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Jane 03-17-2008 08:54 AM

:goldpot: Top o' the mornin' to ya on this fine St. Paddy's Day! :goldpot:

Francie - oh dear. Let us know how it goes at the dentist's. Do you mean you have to wait until the insurance kicks in? I sure hope not! :hug:

Mindee - sounds like you're going to have a busy morning. Hopefully, by the time you read this, your tub will be all freshly caulked. Yay for the progress in weight and muscle!

Marti - doing renovation sure does mess up a house. But just keep in mind how nice it will all look when it's done. Er.. seems like a house is never all the way done, lol. First one thing, then another. I ran errands yesterday, too, after the bridal shower.

Today is Neal wound check appointment. Thankfully, our family doc is taking care of that, so we don't have to drive to Evansville. In the meantime, I must get some ironing done! I usually iron on Tuesdays, but have slacked off. Now I'm running out of things to wear, lol.

Speaking of clothes, are you wearing green today? Wouldn't want you to get pinched, lol. :luck2you:


Marti 03-17-2008 10:07 AM

Good Morning ladies-

I was up late when I realized that I needed to be up and out of her before 8:00! I'm covering for a gal today. So needless to say.........I'm tired!!

Didn't get my walk in last night as I wanted. I started cleaning the bathroom from all the sanding and then primered the patch on the wall.

But eating was good so I don't feel terrible for not getting the walk in. Tonight for sure!

Jane--Glad to hear that Neal doesn't have to travel far for his wound check. Nothing like feeling achy and having to go for a long drive. As for wearing green today....why yes I am!!:D

Ok girls, hope all is well w/you and off I go to work!

Hugs :hug:

upswife 03-17-2008 10:25 AM

Morning ladies! Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

A quick one for me. I had to drop DH's car off for some work this AM, so I will not beable to go to the gym, but I am so resolved to get some exercise in I am going to do one of my Firm video's. DD2 is happily playing on PBSkids.org, so I may be able to get it in w/o too many problems. DD1 is loving her new earrings, she will be 6 next week, and this was an early b-day present. Well, have to hop...will do indies later!

Shopaholic1204 03-17-2008 10:28 AM

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!!!!! :luck2you:

Mindee~I wish I had some strong meds right now. Advil seems to be working again, but I'm afraid of taking too much. And its funny too, after 6 hours, the stuff wears off. I just woke up to take some more meds.

Marti~The Orajel sorta tingles the top of my mouth, it really weird, LOL!!! But ya, it does wear off very fast. I totally thought of taking a few shots of Tequila, but we're TTC, so I cant, lol. But believe me, that thought it soooooooooo there in the back of my mind, lol. :drinkup:

Jane~I think we have to wait until the insurance kicks in. Unless they will reimburse us later. Would they do that? I know we cant afford anything right now. Oh and no, I'm not wearing any green yet. But I will be after my shower.

Well..theres not much else going on with me. I'm going to go back to bed and read until this advil kicks in, so I can sleep again, lol. Have a nice day ladies!!


upswife 03-17-2008 12:12 PM

Francie~I know what we do for the kids (i used to work in a ped office) is take a regular dose of advil, then 4 hours later take a regular dose of Tylenol then 4 hours later take Advil again. They are two different meds so they don't interacrt with each other. Home it helps. I have never had a problem with the dental ins, but I have tryied to back bill something to the health ins and they would not cover it. Sorry. Get some rest and you can try alternating warm and cold compresses too. (hugs)

pattygirl63 03-17-2008 12:23 PM


Sorry I haven't been around much. Just been out of it. I had a virus or something and then DH got it. We went to eat with family Saturday and something I ate really put the bloating/swelling on me and I ended up weighing more than when I started FBD :?::( so I am working really hard to get back OP WW with MUFA's. Also picked up a little book at Costco called "The No-Diet Weight Solution" Eat this Not that kind of thing. (We do love these books don't we?):lol: Any way, I bought it because it tells you what to eat when eating in name fast food restaurants like Bob Evans and Outback etc giving calories. In the book, it gives 8 foods we should eat everyday which from what I understand is supposed to help us lose belly fat. I am already using some of the foods and I am including them in my way of eating too. The foods are usd in a lot of diets so we probably are all eating them... yogurt, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, blueberries, oats, black beans and walnuts. Of course, you can substitue similar foods like carrots evidently is for the caritinoids (sp) so sweet potatoes, pumpkin are examples of similar foods. I had said once before that I wasn't sure that FBD would work with SBD/LC
diets, but I really have changed my thinking as I believe it would adapt very well. I started my exercise today and did my 30 min Sweatin' to the Oldies and will do it 3 days a week and do my classic tape tonight and plan to do it 5 nights a week. My knee didn't particularly like the exercise today, but that is because of the temporary weight gain. It will be all right as soon as I get the weight back down. I really am going to have to watch my seasonings can't use much salt. I usually use Mrs. Dash.

Well I have a lot going on so I will be in and out here. We leave in 3 weeks to fly to DD in Boca Raton, FL. One reason I am working to get myself use to the exercise. DD and I usually plan a day at the Mall a Mother/Daughter type day out. She is Tony's daughter, but she is so much like a daughter to me. Her 2 older children know I'm not their real grandmother, but you wouldn't know I'm not. Of course the younger GD was a month old when we married and she doesn't know anything except I'm Nannie. We are looking forward to seeing them all and they already have plans for a lot of things to do.

Jane - Hope all goes well with Neal's doctor's appointment.

Francie - I hate going to the dentist. I had bad experience with one and now I will have to find a new one here in SC and I am always nervous about it. Hope you have found a good one.

Mindee, Ellen, Cristina, Marti, Sassy, Jules & Everybody else I didn't name - :wave: and all have a great day!


Mom2Gaby 03-17-2008 12:50 PM

Francie - I read Shopaholic Ties the Knot last night, stayed up until 4am to read it all. It was hilarious, especially Danny and Suze and Robyn,,,,and of course Becky's mother.....and the wedding planner....ok, it was all funny:D.
I will have to put Remember Me? on hold at the library. I love her writing and agree some of the other books are not as enjoyable as Shopaholic but they all are fun.
anyway - hope your tooth is feeling better!

tommysgirl18 03-17-2008 04:23 PM

hello ladies....how are you all doing?

nothing new on this end.....managed to get some clothes sorting done. I even managed to make some sugar cookies. I used parchment paper under them so, I don't think I cooked them for as long as I should have because they were kind of doughy. I don't like cooking them on the parchment paper but Tommy bought it so that it would be easier on me so I would haven't to wash the cookie sheets after making them.

In the two and a half hours that Brandon was at school, he did at least 5 or 6 different crafts geared towards St. Patrick's Day. I have to hard boil an egg for him tomorrow night, since on Wednesday they are going to be decorating Easter Eggs on Wednesday in class. Then on Thursday, they are having a pizza party and a movie for reading books for the "March is Reading Month." Both the morning and afternoon class, wanted to read 360 books before Thursday, and in Brandon's weekly newsletter from his teacher, this morning they were up to 250 books! Brandon took in four papers with five books on each one, so there is another 20 books to add! He got a bookmark that says that he is entitled to a free kids meal at Texas Roadhouse.

My SIL came over yesterday and saw what Brandon was doing in school, and said "that is the same stuff that Jay (her five year old) is doing in school."

FrouFrou 03-17-2008 04:41 PM

Just a quick HI...been running all day and I am pooped and computer time always suffers when there's not enough time. Will try to do individuals tomorrow.

Francie...hope your tooth is better today.

Susan...you and Francie have me wanting to read those books so Kite Runner will have to wait! I saw one, the newest one in the grocery store a while back but decided to pass because I had too many other books to read. But then saw the one in the bookstore and bought...can't pass on a dollar book, lol. So as soon as I read The Prize Winner of Defiance, OH I am reading it.

Tata for now.

Shopaholic1204 03-17-2008 04:54 PM

Trish~I've been meaning to ask you..how was the Flat Belly Diet?

Ellen~I dont have any Tylenol. That stuff doesn't work for me at all. I'd have to take 8 pills just for it to work. And that would probably be a bad idea. I am laying on a hot water bottle. I havent tried anything cold though, so I'll try that next.

Susie~Ya, the whole book was great. Those books are hard to put down, LOL!!! The Undomestic Goddess was pretty hilarious. After the Shopaholic series, that one is my next fave book. I read it in a day and omg I laughed soooooooo hard while reading it. Same goes with Can You Keep A Secret (which is being made into a movie too w/Kate Hudson). Oh ya..Madeleine Wickham is the other name she writes under (I guess its her real name, I dunno). They're more serious..and kinda boring. But I've only read 2, so I dunno about the rest. Cocktails for 3 was okay. But The Gatecrasher, I could NOT get into. I tried reading it 4 times and was soooooooooo bored. You know, if you liked Sophie Kinsella's books..you should try reading Jane Green's books. I've read them all and totally loved them!!! Start with Jemima J or Mr. Maybe, those are my faves, lol. I've read so many chick lit books, I could give you a ton of recommendations, lol.

Mindee~Wanna come over and sort my clothes?? LoL!!

Anyways..My day is so dull. I fell asleep around 9, then woke up at 9:30, lol. So then I went back to sleep and woke up again at 1pm. So now I'm here. I'm gonna go shower and see if that helps with anything. My mom's grandma always said that if you dont feel good, then you should put on makeup. So thats what I'm gonna do too. :D

Shopaholic1204 03-17-2008 04:55 PM

Cristina~:wave: Read the book soon!!! I keep talking about it so much, that I wanna read it now, LOL!!

Shopaholic1204 03-17-2008 05:41 PM

Fonzo wanted me to call up Nutrisystem and ask when I'm gonna get my refund. Well..I went to the website for a number..accidently clicked the wrong thing..Found something on refunds and this is what it said:


How do I get a refund for returned items?
Credits will be applied within 14 days after your return is processed, but may not appear on your statement for one to two billing cycles. Please note that we can refund shipping costs only if the return is a result of our error. Also please note that NutriSystem will not be responsible for any bank or credit card fees that you may incur.

A credit for the returned product will only be applied to the same method of payment to which the original sale was made.

Thats just so freakin perfect isnt it?!?!?!?!?! That lady I spoke to 2 weeks ago could've told me that over the phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

tommysgirl18 03-17-2008 09:43 PM

just popping back in here really quickly......

last night I was in bed again by 12:30am.....so I am hoping to make this a new trend! I even got up with my alarm, and was already awake when Tommy called to make sure that I was awake! Tomorrow, is a big day for Brandon.....they have school pictures! I can't wait to see how they will turn out!!!!

I have to run to the dumper to take some garbage out.....then finish filling up the dishwasher and get that running. the kids are coughing.....and Marissa is stuffy. So, it looks like the wonderful weather here in Michigan is sparking a cold with them. Hopefully the medicine is working on all three of them!

Francie~ Isn't that just peachy? I would be so mad! How are you feeling, by the way? When I was sick a couple of months ago, and kept having reoccurring headaches, I took some motrin that I had left over from when I had Marissa. If it got really bad, I was prepared to use the Tylenol with Codeine that I have left over from when I had her.

Shopaholic1204 03-17-2008 10:13 PM

Okay I have some good news and some bad news!!! The good news is..we were looking at the wrong website. Fonzo called up the dental people and they have him the website for the military, so I enrolled online. Now for the bad news. I cant see a dentist until April 1st, cuz thats when it'll be in effect. So just as long as I keep taking meds before my tooth starts to hurt beyond belief, then I'll be fine.

Mindee~Oh ya..I'm sooooooo mad!!!!!! I wish the stupid lady had told me all that on the phone, instead of making it seem like I could get my money back as soon as they got the package. I feel like she did that on purpose just to get me off the phone. Grrrrrrrrr :mad: Whatever. Other than that, I feel okay. I'm looking forward to going to the dentist, lol. Which is a first for me, lol.

Anyhoo..I shall be back laters.

Sassy_Chick 03-17-2008 10:38 PM

Happy St. Paddy's Day!!!
Hey Ya'll.

:patrick:Hope you all had a Happy St. Paddy's Day!!! :cupgold:

Can u beleive on the way into work tonight it was freezing rain??!!! :fr: And its in the mid 40's here. Totally weird. lol.

I have been just blah. Don't feel bad or anything, not sad about anything, just blah. :p So I didn't do diddly on the weekend. I did watch that new show on TLC, "I can make you thin" Interesting. Really basic stuff.

1) Eat when you are hungry
2) Eat What you want -- infact he said to throw out all the low-fat, low cal stuff that you don't like!!! lol. I love this man!!! :love: lol.
3) Eat Consiously (he says to put your fork down in between bites)
4) When you are full stop eating.

The show is going to be following people who are following his plan. He had a woman on there from India who lost 160 pounds supposedly on this. So that is basically what I have been doing even before this show. So I guess I am not totally off my rocker. :p Just have to be more "concious" about eating because we eat in front of the tv. That is a no-no according to him. :nono: So I have to work on that.


Francie -- I used Nice N' Easy. Should be Nice N' Messy! :p lol. I usually use Clarol Hyrdence or something to that affect. But yeah this color will be lasting me a while!! I usually only do it once a year anyhow. Yes I love Fried Green Tomatoes too, its one of my fav movies and I love Kathy Bates and Jessica Tandy. It wasn't on tv, I just watched my DVD since there was nothing on tv.........

Jane -- Fried Green Tomatoes is one of my favs. It makes me feel better when I am feeling blue or whatever.......I miss living in the country. :( We had neighbors but they were not right on top of us. Glad Katie's Shower went well. Sorry to hear that you hurt your knee.

Marti -- DH does not want to "Buy" a house with the economy right now. He has been talking about finding a house to rent but he is dragging his feet on that as well so I have given up. I can't move by myself........lol. Yes I think men can be a lot worse then women can! I remember when I was a kid my grandpa and my uncles all sitting outside "gossiping" together. :lol: Glad the bathroom is coming along well. :)

Hi to everybody else out there!! :wave:

Big :hug:

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