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tommysgirl18 11-17-2009 12:31 AM

well, Monday was report card day for the boys! they are doing very well in their class and in speech. they are already where their teacher and speech therapist wants them to be, and so we are just trucking along!

Logan has a tendency to tease Brandon if he gets a turn before Brandon. So, the teacher handles it by either giving Brandon Logan's turn or not making him wait a little longer for a turn. She says that he is making progress already on that, and we will discuss them both more on Thursday night at the parent/teacher conference. hopefully we can get a sitter for it, other wise it will just be Tommy going to it!

I have my annual gyno visit on the 25th at 2:30pm......the boys are on vacation for Thanksgiving that day so we don't have to worry about rushing home.

FrouFrou 11-18-2009 12:11 PM

Dropping by to say HI!

Nothing much going on...haven't done much exercise or anything since I started watching Lily...trying to get on some sort of schedule with her so I CAN get something done. Not used to having a baby around all day so will take a little getting used to. Going to get a stroller this week so that I can walk and then a swing for when she is awake...she likes to sit up but I can't hold her all day...when she is awake that is. So far, so good...she is out like a light right now but I don't like her being upstairs and me down so need to get a baby monitor too! Anyway...

Hi to everyone else. Hoping all is well with everyone...not much posting going on here.

MINDEE...yay for the good progress report on the boys!

Gonna head back upstairs and possibly get some reading done...can't keep my mind on things so we will see. Might even try to do an exercise dvd up there, we'll see. Thinking I got used to being on the go since last Wed and I am bored outta my mind sitting here, lol! Anyway...

Take care, all, and have a great day!

suetalks 11-18-2009 04:04 PM

Hello...gloomy, rainy, cold day here. I am soooo not ready for winter.I like the sunshine coming in the windows and now I have to turn on all the lights...ugh.

Had my blood work today and waiting for the report. I am pretty sure I know that it has not gotten any better. I have already printed out cholesterol/triglyceride lowering diets. (Should have been doing this already....) I guess I am the proverbial ostrich with head in the sand.

I have been so frustrated with shopping lately...looking for clothes. I want some regular old fashioned button down the front shirts..denim, oxford cloth, whatever. Can't find them. Today I went to 4 stores and ended up thinking I would buy a couple sweaters..wrong. Soon as I tried them on I knew I could not wear them, I just get too hot. And what is up with this sizing?? I know there are people out there bigger than me...why can I not find sweaters to fit. I wear Large t shirts or 14-16. Tried on 2 extra large sweaters...one would have fit 2 of me and the other I couldn't move my arms it was so tight. I did end up with 3 long sleeve t-shirt type shirts, a pair of slacks and a purse. Oh...this is too funny. I bought a camisole with spandex to hide your bulges, right? When I got home I tried it on...lol...it was so hard to get into, so tight. But once on it smoothed down and felt really good. Held in the back fat and muffin top...love how it looked. So I got ready to take it off and I COULDN"T get out of it. OMG it was funny. I honestly thought I was going to have to call for DH to come help me get out of this thing. I never laughed so hard. And I kept thinking about when I used to pull the kids shirts off over their heads and how I needed someone to do that for me. I used to say "skin a cat"...and believe me I felt like I was a skinned cat. I am laughing just remembering it.

Okay..enough of me being stupid. :)

Cristina, so glad you are watching Lily. I know that will keep you busy. Mason keeps me busy and wears me out after just 2 or 3 hours...so, Good luck girlie. :)

Mindee- Yay for the good report cards.

Hope you are all having a happy hump day!

Mom2Gaby 11-18-2009 04:49 PM


Still fat.



whatever, just blah today.

You are so lucky to be watching Lily, Cristina! We had 5 newborns over the weekend born at he hospital, I wanted to snatch one. lol

Found Gaby a tutor, retired teacher. She will start seeing Gab in January , after the holidays.
Rach was offered a job at Walgreens. She just has to pass a drug test. I asked her if that was a problem?????? Hellllllllooooo. She says she will pass...I guess we will see in a few days. Moving into her own place, with duh....her own boyfriend. I guess that is who he is...I have seen him in a car drive by once. I am just the mom you know. lol

anyway, off to get Gaby and need to get her haircut! She is sooo shaggy.

:wave: to everyone!!

tommysgirl18 11-19-2009 01:39 AM

just thought I would pop in here while I have the time......

Tommy is watching some shows that I DVR'd for him.......then it will be off to bed for us!

Thursday night is Parent/Teacher conferences.....so we are going to see if my MIL can come sit with the kids for an hour at the most. If she can't, then Tommy will be going by himself. And then the boys' don't have school on Friday due to Parent/Teacher conferences.

Shopaholic1204 11-19-2009 08:29 AM

I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUWHAHAHA!!! Jk!!

I decided to rejoin the site because for my 2010 New Year's Resolution, I'm going to get off my butt and lose weight once and for all. I'm tired of moping around being all depressed about how I look and stuff like that. My new plan is no more junk food in the new year!! I only get one cheat day..and have to at least work out 3 times a week. I'm going to join Curves as soon as New Years eve is over, lol. Or at least, sometime after Jan. 1st (the plan starts Jan. 1st). I'm even making Fonzo work out again too. I plan on losing weight the whole year of 2010, before trying for a baby again. If I get off track, I need someone to curse me out and say really mean things to me until I get back on track, lol. Who wants that job? I promise I wont get mad at you.

I think I should start with losing at least 20 pounds by April 23rd. Why April 23rd? Because thats when I'll be at the next Twilight Convention!!!! I want to look & feel good in my dress. I want to look silmer in pictures. I looked totally awful in the pic I took with Alex Meraz. Proof: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f1...c79adfa3ea.jpg Plus, if Kellan Lutz is gonna be there (hopefully)...then I dont wanna look all gross next to him. Well, I might look gross anyway, cuz he's like GORGEOUS (proof: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f1...normal_018.jpg ) , but I can look semi un-gross, lol. Anyway..I'm getting off track here, lol...

That is my plan for 2010. Does anyone have the Wii Fit?? Does it work? We sold our Wii cuz we were in desperate need of some money awhile back..but now that the price has gone down to $199, we're going to get a used one (the prices in the used ones have gone down too). Hopefully, my *****y neighbor downstairs won't complain, like she did when we bought the Beatles rock band (yup..can't play the drums, cuz she starts banging on the floor!!!) So ya..I want the Wii Fit. Any game recommendations too??

It's good to be back. I've missed everyone on here!! (other than the fact I can talk to you on facebook, lol)

tommysgirl18 11-20-2009 01:05 AM

well, we had Parent/Teacher Conferences last night for the boys.

Overall, they are doing well. Brandon is lagging behind tremendously. He will shut himself down, pout, hang his head, when Logan gets something that he is supposed to know how to do. We have TONS of discussing that we need to do in order to figure out what his future schooling options will be. As of right now, it looks like possibly going into an all day program that has a speech pathologist as the teacher. The only thing, is that it is a district wide program, so he will be tested for it in February or January....and then that will determine if he is able to get into the program. If he were to get into the program, then it would mean a loooooooong bus ride for him and a loooooong day for him as well.

Logan is doing great. He is progressing well, and has some issues with being echolalic. He is doing so well, that he even discussed beer drinking with his teacher on Thursday. The only major issue of concern for him, is the potty training issue. We are working with him on it, and since we have Friday, Saturday and Sunday at home.....we will be working on it all day!

We are wondering if Brandon's learning issues have anything to do with him being diagnosed as being failure to thrive when he was six weeks old, and if it proves that it does, then we are in for a long road with Marissa, because she too was diagnosed as being failure to thrive as well.

As much as I know that I shouldn't, I am having a hard time with hearing about all of this......since he was doing so well on being bottle fed when he was a baby, that I couldn't give up the issue of feeling like a failure for not breastfeeding him.....and now this is making me feel like even more of a failure because this could have all been avoided.

Marissa is doing good......right now we are dealing with how to keep clothes on her when she goes down for a nap! she won't keep clothes on for anything, and that includes her diaper! A couple weeks ago, she was butt naked in her crib, reached and grabbed my arm, said "mama watch this" and then proceeded to pee in her crib. Now she will run into the bathroom and say "potty mama."

sorry for dumping all of this on here, but I needed to put it all somewhere and to give you all an update on how the kids are all doing

jules1216 11-20-2009 08:11 AM

quickee hi to all--I lost my last post when my computer froze...spent way too much time on facebook..gotta go get coffee and be ready for Dominic...be back later...

suetalks 11-21-2009 10:26 AM

Have a happy week-end everyone. We are going to visit family tonight/playing cards. Tomorrow will most likely be a lazy day.

Mom got a good report from her Dr. yesterday, even though the actual Dr. offices really screwed us around. She had an 11 a.m. appt. and a 2:40 appt. These are out of town, so we tried to do 2 in a day. Planned to go to eat in between and do a little shopping. We got to Dr. #1 at 10:50 for the 11 appt. They told us it had been canceled and he wasn't even there. WHAT?? No one contacted us. Right before I blew my top the gal asked if we could come back at 1:30 as he would be in and we could be first. Okay..so change of plans, go eat and shop BEFORE the appts. We got to Dr. # 2 quite early...sat for around 35 minutes before the gal came out and told us he got delayed at the hospital and we would have to come back Mon. Ugh.... So much for trying to plan two visits with 1 drive. I can certainly see the #2 Dr. getting delayed, he is a heart surgeon and gets emergencies..so we can live with that, just wish they had told us before the 35 minute wait. The first Dr. though...his office canceling an appt. and not notifying us???? I told him about it so he would be aware of what his staff was doing. (and I was very pleasant about it..didn't get mad..) He was stunned. Now we go back for the Mon. appt. and she just happened to have a Tues. appt. with the kidney doc...so another 2 trips out of town. Haha..such is life.

I am off to bake a cake for neighbors....talk later I am sure.

Sassy_Chick 11-22-2009 04:34 AM

Hello Ladies.

I am extremely worried about my DH. I don't really have anyone else to talk too, that I trust at least. :cry: But I just received a phone call from DH's coworker, telling me that DH has been experiencing dizziness, loss of balance, and he cannot remember how he got to work!!!!!!! :fr:

So she wanted me to know and to talk to him because they were trying to convince him to go and get checked out in the ER (he works at Childrens Hospital). They can at least check his blood pressure and vitals and see if it is something serious to go to the regular ER for. But of course I jumped to the 1st worst conclusion: Brain tumor and I did a stupid thing and went online and googled it and of course he has most all the symptoms. :cry:

I know it can be a lot of other things, including inner ear problems, which he has had when he was a child, he had to have surgery on his inner ear infact. So it could very well be that. Also MIL had a similar thing happen to her. I just hope its something minor that can be treated and nothing serious.

So now of course I got myself all upset and it could be nothing or something simple. But after seeing my step father die of cancer and my fil being so ill, sorry can't help but think of the worst. DH promised he would go and get checked out. Lets hope he does. But I just have this bad bad bad feeling......:cry: Just because anytime anybody in his family gets sick, they get REALLY sick. Plus he never complains about anything and here lately he hasn't been himself either.

So I am extremely worried and a complete basket case now. I won't be able to settle down until I know what the problem is and depending on the answer to that, I may go the opposite direction, who knows. Also I have to work tonight and now I honestly do not want too. But I guess one thing at a time, first see what the problem is.

Anyways, I know you a lot of you have been going through really difficult times right now and I am sorry to have to add on to the burden so to speak but I am just worried and like I said no one to really talk too.

Well he got checked out by a dr at work, the dr says it is because his blood pressure got way too low. He said he didn't eat that well either, so Lord lets hope that is all it is.

Anyways, still worried, but that is just because that is just how I am, but he is still going to the dr. Funny thing is we just went there on Thursday and everything was fine.

Well thanks for listening and I hope you and your families are all well.

Big :hug:

FrouFrou 11-22-2009 11:25 AM

Hello all...

SASSY...I do the same, think the worst of anything. Hoping your DH has a complete checkup to know everything is fine. Hugs to you and him :hug: And you are never a burden...we all need someone to talk to sometimes. And THANK YOU for the card, I really appreciate it, it was a nice surprise. :thanks:

SUE...I've had that happen and know the frustration. It's sad that they expect us to call when we have to cancel etc but they can't give you the same courtesy. Glad you were able to get in though. :hug: Hope you enjoyed card night at the friends.

FRANCIE...love the picture! And so glad to see you back missy! You've been missed for sure!

MINDEE...don't even know what to say Missy...hugs to you all :hug: And I have to say, you should never feel like a failure because of all things, not breastfeeding your children. HUGS!!

SUSAN...did she get the job at Walgreens? Keeping my fingers crossed in the hopes she did. I do feel lucky to be watching Lily, although...lol, I have forgotten how/what it's like to have a little one around all day...been a loooong time! She is taking over my house, lol...but I love it! How are you doing missy?

JULES...hoping all is well with you and yours.

KATY...same to you, and, hoping all the cooties are gone!

KATHY...hoping you aren't working too hard and get some time to yourself.

I didn't weight yesterday and I am not sure why. Plan on tomorrow morning since I am starting over once again. Was talking with daughter and told her that it's funny because last year at Thanksgiving time I had started and lost the 25 pounds...so here I go again. Guess it is a good time to start, that way I won't eat so much and gain the...what is it? 7 pounds they say people gain thru the holiday's??? Can't remember...but yeah, not gonna gain any. Getting a stroller tuesday for Lily so I can get back to walking...it's killing me that I've not been able to. Had decided to get on track 2 weeks ago and that Monday was when I found out my dad was killed so yeah, not been a good two weeks. But I refuse to let anything get me down...I HAVE to take care of myself. So...

Well, I guess I have spent enough time on the computer. Today is family dinner day...nothing special, just fixing a roast. Need to get going and get things done...haven't showered yet and I have some cleaning to do in the living room, laundry to fold, banana pudding to make and a couple other things to do...decorate a tree, lol. I think I mentioned I was getting ansty, lol. Oh...we had bought a tree and the hubby put it together yesterday and while I liked it, it was too small...supposed to be 6 1/2 ft but was shorter than the hubby. So we took it back and then headed to Hobby Lobby where they had one I sort of liked. Cracks me up how a 1/2 foot makes a difference. Anyway...and while I was waiting at the end of the cash register I noticed Kirstie Ally in line, finally! I say finally because she has a place here and she is seen all the time at her favorite Starbucks in the local grocery store Dillions Marketplace. Son has seen her several times and I finally did, made my day...yeah, I am a dork. But, I was too chicken to ask for an autograph...will have to go to her Christmas Open House thing she has every year here and get a picture of her. Anyway...better get going, lots of things to do today.

Have a great Sunday! :hug:

Shopaholic1204 11-22-2009 03:45 PM

Hey ladies...something terrible happened to me yesterday. I'm not ready to talk about it yet. So I hope you're all doing well!!

Sassy_Chick 11-23-2009 05:35 AM

Hola All,

DH is doing better, but he is still gonna call and make an appt with the dr this morning.

Cristina -- Thanks and You're Welcome! ;) We need to get our tree out of the shed (its in Rubbermaid containers) and see what kinda of shape its in as its been several years since we've had it up. That is so cool that you saw Kirstie!!

Francie -- BIG :hug: and we're here whenever you are ready to talk. ;)

Mom2Gaby 11-23-2009 12:32 PM

Good Morning-

That is so cool you saw Kirstie Ally, Cristina. Oh, she didn't pass the d test. lol , Good thing she is 90 miles away I would given her a good swat on the behind. She gets to try again in a week. Why they are giving her that option I don't know.

Sassy - Glad your husband was checked out! Must have been scary not knowing.

Francie - :hug: - we're glad your back :)

Sue - Happy to hear about the good report on your mother. Medical stuff can be frustrating, sorry that happened!

Mindee- Hope the venting helped :) parenting can be so tough sometimes.

Jules- you still playing w/ Dominic?? Come back and chat :)

Kathy - you doing ok??

katy - You get the stinker to school?? lol

*sigh.....my lame attempt at catching up. I worked the weekend and today is my day off. Errands and cleaning on the agenda. Good news is scale is back down to 152 after tipping at 155.... :yikes:

k- off I go, chat more later.

tommysgirl18 11-23-2009 01:18 PM

just thought I would pop in here to see how every one is doing.....

Sassy~ I will be praying that it isn't something worse than that. I would still have him get a full physical to make sure that it is only his blood pressure being low.

Francie~ We are here when you need us!

Thanks for all the nice comments ladies. It was great to get every thing out in the open, and put some place, because it made me feel a lot better.

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