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Sherry 01-06-2003 07:30 AM

Home of the Loozing Floozies....(#78)
Hello :wave:

Here at McSkinneys, Our mission is to motivate,support and lose those pounds & inches.We must keep those Loozing Floozies loosing!!

Feel free to join our group of wonderful ladies.Come on in.....Give us YOUR motivation,support and ideas.We would love to have you!!!

Sherry 01-06-2003 07:35 AM

Don't forget to go back to #77 and read the last few posts there!!! :D

gdeann 01-06-2003 09:20 AM

I hope everyone had a nice weekend, we had a busy one...I hoped things would slow down after Christmas....NOT!!!

Vickster: Prayers sent daily your way during this time. We care about you and want you to know that.

Deb & Sher: Let me know what you think about curves....it's a 30 minute workout?? Do they setup an exercise plan for you or do you just go in and do what you want???

Shelley: Is the car up and running yet? A hole in the motor...pretty serious, huh???

Ramona: I hope you had a wonderful day with Hubby. You should be proud of the fact that you have had a strong marriage for 24 years. In todays world it is becoming common place for people to not take their marriage as a life long commitment.

Doni: How long have you home schooled??? Great job on the weight loss!!!!

Jennelle: How's BFL working out?

Dee: How do you guys rack your wine??? Do you use an automatic syphon?

Okay...I know I probably forgot someone!!!!!

Have a great day girls!!!

bootwoman 01-06-2003 10:32 AM

Vicki, I am so very sorry for your loss. Please know that you are in my thoughts during this difficult time.


mzbhavin 01-06-2003 12:46 PM

Thanks,,,things are ruff right now but knowing having good friends here that i can come and get comfort from such caring women.
My Mom is doing ok, My Dad has gone to NewYork to take care of legal things there. Services are tomorrow nite.
My heart could not take me going up and seeing him in a coffin. We were so close, I know he understands and would tell me that.
Does that seem wrong?? We are having services here in Ky. where we all were born...

Heavy heart and weary soul
Thanks for being my Friend everyone


gdeann 01-06-2003 01:01 PM

Oh dear Vicki, I know you have such a heavy heart right now. It is my own personal belief that our loved ones really do not care if we see them physically after they pass. They live on in spirit and within our hearts. Your Brother knows that you love him dearly and this did not change just because he passed away. He will always be with you regardless...

Deelite 01-06-2003 02:45 PM

Gayle we rack our wine by hand. What we do is use a syphone hose that is placed about 1-2 inches from bottom, away from the setiments. Syphone away and when it drains near bottom tilt carbouy slowly so as not to disturb the sludge. Thats all there is to it.
Anybody beside Gayle want to come to Puerta Vallarta? I made room. Gayles first in line.
Well I leave very early tomorrow am. Can't wait to hit the beach. While I am there I am going to an orphanage to help feed the children and to love them. There are 30 children there, 10 under the are of 2. I have packed a few goodies for them. Some toys and there are in need of soap and toothbrushes. I am really looking forward to helping out there. Here is the link if any of you would like to check it out....... www.refugioinfantil.com

Well I will miss you all. I will post from PV when I get the chance. Gayle and Sherry keep everyone in line.


Sherry 01-06-2003 07:07 PM

Howdy :wave:

I got lots of work done today with the kids still being out.But with all the kids back in School tomorrow, I'll be right back in my busy routine.

Dee^^^^^^I hope you get to read this before you leave.I hope you have a WONDERFUL time!!!!! I will miss you sooooo much!! Boo-Hoo :cry: I do hope that you'll get to post while you're gone.I almost cried when I read about the orphange.I wish I was rich so I could help them. Bless their hearts.Again....have a great time and I'll try hard to keep these FLOOZIES in line!! :lol:

Gayle^^^^^^I got to CURVES after work today at 3:40. They don't open until 4:00 so I came home & called to get info.I have an appointment at 4:00 tomorrow.I will get weighed and measured ( :( )and try out the machines.Then on Wednesday, I'll start my classes.I have a coupon for a week free but the lady said that I could exchange it in for 1/2 off my down payment.So instead of paying $88.00 down, I'll pay $44.00 down and also I'll be paying $29.00 a month which will be taken out of my checking.It's a year contract.It's also for 3 days a week. A 30 minute session. The girl I know that already goes and has lost so much weight said that it was the most fun she's ever had! I'll let you know how it goes. I'm excited!!!

Debbie^^^^^^Wasn't it hard to get up this morning!!!! I was dragging!!!! Well the kids will be back tomorrow.Are you ready?! LOL!! Hey....did you add up how many days 'til we leave for FLORIDA??!!! I can't wait! I hope these next few months fly by!!! Are you ready to work the game Sat.? GO TITANS!!

Vicki^^^^^^ I've been thinking of you all day.I hope that you're ok.I'll continue to keep you in my prayers.Take care sweetie and remember we're here for you!! :angel: Love you!

Doni^^^^^^ WEIGH To Go on the weight loss!! You go girl!! Also...I'm so glad that you got your leak fixed.How long have you been home schooling? How old are your kids?

Jennelle^^^^^^Are you staying OP? Are you still doing BFL? Would you tell me a little about it? Did you go back to School today? Did the kids?

Shelley^^^^^^Is your car fixed? I know what it's like to be without one!! I don't know how people did it YEARS ago without a car!!! Are you ready to go back to School? I know I wasn't but I guess all good things must come to an end..huh? How's the tummy?

Ramona^^^^^^How was your Anniversary? Did you go out or have a quiet evening at home? Have you heard anything from your insurance company yet about the wreck? Have you heard from your other Son yet?

Wanda^^^^^Carol^^^^^Debyj^^^^^^ I will continue to ask about ya'll until I get you back!!! Are you ok? Please post soon......I sure miss ya'll!! :grouphug:

OK...got to start dinner....everyone is STARVING!! LOL

Love & Hugs,
Sherry (Sher-Bear)

Deelite 01-06-2003 08:40 PM

Sherry I did read your post. I will be going to bed soon as I have to get up at 4:00 am. Talk to you all soon.


Jennelle 01-06-2003 11:10 PM

Hey girls -

I'm doing pretty well on BFL. The hardest thing to do is put away the scale! Because muscle weighs more than fat but takes up only 2/3 of the space, the scale isn't an accurate way to measure. So, I'm not weighing at all. I measured myself at the beginning of my challenge and will measure myself again at the end.

The idea is that you eat more protein and less carbs, drink lots of water, and eat six small meals a day rather than three large ones. Truthfully, the six small meals thing is hard to do. I'm usually only hungry for about five. The best thing, though, is my free day. My free day is on Sunday, and I can eat anything I want. I thought I would go wild on Sunday, but I'm proud to say that I didn't. I did eat three slices of pizza, but normally if I had pizza I would have a whole one to myself. :ink:

The other key to BFL is working out. Basically, you work out your arms one day, do 20 minutes of cardio the next, work your legs the next, then go back to arms. On Sundays, you don't have to do anything. I'm finally giving my Bowflex a workout! :)

So, it's going well :)

Jennelle 01-06-2003 11:15 PM

Here's an interesting picture I found over on the BFL threads...It's a pound of muscle compared to a pound of fat. See how a pound of muscle takes up WAY less space than a pound of fat? I think it's the perfect graphic to explain why sometimes the scale doesn't move, but our clothes get too big.

gdeann 01-07-2003 12:10 AM

Thank you Jennelle for the pic, it helps to visually see the difference. One of my favorite things for breakfast or snack is a small container of S/F F/F yogurt with some cottage cheese mixed in....sounds gross...looks gross...but not to bad...

Dee: HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME ON YOUR VACATION!!!!!!! Thank you for the wine info, that is kinda how I have been doing it.
I bet you are excited about visiting the orphanage. Give the kiddies an extra hug from me. It would be so hard leaving them...

Sher: Curves sounds like just the ticket!!!! Have fun and get super fit!!

Deelite 01-07-2003 05:32 AM

Bye Bye....Love you....I am leaving on a jet plane....


bootwoman 01-07-2003 11:39 AM

Thanks floozies for all the nice anniversary wishes. Actually, I spent the whole weekend in bed..........not what you are thinking though! LOL I pulled something in my back and was zonked out from the muscle relaxers. I've also been really b****y because my husband didn't even bother to get me a card which is all I ever ask for. But, compared to the problems some of you are having, that is so trivial that I'm ashamed to even bring it up.

Yes, my son got back to his base and has been assigned a bomb detection dog named Kazaam. He called last night needing information for a passport but that is all he could say.......we'll see where he ends up.

The insurance adjusters called on Friday, but I haven't talked to them since they actually looked at the damage. The house is probably going to take around $50,000. The poor man had just bought it because his previous house had burned down!!! Evidently, he is very, very nice and has been more concerned about my son's health. That is somewhat of a relief. The truck is totaled and we will have to come up with probably around 6,000 dollars to pay it off. I don't know where we will get it. It will all work out somehow.

Vicki, I'm thinking of you daily.
Dee, have a great time.


bootwoman 01-07-2003 12:54 PM

Shelley, how is the car?

ShelleyM 01-07-2003 02:59 PM

Ramona-Still not fixed!! DH got the part installed, but they are having trouble putting the car back together!!

Sherry-My tummy is doing good now!!! I've been eating way too much, though! I hated coming back to work today!!

DebbieA 01-07-2003 06:49 PM

Hi girls:cb:

Shelley...I'm with you...I hated going back to school today. We worked yesterday but with no students. Sure was a rude awakening when lunch started today...LOL. Hopefully they will get your car back together and it will run perfect.

Ramona.....That's sounds like a lot of damage, what a blessing that no one was hurt. I hope your back is feeling better today.

Jennelle.....WTG on the bowflex. sounds like you are doing great on Body for Life.

Vicki...When is the service in KY for your brother? Will he be buried in KY or NY? Still thinking of you and hoping God will comfort you in this sad time.

Gayle....How is the OP going? I've decided I'm not drinking any more wine until I get some of this weight off, wish me luck...LOL.

Dee.....I know you are probably soaking up the sun by now. Have fun and get some rest!!!

Doni.....Are you on any excerise program? Do you find it's hard to get motivated to excerise?

Sherry...You sounded so excited about Curves this afternoon. Question!!!!! Why do I find it so hard to commit to a program? Sure none of the places are real convenent for me but what is 3 hours a week when we are talking about my health. I've decided I'M GOING TO DO IT!!!!!! 30 minutes driving time and 30 minutes for the workout. 3 HOURS A WEEK!!!! That will just be 3 hours less that I won't be sitting on my BUTT...LOL. We are going to be 2 HOT MAMAS in Florida this summer. :dancer:

Love ya...deb

Sherry 01-07-2003 08:44 PM

Hi Ladies :wave:

Well after work today, I went to CURVES and got measured, weighed and tried the machines out. I thought for a long time wheather or not I should post my measurements.But then I thought....Heck, why not!? These are my friends here and my diet BUDS!!! Besides, I will ALWAYS be truthful to ya'll. So... as sad as it is, here are my FAT results:


Weight: 186 (it was 181 this am on MY scales)
Bust: 45 inches
Waist: 38.5 inches
Abdomen: 41 inches
Hips: 44 inches
Thighs: 23 inches
Calves: 13 inches
Arms: 10 inches (The SKINNEST thang on my bod!)

I will not weigh OR check my measurements until THEY do it on Feb.7th.......It will be only ONCE a Month.

I'm so determined this time!!! I will get to my ideal weight and clothes size!!

More later.....
Sherry (Sher-Bear)

gdeann 01-08-2003 12:21 AM

Shoot, girl!!! The biggest thing on you is your boobs!!!! Wanna share?????:lol: I am so PROUD of you & Deb for wanting to go through with this!!!!

gdeann 01-08-2003 12:32 AM

Ramona, no need to apologize for being *****y...I am sorry to hear that you had a bad weekend. Sometimes men can be a bit insensitive, plus you have so much going on right now. BTW: what happened to the first dog that Ben trained with?

Shelley: Happy to hear that you will probably have a car again soon!!!! I was starting to worry about you!

Vickster: {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}} we love you!!!!!!

Dee: If your reading this I just want you to know I'm sitting here bundled in sweats and two pair of sock booties, drinking hot lemon water and trying to stay warm!!! Soak up some of that sun for me!!!!!

Jennelle: Sounds like your doing super on BFL!!!!

Are you guys familiar with hospice care? I am going to take a training session involving different area's to see if I want to volunteer my time. I have wanted to do this forever...I hope I will be able to handle it. I have a two page application to fill out plus I need to list three references. People that they can call to see if I can handle it emotionally. Everyone inmy house thinks that I am crazy for wanting to do it.

I hope this finds everyone well...

mzbhavin 01-08-2003 10:15 AM

Hey everyone...Thanks so much for the kind prayers and thoughts .
My brother will be cremated and taken to Fld. where my parents live.
There is a service today in NY. and the service in Louisville will be next week.

Everyone you are dear to my heart and my family Thanks you for the prayers.

Hey Snugs....Guess who sent me flowers!!!!!!!!!

gdeann 01-08-2003 10:21 AM

Hey Vickster!!! Say it ain't true?????? The crazy lady from across the street????????????:lol:

mzbhavin 01-08-2003 03:26 PM

Yep indeedy there my friend.

I thought it was a serious mistake when they knocked on the door and said they were from her.
There is a heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DebbieA 01-08-2003 06:43 PM

Hey girls:cb:

I Did it!!! I joined Curves!!!!:dancer:
It was so much fun and the 30 minute workout went by really fast. She weighed me, a whopping 233...OMG!!!!! Their scales weigh about 5 pounds heavier than mine.
She took all my measurements but I left them there, I'll post them tomorrow. The shocker was when she took my BODY fat count. It was 45%, heck I'm almost 1/2 tub of LARD...LMAO!!!
Sherry..... Thanks for the little extra PUSH!!! You were right, I do love it!!!

Got to go now and start supper. I'll post more later!!

Love ya...deb :dancer:

Jennelle 01-08-2003 07:47 PM

Sherry - Bravo for being brave enough to post your measurements! :bravo:

Debbie - I'm right there with you at 49% body fat, so I got a giggle out of your "1/2 a tub of lard" crack. :lol:

Gayle - I think hospice care is a very noble cause to take up. My uncle volunteered for a long time at a hospice for patients with HIV/AIDS and he said that, while it was hard, it was one of the most rewarding experiences of his life.

Sherry 01-08-2003 11:25 PM

Howdy :wave:

This will be another quickie post...(I'm gettin' pretty good with "quickies"!!) :lol:

After work I went to CURVES and worked out......came home and paid bills......went to my bowling league......came home & peeled a 10 lb. bag of potatoes for soup at work tomorrow......and just got out of shower! I'm so tired!!!!

Debbie.......I'm so proud of you for joining CURVES too!! We will do this!!! I'll ask tomorrow what my bodyfat was.I left that out PLUS I forgot what she said!!

Gayle.........I think working with the hospice care will be great!! You're such a sweet thoughtful person! There should be more people like you out there!!

Vicki.......Wow.....so MIL sent you flowers!!???? OMG....were they black roses!!?? LOL!! See...she DOES love you!!! I just want you to know that you're still in my prayers.Love you!!

Shelley.........Did they get your car back together? I hope you have transportation now!

Dee.......I MISS YOU!!! Hope you're having a He** of a good time!!

Jennelle.........Ramona..........Doni........and all the long lost FLOOZIES.........I'll post more tomorrow.I luv ya'll!!!


Sherry (Sher-Bear):cool:

Ramona...........How's your back? Take care hon!!!! {{{ hugs }}}

gdeann 01-09-2003 12:45 AM

OH MY GOSH VICKSTER!!!!!! STEP AWAY FROM THE BOUQUET!!!! I never thought about it until Sher mentioned the black roses....what ever you do...don't sniff those flowers!!! :lol:

siamese 01-09-2003 03:11 AM

shelley, is your car running yet?

vicki,still thinking of you!

gdeann,ive homeschooled for bout 5 years now.
i started with pre k now shes in 4th.

dee, be safe!
make memories!

sherry,half off at curves?
what a deal!your gonna be smokin this summer!
my dd is 10.

debbie,i use the firm-fitprime tapes and leslie sansone in home walking.
i love to excercise.
way to go on you joining curves to.
cant wait to read of all your successes!!!
have a great one!

mzbhavin 01-09-2003 07:31 AM

Sherry & Gayle......I called the Swat team in to check them out before I set them on my table and smelled them. LOLOLOLOL
You never know...

My brother's service went very well and there will be a lot of legal suits going on and stress but one thing I have learnt here is.

I can count on my friends here to uplift and keep me going.
Thanks so much for you support.

gdeann 01-09-2003 09:25 AM

It's nice to know the service went well Vickster. I can't even begin to imagine all of the stuff your family will need to go through now...did they go ahead and shut down the apartment building?
{{{{{{{{{{SUPER HUGS}}}}}}}}}} :smug:

gdeann 01-09-2003 09:28 AM

A BIG WHOO-HOO go's out to two of our favorite chickies for the motivation to join curves and the bravery to post their measurements!!!!!! SHER & DEB: I am sooooooo proud of you!!!!

mzbhavin 01-09-2003 03:11 PM

Gayle...yes they did and he is headed unfortunately for big money trouble.

Hey Sherry & Deb....I have some curves if you want them. But they aren't pretty...

Friends thanks for being here again.

DebbieA 01-09-2003 06:54 PM

Hey girls:cb:

Went for my second 30 workout today. I have to admit some of my muscles were alittle sore, but nothing like I thought. I'm sure they are in shock, haven't worked them in 30 years. :lol:

I will post my measurements later, but whose of you who thought my hips were 108 inches YOU ARE WRONG!!! LMAO!!!! :lol: :lol:

Later...deb :dancer:

Sherry 01-09-2003 09:50 PM

STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go To #79.............A New Thread Has Been Started!!!:D

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