3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Ellen 08-22-2005 08:20 AM

Sugarbusters Weekly Support Board 8/22 - 8/29
Welcome to Sugarbusters!

This is the Sugarbusters support board, where anyone following, or interested in following, Sugarbusters is welcome to come for discussion, and support. We hope you will become a part of our great group!

We try to have different themes for different days of the week.

MONDAY: MMM, or Metal Monster Monday, is when we weigh in, and post our progress. This is voluntary.

TUESDAY: Is tip day- we try to share a tip, or two to help each other.

WEDNESDAY: Is Wonderful Wednesday. On Wednesdays, we share something wonderful about our selves, or our lives.

THURSDAY: Is Thirst Day! A reminder to drink your water! Its a good day to share a recipe too! :)

FRIDAY: Is FF, for Friday funnies. Everyone needs a laugh on Friday!

You are welcome to post questions, vent frustrations, whatever, but please be respectful of others and their beliefs.

Please take some time to check out our extensive recipe boards. Our RECIPE BOARDS can be located at the link below:


Look for our QUARTERLY RECIPE BOARDS to post your favorite recipes and to see the most recently posted recipes. Recipes from the quarterly boards will be archived in proper categories at some point.

We have SEVEN INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often!!! The boards are listed below as well as the link that will take you to the boards:



We also have a SB WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD that you can log your daily/weekly exercises on which is located on our weekly support board:


NEWBIES: To post a reply, please hit reply and NOT new thread

Ellen 08-22-2005 08:24 AM

Challenges! Challenges! Challenges!

You all did great with posting your exercise last week!! Let's do it again!

Do you have a problem with mindless snacking, bored eating? Pick up a hobby this week instead!

Reread your Sugarbusters book. Or find a copy of Montignac and read it.

Remember, its up to YOU to make this a good week!

Ellen 08-22-2005 08:27 AM

Its MMM and I hope it is a good one for all of you!

I hopped on the metal monster this morning, and was down 2.5 pounds. :yes:

I need to go help fix the expresso, so I will be back in a bit....


Talitha 08-22-2005 08:57 AM

MMM and I are not on good terms. I ate like a pig this weekend. Ice cream sundae Sat night, and Brownie ala mode last night. I was up 3 lbs.

BUT... My friend has a membership to the YMCA, and I am going with her today as a guest. It's not cheap, but they have childcare. A huge plus. I am excited about it.

Gotta get ready. Be back later.

Ellen 08-22-2005 09:14 AM

TALITHA: The Y is a great place! You can swim indoors, and they have all kinds of classes and such, PLUS there is stuff for the whole family! Maybe your parents would give you a membership for Christmas??? Hey, do you want to get together this week? I really would love to...please call me.

Solly 08-22-2005 09:31 AM

Happy MMM!

Well I'm much happier this MMM. The scale is down 9 lbs. (not a typo) since last MMM. Journaling and counting calories has really helped me.

Friday night we went to Happy Hour. My intent was 1 glass of wine which I sipped (something very hard for me., I drink everything quickly). Well someone bought me another one. So I drank it. We had a fish sandwich (1 Piece of rye bread as DH forgot to bring my bread from home). I don't know if it was the heat of what but it did not sit well with me. We wen to the Elks Club and I only drank water. So it was ok as I had planned to have one wine there.

Saturday at the pool I had only a bite of my DH & DD sandwiches. I was just not hungry. Dinner was on the run and not planned so I had leftover shells. We went to a party and I had 4 wines and only 1 bite of cheese/chip and 1 meatball. Sunday had 3 bites of a low carb bagel at Pannera and inside of a chicken breast for lunch. Dinner was steak, green beans, squash, zuchinni, and 1/2 sweet potatoe. That was the most I ate all weekend.

We were at the pool all weekend so I swam 10 laps each day and hung on the wall of the pool and worked my legs for a long time. Saturday, we got a 2 mile walk in during the 90 degree time of day.

So I made 7 days of exercise last week. Got up this morning and got the treadmill in too.

BF; 1/2 yogurt, 1/2 grapefruit and will probably have a Qsmart bar soon.
lunch 1/2 cup homemade chicken salad, pudding, peach.
dinner: meatball pitas.

Laurie, Congratulations on the job. :dance: I knew you would get it. Glad yourparents can watch the kids after school. At least you won't have to pay for childcare. Will they be able to watch them if they are sick or have a day off from school? I guess you won't be on here as much. We will miss you.

Nat, sorry to hear Lane's eye isn't responding. Hope the patch works. Will you share the recipe for the taco salad?

Cindy, sorting through pictures has to be a job. Bet yo don't throw many away. What a lovely walk down memorylane.

Gator, :dance: 1.5 in five days is great. Glad the rise in calories didn't hurt. I heard that on the Oprah show the thin sister was horribly mean to the fat sister. Holding up bikini underwear compared to her large underwear. I'll check out those scales.

Bob, still praying your survive the new boss. Let us know how you are doing. How is Kate doing this week? I hope better. Those UTI in older people really affect them.

Monet, you are turning into a knitting fool. :dance: on the 2.5 pounds. How much is that since you have beein following the Lepitin way?

Talitha, sorry the scale was up today. It will probably be down tomorrow. Have fun at the Y.

Hope the scale is good to everyone today. Be back later. Off to journal my food.

Toni48 08-22-2005 10:00 AM

Waaaaa I gained 2 lbs. I was afraid it was not going to be good on the scale today. Just to much bread and not being as careful with my portions. I'm so disappointed and hope I can bring it back down this week. I may need to calorie count like you all are.

Jack-K- I am blown away by your loss. Congradulations, what a wonderful drop that is. I'll bet you did the happy dance all over. I've got to pay more attention to what you're eating. I am sooooo happy for you.

Monet- Congradulations to you. What a good job you've done this week. Yippee ki aaaa!

Talitha- Guess we're in the same boat girlfriend. Our MM Monday was not so hot. Next week we'll do better. Oh how lucky to go to the YMCA. I wish we had one around here. I would love to get in the pool and get some exercise.

Think I'll have a smoothie this morning. L-Salad with Shrimp D- will be grilled meat and a salad.

GatorGal 08-22-2005 10:41 AM

Jackie--that's so great on the weight loss and I'm so happy for you. In accordance with the SB authors' comments on portion size (rather than his actually mentioning the word "calorie"), I do believe that watching that "energy intake" makes a big difference. I had resisted keeping a food journal and, ahem, counting calories, for 10 years. When I finally faced up to the fact that that was what worked for me to keep my portions under control, I finally started showing some success on the MM.

As for that, I had a loss of 2 whole pounds this week, and I am very happy about that. Amazed, actually, since we went out to an Italian restaurant on Saturday night and I was totally off plan, not even sticking to staying anywhere near my eating goal for the day: 2 pieces of hot crussty and chewey sour dough bread, with butter, two pieces of bruschetta and a sweet frozen alcoholic drink! But I hopped back on the SB plan yesterday and got my walking in, and am happy today. If my weight is the same next MMM, I will be happy because we are eating out at some very nice restaurants for 3 meals this week, plus out for several other meals also. We probably will get in our exercise, but the food will not be as "controlled" as normal.

We went to a local theater to see the movie "March of the Penguins" last night. It is showing at only one theater here, a "dinner" theater where you sit at little tables and order drinks, snacks and desserts. My DH had a glass of wine and wanted a chocolate dessert, but we went to the late show and they only had choc. chip cookies left. So he ordered a choc chip cookie and they brought him a plate with TWO cookies, each about the size of a CD disk, and warm-m-m-m. I ordered a diet coke and only took a couple of sips because I was so worried that they might have goofed and brought a non-diet drink instead (I can't tell the difference) and REALLY wanted to show a loss this morning. I had about 1 tsp taste of one of his warm-m-m-m cookies :) and was really happy I didn't eat more when I got on the scale this morning. Talitha's signature "nothing tastes as good as thin feels" is so true! BTW, the movie was good, really great photography, and up to the standards of most National Geographic films, which this was. I could see this being shown on TV as a special on Hallmark channel.

Monet--Thanks for your great faithfulness in starting the board and being our moderator every week. We all really appreciate that, and your faithfulness has a positive impact on all our lives. Congratulations on the 2.5 pound loss.

Talitha, If you don't get over to Monet's this week, and are booked up until the end of September, I'm hoping Monet will be able to meet up with me on Sept. 28, and maybe you can too. I'm getting in on the 27th and won't be leaving until the 29th.

Well, have to get my shower and make the bed. Have a great day, everyone.

PS. BOB, hope your week turns out surprisingly wonderful, and that you will be happy as a clam on Friday. :) :)


ThinWithin225 08-22-2005 10:52 AM

I can't believe it! I forgot to weigh this morning! :o I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that my husband is flying to Orlando today and will not be home till late Thursday night! :lol: I really don't mind the occasional business trip, the kids and I can have dinners that Dad is not so crazy about! ;)
This has been a very sad weekend for us. One of Rachel's former dance teacher lost her baby that was just over one month old. He got sick with meningitis just 36 hrs after his homecoming and spent the rest of his short life in intensive care at Scottish Rite in Atlanta. He has catastrophic severe brain damage from the swelling and had started having seizures. I know in a wierd way it was a blessing for him to pass. No one knew how much of a life he would have with the brain damage, but we were all praying for a miracle. Maybe he got one. We went to the funeral home and Rachel made the comment that he looked like a baby doll lying there. It was AWFUL! I really feel for this Mom and Dad, he was their first child.
Well, I better go get some work done! Have a great week! :)

THE BIG ORANGE BABE 08-22-2005 12:21 PM


I had to come home at 10:30a.m. Kate couldn't get the medicine straight.
The CIPRO has to be taken either two hrs before or after other medicine.
She also is taking another antibiotic twice a day and I need to get her on a schedule for that. I stopped at the drug store to fill the meds and journeyed
down to the health food store to pick up some pure cranberry juice. I've mixed it up and will start pouring it down her throat to get those kidneys flushed out.

I did get some work done before having to leave. I'll just have to do double tomorrow.

I'll get caught up on posts at some point today....



Ellen 08-22-2005 03:15 PM

Flying by...

Breakfast was 3 eggs, cheese and a stone ground ww tortilla wrapped up, espresso. Lunch was a salmon filet, sauteed eggplant, sliced tomato and coffee with half and half. Not sure what I am fixing for dinner....

BOB: I hope Kate feels better soon. Give her a gentle hug from me.

Off to deposit some $$ in my bank account!


CountryMom4Him 08-22-2005 04:08 PM

Not too good of a weigh in this morning. Gained almost all of the last two weeks weight back. How fun to blow two weeks in one weekend. Oh well back on track today.

Congratulations to this weeks losers. Hang in there those that put some back on.

I don't have much time this afternoon but wanted to jump on here and say howdy. I hope everyone has a SUPER week.


Solly 08-22-2005 04:34 PM

Good afternoon ladies.

Chewing away on some gum and drinking lots of water. Keeps me from snacking. I'm not hungry, just bored and wanting to eat. Only 1/2 hour to go until I get home and get some dinner started and my wt training in.

The girls have VB tonight so we have to eat quickly. I am going to add a salad to my meatball pita so give me some more veggies. Hope these turn out good, I think it was Julie who suggested them.

Toni, counting cals has made me really think about eating something. Before, I would go get a handful of nuts and not think about them. Now I know how many extra calories I'm putting in my mouth. Sorry you were disappointed today with the scale.

Gator, I think the plate thing was their way of saying you can't just eat and eat. I always think about that when I get my dinner plate. I use a breakfast plate and DH uses a dinner plate. They also said no seconds. I tickled for your 2 pounds. Hope it holds this week with all your eating out. Maybe sneak in some extra exercise.

Thin, condolences to your friend. I can't imagine anything worse than losing a child. I think it would be something you never get over.

Bob, you had better write the times down for Kate to take her meds instead of relying on the 2 hours after, etc. She may still be somewhat confused from the UTI. It really can mess with your mind. Hope you didn't get in trouble for leaving today.

Monet, if you have any extra money, put some in my account please.

Crystle, why does it take us forever to lose it and put it on so quickly. I'm sure not all the gain is fat. Hang in there, you were doing so good.

have a great evening.

Ellen 08-22-2005 06:11 PM

JACK: Sure thing! Just PM me your account number and password, and I will be happy to! :s:

COUNTRY: <<hugs>> Its awful that it comes back on so easy when it is so hard to get off! :(

I just got in from the bank and the grocery store. I ran into a friend at the store, who was shopping with her 9 month old. For the first time, he really seemed to recognize me, which just made my day! (he was almost two months premature, so this is a big milestone!) I 'shopped' with them, so we could visit some. I don't know why I love the grocery store, but I do!


GatorGal 08-22-2005 06:41 PM

BOB--I know that some counties in FLA have a visiting nurse program, or something like that when a patient needs someone to check in on them daily for a limited period of time. I wonder if you could use that for the next week or so, so that they could help administer at least one medication, and that would leave her to take the other as necessary. Perhaps an oven timer could be set that would ring when she needed to take the other one. Or perhaps she would only take a pill from the blue bottle on the dresser when you called her, and then later took a pill from the white bottle in the kitchen when you called her later. Just some ideas.

Jackie--I often use a luncheon sized plate, instead of a dinner plate, but we normally just have meat and a veggie for dinner, along with a salad sometimes--on a separate plate.

Food today:
B.--SB pancakes with extra egg white andd 1/2 T wheat germ, topped with NSA syrup and fresh fruit.
L. (At a HFS restaurant) a tuna melt on a whole pita, part of a small salad. I couldn't eat all the tuna melt, nor could I eat all the salad. Actually, just nibbled on the salad.
D. Will be roast beef hash, made with 4 oz. left-over roast beef, some pan juices, andd one low carb potato. Some green veggie.

I have been looking at new cars. My present one is 15 years old and leaking about one qt. oil per month. So, it's time. I have had a convertible all these years, and it is definitely fun to drive. So, I'm sticking to the ragtop, with stick (manual) shift, a rear seat (we use it), white or silver with leather seats. It used to be pretty easy to find a car like that, but now-a-days no one knows how to drive a stick, so almost everything comes only in automatic transmission. I've found a nice BMW that will meet my needs, and now I just have to test drive the stick, which doesn't arrive at the dealers for another week or so. I'll keep y'all posted. I'm definitely the one who will do the negotiations. My DH would feel sorry for the dealer and buy at any price. Not me!! :s:

Have a great evening everyone, and make everything you put in your mouth count!!


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