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Meigg 11-17-2002 11:17 PM

10 LBs at a Time: #162 Thanksgiving is Coming!
Thought I would start a new thread. 4 Pages is an awful lot!

I was having such a great morning. I was talking with my Dad on the phone about a surprise 70th bday party for my Mom, when she got on the phone and told me that she didn't sleep last night because when she saw me yesterday it looked like I gained alot of weight (fyi - i am still holding at same weight). She went on and on and on! Arthritis, diabetes, etc. My husband isn't supportive, blah, blah, blah. I finally told her that she was hurting my feelings very much, and that I was hanging up, and that she should not call back if that was what she wanted to talk about. :( She just can't let it go.

Anyway. I had a GREAT OP day! - and, just so we are clear, it had nothing to do with the phone call. I have been OP all week, with the exception of Mexican food on Friday night. I think I started on Wednesday, so I have been doing pretty well.

I even got out my weights, and lifted for a 1/2 hour. Then I did 20 minutes on the elliptical - with the arms. I normally have the arms stationary, but I figure that if I am going to get serious, it is time to move a bit more. :p

Dan and I did a total house clean. In the den (where we have 9 computers - can you believe it?) we can actually see the floor...it was that bad.

On Saturday morning we leave for a week to visit the in-laws in Florida. I hope Dan's parents don't realize how much I have gained. I am a little embarrased.:?:

Hope everyone is well and is doing well. Oh - and by the way, I am not weighing myself for a while. I am have been driving myself crazy. This IS a lifestyle, and I need to just keep at it. It will come.

Thanks for listening....


Smiling Sal 11-18-2002 03:31 AM

Morning from a dark and dismal morning, where is ths sunshine for those cold but crisp autumnal days. All we seem to be getting is rain, rain and more rain.

Meigg - don't worry about what anyone else thinks, it is what you think that matters. Just hold you had up high and be yourself. You are worth it, and if they don't appreciate you for you - thats tough luck for them, not you.

Eating went great yesterday until about 9pm, when Ray came in with a bottle of wine. This time round I am beating his(our) bad eating habits of going out to the chippie a couple of times a week. He still goes, but I have started making something quick for myself when he goes. But when he just turns up with a bottle of wine for sharing, fresh out of the chiller in the shop, it is harder to say no. A new challenge to be faced I think.

Am struggling along at the moment, think the healthy eating is just about winning over the rubbish I eat. But the big down fall is the exercise. I used to get up at 6am and work out - when I was very motivated. I was also losing then, so prehaps I need to reconsider lying in bed until 7 ????

Lots of things to think about today. Wine and exercise. One I love the other is a necessary evil.

Cut my finger making soup yesterday and still have the plaster on, you have no idea how difficult it is making it to type.

Meigg 11-18-2002 08:42 AM

Sal, from your end a rainy day seems horrible., but for me, I hear about it and I remember the long weekend I spent in Scotland with my boyfriend in 1990 and it did nothing but rain. It seemed so romantic at the time. I am sure you must be SO sick of hearing stuff like that!

Wine is a hard thing for me also. I don't think any of us wants to count the calories in liquor!

Thanks for the words of support. I try not to let what my mom says bother me. Hopefully it will be a while before she says anything else.

I am sitting here in my lovely, CLEAN den, and all I want to do is type, but alas, I must finish getting ready for work. I hope everyone is OP - or making an effort. Talk to you soon!


Grandma G 11-18-2002 12:59 PM

Hi Ladies,

Come on everyone, lets keep in touch. It's so important for us to stay motivated and encourage each other! We can't do this alone, :wave: :bravo: BUT WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER!

Help - I need encouragement to keep exercising. Its is so easy for me to keep putting it off. I don't like to exercise, I would rather sit in my recliner. But I know I can't - Not just because I need to lose more weight but because my arthritis will only get worse - if you don't use it you lose it - That is so true for people with arthritis! Don't you agree Dalhia, I know you have arthritis bad too. Did your dh fix your treadmill yet? I have a good one and I don't use it enough. I'am BAD BAD BAD:( I think I may have figured out one of the problems with my left foot. It may be a bunion. I tried a remedy I saw in a book for a bunion - putting a foam pad around the joint so the shoe doesn't constantly rub on it and irritate it when walking. The new shoes I just bought are wide enough to give me room to do this. It seems to be helping some. Maybe now I will get back to the treadmill! Not maybe - I will get back to my treadmill!

It's a good thing I am able to stay op with eating most of the time or I would never lose any weight! I think one of the things that has helped me the most is that all of my beverages don't have any calories in them, or very few! only water and decafe coffee with equal and low fat creamer.

Karie, I saw something on tv last night that reminded me of you. When you described your art, if I remember correctly, I think you said it was glass art and something about beads. Well on Modern Masters last night a man was working with glass. He first made different colored glass beads and arranged them in a pattern, then taking some clear hot glass on a rod he rolled it over the beads melting them into the glass and forming them into different shapes - dishes, windows etc. It was just beautiful! Is that anything like what you do?

Meg, I understand what you mean about a rainy day. I have always loved a rainy day, or a real snowy day if I don't have to go out. If I am free to just take the day off, be really quiet and curl up with a good book. Of course your idea sounded good too!

Hi, Sal, Pam, Floridachick, Terry, and anyone else I've missed. Goodluck all for an op day! Goodluck to all of us for an op day

Now I am going to get on my treadmill!! I am, I promise

Dahlia 11-18-2002 01:33 PM

Hello ladies,

The sun was shining this morning when I was out, now it is going behind the clouds, they are talking maybe SNOW (ugh) hope not.
I have re-affirmed my committment as of yesterday.. and as of now I am doing good. Have to go babysit this afternoon so supper will be late, one good thing about that is no time for snacking between supper and bedtime. On Wed. DH has his surgery, have to keep busy so I don't succumb to snacking with him while he is laid up...but with the holidays and company coming, I should have plenty to do...

Meigg, I feel for you lady. I really do.. My mom used to do the same thing to me.. when I was young and thin, she kept telling me I needed to put some weight on so I'd look better, then when I gained weight, she kept telling me I was fat. Then when I lost 40 pounds and started looking thinner, she never made a comment, so one day I told her how much I lost and why didn't she say anything, she told me she hadn't noticed. Well, she is gone now, and I miss her even if she hadn't noticed..

I know it's hard to ignore such things, but for your own sake you have to. Just do what you are doing, and do it for YOU.. for you are the one who matters. And all of us here care for you no matter what.. and we are here to encourage and support each other... I am counting on that :):bravo:

Grandma G., yes I know what you mean when you say use it or lose it.. I really find when I keep moving I do feel better. The longer I sit the harder it is to get moving again. And no my DH has not fixed the treadmill yet, he has till tomorrow, he promised to do it tonight. at least get the belt off so he can try to find one tomorrow. I told him I must have it... it is a necessity for me.. walking will help me de-stress as well as give me some exercise and time to myself in these next couple months with caring for him and my ds after their surgeries.

Well, hello to everyone else. I hope you are all having *op* days.:cb: :cb:

So till next time.:grouphug: and take care.


cat90 11-18-2002 04:04 PM

Afternoon Ladies...Grandma G..i have vowed to get back to my treadmill too and i WILL..this afternoon ;)
Meg..how insensitive of your mother to keep going on :rolleyes: but..deep down..she only has your best interests at heart :)
Carol..hubbies can make it difficult..can't they? mine is around all the time at the moment and he eats like a horse..i have to make him a full English breakfast every morning so my normally once a week (sunday) breakfast is fast becoming my everyday breakfast ,
i've told him that i'm trying to cut back and he just say's "well.. don't have any then" he has know idea how hard it is to make someone a huge breakfast and not have any yourself..especially when it smells so good :( but i'll win in the end :D i don't know why but i have a craving for tomato soup :?: think i'll have a bowl after i've treadmilled :wave:

Smiling Sal 11-18-2002 04:36 PM

Can't beat bacon in the morning cathy - don't envy you haven't to live the delicious smell every morning

Meigg 11-18-2002 05:14 PM

We are doing great ladies - alot of action on the board today!:)

Cat - is there anyway you could stop making your hubby breakfast every morning? Part of the weight gain for me was my husband cooking for me - I ate the same portion as him, and started gaining. Now we each fend for ourselves. I make my own breakfast, he fends for himself at work. I make my own dinner, and he makes his own or doesn't eat. It actually works great - we rarely eat the same meal, and when we do, it is for my lifestyle, not his. :s:

Dahlia - hope your husband's surgert goes well!

Grandma G - I know times are tight right now, but can you go to a foot doctor? Sounds like you are on the right track about the bunion. I know how hard it is to exercise - but remember, anything is good. Why don't you try getting on it and not going as fast, or doing it for half the time. Getting on the machine is the hardest part!

So far so good today. Had about 10 M&Ms, but I am not worried. Going home for dinner soon...

Talk to you soon!

Smiling Sal 11-19-2002 09:54 AM

Weighed in this morning, lost the weight I gained on Saturday plus another pound. Was very surprised, as I had last weighed in on Saturday, I wasn't expecting to see a drop.

Am a happy bunny again :) :) :) :)

Smiling Sal 11-19-2002 10:14 AM

Remember when we used to 'reward' ourselves for losing 10 pounds - well I still do it. Have lost the first 10lbs again, and the 'reward' is a bottle of babadas bubble bath and a long soak in the tub, with a good book and lots of time for me and me only.

Next 'reward' is a good body lotion - still a long way away yet that one. Will enjoy the first one first.

Meigg 11-19-2002 11:27 AM

Sal - GREAT news on the loss - and a wonderful choice of reward! NOT FOOD BASED! That is the key. I am going toward that great big shopping spree - let's hope I get there.

They say that after the first week in the Zone your clothes feel different. Dress pants don't feel as tight today, but could be my imagination. But - I think I will just go with it!

Talk to you later!

cat90 11-19-2002 02:16 PM

Hey Carol...Congrats on the loss :D what a great reward :) i forgot about the treats :rolleyes: Meg..there is no way i can get out of cooking for hubby..his mother waited on him hand and foot and i have to do the same..not that i mind..he's the worker and i'm the homemaker ;) i'll figure something out...i finally hit the treadmill yesterday..just 20 minutes but a start :D going to do the same today :wave:

Dahlia 11-19-2002 03:25 PM

Hi ladies,

Good to see more action on our board.

Carol, giving yourself a reward after a loss is a good idea.. think I'll try that.. think of something I really want and tell myself I can't have it till I lose my 10 #'s...now what do I want that bad...:)

Grandma G.. my DH did it, he fixed my treadmill, it not only runs smoothly now, I can walk faster.. had to go try it out already. Only walked 10 minutes today but will add time each day...felt good to get back on it...couldnt' get the speed/miles to show up, but as long as I can walk,, I'll go by time,, will work fine. Maybe if I play around with the controls I'll get it working again...

Had a wee bit of snow on the ground this morning.. but the sun took care of it real quick. I suppose it won't be long though and we'll get some to stay.. not that I want that.. I could go all winter without any, and I'd be just as happy as a lark...:lol:

Two of my boys got a deer this year. My oldest is out there right now cutting them up.. the younger one had to go back to college. The oldest and youngest got one..my ds in Calif. couldnt' come home for hunting this year, so he is living the hunt thru his brothers this year.. driving us nuts waiting for the pictures.. good thing I have a scanner.:D

Well, just checking in... hope you're all having a super day, and being *op*.. so far I am doing ok..I baked 12 dozen cookies this morning, and only nibbled on one... so that is doing good in my book.. after all as one of you said earllier this is a way of lliving, not denying...all I have to bake yet is the sugar cookies which I roll out and cut into shapes and decorate.. I'll do those later, and I have to make some heath bars yet... am shipping out a box of gifts and treats to my dil who is still in Okinawa.. she should be going home in Jan. some time.. she's been gone since July...

I am really proud of how my son is doing with his 2 yr. old son. He is taking care of him all on his own, and doing a great job.

Ok. well, I best get moving here.. will check in tomorrow evening when we return from the hospital.


Smiling Sal 11-20-2002 04:42 PM

Is very quiet around here today. I haven't done anything special, took the boys swimming, didn't go in myself. Now that they both have lessons one after the other. Messing around with me for 30 minutes + their lesson time is too much for them, mainly Sean who is in the later lesson.

Am saving points to go out for a curry on Friday, but am struggling to eat my 20 points today, thank goodness I don't have to eat the full 24 today !!

cat90 11-21-2002 04:30 PM

Hi Ladies :wave: i've decided that i :love: my treadmill..now..i just need to keep telling myself that when i can't get motivated to get on it :lol: i'm going to do a stint when i've finished posting here and watch "bad girls" its a repeat as usual but i've not seen all of them so thats o.k. Eating has been good so far..just see if i can keep it up this evening..my 'danger' time...making good use of the popcorn maker i was feeling peckish at 11.30am so i had a bowl to take the edge off and now i'm fine :D

Grandma G 11-22-2002 05:51 PM

Hi Ladies,

It is great to see so many post!:cb: :cb: Thanks for all your encouragement about exercising. I still haven't worked on my treadmill as I promised but I am going to as soon as I finish this message. YES I REALLY AM. I found out what my problem was. Ever since I moved my treadmill in from the porch, I have found I tired much easier when I tried to walk on it, and it seemed like such a chore. Well when my son was over yesterday he said, WOW MOM, you are walking up hill now. THAT WAS IT! When I moved it the clamps that hold the legs in place fell off and when I put them back on, I put them in the wrong position! I fixed it, so now I can get back to work.

My dh and I took a tour bus trip to NY City overnight Tuesday to Radio City Music Hall to see the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular.
We stayed in a beautiful hotel suite in NJ and went into the city to a lovely restaurant where we enjoyed a great dinner in a restaurant overlooking the city, then had a couple hours to shop and walk around Broadway, and ended up in a coffee shop having a cup, while we sat near a window looking out over Broadway watching all the hustle and bustle until it was time to go back to our hotel. The next morning we went into the city to the show. What a beautiful show it was! we then left for home, stopping at a mall for more shopping and lunch, before heading back to Northern NY. The weather was just beautiful and we had a lot of fun. NY is a great place to visit, AS LONG AS I DON'T HAVE TO DRIVE, what traffic! I wouldn't want to live there! Although we were down to Mt. Vernon in the spring with my granddaughter's hockey team and my dh, ds and gd went into the city, this was the first time I had been in the city since my highschool graduation class trip in 1957.

Dahlia, I am glad your dh was able to fix your treadmill - Now we can really go girl - lets have a race = but of course your will win!

:lol: Sal, great idea about the reward, especially one that is not food related. I think I will try that. I've got to think of something I really want!

:o today was my day to weight in and I didn't lose any more I've got to get busy. Probably getting to work on my treadmill is the answer. So here goes - I am off to my treadmill!


Karie 11-22-2002 10:16 PM

Hi everyone,

Can't believe that it has been so long since I have been here.
I am going to really try to be more consistent. I am sitting at the same two pounds. It is so frustrating but I know it is my own fault. I am exercising and drinking water but I am very sloppy about what I am eating. I eat on program but I eat more than I need to. I seem to be needing to nibble all the time.

Congratulations to everyone who has been losing weight the last while. It gives me hope that Iwill get back there.

Grandma, I had bunion surgery last year and had both of my feet done at one time. I had to be off my feet for 6 weeks but it was the best thing I ever did. Although people told me it would be awful, it was not painful even during the recovery. Now I can walk for miles and wear any kind of shoes and NO PAIN!

The glass you saw sounds a bit like what I do but I tend to make jewelery with the beads.

Hey, Cat, Carol, Terry, Meg, Pam, Dahlia and anyone else who is lurking here.

Good luck OP tomorrow and keep up the good work.


Smiling Sal 11-23-2002 04:24 AM

Hello - feeling a bit rough this morning, was out with the girls fro a curry last night and although it was good at the time all that cheap wine and spicey food isn't so good for a body this morning

Today I will be an angel eating wise - need to go plan my boys christmas present from their Gran before she goes shopping

Karie 11-24-2002 08:12 AM

Good morning,

Had a great day yesterday. I went to a Christmas festival and craft sale at my nephews school. It's an alternative school so lots of fun things for the kids and a great time for the adults.

DH bought a car on Friday! It is so nice to have two cars again. It is great not to have to try to organize one vehicle around two schedules now especially when she has to be up at 3:00 am to be at work for a 4:30 am shift. She was offered a full time position at the company last week so things are really starting to settle out.

Am going to the gym this morning. My mom and her friend (both 80 years old) joined the gym so they can go walking everyday on the walking track. They are great role models. They are totally proud that they can find their way around the rec center and even out to the coffee shop on campus.

It is Grey Cup today. For us that is like the Superbowl. Having a few friends over to watch the game so I am making WW chili and serving veg and lowfat dip. Good thing we are all on WW.

Hope all is well with folks. Drop by when you can.


Grandma G 11-25-2002 09:50 AM

Hi Ladies, Good morning to all

Karie, thank you so much for your information about bunions. After looking it up on the internet, I am more convinced then ever that this is my problem. I will now talk to my doctor. I hadn't mentioned my toe problems to him before because all this time I thought this was just part of my arthritis and all they could do for it was give me more pain meds. It's good to know surgery might be an option for a permanent solution! It would be so wonderful to be able to walk again without pain!

:dance: :dance: I finally have started walking on my treadmill again. I walked for 15 minutes on Saturday and I plan to walk again this morning. At least 15 minutes. I better get to exercising because Sunday I didn't do very good on my eating. I ate a piece of pumpkin pie and three peanut butter cookies! Bad Bad:o I better not do that very often!

Well, I better get busy and do some housework, this house is a mess - time for a good cleaning - that should burn a few calories!

:wave: Hi to everyone I've missed - Good luck to all of us for an op day.

Dahlia 11-25-2002 01:19 PM

Hi ladies,
I am glad to see us back on the board, when I looked earlier this morning we didn't have anything at all. I need to talk.. did not have a very good past few days... on thursday I came down with the nasties.. cold/flu whatever, was so achey, chilly and just darn right sick... my poor invalid husband sent me to bed for a the afternoon, I couldn't stay awake, had been awake all night, so stuffed up I could not breathe....and was so cold.....I was literally shaking like a leaf. Anyway the sleep helped and I finally got some cold/flu pills on friday so started to feel better. Then on Sunday, poor DH woke up with the room swimming, he was sick, and his b/p was soaring. Since we both have hypertension we have a machine at home to monitor ourselves. So I called the doc, and he said to take him to the er.. so we spent over 5 hrs there, they did blood work, ekg, chest xray, everything came out good, but they found he has an infection from the surgery. Seems to be a habit of our family, hope it quits. They had to give him a couple different meds to get the b/p to come down, it kept going back up again. Finally it got down to a reasonable reading so we came home.. not exactly how I planned to spend my Sunday. Today he still feels unwell, but he has a doctors appt. tomorrow. He needs to get new, more or adjusted meds... anyway... you all know son is having back surgery on dec. 4.. we got the packet and for the surgery he is giving his own blood cause they figure he'll need some.. well you can only give one unit at a time... and there is not enough time for him to go back and give another,, so his younger brother is going to donate a unit also.. our whole family has the same blood type.. so that works out good at times like these. but I had to spend the morning trying to co-ordinate getting them an appt. together. I did it.. just have to get a call from the surgeons office to send the paper work over...they make it very complicated around here to get anything done..One has to call and schedule in Lansing, to have it done in Muskegon, to have it sent to hospital in Grand Rapids where surgery will be performed.. these places are all hours apart... thank goodness for faxes.... I will be so relieved when son is back on his feet and healthy again, and dh also...I just want us all to go back to work and get on with our lives..

The rest of this year will be nothing but hospitals and doctor visits. But one think about yesterday, I only ate once all day. and with this cold, I didn't even get hungry. I have been doing really well of not eating,, but unfortunately what you lose while sick always finds you again when you recover.

Grandma G.. hope you are enjoying your treadmill again.. I have not had the strentgh or energy to use mine since I did last thursday, but I think all the stair climbing has made up for it... don't you think? :)

Ok.. well I hope I didn't bore you all with my troubles. it just feels good to talk about them...

Hope everyone is doing well, and is ready for the big day thursday,, we are suppose to go to dh's sister's but will take it one day at a time.


cat90 11-25-2002 03:44 PM

Hi Ladies :wave: i did'nt post yesterday because of the site changing servers..what a rotten time you are having Dahlia :( hope things get better soon :D i'm not doing too well...i've managed to GAIN a couple of pounds :mad: not lose them!! But i can't say i'm trying so hard so what can i expect :rolleyes:
Sometimes i find it so hard to find any motivation to do this and then all of a sudden BAM i'm gungho and raring to go :?: Wish i felt like that now..hope you are all doing well.

Smiling Sal 11-25-2002 05:05 PM

Dahlia hope everything picks up for you and yours soon. You are having a really difficult time of it at the moment.

I haven't been that good over the weekend, Friday and Saturday where totally of program. I have been back on it since yesterday, but have gone the other way and not really eaten enough = my body will have no idea what is going on and how to deal with the food it has.

Weigh in tomorrow - expecting a gain !!!!!!!

Grandma G 11-26-2002 12:33 PM

Hi Ladies,

Dahlia, I hope you are feeling better today. It isn't easy to take care of your family when you are sick too. Now is not the time to be skipping meals, eat healthy but eat enought to keep up your strength. Even if you are not hungry. I will be praying for dh and ds. I hope all goes well with your ds surgery.

and Dahlia, I am sure you will get enough exercise, tending all the family. Try and keep up your spirits. Do something nice for yourself when you get a few minutes free, maybe a nice hot bubble bath etc. and if you need to vent we are here for you. We have all been there in some way and we understand what you are going through. Just take it one day at a time and don't let yourself become overwhelmed.

I wish every one a very happy thanksgiving with family and friends. We are having dinner at my ds's home, so his wife can have her family over too. She thought her dad would be more comfortable going to their house then ours. It will be a sad holiday for my dear daughter-in-law and her family, within the last year she has lost her mothers sister to a heart attact, her mother to cancer and one of her brother's to an auto accident. Her father is taking it pretty hard so she wants to do all she can to help him through the holidays.

Well, I was very lazy yesterday and didn't get any housecleaning done, so I had better get at it today! Good luck to every one for an op day. I will use my treadmill - I promise!

Smiling Sal 11-26-2002 06:09 PM

WW today, am feeling very motivated, even though I gained a pound - after the weekend I wasn't surprised.

Have a feeling this next week is going to be a good one - well it will be if I can keep the motivation going.

Going to start counting my points from a Friday evening for a week adn see if it makes a difference, with having the weekend and then adjusting the points for the remainder of the week. Instead of eating very carefully all week and then going to pot over the weekend.

Time will tell

cat90 11-27-2002 02:53 PM

Hello Ladies..Happy Thanksgiving to all those that celebrate :D at least Turkey is low-fat :lol:
Carol..good to hear that you are motivated..good luck with the new plan :)

Smiling Sal 11-27-2002 04:39 PM

Enjoy thanks giving tomorrow everybody.

Karie 11-27-2002 09:32 PM

Hi all,

Good to see a folks are finding their way back here bit by bit.

Cat, I am so glad that someone else likes "Bad Girls". I love that show but haven't seen the latest six episodes. I am hoping to be able rent it at the video store one day and then have a Bad Girls weekend and sit in front of the TV for 6 hours :dizzy:

Dahlia, what a rotten time for you. I am glad you know you can come here and let us know and know that we will always wish you the best.

Carol, I am finding it hard to stay consistent right now too. I am still playing around with the same three or four pounds. I am asking for motivation for Christmas.

Last Sunday I went for coffee with some of the other glass workers here and found a fabulous woman who has invited me to come and work with her in her studio. I love to work that way.

I also decided to treat myself to two brand new weekend courses in the New Year. It is sort of like my 10 lb presents so I am going to work hard to lose another 10lbs before the workshop in the middle of January. The first one is glass blowing. I have always wanted to try it but never felt confident enough about my upper body strength. But I am ready to go for it now.

The second workshop is a weekend Blacksmithing course. I have a vision of blending metal and glass. I can hardly wait for Jan:dance: :dance: :dance:

Hey, Pam, how are things?
Terry, where are you? Put on the coffee. We're coming over:)
Grandma, are you working on Christmas presents this time of year? It sounds like you are out there playing.

Cheers everyone,

cat90 11-28-2002 01:34 PM

Hi Ladies :wave: all in the Kitchen are ya? Happy Thanksgiving! i had you celebrating too early yesterday..i'm a little confused with the date because i got married on Thanksgiving Day (27th) 5 years ago..i forgot the date changes every year :lol:
Karies..congrats on the "work" offer..those courses sound fabulous and you know what..i'll bet you have no problem losing your next "10" because your hands will be too busy to "feed" yourself :lol: i'm totally hooked on Bad Girls..i did'nt see the series from the beginning so its nice to fill in the gaps :)

Grandma G 11-29-2002 10:54 AM

Hi Ladies,

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. It was a beautiful day for us. We went to my son's house for dinner - I was afraid it would be a sad occasion for my dil family but instead they turned it into a happy occasion by remembering and talking about her recently deceased mother and brother and aunt. Not dwelling on having lost them only on their good memories of them, and sharing recent dreams each had been having about them. Then we went on to have a lovely dinner and it was very busy with their friends coming and going including lots of teenagers, because they have three teenage children. My gd brought a friend from college home for dinner (he was from Hunduras and couldn't go home for the holiday). He would have been all alone at the dorm. All my children and grandchildren were there except my daughter and her family who live in Florida, but she was spending it with his family, so they were not alone. After dinner we played Sequence, a board card game and watched a vidio we had made of my gd's first college hockey game with our new video recorder. My gs was busy making one of his famous homemade hot tubs - he is a very ingenious and talented guy. He makes a frame, lines it with a tarp, then using copper tubing and a barrel he heats the water by burning wood, and pushes the water with the pump from their swimming pool. He made his first one last winter and the whole town was talking about it, even all the teachers at school! When we left he and four of his frends were enjoying the hot tub! My dh went out and took a picture of them in the tub. The only thing bad about yesterday is - I ATE TO MUCH - and today was my weigh in day - you guessed it- I gained a pound. I am really not surprised, I have been into the sweets lately - It's time for a new commitment to LOSE LOSE LOSE!

Karie, your courses sound wonderful, I can feel your excitement! I know you will do some great work. That will also help with your commitment to your diet. You will be so busy creating you wont want to eat things you shouldn't! You wont have time:) :lol:

After reading the post on the Christmas challenge, I think most of us are struggling this time - I know it isn't easy, with the holidays, it is a hard time of year to be on a diet. Every where you go people have goodies, and they all want you to try them -BUT THAT IS ALL THE MORE REASON FOR THE CHALLENGE. If it keeps us focused on thinking about losing, at least we might resist some - and that may keep us from gaining. Even if we can maintain through the holiday season, that is an acomplishment in itself - and if we can manage to lose, no matter how little - we will have done great - we can do this, if we keep trying and keep focused, so don't anyone give up - every time you say no you are gaining control. Don't dwell on the mistakes, just recommit to do better the next day - WE CAN DO THIS, TOGETHER:dance:

It is a beautiful snowy day today. I love a snowy day, if I don't have to go anywhere. I don't think it is supposed to accumulate much, but the wind is blowing some.

:wave: Hi to anyone I missed and Good luck to all of us for an op day

:cb: :cb: The first thing I am going to do today is exercise - that will be a good start to my day and hopefully will start me on to an op day - treadmill here I come.:dance: :dance:

Smiling Sal 11-29-2002 06:38 PM

Hi - started my new points week at 6pm this evening, am already concious that i fI eat too much tonight, I could be left with minimal rations from about Tuesday on.

Seems to be having the desired effect, I have hardly eaten anything, just a normal evenings food, dinner, snack and a soft drink.

Here's hoping I can stick with it for a week to see if it works for me, so far so good.

Need to step up the exercise, too lazy to go swimming tonight. I did take the boys to McDonalds and only had a diet coke for myself. But a swim would have been better

Too late now, need to try and make time to go tomorrow.

Karie 11-30-2002 10:59 AM


A busy few days here so it is nice to have a couple of days to just hang out and not really do anything.

We got called to the hospital on Wednesday evening. My sister-in- law had been diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy on Tuesday and it had burst while she was at work on Wednesday afternoon. A coworker decided to drive her to the hospital instead of waiting for an ambulance and as a result she has lost 3 pints of blood and was uncounscious when she reached the hospital. They took her in an did an blood transfusion and surgery immediately.

I hadn't realized that ectopics could be life threatening until then!
She is doing well now and is being released today.

That's all the excitement for now.

I plan to do some cooking today and tomorrow to be sure I have good things to eat this week rather than grabbing whatever is available around here.

Have a good weekend everyone.


Meigg 12-02-2002 10:02 PM

Karie - I am so sorry to hear about your sister in law! I hope she gets well, and feels better soon!

I gained weight while we were in Florida last week. We went to visit Dan's parents. It was the WORST vacation EVER. It was bad on so many levels I can't even go into it.

I went to get fitted for contact lenses today, and they were supposed to be covered by insurance. Instead they wanted $254. When my husband told me that we needed to wait until we had more $ on hand, I started crying in the place. I am so tired of this. If I hadn't had to take a pay cut I could have gotten them. I know, I should just be happy with my job, but when I see my boss taking 2 hour lunches instead of trying to get new business, I get upset...

Anyway. I went shopping for groceries and am back in the zone. I feel so much better when I eat less. I don't know what the attraction is to overeating? I guess it is just habit.

I hope everyone had a GREAT Thanksgiving, and is OP or trying to be. Glad to be back - 10 inches of snow and all!


Sammy01 12-03-2002 10:42 AM

Good Morning Ladies,

It is I, the one who never seems to find the time to post anymore :) I am still hanging in there and I'm slowly getting to goal. I've got about 4 more pounds to go and then I'll be doing the whoo hoo happy dance !

Karie, how is your SIL doing? Hugs and prayers to her and your family.

Meigg, keep your chin up and be kind to yourself. you know what you need to do in the zone. As far as your holidays go...don't let it get you down and remember to celebrate your own self worth.

I'm busy with work, school and DH"s parents both of which are in the hospital right now. It's not so much that I have any extra work with them so much as co-ordinating schedules with DH so that one of us is home for the pets etc., cooking, etc. around the schedules of his parents right now. It's just a busy time right now but hopefully I'll have time to start posting more.

Take care everyone and remember that we are worth the effort this journey takes. It's that time of year where it is too easy to let ourselves be talked into making poor choices. Let's remember to give ourselves the gift of better health.

Talk to you all later,

Meigg 12-03-2002 10:27 PM

End of Thread
Let's close this one and head over to #163 - 10 Lbs - 'Tis the Season to Lose!

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