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Maggie 04-22-2008 01:41 AM

Good Evening
It has been a lovely spring day this day. Last year we jumped from winter right into hot summer weather. I much prefer this.

SUSAN What wonderful news about Stan. I am sure that he is progressing to the better puts a smile on your face. Looks like we are the only ones here this day ~ Jean is having computer woes and Faye is recouping. Have a nice easy sleep this night and I'll type at ya tomorrow.

QuilterInVA 04-22-2008 10:44 AM

Good morning! Another rainy cool day in SE VA. I hope to see sunshine later this week. We live in a low-lying area on tidal wetlands. Our little brook is now a lake and one if the major intersections is flooded...A huge problem when you live on a Peninsula with only 3 roads that run the full length to the other side.

I always like it to have a break between the heating and cooling season. Save a few $$$ so I can buy gas. LOL

Going to try to do a little quilting tonight. Seems like I'm taking forever to get this project done.

Maggie 04-22-2008 03:05 PM

Good Morning
It is another beautiful spring day. The hum birds are flitting around the flowers we planted and the gofer is busy pushing up piles of dirt.:p I made a great fruit smoothine for breakfast and put some "Slim Fast" powder in it so used it as a meal replacement. I like to do that sometimes but wouldn't want that for breakfast all the time. I wanted to have a lite breakfast and simple lunch for we are going to town in the late afternoon and probably grab something at "Subway". They have a great toasted roast beef sandwich for only 5 points.

SUSAN I remember some beautiful quilts when we lived in TN. We were in that little area close to Virginia. It seems more quilters are back there then out here but is popular all over. Every where we have lived we have known people that have quilted. My doctors office has a huge beautiful one hanging on a wooden thingie on a wall. They have decorated the waiting rooms in quilts. Real nice. Quilting is a great form of art. Have fun as you finish the one you are now working on.

Hello Jean, Gloria and Faye
Type at ya'all later.

Maggie 04-23-2008 12:54 PM

Wednesday In The Morning
What a nice day this is ~ it all started out with a nice shower :rain: It washed the dust and pollen out of the air and made everything look so vibrant. And it filled up the water container we have out for the birds. :):df: (that isn't a bird but pretend)

Hello out there to all ya'all. Have a wonderful day which is the edge of the weekend. Hope you are making good safe plans and enjoying life. Life is good.

JEAN get that computer fixed.
FAYE you get well.
SUSAN be good to yourself.
GLORIA what are you up to?

Type at you later.:wave: So long for a while. I'ts so good to be back on line once again.:comp:.

QuilterInVA 04-23-2008 02:24 PM

Good Afternoon from VA! Nice sunny 70 degree day today.

The people in the office took me out to lunch today. I guess this is Administrative Professionals Day. I don't have time to keep track of stuff like that. We go out once a month anyway so it made a good excuse.

I managed to get to Curves last night and it felt so good to exercise again and see my friends at the Club. Hopefully I can get back into the groove again.

Maggie, quilting has come a long way from bedcovers. I do make them but I love to do art quilts, too. I belong to the VA Consortium of Quilters and the local quilt quild (400 members) and my bee (5 of us). My doctor's office also has quilts on the wall.

Hope Faye is mending quickly and Jean gets her computer fixed soon! Gloria, are you around today?

nanacas 04-23-2008 06:29 PM

To answer your question Susan....I am here.
I hope that Faye is feeling better each day. It may take a while but you will be back to knitting, cleaning and enjoying your
grand children.

Jean: Sorry to hear you are having computer problems. Please get it fixed soon.

Maggie: Weldome back!!! You were missed. It looks like you are enjoying your life and that is what it is all about.

Susan: It looks like Stan is making strides in the right direction....baby steps, maybe but success is just one step at a time.
It was nice that you could go out with your coworkers...with all the extra on your plate any change like that is so welcome.

We have been busy what with Dr.'s appointments for both of us...but except that I am now on Blood Pressure meds all seem
to be going well. Our grandkids keep us busy. They are older now and it is the "Can you pick so and so up from school, middle or high, as they have after school activities and will miss the bus. Of course we are always available. Next month we have Confirmation and First Communion....a small conflict of time. We still have to work on that.
Weather has been nice this week, in fact, it was 80 deg. today and it was lovely to sit out on the deck and get some reading
done in the sun.

My friend, 86, on Cape Cod, has had another set back as they found fluid around her heart and she had to into the hospital. She is on meds for that and is now up and walking around and has been transferred to a lovely nursing home till she is well enough to go home. She has been so strong with everything that she has been through, 2 strokes, a couple of falls, cancer. When you ask her how she is feeling she always answers "With both hands." That attitude will get you through most anything.

This week being school vacation week my oldest daughter and son have headed to Raleigh to spend some time with her
brother and his family and my youngest and her husband and 3 kids have Amtracked to Washington for 5 days. I don't think we went anywhere when our kids were small. Just couldn't afford vacation with 4 kids during those days.

Take care all.

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