3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Blunder 04-30-2002 11:11 AM

The Thin Group #80
Hello and welcome to the Thin Group! We are a great group of ladies (but men are welcome if there are any who care to join us) who have one thing in common. We are all working together toward our goal of being healthier in our daily lifestyles and to lose weight in 2000. There are all different ages and backgrounds here and we all have different ways of losing our weight. We all love to have fun and laugh, but we also give a lot of support, encouragement and motivation for one another. Please feel free to post with us - just jump right in and believe me, you will be welcomed with open arms. The more the merrier!

Please feel free to check out our website and learn more about us at: www.geocities.com/hotsprings/sauna/4797

Blunder 04-30-2002 11:16 AM


This is the first time I have ever started a new thread. Hope it works!

My life is about the same, still continue to lose, but verrrry slowly. The scales at the doctor's office last week read 234. My scale at home is broken. I'll have to buy a new one when I get a chance.

Where is everybody?

Hugs, Judy

Blunder 05-01-2002 10:54 AM

OK, OK, what the heck is going on? After three years I work up enough courage to start a new thread and no-one will post on it!

Where are you, CJ, Sharon, Sandi, Jo, Carolyn, Gail, and all the other oldies I can't think of right now?

Is The Thin Group dying out? We've been through too much together and stayed friends for all these years. Come on guys, get in here and let us know whats new!

Hugs, Judy

sweet tooth 05-01-2002 11:30 AM

I'm here. Hi Judy.

I have been soooo busy the last two weeks that I have not had any time to post...BUT, I have been lurking and keeping up. I finally finished the assignments that I had for my stats course. Even had 45 minutes to spare (they needed to be submitted by midnight last night). Hubby keeps telling me that I shouldn't procrastinate, but I prefer to call it working well under pressure.

Doesn't do much for the weight gain, though. I haven't even had time to eat, so I will eventually end up losing, but in the mean time, I quit metabolizing when under pressure, so I have been gaining weight - last week was 1.75 pounds. That was another reason that I didn't want to post here. I would just like to get this weight off and be done with it. It is soooo frustrating to have it linger, even though I know that I am eating properly and getting all my exercise.

Looks like you are doing well at the weight loss. Congrats. I think you are wise in taking it slow, but sure. You will get there, I'm confident of that. You are doing so well.

I guess I better get going here. Boss seems to think that I should work some time today. :D Take care.

MK 05-02-2002 12:38 AM

Hi everyone.

Judy: Way to go on starting your first thread.

Well, I am going to try and get back to this again. I have really missed talking to all of you. Sometimes I feel like I don't have much to contribute so I shall try and change that.

I have been dealing with my mom too. It is so frustrating to not live close to her. They finally put her on dialyisis (SP). She goes three times a week. They tried to put a permanent shunt in her are but it didn't work. She will just have to go back and forth through her neck from one side to the other until who knows when. That just means more pain for her. She fell and hit the wall with her head and had to have stiches on her forhead on both sides just abvove her eyes. She has to eat only certain things. My dad is going to have to learn how to cook because mom dosen't have the strength to do it. I am going to go see them the first part of July. I just wish they could be down here so I can help both mom and dad. Oh well, enough fussing. That is one of the reasons I haven't been here.

I am sill at the same weight of 254. I guess that is good. I need to start getting serious about this. My mom has to lose 50 more lbs before they will even test to see if she can get a kidney transplant. There is no way I can be considered until I get some weight off.

Well. it is late so I will go for now.Take care everyone. Mary Kay

sweet tooth 05-02-2002 10:01 AM

MK - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I know what it is like as a child worrying about parents health long distance. I'm hoping that everything turns out well for you and that they are able to do the kidnet transplant soon. Sending you some hugs and will be thinking of you {{{{{HUGS}}}}}.

For me, I feel like I can breath for a few days...until the next course comes. I submitted my stats assignments at midnight on Tues and got the marks back at 4:00 pm yesterday. I had this marking tutor for another course before, and he use to phone me all the time and tell me how well I was doing. I think that may have influenced my grades on this course because he gave me 100% on both assignments. I'm hoping he as a liberal when he gets my final exam to mark. :D

I think the diligence in staying OP the last 2 weeks, and now relieving the stress that I was under is working. My 'at home' scale says that I am down, not only the 1.75 pounds that I gained last week, but another 3 or 4 pounds on top of that. Tomorrow at WI will tell the truth, but I am counting on a large loss.

Where has everyone gone? Missing you all. Come back and check in soon.


sweet tooth 05-03-2002 11:14 AM

OK, I'm pretty much talking to myself these days. Buuuut, I have some great news to report. This week was a loss of 5.75 pounds. WooHoo!!!!

Reached my mini goal of losing a total of 60 pounds since July and am on the the last mini goal - to finally reach 120 pounds. That's just another 5.75 pounds. Hoping to do this by the end of May.

Also have mixed reactions about this next thing. I went to Walmart to buy a cheap pair of jeans because the ones I bought at Christmas are too big again. Weeellll, I tried them all on, and can't find any jeans small enough. :rolleyes: I bought a size 6 'cause I was desperate, but I guess I will have to go to the Gap to find anything smaller. In July I was conscious about not finding anything big enough, now it is the opposite, I'm having trouble finding things small enough. I guess I will never be happy :D

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Please come back, I'm lonely here. Take care.

Jello 05-06-2002 08:33 AM

Well, you guys. I did it. It took me days (weeks actually) of thinking and obsessing and worrying. But I felt I had to do it. I sat down and calculated...

I've been a WW member for 97 weeks. That's almost 2 years. Let's call it 100 weeks. In the first 50 (the first year) I lost 34 lbs. In the second 50 weeks, I lost .... are you sitting down? In 50 weeks (at $10 a week - that's $500!!! :( ) I lost 2.6 lbs.

OK, enough of this. All I was doing at WW was spending time and money and obsessing every time I put something in my mouth about what was going to happen when I got on the scale on Saturday morning. It was causing more stress than anything else. I couldn't even look forward to the weekend! So I thought about it for a long time. Then Rich and I sat down and discussed it thoroughly (I even showed him charts of my progress...or lack of) and we agreed. I talked to a gal here at work who's been going to the local gym (a former WW member) and she really likes the gym and has said I could go with her and give it a try. Maybe I'll do that. It's a 3-month trial membership to start with.

So after making the final decision last Thursday I spent a good part of the weekend being totally and completely out of control. :cry: I know I can't keep eating just because I'm not going to WW meetings but now I'm so much less stressed about it. I don't feel guilty every time I eat anything at all and I don't feel cheated if I can't take part in a birthday cake at work or go out after work on a Friday night with some friends because I have to face that scale.

I still plan to watch what I eat and even count points. I mean, I went to WW for so long. I think I know the right thing to do by now. I just have to do it. All I know is that WW just wasn't working for me anymore. I still believe in it and think it's a great program and I'm certainly not going to try any of the fad diets out there. I am, however, going to try that gym and maybe tone up what I've got left here. Maybe that's just the kick my metabolism needs. I'm also planning to put $10 a week in a jar to "symbolize" the money I used to spend on WW. Maybe I'll get an added bonus out of this! :^:

Yesterday was the parade and block party that I've been working on for the past 5 months or so. It's finally over. It was a huge success by the way but I'm seeing it as just one more stress out of my life. We have the follow up meeting on Tuesday night and then I'm free of that! I figure I'll stick with the MS fund-raisers and the bi-monthly breakfasts at the VFW. That's enough charity work for a while. And it'll give both me and Rich more time to work on the house which is waaaaaay behind schedule. :(

Anyway, there's my sob story. I do feel guilty about being a quitter but I'm hoping to redeem myself with workouts at the gym, keeping busy in the garden and around the house, etc. And I'll never forget what I've learned from WW.

Have to go now. Have to fill the water bottle. Some old habits will never change.... :rolleyes:

Love you guys.

sweet tooth 05-06-2002 10:43 AM

Hi Jo,

It's great to hear from you again. I think that you have made a wise choice. Although you have learned a lot from the WW meetings, they are not doing what they should for you right now. I can remember going back tro WW a few years ago and lasted for about 3 weeks. I really started to resent the money that I was spending to lose weight, but most of all, I resented the time that I was spending there. I don't know about you, but I hate getting home after work, scrambling to get supper on the table, then packing up to go to a WW meeting (same thing for a Saturday - takes too big a bite out of my day off). This time, I am following the WW plan, weighing in every week on the scale at the nurse's office where I work, marking down my weight progress on a chart, and using 3FC as my motivational group. I can come here when I want to, not when the meeting is scheduled in my area.

Until a couple of months ago, this has worked very well for me. BUT, I did hit a funk and really struggled to lose any weight at all. I felt like I was constantly sabotaging my efforts and that I just wouldn't be able to lose those last few pounds. I started with a personal fitness trainer about 1 1/2 months ago, and saw the occasional pound come off, but nothing significant until this past week...a whopping 5.75 pounds. The gym is finally starting to pay off, but it has taken a while to do it. I also talked to the personal fitness trainer about wanting to lose the extra 10 pounds and she set me on a program to burn fat, rather than build cardio (I look after the cardio at home on my treadmill). She also suggested that morning was a good time to work out because your metabolism slows overnight and a morning workout will boost the metabolism during the day. I have been doing mornings for 3 weeks and the 3rd week I have finally realized some significant weight loss.

I know you can do this. You are just ready for a change. Your body has become too accustomed to the regular routine and you need to do something different. Go for it, girl. You CAN do it!!


CH 05-06-2002 07:08 PM

Hello Ladies, Read all posts on this site and know we are all about in the same position. (Although I am not out looking for jeans in a size smaller than 6! Way to go girl!!!) Jo, I know how you feel, I've been there 14 months and lost 34 lbs. Really dragging my feet in the last 3 months. I know you can do it this way, you already know what to eat and when. I wish you the best of luck. Hope to get to WW tomorrow but have a Dr. app. about the same time for an arm that doesn't want to work. Also have Bunco in about 10 min. just wanted you all to know I am here. Good job on starting the new site Judy. I wouldn't know where to start. Be back tomorrow, hopefully, Carolyn

CJ 05-06-2002 10:40 PM

Hi ya all - remember me???? LOL

Sorry I've not been around but have been without a computer for a while ... trouble with the cable company and my cable modem - long long story - ready to quit cable and go to DSL!!!!! Comcast Cable stinks!!!!!

Right now we are up at our cabin .. dial up works! Hubby has been sick with flu last couple days ...

WE need to get this place hopping again! Things have really slowed down ...

Judy - great job on starting a thread and way to go on your wt loss! Keep up the good work girl!

Jo: You know the program, you can do it without the meetings I bet - you have us to report to! I still make myself go to the meetings cuz I am afraid to quit right now, but I too have been seriously thinking about it ... $12 a week adds up, and when we are up here I usually miss my meeting, so that's $5 for every missed meeting! I sometimes feel like I can do it, but am just leary to quit at this time .... we'll see by the end of summer. I am stuck on one wt at this time and just can't budge ... but am journaling faithfully every day - hoping for a loss this week.

Peggy - I will be journaling with you again soon ... I just have had so many things going on lately ... but never fear, I'll be back.

Carolyn: Good to hear from you too - think of you often and how you are doing ... Keep up the good work too.

Well, off to bed right now ... I'll try to post again tomrorow ... we are probably going back home in the afternoon ... until the end of the month - then we will be up here for most of the summer.

Love, CJ

sweet tooth 05-07-2002 09:25 AM

Welcome to all you NEWBIES... It really is good to have you pop back again. I have really missed your input and worried that things are not well.

Hope to hear lots from you all real soon. Take care.

Blunder 05-07-2002 11:16 AM


CJ, so good to see you back here! Carolyn and Mary Kay, "Hello, and welcome back", you were missed bunches. Now if we can get Sharon, Sandi, Gail, and a bunch of the others to come back, we'll just have to have a homecoming party! Come on you guys!

My new scale seems to love me! 233 this morning! And guess what? I bought some new pants yesterday, a size 18! They fit! Granted, they are stretch fabric and a little snug, but not really tight! Do you have any idea how long it has been since I have bought anything that didn't have a XL in the size? You betcha, I'm going to do it this time!

My lawn is looking beautiful! My boarder, resident gardner/landscaper, is working wonders on it. The best part of the arrangement is that the only cost to me is for the materials and plants for the flower beds. My neighbors look at me a little strange when they realize that he lives here, but our relationship is soooo verrrry innocent! No Hanky-Panky (darn it! HaHa), he stays in his room and I stay in mine. This arrangement is working just fine so far.

Jo, you know you can lose the rest of the weight you plan to lose all by yourself! You know what to do and how to do it. I have faith in you!

I finally had my lunch blind date! He was a very nice man. Buutttttt. there was no spark, if you know what I mean. Not much in common, had to really think hard to come up with something to talk about. He asked if he could see me again, I told him I had a very busy life and he could call me. Maybe I'm just too old to play the dating game! HaHa

Hugs, Judy

CJ 05-08-2002 09:34 AM

Good morning - just popping in for a minute to say hi - got to go - waiting for my girlfriend - we are going to play bingo this morning. Yes, we are back home from the cabin now - for a week or so anyways.

Peggy - don't faint but I posted yesterday's journal on the journal thread! I will do today's later on this evening.

Be back later guys! Have a great day!


sweet tooth 05-08-2002 09:54 AM

CJ - It's great to have you back posting again. We've really missed you - Sharon and Chrissy, too. Does anyone know how they are doing? And then there's Jo. I really look forward every morning to her anecdotes about work and life. She's soooo funny. Come back, you guys.

I did see your food journal this morning before I came here. It looks like you are back on track...just a minor detour for a couple of months. Nothing to sweat. Keep up with posting and tracking your food intake. I like that you have added the exercise to your journal. I think I should do the same for mine, then I can have a record of exactly what I am doing.

Hope you have a great day...and win some money at bingo. :D

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