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gma22 04-17-2010 05:48 PM

Steel Magnolias #19
Afternoon ladies. We finally got the desktop reloaded with everything so it is working again. I have to figure out some stuff because I don't like the look of it at the moment, but I will figure it out. We still don't know what caused it to crash, but I lost everything I didn't have saved on cd, luckily it was nothing important, just stuff I have to put back on my favorites list, etc.

Gloria: Hope you had a grand birthday today! I barely remember the show, but remember Ed "Cookie" Burns as being vavavavoom good looking! lol I think Connie Francis was on that show, wasn't she? I remember they all drove around in convertibles! lol

Jean: Hope all is going well with you this weekend and it isn't too cool your way. I saw it was in the 50's this afternoon in Chicago so figured your weather was cool too. We are in the upper 80's here. Jack and I plan on getting Iphones sometime this year more than likely, but I am trying to get a lot of things paid off before I take on a more expensive phone plan since we use a pay as you go one right now. Jack is hot to trot to get an Iphone, but he is just going to have to wait for a few more months! lol

Susan: Hope you have a grand time with your sleep in. It is always fun for older ladies to do fun teenage things I think. Sounds like you are set with the food and it sounds good.

Dear sweet Kelly and Tom are going to keep Fortune for a couple days when Jack gets his knee operated on. It will give me a change to get Jack settled downstairs for a couple days without Fortune jumping on him. I don't know how involved it will be for him to get around. This ortho surgeon uses some kind of cold wrap on the knee after surgery that helps it from swelling and I guess it heals faster this way. He is hope until the 27th then has a dr appt and I think he is going to see if he can just stay home the rest of that week then go back to work the following Monday. We shall see, you never know.

Well, I need to go and figure out supper tonight. I think I may just warm up the hash brown casserole I made and make a hamburger for each of us tonight. Have a great one ladies! Faye

QuilterInVA 04-17-2010 07:28 PM

Good evening, ladies! A cooler day in the 70s today but very nice.

Went to WW and lost 1.2 this week. Glory and I went to a tea this afternoon at an antiques shop. It was a lot of fun and wonderful food. Did some grocery shopping...isn't that another one of those never ending jobs!
Tomorrow will be church, laundry, and housecleaning.

Have a good evening!

gma22 04-18-2010 09:23 AM

Good morning gals! It is a bit chilly this morning but looks to be another fine day. I do wish we would get a hard rain to wash away all the sap. It is on everything on the deck and my hose sprung a leak from over winter I guess.

Susan: Congrats on the loss :bravo: You should be almost back down where you were I would think. That is what is fun about that area to live in. With all the historicals they have cute shops and such. Here, unfortunately, everything is geared to two ethnic groups, neither of which I belong to so the small shops have nothing interesting at all.

I am going to get the rest of the upstairs cleaned today and then tackle downstairs tomorrow and get all the laundry caught up again so Tuesday and Wednesday I am free and clear to concentrate on Jack.

I guess I should skedaddle and get us some breakfast. You all have a wonderful Sunday! Faye

Maggie 04-18-2010 10:34 AM

Sunny Sunday

It is fixin' to be a wonderful day that the Lord hath made. The sun is shining and the birds are twitterpated. Life is good. I have all my pot-luck stuff ready for will to cart over to the building. He can plug the crock pot in over there between Bible class and Service time and they will be ready for the noon meal downstairs. I had a bit of time to sip my coffee so I decided to check in here. Looks like everything is getting back to exact.

SUSAN Congrats on your loss. Isn't it nice to be getting back to virgin teritory which are pounds you haven't lost as of yet. I would love to visit your area one day and take in all that rich history there abouts.

DONNA FAYE Doesn't if feel good to be getting ready to hit the road to thin once again. Getting all your health problems to cooperate and let you concentrate your efforts elsewhere. You will be all ready to be a good helper for Jack when he needs you to step and fetch for him after his knee operation. I sure bet he will get used to crutches real quick.

Have a wonderful day ladies ~ time for me to go get dressed and greet the day. Type at y'all later. :wave:

Jean 04-18-2010 02:18 PM

Good Afternoon, Flowers! The sun is shining but it is chilly outside. We went to early church; Bob had to sing and we were to be greeters since we served coffee last week. I did another couple loads of laundry and read the papers while he sang at the second service. They received new members, had a baptism, and the sermon was extra long for some reason, so he was late coming home. Now he is off to plow with his tractor -- his farmer friend just bought some more land and he was worried that Bob's shoulder might interfere with driving the tractor. I think he could drive one handed if he had to. :lol: I have lots I could do, but think I will look for some recipes. The independent living/assisted living/nursing home, where Bob is on the board, is making a cookbook and has asked for recipes.

"Gma" -- I'm glad your computer is up and running again! :yes: Bob has his personal "stuff" on his computer at work, but think we, too, will have 'his and her's' once he retires. I have never seen so many people "glued" to cell phones as when we traveled to Maui. Even people out on the whale watch would try and make phone calls. :rolleyes: It's nice of Kelly to take Fortune for a couple days. I hope you have all of your cleaning chores done and you can relax for the rest of the day!

Susan -- :congrat: on losing another 1.2#s! You are on a roll for sure! :cp: It seems like every time I go to the grocery store or drive by the gas station, the prices have jumped! We noticed that gas is $.10 more up at the cabin. We were surprised because it usually doesn't go up until the middle of May when the summer people start to move in again.

Maggie -- What else did you decide to make for the potluck today? :T I'm sure the hot dogs will be a big hit. :yes:

I hope you all have a nice "rest of the day!"

Jean -- :wave: from Iowa!

Maggie 04-18-2010 05:56 PM

Afternoon on SUNDAY

I am sneezing up a storm at least a #5 on the rictor scale. Spring is in the air. Pot luck was great. By the time I went through the food like the hot dogs were all gone. By request by not only the little girl but some adults so I will take them again next month. Will also wants me to make some of my most famous Cowboy Beans then also. Today it was so good with angel food cake, fresh sliced strawberries and whipped cream. The strawberries are so good this year.

JEAN I have an idea. You send me an e-mail and I will send you one using "reply" and I will see if that comes back or if you get it. I don't understand why all of a sudden you quit getting my messages when you had been getting them before. Bob would surely drive one handed if he had to since he loves that tractor work. will would do the same for he loves field work. Have fun with your recipe hunt. Making a cookbook sounds like a real fun idea.

Everyone have a great afternoon. :wave: Type at y'all later.

QuilterInVA 04-18-2010 07:12 PM

Good evening, ladies. Only in the low 60s today.

I decided to wash quilts today and it took 5 loads with 2 more for tomorrow. Now I have to decide which ones will be packed up for awhile and the ones that will be displayed/used. Polished the china closet, cleaned the glass and washed everything in it. That was a job. It sure is sparkling now.

I need to get my walk in before it gets dark, so this is a short post today.

Jean 04-19-2010 09:19 AM

Good Morning, Flowers! Today our #2 grandson, Kolby, turns 5. It seems like yesterday that we got the call he had arrived. Time flies, that's for sure. We are going to "party" on Saturday which is Beth's 32nd birthday. I have lots on my "to do" list today: vacuum, finish laundry, iron, a grocery and Walgreens run, and then card club tonight.

Maggie -- I'm glad the email mysterday has been solved! :cheer: We are going to celebrate Zowie's May birthday on Mother's Day, and I'm thinking an angel food cake with strawberries and ice cream or topping will fit the bill. She will have had another cake the day before with the other side of the family.

Susan -- Two questions for you . . . 1) when you pack your quilts do you put them in plastic tubs? I just read where one shouldn't store clothing in plastic bags and I asked the dry cleaner lady; she agreed that it is bad for the fabric over time. 2) What do you use to clean your china closet? Mine has a mirror on the back, glass shelves, and glass on 3 sides. It always seems like I have "smears" :( after I put everything back. That is a good job to have over and done with. I usually do it right before card club and/or Christmas. :o

I hope everyone has a marvelous Monday today! Count your many blessings and :D !

Jean -- :wave: from Iowa!

gma22 04-19-2010 10:30 AM

Good morning to you gals. I am off in just a bit to the laundromat to get the clothes dried and then folded and brought back home. Jack wants me to take it easy for several more days so I agreed and didn't work upstairs yesterday. I imagine it will all get finished up this week sometime since Jack will be flat on his back on the couch most of the time.

Maggie: You might have to make a double batch of hot dogs next time. I love them but unless you can find fat free that aren't a dieters friend that's for sure. Sounds like you are rolling along towards spring. I bought strawberries on Saturday but they aren't pretty here yet. Jack likes them sliced and mixed with ff cool whip.

Susan: Boy you are a worker bee that's for sure. That's the thing about china and chatzkees, they get dirty even in a cabinet. I should wash my Lladro as I haven't for quite awhile and they get film on them.

Jean: I can't believe he is 5 already. They sure grow up fast. Jackson will be three in a couple months and Thomas will be 10. Seems like just yesterday we were fretting whether or not we would get to Jackson's birth on time. That recipe of mine that Susan calls "Faye's Stuff" comes from the American Heart Association if you need something good for older people.

I was looking at pricing for the cruise next year since we aren't going to do an actual vacation this year and as soon as I can I am going to get it booked because the price has gone down about a hundred dollars. I looked at Vegas prices for the rest of this year and the hotel costs are very low. I read an article that said it is possible Vegas will never recover from what has happened to it and that people will just stop going there. Not me, I will continue to visit it because I love it there! lol

Well, I am off to the shower, get some breakfast and off to the laundromat so I can get the laundry done. Have a grand day all! Faye

QuilterInVA 04-19-2010 03:31 PM

Good afternoon, ladies! Another day with a high of 61...supposed to be back to 80 by the weekend.

Tonight is Bible study. I washed and waxed the bedroom furniture this morning and cleaned my bathroom.

Jean, I'm an old farm girl and I use white vinegar and water to clean glass. I use Murphy's Oil Soap to wash furniture and Old English lemon oil to polish it. I have good results with those and was taught to use them by my Grandmother when I was a girl. I store quilts in pillowcases. Plastic bags or tubs can cause mildew and otherwise damage fabric. You need to periodically refold them so the creases don't get "set" in. This time I folded them in thirds, next time it will be quarters. The ones I really value I don't fold but roll on the cardboard tubes that decorator fabric comes on and then put in a muslin sleeve. I get the tubes from an upholstery shop here for free.

Faye, I'm glad you are taking Jack's advice and giving yourself a few more days recovery. Then it will be your turn to wait on him. Maybe booking the cruise will give you a little more motivation to get the weight off. I have 5 more pounds to be back to my old WW goal weight but because I am now shorter, I have to be under 150 so 10.5 pounds to go. I'd like to get to 145 so I have some leeway.

Hi, Maggie!

Maggie 04-19-2010 05:49 PM

Moody Monday

It is another beautiful day in the neighborhood. Just the usual going on this day. Ragg Mopp was at the groomer this morning and it is sure quiet in here with him gone. He is back now and sure looks good. Later on in the afternoon we went out to the range and do some target practice. Our membership out there only costs $40 for the two of us for the year and we can take as many guests out there as we want. It is quite large and different stations for each type of gun. I try not to go when one of the guys wants to go with Will because I am a better shot then them. I am not bragging, just stating the truth. Plus I don't what them to feel bad or uncomfortable out there about my being a better shot then they are. Funny thing, some of my partners at work didn't like going with me because I always won the rounds. Men and their egos. One of my partners was a gun smith as a hobby and really tricked out my hand gun sweet. Good grief, I have had lots of practice, more than any of them for sure. Through the years when I worked I had to qualify at the range every 6 months for my job. I would go to the range at least once every two weeks and pop a few caps to keep my edge sharp when I was working. Plus the fact I have been hunting with Will through the years I have been retired to keep my hand in it.

DONNA FAYE Good for Jack for wanting you to take it easy for some ,more days. What you have to clean can wait and be there when you have totally healed. I just may take your advice and take more hot dogs next time. I took Sixteen the last time and brought home several. This time I loaded the buns with the dogs and had the condiments available and that is probably why there weren’t any left. Next time I’ll take 24 and see how that goes. I am going to take Cowboy Beans also. The strawberries we get here are wonderful. Taste like real strawberries. Our plants have blossoms so we will have a nice crop to pick later on.

JEAN Kids do grow up so fast. Treasure every moment you have with them now. Strawberries and cream on angel food cake sounds like a lovely second birthday cake.

SUSAN I don’t have a china cabinet anymore and really don’t miss it. We used to have a nice big one filled with china and silver but that went by the wayside when we downsized. And that is not on my list to replace. What a neat way to store your quilts. I heard about plastic bags and tubs causing mildew from an old quilter friend I had when we were in TN. My mom just folded hers over a wooden hanger and changed its position occasionally so they wouldn't get creased. She didn't have a whole lot of them so I guess that worked best for her.

Everyone have a lovely evening. :wave:

gma22 04-20-2010 07:30 AM

Good morning to you all! Jack just left for work, (tell you about that in a minute,) Fortune is fed and gulped it down, I balanced the checkbook, so have a couple minutes to sit and chat.

They called yesterday to give Jack a time to go to the surgical center, then called back and said they had a cancellation so they moved him up an hour, then the dr's office called at 4 pm and said that approval for the surgery had not come from OJI so they had to postpone it for another week. This poor man is limping around in a great deal of pain. He called OJI directly and talked to his case worker and come to find out the doctor sent over Jack's diagnosis, which was a torn menicus on his right whatever whatever and digenerative disc disease, in other word's arthritis. Well, he did specify that he was only repairing the meniscus and the other is not covered because it isn't an on the job injury so they wouldn't approve surgery until he wrote a letter and clarified. He told her he was in pain and having trouble walking and I could hear her through the phone, "You are on light duty, aren't you?" Jack: "No," then "Well you are home then?" Jack: "No," "Oh, well then we will just try and get this scheduled for next week" or something like that. She knew he was on full duty because THEY don't allow light duty for more than a few days. I am furious about the whole thing because he can barely walk now he is in so much pain and hadn't been taking any medication because he had to stop 5 days before surgery and now he as to work another week before he can get this taken care of. I feel horrible for him and can't do anything to help him.

Susan: Sounds like you are almost ready for summer with all your spring cleaning. We were a bit cooler here yesterday, but it was still warm in the afternoon. I noticed it has been quite chilly up north though.

Maggie: Sounds like you keep up your shooting skills. I look forward to the local tomatos, strawberries and such here. We have some lovely truck farms you can get grand stuff from in the summer.

Well gals, better get some breakfast in me and get a move on. Things don't get done by themselves. Faye

Jean 04-20-2010 09:46 AM

Good Morning, Flowers! The sun is shining brightly and it's promising to be another nice day with no wind. I have a list for the hardware store and Hallmark shop; I didn't realize fan lights came with different sized "screw in" parts. :rolleyes:

"Gma" -- You have been busy already this morning! I was a running little late this morning and Ernie came upstairs twice to check on me. I'm the one who usually opens his door and feeds him first thing in the morning; Bob just opened his door. :lol: Would you send me 'Faye's Stuff' recipe please? I'm sure I have it somewhere on the computer but I can't find it where I put it. :o I, too, feel for Jack! Can he go back on the pain meds since he doesn't have an exact surgery date? Makes one wonder if anyone does their job correctly these days -- what a mess for him!

Susan -- Thanks for sharing your cleaning products with me! :) I haven't used the M oil soap in a long time, but do need to do some furniture cleaning. I should go through my mom's cedar chest as I'm thinking there is a quilt in there that my grandma made. I know there are wool blankets and no one uses them any more. :no:

Maggie -- I shot a gun once and ended up on the ground! :stars: Bob brought a rifle back from Vietnam and thought I'd like to shoot clay pidgeons with him. If you miss cleaning a china cabinet you are welcome to come to Iowa any time you get the urge! ;)

I need to get moving and head out. Have a terrific Tuesday and remember to :D today.

Jean -- :wave: and :D from Iowa!

Maggie 04-20-2010 04:24 PM

Titilating Tuesday

Another great day in the Heartland. The wind isn't blowing just a slight breeze which keeps the May flies away. Ragg Mopp sure likes the weather and I am glad we have a semblance of grass in the backyard for he likes to be out there. When they finish roofing the church next door they are going to plow that huge lawn which they have rutted so much and also do our yard front and back and then we can reseed it all. Their heavy trucks they have to use for the materials sure did a number on the lawn. Anyway it will be nice to get a new lawn put in. When they bring the good top soil type dirt to spread they said they would also fill up a couple of the wooden crates Will wants to grow veggies in. We like to do container gardening. It works for us.

JEAN Earnie must surely miss you! That must have been a caliber gun that was too much for you. There are guns of Wills I won't shoot either for they are too much for me. I popped a finger nail off shooting a gun to big for me once and I have said "never again." I never landed on my butt though.:D

DONNA FAYE You know Jack's knee pain may come from his back if he has degenerative disk disease. Once when my folks were in Egypt my mothers knee started hurting so ~ so bad she bought a cain. When they got home and she went to the doctor he sent her to the hospital for a back operation. Cured her knee problem. She said her back never did hurt but her knee sure did. The reason I told you that is that the experts need to find out just what it is that is wrong with Jack and get him some relief. With that job he has why wouldn't back problems come from it. What ever it is that is causing his pain should be taken care of as soon as possible to give the poor dear some releif. We have a truck farm here also that brings in good veggies. Between our garden and what we get there I should be able to dry and freeze a lot of good eats.

I have got to get busy figuring out what to fix for dinner. There is still some time to thaw something and that's a fact. So my friends I will say bye now to y'all now and get myself out to the kitchen. :wave:

gma22 04-21-2010 09:32 AM

Good morning to you ladies! I feel a little chilly this morning, but it is supposed to be in the 80's today and sunny.

Jean: I emailed you the recipe, but am not sure it is to the right email address, do you still use the longlines.com? If not, email me so I can then have your email address. Since we had to completely reinstall windows, I am not sure the address I have is correct. I had the same issue with the little pointy light bulbs that go in our little chandelier in the entranceway. Twice I bought the wrong darn bulbs (too big) and finally decided I better take one of the bulbs with me since I couldn't seem to get it correct. Jack needs to take our ceiling fan down completely and check it out because non of the lights are working. The fan works, but the lights don't.

Maggie: No, Jack's pain is strictly the torn meniscus on the side of his knee and the longer it goes, the worse it gets. Thank heavens the OJI place called this morning and said they have the ok to do the surgery so it will be next Tuesday. He is pretty miserable, I know that and will be glad for the relief of getting it fixed.

Nothing much on the radar today except to do a bit more cleaning. I take it a tiny bit at a time so I can get it done. I guess tomorrow I will do laundry again and take it to the laundromat. I will be glad when I have enough to get the new dryer. I could buy one now, but I don't want to get the basement priced one and don't want to do what I did before and get one that repair costs prohibit it from getting it fixed. I am going to buy a maytag this time with a bigger drying capacity because my washer has an extra large capacity I think and they are more expensive. Until then I just haul the clean clothes to the laundromat, but it isn't that big of a deal. I remember the days of hauling dirty laundry, a baby, a 4 year old and cleaning supplies all to the laundromat every week. Of course I was younger and had the energy for that! :D

You gals have a good one. I think it is Cheerios and fruit for me for breakfast. Faye

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