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Trish 03-31-2002 08:06 PM


I just want to wish all of you a Happy Easter! :) I just came back from my daughter's where we had dinner. Boy, am I full! Too much ham, sweet potatoes, cake, and candy! Well, tomorrow is another day!


Jello 04-01-2002 08:44 AM

Good Heavens, is it Monday already?!? Boy, those holiday weekends go by fast. :( Well, the good news is I weighed in on Saturday and had lost 1.4 of the 4+ I'd gained the week(s) before. The bad news is that on Sunday, Lent was officially over and I was "allowed" to eat all that candy (and I do mean ALL THAT CANDY) I'd given up for Lent. Hmm, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to deprive myself for so long??? Let's just say I don't want to see chocolate again for a long long time. :o

So today I'm trying to get back on track yet again. I think I've got it out of my system though. At least I hope so. Still feeling a bit queasy this morning even. And yes I did get on my scale and didn't like it one bit. But I'll drink lots of water and do my best. It's all anyone can do, right? :^:

Yesterday's Easter dinner was spaghetti cooked in a big pot on the backyard grill in the rain. :lol: And we ate in the living room where the smell of paint wasn't quite so bad. But the kitchen's got walls and a ceiling with recessed lights and the walls have some primer paint and plaster, etc. Still no floor but it's shaping up. I spent almost 20 minutes at the Home Depot on Friday picking a shade of off-white. Man, you'd think it was brain surgery or something! Who knew there were so many shades of off-white!? :dizzy: Finally decided on "Goose Feather" after holding those little paint chips up against the floor tiles I'd chosen and the cabinets' color and about 6 different settings of light and shadow, etc. Well, I had to get it just right, you know. Who says Jo likes to obsess!?!?

But it's Monday morning and I just took a look down the hall. Seems like I'm the only one working in my department at the moment. Good opportunity to wander back to the cafeteria and top off my water bottle. Sure is quiet here!

Hope you're all having a good day!
Much love, Jo.

Blunder 04-01-2002 10:29 AM

Hope everyone had a nice Easter Holiday

My daughter is in jail....charged with possession with intent to distribute. I think she will probably be there for awhile. She keeps calling me, crying, and begging me to get her out of there. I can't do it. God help me, I just can't! I had to be the one to tell my granddaughter that her mother is in jail. Poor child, she's taking it better than I am.

Today would have been Cal's 63rd birthday.

My weight is still 244. No loss but no gain either!

Sorry, I just can't post this morning. Forgive me.

Hugs, Judy

Jello 04-01-2002 11:03 AM


Love you Judy!! Hang in there, sweetie. Wish I could say something wise and wonderful and make you feel better.

Celebrate Cal's life today. Sounds like he was a wonderful man and you were lucky to have him in your life for so long.

And don't feel one bit guilty about not bailing out your daughter. She's an adult and responsible for her own actions. Maybe this will help her make some decisions about her own life.

And as for weight loss, don't worry about that right now. Seems so small and unimportant in the grand scheme of things. You take care of YOU right now.

sweet tooth 04-01-2002 05:42 PM

Hi everyone,

We are finally back from visiting family for Easter. We had a great time and lots of fun with the grandkids and our own kids, of course. Our oldest son was in Florida last week sitting on the beach, so when he found out we had a family celebration this past weekend, he was a bit 'put out.'

Judy - My heart goes out for you. I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering. Spend today having good memories of Cal. Words are so inadequate when you have gone through the hurts that you are feeling. Just know that I am thinking of you and praying for you.

Jo is right about your daughter. You do need to exercise some 'tough love." We all know that you love your daughter, but don't like the things that she is doing. She also knows right from wrong and needs to suffer the consequences of her wrong behaviour. You can't continue to be responsible for fixing the jams that she gets into. She needs to learn that she must fix them herself, or, if she can't fix them, not get into them in the first place. We had to take the same position with one of our children when he was young. He had been caught shoplifting. We were called by the police, so went to pick him up from the police station. When we got home I talked to him about what he had done wrong and told him that he was given one chance and that if he ever found himself in that position again not to call us because we would not come to get him. Well, wouldn't you know, about 5 years later, we got a call from the police that he had been caught shoplifting. We wouldn't go get him, so he had to figure out how to make amends himself. It wasn't pleasant, but he did fix his own problem. He was about 16 at that time and has not had any kind of a problem like that again. Forntunately he learned his lesson when he was still a minor, so does not have a criminal record. He is in the military now and realizes how close he came to not being able to pursue a future. Sometimes we just have to do the thing that looks incredibly mean, but we also can't keep picking up the pieces. Take care.

Just going to say a quick Hi to everyone else. I have a workout booked in 15, so must run. I'll write to everyone tomorrow. Have a great day.

Jello 04-02-2002 08:37 AM

OK so I spent about 20 minutes on the phone yesterday afternoon screaming at someone. She was supposed to be working with me on the Community Day celebration and block party for the VFW but she hadn't been at the last 3 weekly meetings and hadn't returned my calls or answered my emails or talked to anyone else and everyone figured she'd dropped out. So I've been handling calling the people she was supposed to be calling and organizing vendors and kids' games and food, etc. Yesterday she calls me and starts complaining about how I'm "taking over" and doing her job, etc. Well, heck, SOMEONE had to do it!!!!! :mad: So we argued and finally I told her that if she bothered to show up at the meeting tonight that I'd give her all the information I'd gotten and go back to my own work and let her handle it herself and sit back and hope she doesn't screw up AGAIN.

Then I got off the phone and hit the vending machine. :( Yep, stress eating. One of Jo's biggest problems. Nothing that chocolate can't cure, right? Darn, I'm so dumb!!!! And maybe the worst part was that after I ate all that, she called back and apologized and we talked it out and have decided to work together to make this project a success. Man, why couldn't I have waited a couple minutes instead of running to food!!!!

OK, that's my whine for today. Spent last night doing some constructive house-fixing-up work. That is, I've decided to clean up some of the clutter and get some trash actually out into the trash cans instead of spread around the living room. Dinner consisted of stewed tomatoes and fat free mozzarella cheese. Very tasty and low points. :) Also spent 20 minutes on the treadmill but my heart wasn't in it. Nice slow pace - only did 3/4 of a mile. But better than nothing.

Have to run. Need a little more decaf then have to get to work. Doing a little "spring cleaning" of the files today. It's amazing what you can find in your filing cabinet drawers sometimes! :dizzy:

Much love to you all!

Blunder 04-03-2002 08:36 AM


Oh My GOD!!!!! What have I done? I have agreed to a blind date for lunch Saturday. Talk about stressing! Yesterday I weighed 242.5, this morning I'm back to 244. Jo, we need to have our hands tied behind our backs, or maybe our jaws wired shut! I'm a nervous wreck! Do you have any idea how long it's been since I've had a date? My goodness, I'm a 60 yr. old woman not a teenager, what have I done?

Hugs, Judy

sweet tooth 04-03-2002 11:16 AM

Hi to everyone. Sooo quiet here this week. Everyone must be recuperating from Easter. LOL.

I typed a long post yesterday, but when I submitted it, it disappeared, so I lost everything. Then, I didn't have time to post again. Oh bother.

Judy - I can't imagine what you are feeling. It's been a very, very long time since I have been on a first date, and never gone on a blind date. I think I would be a nervous wreck... Have lots of fun, though. You need and deserve some time out.

Jo - I did the same as you on Monday. Clean, clean, clean. It seems though that I just move stuff from one place to the other, then when I get tired of tripping over it, I move it again. I am so sick of looking at tools and supplies all over the place, but can't seem to do anything about containing the mess. I dragged as much garbage out as I could on Monday night, but it still seems like we are living in a tornado zone. I dream of the day that the renos will be finished. I am hoping it is 'Someday Soon.'

Sandi - Good to hear from you again. We have missed your postings. Hurry back soon.

CJ - Where are you? Miss you lots.

Sharon - So glad to have you back. I bet you would like to have stayed in California a while longer, especially with so much family there. It is great that you are able to visit with them. How did Easter go? Was thinking of you and how Jerry would manage in a new environment.

Congrats on you training course. You have done so well with the training. Way to go. Is there a project for that kind of assessment happening in your area? ..or are they going to pursue ongoing assessment of children in the school system? You will do well at the job. Your training marks prove that you are good at it.

Well, gotta run. We are interviewing for summer positions this week, so I guess I getter get my act together here. Have a great week everyone. Take care.

CH 04-03-2002 02:27 PM

Hello everyone! I am back from Florida and it is cold here. I had a great time. It was 5 women and we laughed the entire time. If laughing truly is good for you I am in great shape. Went to WW yesterday and had lost 3.2 lbs. I danced out of that meeting. Considering I have been playing yo-yo with 2 lb. for 2 months, I am hoping it's over. We ate pretty well while gone except for my one splurge with keylime pie and a trip to Harry and David's. I promised myself I would go to Health Park everyday this week, it's Wed. and I haven't made it yet. Why is that so hard? I am off this week, so time isn't the problem. I hate considering myself lazy, but it could be true.

It sure has been quiet here, except for Jo and Peggy. Thanks for hanging in girls. Sherry it was good to hear from you also. I finally put bio on, I enjoyed reading the others too. I hated writing that original weight!!!!!!!!!!! but the truth does hurt.

I have spent today cleaning out my closets. I took out everything that I don't (can't) wear and weeded others. My closet looks great but now I really don't have anything to wear. I may have to go back to school in my housecoat. At least I would be comfortable.

CJ I am sending you my stats today. It's so great to have a loss to report. Is your snow gone? I am ready for warm weather. After being in Florida I had forgotten how much I love warm weather. And here we have a frost warning out tonight. I guess I'm not in charge of weather. What a disappointment!
Later Ladies, Carolyn

CH 04-03-2002 11:49 PM

Well Duh!!! No wonder I thought the postings were low, there was a second page I didn't see when I posted earlier today. It was that cleaning out of the closets that blurred my brain.

Judy - I am sure thinking about you. Jo's right it is tough love time and I can't imagine how hard it will be. Good luck. You have had so many good years with Cal, try to concentrate on that and you will make it.

Jo - I understand that stress eating. There is Easter candy in the other room that I just found today. You should hear it calling to me! No man has ever talked that sweet to me!!!!!! Why didn't I throw it away when I found it??????

Will Carolyn be able to resist chocolate peanut butter cups and M & M's? Stay tuned the saga of Carolyn will be continued tomorrow.

Jello 04-04-2002 08:53 AM

As Carolyn Turns?? One Carolyn To Live?? General Carolyn?? :lol: Carolyn, can't wait to see how the saga turns out. But I'll just bet it'll have a HAPPY ending!! ;) Remember those 3.2 lbs girl!!!

I, on the other hand, have been eating and eating. :( Guess giving up that stuff or Lent wasn't such a good idea?? Or maybe I'm just using that as an excuse. I've been plugging money into the vending machine at work like a mad woman!!! All junk. Chocolate and fat and sodium. And I'm not even hungry!!! :shrug: I'm thinking maybe my biggest problem is I keep thinking things like "I'll do better once the weather gets warmer and I can be outside" or "I'll get back on track when the house renovation is further along and I can decorate" or "I'll be better when...." Well, you get the idea. Why can't I just start NOW!!! :mad:

I did get on my treadmill for half an hour last night and did a mile and a half. Good pace and increased the incline. Felt good when I was done. But all I could think about while I was on it was all the other stuff I could be doing ... even though I knew perfectly well that, if I wasn't on the treadmill, I'd probably be sitting on my butt in front of the TV and, oh I don't know, probably eating.

I NEED A KICK-START!!!!! Need it desperately!!!! HOW!?!?!?! OK guys. I need some major-league suggestions here!!!! HHHHHHEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!! :cry:

Judy, a girl here at work was talking about her recent blind date and I thought of you. It was a good idea to plan just a nice lunch, nothing too stressful..... maybe??? Go and have a great time and relax. I can't wait to hear how it went.

Guess I'd better go. Stuff to do. Gotta earn my millions. :rolleyes: Have a good one!

Much love, Jo.

sweet tooth 04-05-2002 10:26 AM

TGIF. I can't wait for this day to be over. I am soooo stressed and tired that I can't think straight. I am the staff adviser on campus for a student committee. THEY decided to put a booth in a trade fair (yesterday). I spent the last two weeks calling the students to find out who was working at the booth during the day and couldn't get any of them to return my calls...drat call display and answering machines.

One student finally told me that he would work for an hour, but he didn't even show up. There was me....working a trade show booth all day yesterday, thinking about having to do my regular work after hours and generally doing a burn. I am sooooo PO'd with the students about now. I started work (setting up the booth) at 6:00 am yesterday, finished manning it at 4:00 pm (without a break), then went to work to do my regular duties. I managed to get home at 11:00 pm last night. It does help with the eating, though. I just don't have time to get to any junk eating. :lol:

Finished whining now and I'm ready for the weekend. I have a stats course that I need to finish by the end of the month, so that will consume my time this weekend. I haven't started it yet, so there's just a bit of pressure here. :D

Carolyn - So good that you had a super time in Florida. My son just returned from Florida last Saturday and was very disappointed to come back home to a blizzard. we had about 7" of snow last weekend and they are predicting another downfall tomorrow. I just wish the snow would leave and we would finally get better weater.

My advice to you - throw that candy out, or give it to the kids down the block. I don't know about you, but I couldn't have that in the next room and not indulge. If you don't, you are exercising far more discipline than I could. :smug:

Jo - OK girl, here's the butt kick. You know that tomorrow is WI and you need to get back on track with the program. I have a challenge for you...from now until the end of April I challenge you to lose at least 1 pound each week. If you don't you will just have to suffer the consequences....(and I'm not telling you what they are, so there).

Great that you are on the treadmill. I have finally gotten myself into the exercise habit and am booking workout times 3 time a week for muscle building and another 3 times a week for cardio. Hopefully, the back of my legs won't look like the wrinkled skin on elephants anymore. :lol:

Where is everyone? Haven't heard from you all for a long time. Check in and let us know how you are doing. Have a great weekend. Talk to you on Monday, unless I can wrestle the 'puter away from hubby this weekend. He's teaching another online course (I think he actually has 2 running and a 3rd starting next week), so it is hard to get access at home anymore. Take care everyone and let's get those pounds moving.


CH 04-05-2002 11:00 AM

Another episode of As Carolyn Grows...............the candy is short 2 minature Reeses cups...................and the rest is still there. It is in the room I call the Scary Room (because it scares me to walk into it). I have finally said it is my test of will power. It will stay there until Tuesday when I will take it to school and "force it" on kids. To be real truthful candy is not my thing. I would rather have potatoe chips or a sandwich.

Peggy we were in Panama City with several couples from Canada. They were very entertaining and not looking forward to going home because of the snow. They had a cook-out one night and invited my friends and I. We had a great time. You are doing so well on working out. I have been off all week and have done a lot at home but never made it to the gym. Today I am going to get my granddaughter and that will be my workout until tomorrow. She is so much fun.

Jo-I don't know where you work but sounds like they depend on you for lots of things. I hope you are well paid.

CJ where are you? I miss hearing from you.

My sister and I are helping my mother and stepfather move into a new (for them) house. It has been so satisfying to buy things for them. My mother is a saint who raised 3 kids by herself. Why she didn't give us away, I don't know. She is one strong woman. If I can be half the woman she is I will be happy.

Enough rambling, there is a garage here that I can barely get one car in. I have to get out there and clean. Yuck!!!! Everyone be strong it's the week-end.

Jello 04-05-2002 12:10 PM

Here a little late this morning. It's almost noon and I'll echo Peggy's TGIF!!!

Boss was at a trade show in Florida this week. He flew out of there at 6:30 this morning, got into Philadelphia around 9 and showed up here at 10:30. What is he? Nuts?? Maybe his wife doesn't want him at home either??? Fortuntely, he's apparently found someone else to bug because he's not in his office and I haven't seen him for a while. Hope that lasts all day. Also fortunately, I spent most of this week working on a PowerPoint animated presentation on our company that the guys can take to trade shows and have showing on a monitor at their booth. It's starting to look quite impressive if I do say so myself ... and I do. :smug: Hope he'll be as impressed with my work as I am.

Know what else? It's ... gulp, I hesitate to say it ... SNOWING! Yuck. A couple days ago, it was almost 70 degrees. Last night, it was below 30. What is up with that??? How am I ever going to get into "spring mode" if this keeps happening???

Carolyn, well-paid!?!?!? Me!?!?!?! Well-paid!!??!? What's that???? :(

Peggy, your job's sounding like mine!! :mad: While it's true that you can't eat if you're stuck in one spot all day, I've also found it's true that you can't pee!!!!! It's no fun, I know. As for your challenge, can I start AFTER tomorrow's weigh-in??? I've had such a bad week and have decided I'm just going to go in and face the music. Yep, still doing the yo-yo thing. :( But after I weigh in and get the official number, I'll take that challenge!! Although I am quite curious about those "consequences"!! :o

Guess I'll go now. I can hear the boss down the hallway, slowly making his way down here to bother me. Nah, he won't dump a ton of work in my lap until, oh about 4:45 ... as usual.

Hope you all have a great weekend!
Much love, Jo.

CJ 04-05-2002 12:25 PM

Don't faint ~ it's me! Boy, I have just got myself so way off track I'm "fighting" to get back to normal. I just posted on the journal thread ... will try to keep it up daily! It's like starting all over again ... If I can journal straight for a week every day, I know I will be ok! This won't be long ~ I promise I will come back later. I miss everyone! Be back soon

Love, CJ

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