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gma22 04-11-2011 07:43 AM

Steel Magnolias #17
Good morning to you ladies. We are expecting the storms that Jean had sometime today. It is finally starting to cool down though the house is still in the 80's. I have the fan in front of the back door to pull in the cool air so it should cool it down at least downstairs. I have been sleeping downstairs because it was cooler and Jack has too, but opted for upstairs last night and he said it was pretty warm up there. He had on two little fans and a larger tower one. The end of the month can't come soon enough to get the ac fixed I know that. Geez, how did we ever survive without it? I sure didn't grow up in a house with ac that's for sure.

I downloaded a free book last night called, Lose Weight Without Dieting and though it had a lot of stuff we all have heard a bazillion times, he did put some stuff into perspective, nullified some stuff like the 8 glasses of water rule, and explained some great things about hunger. He also has a very big back section of exercises and such, but those are things I cannot do with my knee like pushups and such. Anything involving pressure on my knees be it squats, lunges, pushups, I cannot do without my knee popping out of joint or causing great pain to it. I really did find it very interesting and nonsensical like some diet type books are. It is common sense. One thing for example is the one about eating at the tv, but instead of talking about consuming more when you watch tv, he explained that basically you watch tv out of boredom so if you eat and watch tv you are eating in the same way so you eat more and you don't taste what you eat, you eat to fast, etc. He said that he has researched extensively and no where do scientists say water should be the only drink. He explained there is actually water in pretty much everything including food and he said you can get your water drinking tea and things like that you don't just have to drink water. He talked about soft drinks, but not about the empty calories but about weight loss. He said people should go with Jack Lalanne's way of thinking that if man put his hands on it, don't eat it, in other words processed foods and such. That is the one area I don't disagree with but truthfully, most people cannot afford to eat like that without anything processed. You would have to make your own bread all the time, buy ingredients that are far more expensive to even do that. I do think that people should give up boxed and canned products as much as possible, eat fresh fruit and veggies as much as possible, etc. Anyway, interesting book for sure.

Susan: Glad you had a maintain since you were on retreat last week. Meant you still did things as right as you could. I did a 5k about 5 years ago and weighed around 315. Even I didn't come in last and the course was all in the up and down hills of Germantown's homes. I know you will do great.

Maggie: Sounds like you have a plan with your outfit. I really need to clean out and pitch stuff because I have stuff that is old and unfashionable in there and could use the room.

Jean: Glad you came out of it ok. I got on Google and looked where Storm Lake was in comparison to where the tornados hit because I knew you lived in western Iowa. I am afraid we are going to get that today. I guess the biggest concern for the folks about the hawk is that he uses his claws to hunt with pretty much exclusively and they were worried how that would impact his ability to swoop down and pick up prey to eat.

I guess I should get up and get things going today. I haven't done anything this weekend with this heat. I sure hope the cool weather moves in today. Have a great start to your week everyone!!! Faye

Jean 04-11-2011 12:29 PM

Good Morning, Flowers! I've been to church and stopped by the library to return a book and search for another one. The sun is shining with a slight breeze so it's promising to be a nicer day today. I didn't realize how close we were to the tornadoes that touched down until Bob came home yesterday afternoon. We are probably 2 miles from a farm where several old huge trees were uprooted. They look like some giant just plucked them out of the ground and laid them down. The Today Show had pictures of Mapleton, IA, but we are closer to Early, IA, which is just a wide spot in the road with a Caseys, a bar, and a mechanic's garage plus a few houses.

Maggie -- It's a good thing you looked at your calendar yesterday to see your appointment time; I wish you good luck with the mammogram today. I felt sorry for the eagles in the wind yesterday. :( I was hoping the storms weren't blowing their way. This morning a friend of mine called and she was so upset. One of the adults was trying to feed the babies and the biggest one kept butting the littlest one out of the way. Finally the other adult came and fed the littlest one.

"Gma" -- I hope the storms don't reach you and your weather is cooling down for you. I am glad we didn't know how close we were to the storms on Saturday night. There's not much one can do when in a car, with such strong winds and heavy rain. At least we could see with the heat lightning although we didn't know that tornadoes were in the area. Lately I've read several magazine and newspaper articles about losing weight, and most end up with the advice of "eat less and move more." :rolleyes: So why does it have to be so hard?

I need to get some laundry going and think about some lunch. I really need to make a grocery run. *groan* That's my least favorite chore! Hope you all have a marvelous Monday! :D

Jean -- :wave: from Iowa!

QuilterInVA 04-11-2011 04:08 PM

Good afternoon, ladies! 76 degrees right now and when I finish here I'll be going for my walk. I've mapped out a 5K in my neighborhood. We have nice walking trails laid out.

I had applique bee this day and that was much fun. I always enjoy getting together with other quilters. Tomorrow is work at both jobs and working my weight training in between jobs.

Faye, WW moved away from water to all liquids a few years ago. You can do wall pushups and your knees don't move. My knees don't bother me anymore since I have strengthened the muscles and lost some weight - TG!

Jean, we make losing weight hard for ourselves. Once you get into the habit of eating properly and make up your mind to do it, it isn't so difficult. Your tastes change and you don't want the questionable foods anymore. But the key to losing weight and then keeping it off is exercise. Whatever gets you moving counts so it doesn't have to be the gym.

Looking back, it looks like I might be plateauing so close to goal. I've maintained for 3 weeks so if I do this week, it will be a fact. I need to switch up my exercise and eat a little differently. It'll finally yield and I'll have a decent 2-3 pound loss if it's like it has been in the past. I've download about 4 hours of walking music at different beats so it will gradually get me going faster.

Hi, Maggie!

Maggie 04-11-2011 04:14 PM

Monday Monday

It has been a busy day so far here in the Heartland. Before going the half hour drive to get my mameogram the dogs had to be delivered to the groomer and the "on call" bag picked up. I am glad to get that exam over for this time and hopefully they won't have to have this old lady have more than one again. The folks at that hospital are nice and kind it is just that I don't like going there one bit. We ate out for lunch and it was lousy. Last time we were there it was excelent ~ must be different cooks on duty. But I don't let things like a memeogram or a lousy lunch ruin my day. Gracious sakes life is just to precious to waste time on being upset about stuff like that. OH, we found a little collapsible stool to help me get up into the Jeep that is black in color. The only ones we had seen before have been white and I didn't want white. I tied a little rope on it so I can yank it back inside after stepping up. These new tires are taller than our old ones and just that tad much makes it hard for me to get my but up onto the seat and scoot on over. The tire height makes it hard, but not quite impossible, for me to step up onto the running pipe along the sides of the Jeep unless it is parked on very level ground. The collapsible one fits nicely where I can reach in and get it when needed and I have tied a piece of parichute cord on it to yank it up after I am seated.:p Works for me. That stool will also come in handy when we are doing things on the Jeep and need to do on high things especially when we wash it. We had a truck once that was so high I could not get into it without one of those stools. We tied a rope to it and it was kept in the bed. That was back in the years before we discovered they made ones that collapse.

DONNA FAYE Thanks for starting us out with a fresh thread this day. That diet thingie sounds a lot like WW. WW now lets us drink other things besides water for some of the required drinking. They have dropped that rule of 8 glasses of water per day. I agree with the eating in front of the TV unless you portion the sizes you serve yourself and don't go back for more and stick to your serving size. If I eat in front of the TV I eat no more or no faster than I do at the dining table. However, I prefer to eat at the table.:p But I still serve my plate in the kitchen using the proper measure utensils for the offerings before taking it into the front room.:cool:

JEAN The eagles have to feed the oldest first because if they are satiated they don't bother the little ones so much. I watched the oldest get fed full then the middle one get full and then the little one got a couple bites before falling asleep. Yep that older child is a big bulley.

Time to get some work done around here. :wave: Type at y'all later.

gma22 04-12-2011 06:32 AM

Good morning to you all! Whooeee we had bigtime storms here around 1 pm yesterday. They only lasted about an hour or so then passed on through though. I didn't hear of any tornado activity anywhere around here though.

I put a chicken in the crockpot and we are having chicken and noodles tonight. It is still pretty warm in the house and I am trying to make things that will keep from making it even hotter. It is cooler outside and the temp in the house has come down some, but the oven on would spike it right back up there.

Maggie: I am probably one of the few ladies that the mammogram doesn't bother me at all. Maybe because of the amount of breast tissue I have, who knows, but it isn't even uncomfortable for me and the lady that does them at the hospital is very thorough. I am 5'7" but have short legs so I understand getting into the jeep, it is hard for me to get in the suv. The passenger side has a handle up by the windshield I use to haul myself in, but the driver side doesn't and I just have to use the steering wheel. I get adjusted ok. I have found that the driver side seat belt seems shorter than the passenger side for some reason.

Jean: I am kind of in a hamster wheel right now and working through it. With my feet so swollen from the meds it is hard to even walk around in a store let alone on a treadmill or whatever, but I do what I can. I know for a fact exercise really helps with weight loss as it has with mine in the past. I am not a huge eater though. I never clean my plate anymore and don't have seconds. I just have to get my metabolism revved up by exercise to get things moving along better. It isn't easy that's for sure.

Susan: Glad you are doing fine. I have my ipod loaded that way too, starting with fun songs that aren't too fast just to get me bebopping along then moving into faster stuff. One of my favorites is the Theme to American Bandstand.

Well gals, Jack is up so will be wanting to sit here until he goes to work. Have a wonderful Tuesday today. Faye

Jean 04-12-2011 10:25 AM

Good Morning, Flowers! The sun is shining brightly and it's supposed to be in the low 70s today. I have a load of laundry in the washer and the dryer, addressed my church birthday cards that need to go out today, and made my WM list.

Susan -- You have a busy day planned with both jobs and adding :wl: in the mix. I'm sure you will get your plateau plan to work for you. Enjoy your music and walking route.

Maggie -- I'm sorry about the lousy lunch yesterday. :( With the price of eating out, I think I will be more apt to send food back to the kitchen now. Maybe I'm just getting more gutsy in my old age. I have lunch bunch tomorrow and the last few times it hasn't been up to par. Bob had a meeting there last week and said the mashed potatoes were "gloppy" and cold. You will enjoy having your step stool for the Jeep. I just checked on the eagles and it was feeding time!

"Gma" -- I admit I just plain don't like to exercise :no: although we do enjoy walking outside. The older I get the less I eat at mealtime, and sometimes it's hard to get all of the required program food in during the day. We ate at a Sioux City restaurant a couple weeks ago and the server was kind enough to ask if we'd ever eaten there before because the portion sizes were very large. In looking at the menu they had several "mini" choices listed in the different sections. Even that choice was more than adequate. Glad the storm didn't do any damage for you. Not sure what supper will be since Bob has a meeting at church after work at 5. He has practice tomorrow at 6 and we both have a meeting Thursday night at 7. This must be the week for church meetings!

The dryer should be finished and I want to fold the towels before I do anything else. Have a terrific Tuesday! :D

Jean -- :wave: from :flow1: Iowa!

QuilterInVA 04-12-2011 12:08 PM

Good morning, ladies! A sunny 77 degrees and that is a surprise - we were supposed to have bad storms starting last night. Hopefully they have gone elsewhere.

When I went out to go to work this morning, there was a dead baby bunny laying on my doorstep. I didn't have time to bury him so I'll have to do that tonight. It looks like it tangled with another critter.

Jean, I send food back if it isn't good. It costs too much, I'm with you. I don't know why restaurants can't cut back on the portions or offer half portions at a fair price. No one needs all that food they sling at us. I can get 2-3 meals out of most restaurant meals now. I find myself eating less so I have changed to real food - no more fat-free, reduced calorie stuff. Sure tastes good.

Maggie, I'm like Faye, fortunately, mammograms don't bother me. I have had the same tech for several years and she is a winner. Time for me to get mine in May. I know you'll love your step stool. Made anything else from Hungry Girl's new cookbook? I have it but haven't made anything yet. I also bought the book "Fat Family - Fit Family" by the father-son team from the Biggest Loser a couple of seasons ago - Mike was the son. It's very informative and they have great tips. It was less than $9 on Amazon pre-order.

Enjoy your day!

Maggie 04-12-2011 01:15 PM

Titilating Tuesday

It is a bright sunny day here in the Heartland :flow2: with a temp of 64 as I type. I am going to be doing some glass work this day for I have not been at it for awhile. But first I plan on doing my exercise routine. Will has gone shopping for what we are out of and the dogs went with him. Sunday is pot luck :hungry: and I am going to just take some Bacon Deviled Eggs. I use Bacon Bits and green onions in them which makes them very tasty. I make a lightened version using yogurt cheese instead of mayo. Anyway I usually don’t bring any home so folks like them fine. Not much going on here this day. I was going to go have some blood drawn this morning but took my am meds before I remembered so need to do it tomorrow. :crossed: It will still be in time for them to get the results to my doc before my next appointment on the 25th. Now ladies, I don’t mind having blood drawn at all. :no: It is all quiet here right now for the dogs went along for the ride. Beanie is getting so cute and he is such a smart little guy. He gets neutered on the 29th of this month. Will bought me the cutest knife that is small and so light for it is to be worn around your neck to keep it handy when out and about in the wild. It has a hole in the handle that you slip your middle finger in and give it a pull and it comes out of it’s holder and ready to cut whatever it is you need to cut. Don’t get me wrong it isn’t a combat knife. The blade is only an inch and a half long but I can think of lots of uses for the little thing. I will put it in one of the pockets in my vest for now. Just what I need is light stuff to put in those pockets. I certainly don’t want a bunch of heavy things in those pockets. Yikes I just took a sip of my coffee and looked up and of all things there is dust clinging to the edge of the blades on the ceiling fan, which isn’t turned on at the moment. Now that will be something to be done today ~ check all the fans. My fan club.

DONNA FAYE We have those grabber things on the roll bar to help get up and in so I sure use that assist. We have them on both sides and Will is so tall he doean't need to use it so it is up and out of the way but easy for me to twist it back down when I do drive. Jeep has so many after market things to make yours how ever you want it. We haven't done much to this one because it came with most all the bells and wistles when we got it. However we are going to put on a cattle guard on the front and a rack on the back and top. Several times where we have gone we have wished we had a cattle guard. Great minds think alike so they say ~ we are also having chicken and noodles for dinner this day.:carrot:

JEAN Well I didn't want to send my food back yesterday because I could hear folks all over complaining of theirs so I didn't think I would get any better. Will has gotten his last 3 burgers from Applebees free. He always asks the waitress to make sure they come with "No Sauce" on it. She writes it down and lo and behold they have been coming with sauce on them. The manager is a good friend and changes the ticket each time without him even asking her to. She stopped by to chat the first time it happened and asked what he was doing ~ scraping the sauce off the bun with the table knife. He said it was OK for that wasn't enough to hurt anything. Well she knocked it off the bill anyway. Seems now she checks our order and automatically knocks off the burger. Nice to have friends in high places. :p Did you see the oldest baby eagle feeding himself today? They sure are growing fast.

SUSAN Thanks for the heads up on that book. Only made one dish so far from the HG new book but it was good and a do again. Isn't it wonderful how your eating habits have automatically changed with the losing of the weight. I always bring food home from a restaurant which reminds me I still have half a steak and half a baked potato in the fridge from eating out yesterday. I think I will make some soup out of that with some ff beef broth and cut up veggies.

Everyone have a lovely day this beautiful day. :wave: Type at y'all later.

gma22 04-13-2011 07:44 AM

Good morning gals. It is cool here this morning but should get into the 70's today. I am going to make every effort to clean my downstairs today.

Man oh man, I blew my stack online to several people yesterday. I let them have it both barrels. It was an article about a woman who is former military and writes a blog for military families. Another woman was interviewing her in the article asking her questions about the blog and things like what did she find was the number 1 concern of military familes, answer was finances of course and several other things like children and such. Well, the posters were mean, cruel and most of all ignorant of all things military. One woman told a military wife that "If you can't handle the pay and having 3 children in the military then don't have kids!" Several said military pay was quite high and besides they got all these special advantages and such. Well, you know me, I never keep my mouth shut and I told them all off. I told them they were treating the posters who were military like people treated the men coming back from Vietnam, spitting on them and villainizing them. I told them I found it repugnant that they were so ill informed and passing on opinions they knew nothing about and one guy who had the gaul to post that people who didn't like what they were paid in the military shouldn't join as there was no draft. Whoa boy, I told this guy that if every person in the military didn't join because of the pay there would be no one to protect his sorry behind! Anyway, I was mad all day from the whole thing.

Ok, remember I told you about the socks I was making for my girlfriend for her birthday, but didn't like them? Well, I had left them sit for over a week not having touched them at all and they were 3/4 of the way done on the first sock. I just didn't like how it looked so I tore the whole thing out, balled it and put it aside. I am going to make her socks out of other sock yarn I have, I am thinking pink and blue striped legs with blue cuff and foot and heel and toe in pink. We shall see. I have started the cuff. Maybe I will use that other yarn to make myself a pair of socks or Kelly somewhere down the line.

Jack took out the trash and is off to work. He told me day before yesterday gas went up 11 cents from going to work to getting off work and he said that last night coming home it was back to its original price. Now you tell me what could possibly cause gas to jump around at a station like that? It is ridiculous.

Tonight is plain old burger and ff chips night. Jack has to stop and get some buns for me as ours are too stale to use. When there are only 2 of you, they get stale and I don't like frozen and defrosted bread of any kind because it is never fresh tasting either. So it is money wasted no matter what. I just buy the cheapest that is the freshest. I am just thankful we can get ground sirloin at the commissary reasonable. We had chicken and noodles last night so I decided to have a bit of beef tonight. :lol:

Susan: Oh, a dead bunny, how awful. It could be anything from a cat on up I would think could be the cuprit. I quit watching that show when it got so cut throat. I mean it is all well and good the money and all, but the idea is to get healthy. I am not one that is too concerned about weight losses over 2 lbs a week. I think in obese, super obese and morbidly obese people that they will naturally lose at a high rate for awhile. It all slows down sooner or later. Look at you, you have been working to get those few lbs off for quite awhile now. What personal quilting projects are you working on currently? I know you do a lot of group stuff.

Maggie: They had to put a saline line into Jack for the colonoscopy and he has this huge vein sticking out of the top of his hand which should have been easy for her. She really puts the poor man through the roof wiggling it around in there and never does get it in that vein she has to do it again. She pulls it out and blood spurts all over the place. I mean it wasn't just a drip or drop. He absolutely hates needles so this didn't help things. Glad you got your blood drawn ok. I had this snotty gentlemen say something about my deviled eggs once. He said he didn't like them and I asked him why and he said they were too wet. I said, huh? I guess his wife makes deviled eggs with very little of any kind of mayo, salad dressing or whatever and they are like bricks as he made her bring them the next time we had a church potluck. All I can say is every one of mine were gone and there were only 4 gone from hers, one I took to be nice, he ate two and she had one. I guess she had a reputation for nasty eggs (I heard the gossip from someone else) and so no one touched them! So, my feelings weren't too hurt, but hers were like wallpaper paste and about as much flavor because she didn't use anything in them. Jack won't eat them so I haven't had any in a very long time. I make my dressing for my potato salad and egg salad exactly the same as the filling for my deviled eggs.

Jean: I am wanting to get into the pool this year, but with only having the one car, I am not sure how often I will get to go over to Kelly's. With my feet swollen like they are, I am not sure I could get out of the condo pool as they only have the side ladders and not handle on the walk down steps. Maybe I can talk Jack into going over in the afternoons or something. I do really enjoy swimming and it is something older people can get a good workout and enjoy with little joint problems. I enjoy Thomas too of course. He always keeps me entertained. Just wish he wouldn't grow up so fast. He is so independent now.

Well I guess I should get started on things. Have a good day everyone and remember to :) Faye

Maggie 04-13-2011 12:11 PM

Sunny Saturday

It is a sunny cool 50 degree day here in the Heartland so far this day. "They say" we should be getting up to 74 later on. Feels like spring. Will is doing some work on the garden plot today. We got to looking at the area he had chicken wired in and decided it looked too small for what we want to plant. He has to till a section to break up some of the area we want to use in the back yard for our veggie garden. When the rest of that good dirt is delivered the ground will be ready to receive it being spread over that area. There is more work involved when one wants to plant a garden where none was planted before. Our apple tree has blossoms on it and the strawberries are coming up. Spring is here.

DONNA FAYE Some folks don't have a clue about the military and form an opinion out of their ignorance and hatred of this country. I think that if folks don't like the US of A then they are free move to another country that accepts the way they think and quit trying to change the US of A to their lousy way of seeing things. I feel sorry for those men and women in the armed forces that only got half pay this paycheck because of the threat of a shutdown. Half of hardly anything isn't much. OH don't get me started. Hamburgers for dinner sounds delicious. I much prefer to the home cooked to the chemical burgers at the "joint." Hopefully you can figure out a way to get in a pool for I know you like that. I got a chuckle about those cement eggs. Some folks just don't have "taste." We have a dear friend that thinks a nice pot if chili is just chili powder dissolved in boiling water. That is what he calls chili. I certainly make mine different. :p Sometimes I only just make two deviled eggs. One for each of us. When I boil eggs in my little cooker I fill it up with 6 eggs and plug it in. It will cook eggs to what ever degree of boiled you choose. We have what we want hot and the rest get used in other ways. I mark a "B" on them and put them back in the fridge.

JEAN I got a cute picture of the 3 babies in front of the parent I will send you. Prices at Wal*Mart are going up also aren't they.

SUSAN Having a lovely day are you.

GAIL My dear, I sure miss your posts.

OK Magnolias I need to get a grip and do some work this day. Well, not real work but what I want to do anyway.:p Type at y'all later. :wave:

Jean 04-13-2011 10:10 PM

Good Evening, Flowers! It has been a windy cold day and now the rain has begun. I was enjoying my coffee this morning when the phone rang; the church secretary was home sick so I agreed to go in this morning but said I couldn't this afternoon. It was busier than usual with phone calls, the quilters were there, the kitchen was busy getting set up for the Lenten luncheon and sermon, then a funeral this afternoon. I went to lunch bunch, WM, home only to discover that we only received one section of the local newspaper in the mail, so back into town to pick up another paper and take Kolby's birthday picture in. He will turn 6 next Tuesday so hope he makes the Saturday paper. Bob went back to church for Easter choir practice tonight.

Susan -- You talking about burying the bunny reminded me of our four grandchildren having a very serious funeral on the beach for a dead fish. The adults were in the cabin having hysterics it was so funny. :lol: Ian was the minister and the other three all circled around with their hands folded. I don't think any of them had ever been to a funeral. My lunch was hot today and very good so I didn't have to send it back to the kitchen. Bob doesn't like anything FF so we eat "real" and I just count the points.

Maggie -- I've noticed the babies are more visible now than at first. They are really growing fast! I'm sure my bp was sky high after my jaunt to WM today. They have rearranged several things once again so I had to hunt -- makes me so :crazy: !! I'm having card club Monday night and wanted new decks of cards, and as usual, they were "out" of them. Our church was asked to supply water and food items for one of the small towns hit by the Saturday night tornadoes. WM was also "out" of bottled water!

"Gma" -- I don't blame you for being upset with the rude people on the military blog. :no: If anyone would know military life you would. Good luck with your sock project! Our gas jumped from $3.44 to $3.69 in one day. I haven't seen a tank truck there in several days so know he has to be selling higher than what he bought from the wholesaler. I haven't made deviled eggs for a very long time -- yum! I do hope you can figure out how to get some pool time in this summer since I know how much you enjoy it.

I need to check on the ironing rack; I'm sure I washed Bob's shirts that have his insurance logo on them so will need to iron one for tomorrow. Have a nice "rest of the evening!" :D

Jean -- :wave: from Iowa!

gma22 04-14-2011 10:47 AM

Good morning to you all! It is beautiful here today, sunny and just a little cool until the sun warms the day up. Jack is taking me to Red Lobster tonight for dinner so looking forward to that. I noticed Thomas's Easter "basket" has shipped. It isn't a normal one that's for sure. She asked that I not get him candy so I didn't I bought him a Harry and David's gift basket with pears, apples, cheese and crackers. He loves their pears and thought either he or his parents would enjoy the rest. It is all in a springtime box, etc. She doesn't get home until the Friday before Easter so I imagine he will dye eggs with his Nana this year if he still wants to do it. He is getting a little old for it I think.

Jean: Your fish story brought a big smile to my face. How very sweet it must have been to stand and watch them. Were they personally aquainted with the deceased? ;););) I can't believe Kolby will be 6 already. The boys will be 11 and 4. Seems just like yesterday we were whisking away to come to their births. I guess I am sensitive about the military thing, but darn it, these people do this to protect all of us for heaven's sake. Surely that should mean something when it comes to giving the poor folks in the military respect and not degradate them. One person on the blog sarcastically said something about there is no draft anymore so if you don't like the pay why do you sign up? Duh, to protect you, you moron. I saw a young Navy hospitalman was killed from Niles, Michigan, which is only about 20 miles from South Bend. His convoy was hit by a missile. I posted an sympathy to his guest book at the online newspaper today. I think the parents need to know we appreciated what he did.

Maggie: You will have a nice big garden. I would love to grow those tomatos that hang upside down, but the squirrel would rip them to pieces I figure. I love fresh beautiful tomatoes and always have even as a little girl. Right now they still aren't in the stores yet, but they will be soon I imagine. Mississippi gets a head start on them and has a great crop usually. Our bank is the Navy Federal Credit Union and I saw they had posted a message that the mid month pay would be deposited in full but would be done in two separate payments though on the same day except for civillian workers and the Marine corp who would get theirs all at once so at least they get their full pay. They would never make it on half pay as full pay isn't terrific IMO.

I have one floor done and one to go. I am going to try and get the upstairs bathrooms done today then finish up tomorrow. It gets hot pretty quickly up there when the weather is warm.

You all have a nice day and hope it is warm where you are!!! Faye

Maggie 04-14-2011 12:28 PM

Titilating Thursday

It is a chilly day in the low 50's this day in the Heartland. It is a good day to stay inside for sure. Will goes to his volunteer job today and I think I will make spaghetti for dinner. I made a nice flat circle of rosemary foccacia bread yesterday which will go great with it. We had tuna salad sandwiches with some of it last evening. Since the wind blows so much here in the Heartland I have decided to wear my hair in more of a short pixie throught the summer since I will be outside more. I hate to use a lot of hair spray and if I don't with that "upsweep do" the wind destroys my efforts. I just can't be bothered. :( I have added a new container of sun screen to my shopping list for my old one has expired. I have to slather that on liberally. I used to use coco butter in my teens and sported a beautiful tan. Picture a golden taned sun bleached blond surfer girl catching the waves riding her surf board called the "mean blue machine" out in sunny CA. I bought that surf board from Morey Pope who was a local champion surfer dude in that area that made great boards. Now, in my addage, I need to protect my skin. If I wasn't in one of my college classes you could find me at the beach. My, how time does change ones way of thinking. Now I have to protect my skin instead of cooking it. The dogs are both napping around my desk and all is well.

DONNA FAYE I would love to grow tomatoes in one of the upside down hanging thingies but for the wind. They would be wind whipped and not do so well here I am afraid. We don't have hanging baskets of flowers out around the patio either. :o Right now we are getting good tasting red ripe tomatoes with the stems linking about 3 of them together ~ from Mexico. Yep that is what the sticker thingie says. I told Will that they were so good ~ where were they from ~ and then I read one of the stickers.:p Ole ~ I do love tomatoes. We are planning on growing some of those wonderful beefsteak tomatoes along with the smaller ones. Not any of the grape tomatoes though. Brussels sprouts and zucchini. Watermellon, corn, leaf lettuce, to name a few. We have the garden mapped out and it will be a sight to behold. Now that the apple tree has blossomed Will is hanging thingies on it to keep the birds away. They will also leave the strawberries alone also for they grow in a bed around the tree.

JEAN Stores are not stocking as much as they used to and so products run out faster. Folks just don't have as much money to spend now days. When there is a tornado threat the folks empty the water shelves then it takes awhile to restock. Also, Wal*Mart is just not carrying some of the products it used to. In fact even here in the Heartland I have found I no longer can get some products I used to. Since we are limited to stores I just have to make do with something else untill we get to a big city ~ which we don't like to do.:p

SUSAN Did you get that video presentation I sent your way of the blind quilter? She is so amazing. Nothing that she wants to do holds her back just because she is blind.


Time for me to get going here this day with something ~ anything. I can always find something to get into that is for sure. Not buying any Easter candy. The local WW leader sent out a list of candies with their P+ values. I never even have heard of some of that candy.:D Anyone want that list I can send it your way. :p To hip gotta go. :wave: Type at y'all later.

QuilterInVA 04-14-2011 06:11 PM

Good evening, ladies! A lovely day but only in the 60s.

I had just one job today but tomorrow I have to work at the tax job from 9 until 5. Then Glory and I will be going to lock-in from 6-midnight at Bella. Lots of fun and pizza. I think I'll contribute a large salad to the meal. Helps to keep the points+ down!

The pollen count for trees and grass is extremely high now and I guess I'll have to walk on the treadmill until it improves for it started my asthma up when I tried to walk outside today.

Maggie, thanks for the video. I've seen it before, but it's always good to see again. Your garden sounds like it will be so tasty! I love the vine tomatoes and that's all I buy in the winter because that's all that has taste.

Jean, WM will be rearranging because I read of the net yesterday they are adding over 8,000 new items and bringing back some they had dropped before. Trying to stay ahead of the Super Targets that started carrying perishables 2 weeks ago I suppose. I'm glad your lunch was good today.

Faye, time seems to move faster every year for me. In some respects I don't feel like I've aged, until I try doing somethings, since I don't have children and grandchildren to gauge my age by. I still feel in my 40s and I'll be 70 in October. That sounds like a much better alternative to the Easter Candy. We used to give Harry and David's fruit of the month to my inlaws for Christmas.

I guess I should find something to eat. I'm not very hungry tonight so I think just protein and veggies.

Have a great evening!

Jean 04-14-2011 06:32 PM

Good Afternoon, Flowers! It is raining hard and the wind is blowing even harder. I worked in the church office again today and will tomorrow also. The secretary came in to run address labels because she couldn't talk another volunteer through it on the phone. She got dizzy and sick to her stomach so Bob came and drove her car home, which is out in the country, and I took her in our car. We did get the blankety-blank newsletter printed, labeled, sorted by zip codes, and delivered to the post office; it was a day late but better late than never!

One story from the tornado -- a farm couple shuts their dog in a shed at night. After the tornado went by, the shed was gone and the contents scattered out in their field, no dog in sight. They drove into town to check on the damage and here was the dog heading towards home, about 4 miles away! Their comment was, "if only Maggie could talk!"

"Gma" -- Red Lobster biscuits :T ! Every time we go to the cabin there is usually at least one dead fish to bury. From the first time I ever went there, it has been the rule that they be buried on one side of the dock so that when the kids played in the sand on the other side, they wouldn't be digging them up! Every time Jason sees someone in a military uniform he thanks them for serving. He tried to join but couldn't pass the physical because of his hip. Thomas' Easter basket sounds like a delicious one! Good luck getting your cleaning done today.

Maggie -- I always enjoy watching the surfers. I don't think I would ever have tried that when I was young, but then we didn't live near the ocean either. I would like the Easter candy list. We had some neighbors in Ohio and she was a Peeps fan. I think they are so gross and now see them for every holiday. I try to only go to WM when I can't find an item anywhere else in town. :p

Susan -- I know you will enjoy your quilt lock-in. Taking a salad is a great idea! :) I'm sorry the pollen is causing your asthma to act up. So far the Sioux City Target hasn't added fresh food but I suppose it is coming. I wish all of the discount stores would stay out of the grocery business! I'm guessing they are catering to working people with the idea of "one stop shopping" on the way home from work.

Bob should be home from practice in a few minutes and I need to heat some leftovers for supper. We have another meeting at church tonight and I hope it is a SHORT one! I am about churched out for the week! Enjoy your evening. :D

Jean -- :wave: from :rain: Iowa!

gma22 04-15-2011 07:51 AM

Good morning to you ladies. It is :rain::rain: with thunder and lightening this morning and the temperature dropped almost 20 degrees. It is supposed to rain most of the day today so I imagine Fortune will not be happy as he will not go out if the rain is coming down, but then who blames him? So it is puppy pads for sure today.

Some idgit called here at midnight last night waking me from a dead sleep. I fumbled around but dropped the phone so had to turn on lights and such which caused Fortune to then want to go outside, so I never went back to sleep until around 4am. I am a bit dopey this morning, but will grab a nap later.

We had a great meal at Red Lobster. I enjoyed the salad and cold shrimp. Do love the cold shrimp. There were three black ladies, at least in their 40's next to us as we were sitting in one of those table/booth/chair combos so they were fairly close. The one closest to me was total trash. She was at least my size, had fake blond hair to her waist, skin tight clothing on and what I always heard called a man's "driver" style hat. She sat the whole time discussing her sex life and what std's and such her man friends gave her. It was disgusting and filthy and her friend apologized to us when they left. She kept trying to get her to talk quietly, but even if you could, we were so close we would have continued to hear her. The problem was, there wasn't somewhere else I could sit so we were stuck. I kept trying to discuss vacation plans, etc anything with Jack to keep up a conversation on our end so we blocked out her mouth.

Susan: Have fun at your lock in. I think it is a great idea to take a big salad. I would thoroughly enjoy the salad. I like pizza but the sauce usually gives me heart burn so I don't eat it much so a salad would have been really nice to have as an alternative. I imagine since today is tax day, you will be really busy. I see that a lot of the post offices are not going to be open late this year because of budget cuts and such. I don't know why anyone mails the things in anymore since you can do them free online with turbo tax or go to a tax place and have them done for you.

Jean: I think your parishners will understand a day late newsletter for heaven's sake. The poor woman! When I was a kid, we used to go to Lake Michigan on weekends and you would always find dead fish in the sand either whole or parts. It was just one of those things. I miss the lake beach as it was really beautiful, but sitting in the sand looking out at the ocean was something you never get used to. For me, it always reminded me of the true majesty of God. You are away from home now more it seems than when you worked full time at the school!!! :lol:

Maggie: I was never a sun baby because my skin is so very fair I always, always got a sunburn and those were the days before sunscreens and such and you lathered on suntan lotion and cooked yourself. The smell of Hawaiian Tropic or even plain ole Coppertone makes me think of summer.

Well gals, I am going to get out of here and catch a couple more winks of sleep. Have a wonderful weekend. We get to fight the commissary crowds this weekend as it is military payday today. What fun!!! :lol: Faye

Jean 04-15-2011 09:32 AM

Good Morning, Flowers! The wind is still blowing and it is still raining in my corner of the world . . . a gloomy day that looks like winter is on the way rather than spring. :dizzy: The weatherman said there is a chance of snow tonight. :eek: I'm getting my nails done in a few minutes and then going to work in the church office. It shouldn't be too busy because usually everyone takes Friday off. I will need to get the Sat./Sun. bulletin ready but that doesn't take long.

"Gma" -- We used to always get phone calls in the middle of the night . . . and in a foreign language to boot! :mad: It sounds like we are having the same kind of weather today. No biscuit at RL? I'm sorry the gal sitting close to you was so rude, as there are some people have no clue at all! The senior pastor wants to hire a part-time office worker that would know how to do everything that the secretary does. I personally don't see that happening, but maybe someone would be willing to be responsible for the newsletter. There again, if only one person knows how to do the mailing part and happens to be gone or sick, that leaves the rest of us in the dark. It boggles my mind to think that one pastor will be expected to do what two are now doing. We haven't had much luck getting volunteers to step up in any area. :( Hope you get a nap in today!

It's time to get going so I'm off! Have a GREAT day! :D

Jean -- :wave: from :rain: Iowa!

Maggie 04-15-2011 12:54 PM


It is somewhere in the 20's as I type and the wind is blowing. "They" say that we will be getting gusts up to 70MPH. Not fun. I opted out of going out to have my blood drawn this day ~ can do it Monday when it is calmer and warmer. Burr. Today I am going to make a loaf of sweet Focaccia (pronounced \fō-ˈkä-ch(ē-)ə\) bread to eat with some strawberries for dessert this evening. I will substitute Splenda® for the sugar called in the recipe to hold down the points. I have this lovely Focaccia cook book that was published way back in 1994 that is all about simple breads from the Italian oven by Carol Field. There are so many yummy variations in it I have not yet tried them all. Focaccia a bread that is only good for a couple days so if we don't eat it up I freeze it. It is great thawed later and toasted not to waste it. :p OH the wind is sure blowing hard out there. Makes me want to put on a sweater.

DONNA FAYE Ever thought of turning your phone off at night? What emergency could you take care in the middle of the night anyway. I hope your rain doesn't cause any flooding there. :nono: Hope you get in a power nap this day. Didn't you eat one of their yummy biscuits at RL? OH those are so good. I have the lightened recipe and am so thankful for it for they are good. I am not going to go to RL until I have lost 100 pounds. I know you aren't supposed to use food as a reward but I can order a good OP meal there even if I just have one of the biscuits. But since we have to go way far away to find a RL I have decided to wait. I was going to go on our way to Texas but it would have taken us way far out of the way so I opted to just wait and savor the thought. That is too bad your outing was highlighted by a rude person yacking. She needs to get a grip and a life both. Unfortunate you couldn't move to another table.

JEAN Sounds to me they do need to hire a person to do that work you have been volunteering to do. I bet if you quit they would have to hire someone. What color did you have put on your nails?

Have a lovely day folks ~ stay out of the wind and rain. :wave:

Maggie 04-15-2011 04:49 PM

Back To Yack

The wind is still blowing gusts up to 70 NPH and the highway near here has been closed. Guess it could just blow lite cars off the road and that wouldn't be good. I have my bread in the oven now. It has been iffy today to attempt to make bread for the electricity has been playing hop scotch here. It goes off then back on every once in awhile. It comes back on so quick it doesn't upset some of the houses settings. My bread machine didn't even stop when making the dough for when the electricty bliped it ignored it and just started where it left off. I always let it mix up the dough when I am making bread that I cook in the oven. It does such a good job of mixing it. I just have to take the dough out and let it rest for a few minutes before patting it out flat. Anyway enough about bread. Hope all is well with y'all. Break time is over and I need to get some work done.

Type at y'all later :wave:

Jean 04-15-2011 11:32 PM

Maggie -- I could almost smell your bread as it baked. :T There is nothing like homemade bread imo! The pastor would like someone reliable to volunteer for different jobs in the office but that doesn't seem to be happening. At our Admn. Council last night someone suggested hiring a part-time person to learn everything that the secretary does. Well, that would be fine except if they are both gone we're still in a mess. Today I mentioned that I could certainly learn the job duties but when one doesn't do something for a long period of time, one forgets all the steps in the process. I couldn't eat at RL and pass up a biscuit. :no:

I have slept the evening away in front of the tv and now I am heading off to bed! :yawn: This volunteering every day makes me tired!

Jean 04-16-2011 11:26 AM

Good Morning, Flowers! It's another gloomy windy day in my corner of the world, temperature was 32 degrees when I went downstairs earlier. At least it's not raining after an all day rain yesterday. The grass is really green! I'm hosting card club Monday night so have to clean and figure out some type of snack food. We will eat at a restaurant first so I don't feel I need to fix as much food.

The eagles are sitting in snow! :( The adult looks pretty ratty this morning.

I need to get a move on and get a few things crossed off my "to do" list. Have a super Saturday! :D

Jean -- :wave: from :brr: Iowa!

Maggie 04-16-2011 12:26 PM

Sunny Saturday

It is a still sunny day with a temp of 51 here in the Heartland. :carrot: I am so happy the wind quit. Surely I would have been one of the ones that went crazy during the dust bowl days.:p That must have been horrid to endure. When I got up there was no Will nor any dogs and the back gate is standing wide open. My guess is that when Will went to Wal*Mart and took them with him. Anyway that is my hope for he has done that before. He did tell me last night he was going to go there today and he does on occasion take the boys. That loaf of focaccia bread I made yesterday was good and not too sweet. It was great to have strawberries spooned on it. The strawberries are grown here in the US of A. I will be happy when I can get some out of our garden. I am determined to get them before the birds dine on them. I am going to boil a couple dozen eggs this day and use my grandmothers method. She made the best boiled eggs, that didn't crack, the old farm way.

Poke a hole with a needle in the large end of the egg
Place eggs in a single layer in cold water to cover 1 inch
Bring to a boil over high heat
Remove from heat and cover
Let stand covered for 15 minutes
Run cold water over eggs
Place eggs in ice water
Peel off egg shell by starting at the big end

Now you know how to boil eggs ~ as if you didn't already know how.:D I had to dig out the recipe since I have been boiling eggs in my appliance for so long and haven't boiled them the old fashioned way.

JEAN Yep it snowed on the eagles nest. There are blobs of it on the camera lense so I can't take any good pictures yet this day. When I went there the babies were trying hard to not stay under her. They are getting very rambunctious lately and growing so fast. I know it is hard to not eat a biscuit at RL. Definitely a red light food for me there. And shame on them for they will keep bringing them to you ~ so you can eat lots of them. I had a friend once that didn't even belong to the church she worked as secretary for but was hired there because no one in the congregation wanted the job. It worked out fine for it was a job for her and she didn't miss a day of work. You folks might decide to just hire someone like that for they would be more reliable.

All y'all have a great day.

:wave: got to go boil some eggs. Type at y'all later

gma22 04-17-2011 09:01 AM

Good morning gals. I didn't even get in here yesterday. Guess my mind was elsewhere all day, I don't know. It is cool here, so cool the furnace kicked on sometime this morning.

Around 4 am I got to go to the bathroom and heard this loud crack. I swear it had to be a gun shot and about 10 minutes later thought I heard another one farther away. The first one sounded like it was right outside the house practically. I listened but didn't hear any human voices, arguing or anything. I wasn't going to stick my head out that's for sure. Fortune wanted to go out, but I told him no and made him get back into the recliner with me as I had come downstairs. Luckily, he didn't fuss about it and went back to sleep. I still have no idea what it was and never heard any more nor police or anything. Our area has a lot of gang trouble sometimes and since we have large black and hispanic groups right around where we live, it could have been anything.

Jean: Hope your nails are all pretty now. I saw an advertisement here locally and the girl had her acryllic nails done all like Easter eggs. They actually were quite cute. I am not a big bread eater most of the time, have to be in the mood. I had about half of one of their biscuits. I have the recipe for them actually and have even made the ww friendly version once. I have this cookbook that is all copycatted restaurant stuff like Olive Garden's salad dressing, and stuff like that. I also go to copykat.com and you can get loads of restaurant food recipes there. Is the family going to all try and get together next Sunday or at least the weekend sometime? I noticed Jackson's Easter basket will be delivered to him tomorrow and Thomas's stuff on Tuesday. Kelly doesn't get into town until Friday but we usually at least have breakfast together on Easter Sunday. I haven't talked to them in quite awhile, not since we went to Indiana for the funeral.

Maggie: I use that method for eggs except I let them stand covered 20 minutes instead of 15, then drain and put in an ice water bath. I find the ice water bath does the trick to peeling them most of the time. I also salt the water they cook in. I was told and don't know if this is true or bologna that the fresher the egg the harder it is to peel. No clue about that one. Most of the time, using that method I don't have trouble and sure hope they are fresh anyway! :lol:

Well this morning is commissary day and it will be nuts. We didn't want to go yesterday because military payday was on Friday and with the budget thingy we thought some folks checks might not have ended up in their bank until Saturday morning and the grocery store would be packed. I imagine it will be that way again today and the end of the month will be worse because it is military and retired military payday and whatever ss folks get their checks then.

I have started the socks for my girlfriend. They are kind of cute. I am making them pink and blue striped on the leg, then the heel and toe will be pink and the foot blue. I am just going to keep that other yarn for something else. Her birthday is only a month away now so have to get clacking on them. I did buy her this cute set of salt and pepper shakers to go with it. They are of Snoopy and Charlie Brown. She loved "Peanuts" when we hung out together in junior high so I thought it might take her back. Seems funny we have been friends for over 40 years now.

Well gals, I need to get going. Commissary opens at 10 and we want to get showered and dressed and get a bite to eat first. Have a wonderful Palm Sunday. Faye

Jean 04-17-2011 12:23 PM

Good Morning, Flowers! I've been to early church (lots more people today so hope there is more $$ tomorrow), stopped at Walgreen's, and now need to decide on food for card club tomorrow night. Think I will hit the grocery store in the morning hoping fruits and veggies will be fresher. Bob is singing today so won't see him until after noon since their part is the last thing in the service.

In our Sunday paper there is an article about what % different food items have gone up. I didn't take time to read it before I left for church but Bob was reading parts of it to me. It seems like every time I go to the store the prices have gone up from the previous time. :mad:

Maggie -- I've never heard of poking a hole in the egg shell before boiling the egg. :dunno: I do use cold water, boil them for 10 minutes, let them sit in the hot water another 10 minutes, then run cold water over them for a few seconds. I just tap the shell with a knife and they peel easily. Our church secretary has quite a few stress challenges that she is dealing with right now: recently her parents unexpectedly died within 6 months of each other, her brother lives on the family farm and demanded that all the ground be sold immediately as well as the house in town where the parents had lived for several years, her daughter is engaged but the SO works on windmills anywhere between Maine and Hawaii so the daughter (and baby) have moved back here, she has a nephew living with them while he goes to the junior college here in town, as well as her full time job which is not a piece of cake on any given day. We have a fairly large church where the members are getting older and some need more attention; we used to have two "almost" full time office volunteers who have both died but not been replaced. Since we are losing the associate pastor position, they are hoping to hire a part-time retired minister, who can also help with the office duties as needed.

"Gma" -- I hope your trip to the commissary went smoothly this morning. I found some little girl nails decorated with Easter eggs for Maddy and Zowie. The boys are getting Easter tattoos. :) We have rented rooms at the water park hotel for the kids next weekend. Kolby's birthday is the 19th and Beth's is on Easter so thought that would be fun for them. They will be here Saturday night for Kolby's birthday and Sunday for the Easter Bunny doings. I'm not sure if I will cook on Sunday or we may do the brunch at the hotel, before or after church.

I need to mop my kitchen floor and work on my "to do before tomorrow night" list. Have a nice day! :D

Jean -- :easter3: from Iowa!

gma22 04-17-2011 02:17 PM

Durn, I forgot something this morning! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GLORIA!!!!!! :celebrate::bday2you:

QuilterInVA 04-17-2011 04:14 PM

Good afternoon, ladies! A love day in the high 60s today.

We had terrible storms and tornados yesterday evening. Houses in 4 different areas were leveled, the backside and roof of a school were torn off, and lots of trees down and flooding. It didn't last long but it sure did the damage.

Only one more day of tax season and I'm ready for it to be over. I'm working from 9 until 9 tomorrow. I haven't done much today but laundry and making quilt blocks. When I went to WW yesterday, I was 150.2 so almost there. Heaven only knows how long it will take to lose that last .2. I bought a new cookbook there, too, "Fresh, Fabulous, Fast" and I'm making Beef and Mushroom Ragu with Polenta for dinner tonight. Tomorrow I'll try one of the chicken recipes.

Maggie, I make my eggs the same way but I don't poke a hole in them. I've never had a problem with them cracking or anything. I use low heat, too, because I can't stand it if the yolks get that green around them.

Jean, the kids will sure love their birthday treat. They'll have so much to tell you when they see you on Easter.

Faye, I know the boys will love their Easter treats. My reward for finally getting to my goal weight is going to be a manicure and pedicure.

Well, the dryer calleth. Have a great rest of the day.

Maggie 04-17-2011 05:18 PM

Sunny Sunday

It is a nice day here in the neighborhood. 72 with the sun shining:flow2: makes if feel like planting. But still a bit early. We had pot-luck today at church and I ate sensible. :cp: There is a young man that is a sophomore in high school that is taking “home ec” and has learned to make pies. Excellent pies in fact. His crust is melt in the mouth kind. He made a cherry pie to bring and I had a sliver of it and am quite impressed in his ability. I think I will encourage him to become a chef :chef:. I still have enough points+ to have a good WW friendly meal at Applebees this evening after services. I am so thankful for their marking the menus there with the WW logo and tell the points+ value of the dish. There is a big space between the window in my office and the one in Wills office when you look at the house from outside front yard facing the street. We have decided to put a large decorative trellises’ out there and plant a climbing rose to fill the area somewhat and make it better to look at. That is a plan and we are going to do it soon. My eggs were too fresh to peel easy but they were sure tasty. There was only one half left and one of the guys scooped it up quickly.

DONNA FAYE Do the police always respond there when there is gun shots heard? I imagine they are kept quite busy in that part of beautiful TN. What you heard about fresh eggs being harder to peel is the truth. Next time I do this recipe I am not using Egglands eggs for they are always very fresh unless I plan ahead for it. It is recommended that if your eggs are real fresh to buy them a week ahead of time. Which I didn't do.:p I tried every method of peeling an egg that I know of and none worked but the eggs weren't too mangled up to be eaten with gusto.:o

JEAN There are water spots on the lens again today. Hopefully they will find someone to work in your church office that will be satisfactory.

SUSAN They say that when you over cook your boiled eggs is when you get that greenish gray ring around the yolk. Least wise that is what BH and aunt Betty say and they are the experts. :p An egg needle came with my electric egg cooker & they recommend to use it so the eggs don't crack by poking a hole in the big end. I have never had an egg crack since doing that. My grandmother always used a sewing needle for that. She also taught me to make decorative boiled eggs. After they are boiled ~ crack the shell all around and place them in a pot of strong tea. The tea seeps in at the cracks and decorates the egg. So when you take the shell off you have a tea decorated boiled egg.

Have a great day Magnolias :wave: This is the day that the Lord Hath Made, rejoice and be glad in it.

Maggie 04-17-2011 10:13 PM

Back For A Bit

I have a question to ask:

SUSAN That book you mentioned buying ~ I couldn't find it on the WW website but I found "Fast Fresh & Fabulous" by Janelle Bloom. Is that the same book you were talking about buying at WW?

Maggie 04-18-2011 01:31 PM

Monday Monday

WOW I can't believe I am the first to post this day. :wave: Hello out there. Must be a happening! Hope everyone is fine and nothing untoward is happening in your lives. It is a bright sunny day here in the Heartland with a springtime degree in the high 50's. I went to have my blood dwawn this day and the gal informed me that if I come back the first week of May that it will cost much less to have it done. Since I have to pay out of pocket of it until July that sounded like a good deal to me. They pick a week out of each month to give those of us that don't have any insurance a break. So to have the blood work that costs in the 70's I can get it done in the 20's. I will go back in May for sure.:p It was easy to just change my docs appointment so I will have the results to take to her in the middle of May. My mameogram results are in and they couldn't find anything unusual in them so I am good for another go round on a later time. Life is good. We went out to eat breakfast at I-hop afterward and I ate OP and didn't kill my whole day which is easy at that place to do.:D I have yet to figure what I am making for dinner this day so I will do that when I get off of here. I'll go shopping in my freezer for ideas.

Everyone have a lovely day. :wave: Type at y'all later.

GailR 04-18-2011 03:13 PM

Here I am. Again. Life has been crazy since I last posted. And when was that?! I've been down to Va. Beach. Then when we returned home, all of a sudden...after months and months of the telephone not ringing...calls started coming in from a lot of companies wanting Wayne to interview! Or take a test. Or a phone interview. AND it looked like I was spending all of my days submitting applications with different kinds of resumes (to suit the job description). And you know who was typing? And you know who was doing the inputting of info on on-line applications? That's right. Me. But I was happy to do it because goodness gracious we all know that Wayne needs to go back to work. Good news: WAYNE HAS A JOB! He started today!! Last Friday one HR person phoned Wayne and told him if this job didn't work out for him to phone him first and he'll hired him...with more money! Wayne had accepted the other job first and he gave his word. Besides I like the job Wayne accepted as the place is extreeeeeemely clean and the other is a steel mill. Need I say more?

Weight-wise I've been holding my own and I've been fine with that. :) But now it's time to lose more. I'm ready.

Anyway, here I am. Again. I hope to get on some kind of routine for posting in the mornings. Yeah...I know it's afternoon now. And like usual, I have to catch up on my reading. But I did skim and I have one thing to say to Donna Faye, good for you for speaking up about military families. I was livid when we thought that our federal government was going to close....and the troops and their families were not going to get a paycheck but...wait...those senators were still going to get paid!

I'll be back.

gma22 04-19-2011 07:54 AM

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