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Operator265 07-07-2008 09:58 PM

Well, I made it to another weigh in day and I'm down 3 more lbs. Just gotta "keep on keeping on". Hope everyone is having a good week.

jeanniethewicked 07-08-2008 04:38 AM

Hi Vamps! I have had the worst luck getting logged in here lately...

Vlad - I've been meaning to read the Twilight series... :bat: is it fabulous? I've heard the wii fit is cool, but I haven't tried it. Have some friends talking about getting it, I'll let you know if I get to play with it!

- Did you really fall on your face?!!? :stars: Are you okay? Hope you have a great trip! Be safe!

Operator!!! - Don't eat your young! :hun: And don't eat the sammich! What are FitFlops? DH :lol3:

- Welcome back! Did you happen to see my stapler while you were out? :shrug:

Nette - :wave: ***jealous*** that you got to go camping. I know that was fun, I haven't been in years!

WTG everyone on your tickers! :cheer2:

I haven't weighed, because we all know that I just don't do that, but I did have to poke a new hole in my belt! :woohoo:
It's an inch in.
I'm pleased.

I credit that not so much to my maintaining my diet as to getting some exercise. I've been doing sets of leg lifts and crunches EVERY DAY. And been dancing with the chili peppers, as well. I haven't been so good at yoga etc. because I've hurt the heck out of my shoulder. I actually did it some time ago. Kept expecting it to get better, but it's only gotten worse. I have an appointment on the 22nd with the doctor who fixed my ankle, so I know he will get it right and fix it. I'm just hoping it's not more surgery. I just don't have time for more surgery.

If he does make me go under I'm bargaining for new boobs in the same go. ;)

crazynette826 07-08-2008 07:04 AM

Jeannie - The Twilight series is one of my favorites. I can't wait for the 4th one to come out! You should definately read them. Most of the girls at work have read them and I only know of 2 that didn't totally love them and fall in love with Edward. I know that I'm in love with him, now if only I could find one in real life!!

Sorry to hear about your shoulder. That sucks! Hopefully you can get it fixed soon.

Vladadog 07-08-2008 09:10 AM


If he does make me go under I'm bargaining for new boobs in the same go
too funny! Although pracitcal. One of my girlfriends had breast reduction surgery and her health insurance actually paid for it. Those probably aren't the new boobs you're looking for though...

I HIGHLY recommend the Twilight series. It's well written and Edward is quite wonderful.

'Nette, have you read "midnight sun"? It's the first chapter of Twilight but told from Edward's POV. Meyer is planning on a whole Midnight sun novel once "Breaking Dawn" is out. You can read the first chapter here: http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/midnightsun.html (I'll spare the mods having to decide if that's an okay link or not and you can just cut and paste)(edit - oh, it linked anyway... well it's not diet related but its also not religious political advertisement or spam and it is what we were talking about so hopefully it is okay )

Weigh ins... the scale at work, which kinda sorta got me started on this whole journey, has gone walkabout so I haven't weighed in in two weeks. And my summer clothes are all so light and loose fitting it is hard to tell. But I have a bracelet I started wearing when I decided to lose weight - it was VERY tight and a good reminder when I was thinking about food. Now it is quite loose after only 15 or 20 pounds later but I still wear it as my reminder. I have another bracelet that is a slip on and I've never been able to wear it. So one of my goals is to finally be able to wear that bracelet.

I need to get more exercise but 20 minute work out videos and the walk with the dogs is all I've fit in. I have an occassional second job where i pick parts at a friend's autoparts warehouse. I help out when folks are on vacation or during the holidays when things are busy. I'm on for four afternoons the end of this month - that's always a good workout - 4 hours of go go go all over the building up and down stairs carrying all kinds of things. But I'm also looking forward to trying out the wii at work and seeing if that can get me moving more an hour a night when I work.

I have no problem with the "cut out the junk food and eat healthy food" part of this process but the "find time (and energy and motivation) for exercise" part is a challenge. Although being back on my regular work schedule and getting "normal" amounts of sleep help here too - when I'm working so much and such a rollercoaster schedule I just don't have the energy to even care.

aud 07-09-2008 10:46 AM

Hiya SHIFTIES - I'm baaaaack!:hug:

Cedar Point was faboo - altho' it was sooo hard rushing around in the early mornings to get out of motels with my DAY shift travelling partners!:devil:

Those Coasters sure woke me up tho - YEEEE DAWGGGIES there were some real eye openers at that park!:o:dizzy: Too big to get on some of the loopy de loop kind but not sure I would have anyway - and I'm not just saying that! WHOOOOAAAA! I did manage to get on about 10 of the 17 Coasters there so not bad for a Big Girl?:devil:

Had a Blast - and have enjoyed catching up this morning here @ 3fc - will Post more later - got back a day late and going camping tomorrow so lots and lot to do . . . also starting a new Challenge for Labor Day here - if any of you are looking for a great group of NO PRESSURE gals that concentrate on just drinking water and eating healthy no matter the Plan - check it out: http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=145684 The first Post explains WEED the best.:cool:

bbl . . .

Vladadog 07-09-2008 11:22 AM

Cedar Point is supposed to be so excellent for Roller Coasters!

The celebration for my 50th birthday was supposed to include a trip to Hershey Park this year with a large group of friends. I love Roller Coasters and I grew up going to Hershey. I haven't been for a couple years and last time it was a close fit for some of the rides. And a couple I fit but I needed to ask for the extender belt. How embarrassing. So I really wanted to lose weight before the trip this past May but I just couldn't get off my fat butt and do it.

The trip got postponed for a year though when one of our group got badly hurt in a freak accident. So now I have a second chance and I am determined to not need that extender belt this time. Really, the roller coasters at Hershey are one of my great motivators for this lifestyle change of mine. Maybe when I reach my goal weight I can celebrate by going to other great Roller Coaster parks....

Operator265 07-11-2008 12:33 AM

Well, you beautiful Vampires, I made it through to days off. Thank god.:tired: Still a little exhausted.:faint:

I walked to Curves for one intro session, and I go on Sat. for my next freeby. I hope I can take it.

Vlad- I know you'll be able to fit into them all next year. You can do it woman.:hug:

Aud-Happy to hear you are enjoying yourself.:carrot:

Jeannie-FitFlops are shoes that make you feel like you are walking on sand. They help you tighten your calves, thighs and butt. I've had them about a week and really like them. http://www.thefitflop.com/

Nette-Glad you enjoyed the camping.

I just got a continuous heart rate monitor. Wanna check out my personal calorie burn on a regular basis. Will let y'all know how it works out

I love all you evill little vampires.

jeanniethewicked 07-11-2008 04:58 AM

Okay Nette, I will go get the first in Twilight. My second job is in a book store, so I can check it out for free. How cool is that!

Coasters Aud!!! Awesome!!! I am so jealous. I am a roller coaster junkie too!

Nope Vlad, those are exactly the boobs I'm looking for. I wants a reduction! I have a small rib cage and huge boobs. Most of my weight is in my thighs, belly, butt and yes, boobs. A reduction would lose me 10 pounds at least, and probably help my shoulder and back as well. Anyway, my appointment is not for 11 more days, and new boobs are just a dream for now. Will let you all know what he says though.

Operator, I like the reviews I see on these Fit Flops, but I don't have a spare $50 lying about at the moment. Let us know how you like yours. And I think you will love Curves! I hear only great things about it from my friends that go. I joined one of the gyms associated with National Fitness, and they were a nightmare. Scared me off of gyms. If I ever find gym money again I will buy my own little set up and stay home.

I get 3 off in a row next week, shifties! I am so excited!!!! :hyper:

aud 07-11-2008 01:59 PM

*chuckling @ beautiful vampires*:p

Love it!:cool:

Popping in & out from the camp - had to come back home to take care of some stuff & heading back out to the wilderness until tomorrow.:carrot:

Hope the moon is out tonight . . . never heard of the Twilight series - what genre?

My fave series: The Gunslinger - Stephen King - just AWESOME.

I also really enjoyed all the Harry Potters last summer.

Would LOVE to work in a bookstore . . . 'cept I'd be fired for just reading - lol!;)

aud 07-11-2008 02:01 PM

Sign me up for some new boooooobs!:D

Gonna look into after I take this weight off.


Vladadog 07-11-2008 11:26 PM

Today is my one month anniversary for starting my diet and I'm down 13 pounds. I was down more at one point but between TOM and switching scales it is now 13 pounds and I'm fine with that. That other could have been a fluke and 13 is good. I feel good, I'm eating healthy, and I'm not craving crap.

There was a great article in the NY Times today about the wooden rollercoasters of Pennsylvania. Woodies are my favorite and two of my loves - Lightening Racer and The Wildcat were mentioned. I could ride the Racer all day long. The Wildcat is one of the most terrifying coasters I've been on (and I've been on alot). My family are all coaster crazy and only my great nephew will go on the Cat with me. Well, my brother will go with me but only out of solidarity, he is not a fan of the wildcat. (the article is in the travel section in case anyone wants to check it out and this link doesn't work...

Jeannie - my friend Pam really doubted her sanity the first week after her surgery because of the pain and swelling but then she started healing and she is sooooo happy she had it done. And her back pain is gone gone gone. That's how she got her insurance to pay for it, by documenting the health bennies.

Aud - Twilight is a teen/young adult romance story between a typical high school junior and a vampire. But that description just does not do it credit at all. It's just very well done.

I'm interested in the fitflops... the raised heel surprised me since the negative heels are always the ones that are touted as being the most benificial to muscles and backs and posture etc. I'll check them out though next time I'm in town.

well, I'd better get to work!

Operator265 07-14-2008 03:34 PM

Hey Vlad. I just got a pair of Earth Shoes with the negative heel. http://www.earth.us/ I Love them. If the feeling in the back of my shins, the front of my thighs and my butt are any indication, they work great. I swear I am standing up straighter(confirmed by DD who didn't know about them) and I can feel more oxygen in my lungs.

At $120 it puts alot of people off, but I've always been willing to spend on good shoes. The costs of cheap shoes is just too high, ie. pain, Chiropractors, headaches, scooters when your 60, etc. My mom worked on her feet in a post office and drilled the importance of good shoes into me.

I just got some new boobs and a waist from Dr. Rey at Sears. I really like his high waisted panties. I wore them for about five hours around the house and they actually stayed up without me constantly grabbing at them. And I didn't feel like I would pass out from lack of oxygen. And since they came up to just below my bra, I didn't have that uggggllly roll of fat above them.

OK gotta shower for graves. Love you fantastic night freaks.

Vladadog 07-18-2008 04:27 AM

Hey my shifty friends -

I would love to have a pair of earth shoes but I have very wide feet and have never found a pair that fit, even in the men's section. I'm hopeful my feet will be a bit less wide 100 pounds from now.

I just cooked up a yummy stir fry. I was going to write "for lunch" but I still never know what to call my meals on the nights I'm working. Anyway, it was yummy, whatever meal it was. When I finally got serious about losing weight I really thought work would be the tough part - all the junk food and leftovers for free vs. bring healthy food from home (that I had to pay for with my own cash money). But I've really gotten in the habit of bringing stuff from home. Tonight there was left over cake (from a meeting on Wednesday) and cupcakes (from a birthday party on Thursday) and brownies (from who knows when) and I had no problem ignoring them all. I didn't even want to lick the cake knife before I put it in the dishwasher. I wasn't even tempted. I wasn't tempted by the leftovers in the fridge either. I got on the scale tonight and I'm down another couple pounds and that's all I needed to ignore all those past temptations.

I haven't gotten to try the wii yet - my co-worker hasn't brought it in. I'm kinda bored with the DVDs at this point so I'm looking forward to the wii.

Hey, I just noticed Aud and I both have 109 pounds to go. Except I bet she comes back from her camping trip all relaxed and thinner.

I'm curious to hear what Jeannie thought of Twilight. I dropped my set (of the first three books in the series) off at a friend's house but her 15 year old daughter claimed them before she could get a chance to start. And the 18 year old has dibs on them as well.

Today is payday! I'm going to try to check out some fitflops on my way home!

jeanniethewicked 07-18-2008 04:57 AM

Payday for me too, woohoo! Full moon, and there sure were a lot of crazies in tonight... Glad I had my good shoes on!

I love the HP series too, but Stephen King scares the **** outta me. :fr:
I'm really glad that man has an outlet!

I haven't had a chance to get Twilight yet. I'll go by the store after the doctor on Tuesday. My arm has gotten worse, I'm afraid I've dislocated the heck out of it. And how long does it take to recover from a reduction? I have a week I can take with pay, but can't afford a lot of unpaid time off.

The only temptation I'm not resisting anymore is the temptation to have all my energy back, and look & feel better! I'm about to get serious about packing my lunches and scheduling my meals again. With the potential for sitting home recovering I want to be prepared to not sit and graze. I'm curious to what I can do when I'm eating right with my exercising, I think the ankle can handle the treadmill now. If not, the Chili Peppers still love me, so I'll weigh in soon.

Good night and sweet dreams my delicious little vampires!!!!

takingchances 07-18-2008 05:40 AM

ben away for a while.. but it seems like I do so well then my night duties come along and set me back hard core.

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