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back at it 06-27-2009 08:50 AM

Hi girls!! Just a quick hello today, I'm off to the hairdressers soon, have to get Ryan up and ready for the day! Beautiful day for a wedding although the weather is not co operating with us! Grrrr!
Anyway, I'll catch ya later!! have a good weekend!

JasonsLea 06-28-2009 11:10 PM

:wave: girls!

Wendy ~ Again, congratulations! I hope you post pics after the honeymoon!

I hope you all had a good weekend. I was off so you know mines was fantastic! ;)

I did lots of walking yesterday....around the mall. :eek: That was a moment in history folks! I despise the mall. Crowds of people surrounding me.....most of them teenagers....*shudders* This was actually my second time going to the mall since I've moved to Texas.....the second time in almost two years! If it wasn't for Sunshine's wedding, I wouldn't have put myself through it. But I was looking for bra, shaper, something to help my tatas fit more comfortably in that dress. I browsed around DebPlus, Torrid, and Lane Bryant. Tried on some things and remembered why I hate clothes shopping. :( I hope that gets easier as I lose the weight.

Speaking of weight, I decided to move my WIs to Sunday and today was the first. It was horrible but I accept it. Though I have slowly amped up my movement, I still need to rein in the eating. Today was a good day, my cal intake was too low but at least I didn't binge. I really want a bike so I can hop on at night when it's not killer outside. I have to pay rent, then I'll see what I have left.

Work tomorrow, feeling ill already. :p

Peace, loves. :grouphug:

Rosario 07-01-2009 10:04 AM

wow, so much is going on.

Wendy - you're getting married already? That was quick!! hope it was a very nice one!! Let's see pics!!

Shari - i hate the mall too. Me and crowds of people do not go well together. I was in line to see Transformers 2 and it started getting pretty packed in the waitin area....i thought I was going to start yelling and go crazy! what's your dress look like?

aimee -are you at your new home yet? I hope you're having a safe trip!

courtnie - I'm glad you have your bf to support you and motivate you for weight loss. What are the details about this low Gi thing?

Sorry I have been MIA. I told you I keep forgetting to come over here. Nothing really new for me. I'm gradually climbing back up the scale but I'm still trying to work on that. Worked out on Monday night. Skipped last night because I was exhausted. The plan is to workout again tonight.

My eating has been ca-razy. But trying to get that under control too. Same ol same ol, you know?

Hope everyone is doing great!!

SwimGirl 07-03-2009 12:38 PM

Wendy - hope all went well and you two are busy enjoying eachother ;) Pics!

Shari - I'm in love with malls, I could spend entire days in them... :lol: so walking around a mall sounds like great exercise to me! Although I have to say I have issues with plus size clothes in the USA, they never fit me right. It's a different story in Canada, we've got some good clothes! We also have a knock-offf spanx thats amazing!

Rosario - we have arrived! Our stuff gets delivered tomorrow, so for now we just hang out, Josh needs to go find out his schedule. Just boring stuff! I can share your sentiments on crazy eating! Yesterday I had 2 mini cinnamon buns, an energy drink and twizzlers for breakfast.... yikes!

I am relived to have arrived, it was a looong drive! 4 days of driving, but we took the really long way to go see my mom and then to go thru the rocky mountains. Beautiful! I put all the pictures up on facebook! Anyways, I am off to find breakfast! Talk to you gals later!


SwimGirl 07-04-2009 12:28 AM

2 Attachment(s)
This is our new view! Also one with me in it too, I look pretty terrible, not too sure why I'd post such a full body picture of myself! Ah well.. if I can't be me here.. where can I!


JasonsLea 07-04-2009 04:52 PM

OMG AIMEE! I'm so freakin jealous! The view looks gorgeous!

HAPPY JULY 4TH! :celebrate:

What's everyone doing today? Me, I'm at work. But it's cool, things have been actually ok at work for the last two weeks. I actually don't care anymore, I'm career now so the kiddie gloves are off! :lol: I'm making my holiday money today and I took off for tomorrow. Sounds like a great weekend to me. :)

Yesterday, Mrs. A took me around looking for apartments. They were all closed for the holidays but I got the names and numbers. I'm going to be calling about prices on Monday and Thursday, Mrs. A is taking me to go look at the ones I choose. I should be getting my TSP withdrawal around Thursday so I'll be able to put my deposit and first month's rent down (I'm not moving till August though).

I've been missing my mama's cooking like crazy lately. :(

Will try to post more tonight. Peace, loves! :grouphug:

back at it 07-05-2009 02:48 PM

HOLA!! Just checking in!!
Aimee~welcome home!
I'll be back soon, hubby is still in town for a couple more days and then I can post a couple pics!
BTW~ I gained 4 lbs!=(

JasonsLea 07-05-2009 04:15 PM

:wave: girls!

I hope everyone had a great day yesterday!

WENDY! Don't sweat the four lbs. You just got married!

WI was today and I'm down 2.2 this week. :D

I think it helps that I'm not stuffing myself at work. I just haven't had the urge. I guess because mentally I'm free from that place. So when the sups piss me off, I snap back then laugh! I'm also off alot this month. I took today off and three days the week after next for Sunshine's wedding. By the time I get back, it'll be towards the end of July. I looked on the schedule yesterday and realized that not only do I have the payday before my birthday off, I also have my birthday and the day after off! :carrot: Hopefully, when August comes around, I'll have another position, either in the hospital or somewhere else. :crossed:

Today's plans include lazying around the house, looking up apartments, and a little organizing.

TTYL! :grouphug:

SwimGirl 07-07-2009 09:10 PM

Shari - Sounds like a great summer all around!! Not too sure what I'm missing, but how come you are moving? I thought you just moved into the place you are in now? Congrats on the weight loss, send some my way please and thanks :)

Wendy - 4 pounds is nothing, a couple of days and it'll be off! I think you are required to gain weight with a wedding..

I am going crazy over here! We have no internet, no tv, no phone in the new place! They come on Thursday to set it all up... Thursday can't come soon enough! I am at my grandma's, which is just 10 minutes away walking, and less when driving. But it would be nice to come home from work, relax with some bad tv, or some Perez Hilton. The "new" job is going okay, it's actually quite different from my other store, who would have thought it could be! But the store itself is run a bit differently, and my cosmetics manager does things different than anyone I've worked with before. It's a tough adjustment, only because I'm adjusting to every single thing being new. I'm sure it'll get easier, I sure can't wait for that though...

On the weight loss front, I got on my scale yesterday for the first time in 19 days, and I was up another 2.4 pounds. I'm sure that'll come off though because I haven't been hungry much with being a little stressed with things. Also!! K, so my cosmetics manager? Tiny tiny girl! Guess how she does it? She doesn't eat for 10 hours a day!! Talk about terrible! I can't imagine living like that, how does she not get cranky? Or moody? Or weak?? Geez! If I ever try something silly like that, I sure hope someone talks some sense into me!

Anyways, thats all I've got for tonight, I might get online tomorrow night.. we'll see! If not.. Thursday I'll be back! Send some positive vibes my way please :)


back at it 07-08-2009 06:04 PM

Hey girls! Just checking in, I have to get back on track quick like here, I'm going over board with the food!=( Steve left yesterday back to the states and had surgery done again this morning so I spent last night binging, my bad =(.

back at it 07-10-2009 03:11 PM

Hey, it's so quiet around here....where is everyone!=(

SwimGirl 07-10-2009 03:16 PM

I am around, just sick as a dog... got this sinus headache that won't quit, yuck. Luckily I've been off yesterday and today, just been laying on the couch, not moving too much... hopefully it gets better soon..


back at it 07-10-2009 11:01 PM

Feel better Aimee!!!

Hey about those pics, I don't have a program to make the pics smaller so if you wanna see you gotta add me on FB. Sorry girls!

SwimGirl 07-11-2009 12:25 PM

We finally went grocery shopping last night for some healthy foods! I had a great breakfast, packed a decent lunch for work, and that just leaves dinner! I am feeling good about food today, just gotta keep it up! I got on the scale this morning and it was UP AGAIN! Ugh, up to 267.4. Yuck. This is nearly my highest weight ever... gotta get on this, I am feeling pretty gross these days. My headache finally passed, and is GONE, after nearly 1 week.

Wendy - I'll add you, what's your FB?

I am off to work! This is my first closing on a Saturday night in my history with London Drugs, normally at the stores in Vancouver they have the new girls do that, it's normally quite quiet. Anyways, it should be interesting!


JasonsLea 07-12-2009 12:12 AM

Hey everyone.

Sorry I've been MIA. I've been feeling crappy lately. I realized that I wasn't going to be able to afford the ticket to go back home this month. :( So I'm going to miss Sunshine's wedding and god knows when I will have another chance to see my family and friends again. I just feel so horrible about it and have been eating like there is no tomorrow. So, my WI tomorrow is probably going to be very bad. :(

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