to do any personals that I would like to, but had to pop in to say I finally have some scale movement! TOM is leaving and taking some lbs with him, thank goodness. I know even when the scale is not moving, my body is readjusting and changing, I see it in the mirror every day, but just once in a while seeing the scale move is so encouraging. And, my spirits are a little better the last couple days too.
I do find myself a little bummed when I think about traveling over the holiday and just with the holiday gatherings themselves, ugh. Seems like whenever I make some headway, something comes up to put a wrench in my progress. I am just now getting over the Thanksgiving hump, what a struggle.
Plan today is to walk first and then I am thinking of possibly doing the p90x yoga video. I really enjoyed that last week and I am hoping my stomach muscle pull will tolerate it. I haven't felt a twinge of that injury since Sunday, so I think it was just a strain from doing pullups/pushups. If I find that too difficult, or I feel that stupid muscle barking at me, I will just call it a day with the walking. I have lots to do again today, so I will be active either way.
Okay, I have gotten this far in this post, I think I will answer the one year ago question.
I was just starting my journey last year as you all know. I was wearing a size 18w jeans and probably needed a 20w, but they had stretch in them. I looked in my closet and only saw small clothes that were too tight, too short (shirts). I was thinking about a breast reduction because I felt I was all boob and was actually dissatisfied with my body, but was blaming it all on the boobs. I found it difficult to run 2 miles in about 30 minutes (guessing on the time), but I was doing it. I was in denial about how big I actually was. I avoided mirrors or any reflection of my body.
Now, I am wearing a size 12 jean, I look in my closet and everything is too big and too long (shirts), matter of fact, I keep hopping on the sewing machine to take in and up a lot of my tops so I can feel comfortable in them. I can hop on the treadmill and run 5 miles and feel good, not like I am going to die. My boobs are tolerable, still too big, but I can live with them for now and actually need some new bras, the ones I bought in the spring are too big again, that is great news. I love to look at my reflection now and sometimes I am surprised when I catch a glimpse of myself in a window while shopping or something, is that me?
I would much rather be in the place I am this December than last December and I need to keep remembering that, thanks K9!
Okay, now I really have to get going!
I hope to be back for personals, I am enjoying a lot of what everyone has to say! Have a great day.

Rana 12-07-2011 10:46 AM

A year ago today, I weighed 175. This morning, I got on that stupid scale and weighed in at 163.4 (those stubborn pounds aren't coming off!).

I was wearing a size 10 and I am now in a size 8, except I am still wearing my 10s, because I don't have the money to spend it all on a new wardrobe right now, especially since I am planning on continuing to lose weight and go down in sizes.

I know that I am better off than where I was last year. I was frustrated last year because I didn't know my body patterns yet (yearly patterns, rather than daily patterns) and I was dreading the holiday season.

I've lost 12 lbs in one year.

That means that I've lost 1 lbs/month.

Talk about SLOOOOOOOWWWWW dancing.

K9Owner 12-07-2011 11:34 AM

Rana: I had to :lol: at your post! Hey, if it makes you feel any better, if I stay at this plateau til April, I will average 1 lb/month as well!! :rofl:

Jo: :hug: I adored your post! Thank You :) I hope you have a fabulous day today!

Alaskan: How is the ear infection today??

AFM: My nursing school niece passed peds and has 1 MORE SEMESTER!!! May 2012 graduate--here we come!! :yay: I woke up to a lovely blanket of SNOW in my front yard! :yay: We NEVER get snow here until maybe January. So for us to have it 2x in the past week is just AweSOME! Also, it's real snow--not just snnnnn!! :rofl:

IsabellaOlivia 12-07-2011 05:18 PM

I use MyFitnessPal to track calories. My username is IsabellEolivia. Almost the same as the one on 3FC except the E at the end of the username instead of A.
If anyone wants to add me that would be fun.

alaskanlaughter 12-07-2011 08:53 PM

hi all :) my son feels alot better today, he wanted to go to school and so we let him and he's doing fine today (i work at his school)....did my usual gym workout, 30 minutes of interval running and 10 minutes of incline walking, been trying to make the inclines harder...dont have much time to post, at work...going home and lots of stuff to do tonight..DH leaves this weekend for 4 days, going back to his village for a funeral...ack! busy!!

princessgina00 12-07-2011 11:46 PM

Alaskan: I used to do that kind of stuff to my parents all the time. For instance, right before I get out of the car, I push a permission slip in front my parents' faces and go, "I have a field trip today and need your signature (or I forge their signature)." Aren't kids grand? :lol:

As for the present, today was not a good day for me food wise. I'm at a conference right now and they are providing breakfast and lunch and snacks at each break (which is like every 2 hours). I was doing great until I got to the evening's reception and loaded up on crackers, cheese, and artichoke dip (so good!). Also, I had to stand at my poster and wait for people to come up to me and ask me about it. Well, visitors were few and far between, so I mostly spent the time twiddling my thumbs AND returning for subsequent helpings of artichoke dip and crackers. I also had like 10 cans of Diet Coke/Coke Zero/Sprite Zero and ate a giant cookie that was nearly 500 calories. All in all, not a great day for my calorie count. BUT, I'll guess I'll try another day (James Bond reference). ;)

forloveofself 12-08-2011 08:44 AM

Hello Isabella, Rana, princess, think, K9O, alaskan, jo, geob and anyone I may have missed and the missing.
Feeling puffy like TOM, but it isn't. If still feeling this way on Sat, I will not torture myself by weighing in.

About 150 more cals yesterday than hoped, or planned; Never go to the shops just to buy one thing and have to wait a long time to check out and be tempted by handmade chocolates! ( the local chocolate shop has a mini display right by the cashiers!) Naughty them and me :)

Have a better day everyone.

Rana 12-08-2011 09:24 AM

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to report that the stupid scale finally went down to 162, I'm also back to my weight pre-travel (last week).

I hate the sodium in foods, it really sticks to me, for at least a week or so.

K9Owner 12-08-2011 12:58 PM

Princess: We have nursing seminars like this, where you walk around different stations and become re-educated in different procedures. They always have different finger foods at each one-popcorn, candy, etc. I despise going to them. :hug: better day tomorrow for you.

Rana: Sodium sticks to me like this too. It is evil too!
:bravo: on getting back down to pre-travel weight.

LoveofSelf: :hug: Those chocolates, no doubt, were associated with Christmas Cheer! Extra Cardio is in your future!

AFM: I'm procrastinating going to sleep today for some reason. I'm going to hate this decision about 2a.m. I know I haven't posted my cals in a couple of days. It is really nothing to brag about. I love the holidays and the food associated with them. I also love Merlot :cheers: (It doesn't have to be a holiday for this! ;) )

Tuesday's Menu
Pizza, Peppermint Sipping Chocolate, Abner's Chicken Tenders and Fries, Cottage Cheese, & Garden Salad w/Tuna
Total Cals: 1500

My parents came down "to help decorate" :rofl: We watched Jim Carey's version of A Christmas Carol!
The good thing was I ate 1 slice of pizza the size of a dinner roll--as a side, not as a meal.
The bad thing was I ate fries! It was only 1/2 order, but WHY? I hate fries! They were there. That is my only reasoning.

Wednesday's Menu :yikes:
Started off great--ended NOT SO great!
Cottage Cheese, Pineapple, Zucchini Nut Bread, Pumpkin Spice Coffee, Chili 2 mom's, 1 Chicken Tender, 3/4 c So Delicious Chocolate, 16 oz Merlot!
Total Cals: ~2003

I was doing ok until the Merlot, BUT……. :lol:

So, yesterday, it snowed in the South!! BIG shock to me. 2nd time in a week! :yay:
I LOVE snow!!!
I took my babs to my parents to gather fresh cedar to make Christmas Cedar Wreaths for the house. My mom and I went walking in the forest across the street from her house. I pushed a 1-wheeled wheel barrow uphill in the snow about 1/2 mile and back. Not so easy when the snow is sticky and slush is sticking to the wheel, clogging it. :rofl: My mom kept kicking the accumulated snow off the front so I could push it. I'm sure I was a sight! We had the BEST time. It was like a scene from a movie. I had my iPhone playing Christmas music!

So, I was there all day with my babs. River LOVES snow! Jax--the 15 yr old, uhm not so much!
When I returned home, I made 2 wreaths and while I was making them, I HAD to have Merlot. It's like eating oreos while drinking milk. it's just difficult to do one without the other! Same for me with holiday decorating. If it's snowy, cold, Christmas music strumming in the background, I'd like to have Merlot, please--the whole bottle if you can spare it.

I didn't run last night. I thought the 3 hour walk was sufficient. I also have to say, I have NOT felt like doing any exercise this week. I hate that! I have only done HIIT once this week--which is sad. I did get my Ultimate Press Dip Station in the mail yesterday, but b/c of the wreaths, it is still in the box!
I find it too cold to get excited about exercise. I also realize this is why I pack on a couple of pounds {{or ten}} every winter!

alaskanlaughter 12-08-2011 05:01 PM

hello everyone! :) at work for the afternoon...scale said 207 when i got home from the gym but i dont believe it...it lies to me...its stuck at 210 forever i think...it'll bounce back up today...did my usual interval jogging routine, ending with an incline walk, got the incline up to 14% for a few minutes so i'm pushing harder on that...

minor victory last night! reallyyyyy wanted chocolate ice cream last night AND i had to go to the store anyhow...but i listened to my body and figured out that what i wanted was COLD and CHOCOLATE...because i was thinking "donut? hot chocolate?" about what i really wanted...and in the end i didnt want to even get a tiny thing of ice cream, i chose a chocolate yogurt from the dairy section and took it home and ate it...it seemed to ward off the craving and i was glad i didnt get anything worse than that

its TOM this week and my legs were soooo achy but it was a TOM ache, not an overdoing it at gym ache...so i went to the gym today anyhow after a short morning snooze on the couch...last weekend i was SO SORE from the gym that i even dreamed that i couldnt do something because i was so sore and my legs wouldnt move, so i took the next day off...and the next night dreamed that i had an amazing workout so i guess my body was ready to get back at it LMAO! i am finding that i'm so stiff at night that it's hard to get up to go to the bathroom, but i dont notice that during the day...weird

K9Owner 12-08-2011 06:01 PM

Alaskan: If you have WalMart there (I think I remember you saying you did) get this product Village Naturals & soak your legs for 20-30 min in it. You'll love it! Glad your son is better :)
How is the Christmas baking coming along?
My mom is coming next week to bake all kinds of yummi treats! I can hardly wait.

alaskanlaughter 12-08-2011 07:07 PM

i was able to do some baking last weekend....i made gingerbread cheesecake bites in cupcake tins...this weekend we are making christmas ornaments with my SIL's kids...during christmas break i will do cookie cutter cookies with the kids, which is a tradition, and probably a few other traditional sweets...im trying not to bake as much this year because i know i just eat alot of it too

patchworkpenguin 12-08-2011 09:38 PM

Sorry to have been MIA.

Yesterday wasn't too great but today was much better

Thurs Dec 8
B= 2 c milk, vits
L= Olive Garden Salad, 1 breadstick, chicken & gnoochi soup
D= Olive Garden Chicken Florentine paninni {leftover from lunch}
S=3-4 pinwheel cookies
E= none

Right= didn't eat until I was hungry, didn't overeat at lunch

Regret= only planned 2 pinwheels but ate 4. I"m not going to beat myself up about it. I still have other choc squirrelled around the house that I didn't eat!

I've been so tired all day. I ended up taking a hour long nap this afternoon, I just couldn't stay awake any longer; I think my body thinks today is Friday.

Our Bible study is taking our Christmas break, we won't resume until Jan 5. I'm going to try to use the next four weeks to really concentrate on my eating and exercise.

jomatho 12-09-2011 07:27 AM

Good morning everyone and happy Friday :carrot:
I have time for a few personals, but first to all of you, how on earth can you stand to have all those cookies around all the time? I don't usually crave cookies, but I know if I was hungry and they were there, watch out! I have to hand it to you all and your strength to resist!

PP, I was missing you and hoping all was well with you. Glad you will have some time to focus on yourself over the holidays!

Alaskan, I get a sore groin, inner leg sometimes with my PMS/TOM and it sucks. Hope it goes away soon! Also, I just have to say, with your busy life and all the extra stressors you have going on, you are doing great taking care of yourself and getting in what you can when you can.

K9, your greens cutting adventure sounds like it was fun, and good exercise! A win, win. Did I mention I love crafts, and then you added in the wine too, I was ready to book my plane flight right then! Course, you can have the dry red, save the sweet white for me okay?

Rana, glad you were able to get back to the pre travel weight, I know what a struggle that can be getting back to a low, both mentally and physically!

Forloveofself, that wasn't you that got tempted by the chocolates, that had TOM written all over it!

Isabelle, I will friend you today on MFP, I keep forgetting!
ThinkinThin5, :welcome:

PrincessGina, I loved your one year ago story! I love that you are thinking about one year from now too, that is the key to the whole thing, it doesn't stop, ever!

Geoblewis, great one year story too, amazing that even your boots didn't fit!

Runningfromfat, I am so happy for you hitting the 160s, what an awesome feeling. I think the part that appalled me about your doctor, is that you have come so far and he just talked about what you still have to lose, which by the way is not a lot and why did he have to make it sound like you were obese or something? I am sure they see enough obese people in a day to know you are not one of them.

Have a great day everyone, make one good decision after another!

alaskanlaughter 12-09-2011 11:28 AM

good morning :) i was soooo tired this morning, ugh hard to get up at 630 and i am at work before 7...basically just get up, throw on something warm because the school doesnt turn on heat til after 7, warm up my car, start the coffee for DH, set out son's medicine so DH gives it to him, and then go to work...after the early morning shift is over, i need to head to the store, then pick up snacks for school before heading home...we serve snacks at our after-school program but staff has to pick the food up at another site and haul it over weekly...then i go home, get online for a bit, take puppy outside, and go to the gym...then it's back to work til 6 p.m.

DH leaves tomorrow morning for a funeral in his native village...his little nephew committed suicide on monday...and then on wednesday a close friend of his family also committed suicide...it's been a rough week for him and his family...im glad he gets to go for the funeral but that also means i have the kids by myself for 4 days lol

in case anyone doesnt know....i have a 14 year old boy who is ADHD and in the process of being evaluated for high-functioning autism or asperger's...i also have a 5 year old son who is up in the gifted and talented intelligence...and we just got a puppy lol

forloveofself 12-09-2011 06:04 PM

Hello Everyone,

...that wasn't you that got tempted by the chocolates, that had TOM written all over it!
he he

Alaskan, sorry for your husband's losses

Just wanted to pop in for a moment, Sorry I can't do more personals right now.
Stayed on plan and made up for my indiscretion :) Funny thing is, If they had had bagels or scones next to the chocolates, I probably would have chosen/be more tempted by one of those instead lol

I think my flab is tightening up a bit even though I may not be losing. I tried my "goal belt" and noticed at least a 1/8 to 1/4 inch diff in my favour, so only 1.25 inches to first goal as far as clothing is concerned, :) maybe more after the puffy feeling is gone. Still no plans to weigh in tomorrow.

I may not be able to check in tomorrow nor Sunday, So wishing everyone a great wkend!

K9Owner 12-09-2011 06:14 PM

Alaskan: WoW! I don't know that I could have your schedule. I know I wouldn't want it that's for sure. You have a lot on your plate. One day at a time, right?? :hug: So sorry to hear about all of the deaths for your DH, that has to be a difficult situation for him. Suicide is such a terrible circumstance.

Jo: Glad to see your face around. I haven't started baking cookies yet, but when i do, I know I will eat some. I have to get out of this funky party I'm having b/c I am not getting back into the 150's UGH! Just the thought of that makes me cringe. The Merlot I drink is Beringer's White Merlot. Not too sweet, not too dry. It's kind of a mix of the 2. Try it, you might like it ;)

PP: Missed your posts over the past few days. I haven't been to Olive Garden in forever. I used to love to go there and fill up on bread and salad. Good luck to you on the next 4 weeks. You can do it :)

AFM: It's work again tonight, but only for an 8 hr shift, not 12 :yay:
I am up 1.4 today, but I expected it after I slacked this past week and did NOT do BodyRock, nor did I run as much. I had :jeno: a couple of times, fries, and chicken tenders a couple of times. I cannot get back into old eating/exercising habits just because it's cold. I do NOT want to see 150 on my scale. What a slap in the face to me :(

I hope you all have a great weekend doing everything you love this time of year. I'm not sure what I'm doing after I get off of work. I have no special plans for the weekend, but that will surely change!

Oh, BTW, for those interested... I downloaded Mozilla on my Mac and started using it to load 3FC and OMG! What a difference! No more lag, no more waiting to load pages. It's FABULOUS again!

alaskanlaughter 12-09-2011 07:02 PM

hi all :) did my normal routine today of work, shopping, more work, home, gym etc...am at work still til 6 p.m. but we only have about 15 students this afternoon which is a low number...forgot that i also have to pick up older son from a teen thing that closes at 6, when i am here til 6, LOL so i have to hustle over there then...had a good workout this morning, the two minute intervals are getting easier, well not easier, but at least manageable and not "omg im gonna die" intervals

good choices this morning for food so i was proud of that...wanted something salty and hot and melty and instead of pizza or something equally high in calories, i sauteed up some hamburger and cabbage and ate it with a little cheese and bbq sauce...it hit the spot and was probably healthier than my other options...i even brought some sliced red cabbage to work to dip in ranch dressing for later...i reallyyy love red cabbage...well time to get back to the kids :)

patchworkpenguin 12-09-2011 10:47 PM

Friday Dec 9
B= 2 c milk, vits, poptart
S= fruit
D=Sloppy Joe Pizza = leftover sloppy joe sauce, cabbage, corn, ched + moz cheese {not a big success, I make pizza every Friday out of leftovers and always feel very Iron Chef while trying to make it work:dizzy:}
E= 40min LB + 10min yoga

Right= exercised, waited for hunger, shared cereal with April

Regret= skipped lunch, wanted to do some more cardio but didn't.

Alaskan, your meal sounds very good. I'm a sucker for chees-y foods too. I feel you have a right to be tired with all that going on in your life.

Deb, good job with the NSV with your belt. Celebrate every bit of progress!

Jo, according to my Mom, my first word was "mama' while my second word was 'cookie', put together they make my first sentence. "mama, cookie?" You can see when this love affair with cookies started!

K9Owner 12-10-2011 09:44 AM

Hi all :wave:

I've had a great 2 nights at work--a little busy, but not overpowering.
I am tired this morning and promise to come back later today for personals--uhm, after my nap ;)

Happi Saturday!! Wrap a :present: for me!!

Rana 12-10-2011 01:35 PM

161.8 this morning, my official weigh in day. Yeah, back to the 161s, woohoo, but still with some extra ounces on there.

Next stop, the 150s. Please. I beg.

princessgina00 12-10-2011 02:16 PM

Weighed in at 195 this morning. Not too much damage from my conference festivities, but I hope it disappears by weigh-in on Monday.

ThinkinThin5 12-10-2011 04:54 PM

Hi Everyone,

It has been a good week of exercise. I actually hit my goal of 5 days this week. I am still tracking all my food but will not begin tracking calories this month. I am still a little intimidated by counting calories but plan to start in January. Taking baby steps to get back on track. Exercise was always easier for me, so I thought I would start there.

Hope everyone is getting through this hectic holiday season with a smile.

geoblewis 12-10-2011 06:43 PM

I had a really good weight loss earlier this week, but have lost ground again. I guess that's normal for me. But the big contributing factor is that I had two nights with disrupted sleep. For me, that leads me to eating more to make up for energy during the day. And I make poorer choices. I even did some late-night eating last night and chose a lot of stuff that wasn't evil but didn't necessarily support my goals.

Good things I did this week, lots of exercise and lots of healthy food choices. I even stared down an almond croisssant! It was an awesome victory!

K9Owner 12-11-2011 02:48 PM

Very busy weekend for most, do doubt.
I'm trying to get back into the "healthy me", but it's really not working.
I have been out-of-sorts for over a week & it sux!

This week does not look very promising, as my mom is coming to bake. I have a dinner for 8 party on Thurs. & work is Fri/Sat.

I feel sluggish--at best.

I hope you all are having a better Sunday than I am!

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