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Ellen 06-18-2004 03:42 PM

Hey everyone! I feel like a Hoover...I think that is a Heartmom phrase! I had a cup of hot tea this morning, then got to reading a book. The phone rang about 11 and it was my 'adopted' daughter wanting me to go to Curves with her. I got dressed, and grabbed a cup of milk and some protein powder for breakfast. It was not enough, so I ate a banana. We went and worked out, and came back and I was starving! Tom and I grilled some hamburgers to eat as steaks and I am made some onion rings. I used a recipe I found on line, but used ww flour in them. They were awesome! I only made one big onion, but it was two full plates of them, and we were both feeling rather oinky from scrafing them down. Then I ate an orange before we ate, and one after. So here is my menu so far today:

B- protein smoothie in 1 cup org 1% milk, banana
S- orange
L- LOTS of onion rings, 4 oz extra lean org hamburger pattie, 1/2 small tomato, low carb ketchup, dijon mustard, and 1 slice of pickle.

Not sure what dinner will be yet. We are planning on going to see Harry Potter, so we may end up grabbing a bite while we are out.

I will check in later!

Toni48 06-18-2004 05:18 PM

Hi everyone. Was out of town today so didn't get to post this morning. I was in a hurry and didn't eat this morning. I need to get something I can grab quick when I do that... L-taco salad without the shell, ice tea. S- Turkey jerkey D- Legal low carb t.v. dinner... LOL thats my treat for Friday night so I don't have to cook... I'm pooped. Hope everyone has a good week end......

Pancho 06-18-2004 07:01 PM

Good Afternoon:

I hope everyone is having a great day. Britt went to work with DH, and then we met them at his office, and took both vehicles over to Discount Tire while we went to Peter Piper Pizza with the girls. DH had a nail in his tire, and we had to get the tires rotated on the Tahoe before the trip. I got the buffet at Peter Piper and did eat three slices of pizza and a salad, and a few bites of the cinnamon dessert pizza. I had stopped at Sonic and got a large iced tea on my way there, and just drank that. The kids had lots of fun playing, and the vehicles were done by the time we left; it worked out well. The girls & I then went by Wal-Mart & Fry's, and now we are home. It is getting so darn hot out there.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I am going to get up early and go to the gym, and then go get my hair done, and probably run by the outlet mall and get a few more pairs of underwear.

My menu so far today:

1/2 Trioplex bar
3 slices of pizza & few bites dessert pizza
salad with black olives, ranch & italian
Large iced tea
Dinner will be something lite, I'm sure
I will also have some cherries soon; I just bought some fresh ones at Fry's
60 ounces of water, so far....

Wood: You should be very PROUD of yourself!!! 63.5#'s in one year is awesome. I cannot wait for you to break the 200# mark; we'll have a virtual party!! I hope your DH decides to do SB. My DH learned so much from me that he went on to cut out the sugars and start eating healthy and he lost weight he didn't even need to lose. He really should put on about 10 more pounds. He is 6'1", and weighed around 180#; he now weighs 168-171#; he is very muscular and has an awesome build, but I think he has lost too much and should put on a few more pounds. You keep up the great work, and all your hard work will continue to pay off!!

Monet: All & all, your menu for today is not so bad. I think onion rings would be a great treat; how did you make them?

Toni: Have a good weekend. Didn't your mom teach you that BF is the most important meal of the day ;) . Just ask Country....I always catch it when people say they miss it. Remember Breakfast means Break Fast (breaking a fast). Your body has been in fast mode for many hours, and wants to eat. If you don't feed it, it will go into survival mode and hang on to whatever is there, and makes it much harder to lose. Okay, I'll get off my soapbox (as Heart would say). Have a great weekend, and don't forget to eat BF! :)

Well, I better run!!

I hope to check in at some point this weekend.

Take care,

Rosalie 06-18-2004 07:28 PM

Evening All

I was planning on cutting back the carbs to-day as I had too many yesterday but unfortunately it hasn't turned out that way.

This is what I have had to-day or will be having:

B - Allbran Bran Flakes with 1% milk. Coffee with cream.

L - Leftover pizza - was planning on having some protein and veggies for lunch but didn't have time to prepare anything as I was out shopping this a.m. and just had time to grab the pizza and a coffee when I got home then I was off to badminton at 12.30.p.m. Mustn't be late for my favourite activity. ;)

Snacks: Grapes - about a cupful. 1 large orange. Oh and I mustn't forget the one oatmeal cookie I had this morning. I made another batch this morning so the guys will have something to nibble on this weekend.

D - Whole grain spelt egg noodles with chicken breast and lots of veggies - zucchini, onions, red and green peppers, green peas - with a primavera sauce.

I made this dish so that I would have lots of leftovers for my ds and gs on the weekend. Ds is taking gs to a soccer tournament tomorrow and Sunday. And as I won't be here to cook for them this will be easy for them to fix.

I was planning on making tacos for them tomorrow. Maybe I should let them have the left overs tomorrow instead and I can take myself out to dinner and just have some chicken and salad/veggies. I always put black beans in my tacos and I don't want to be eating those before my bus trip Sunday morning. I don't want to have any embarrassing moments. :lol:

Pancho - I know that doesn't look like I had much to eat yesterday but I think having more carbs than usual for lunch and dinner kept me full and stopped me snacking. (hate to think what the results will be when I get on the scale tomorrow). Also the pizza had lots of toppings and was very filling. I must have had about 3/4 of a medium size smoked turkey sausage, and about a cup of cheese. Lots of fat in the cheese but the sausage had very little fat and quite a bit of protein. That's why I've started using the turkey sausage in place of pepperoni as the pepperoni has so much fat and very little protein.

Jack-K - Glad to hear that your treatment went well.

CountryMom - What beautiful horses. I can't remember the last time I dove in the water. I only swim with my head above water. When I swim the breast stroke I always have my head up - partly because I was told not to get water in my ears due to ear problems I had many moons ago also I didn't like swimming with my face under water. But swimming with my head up gives me a sore neck so I try to alternate breaststroke with backstroke to ease the pressure on the neck :spin:

Fillise - WTG on losing 3 lbs.

Teansy - I always used to make strawberry jam from frozen berries. Never had a problem with it. By the time I had picked them and hulled them I would never have the time or the stamina to make the jam on the same day. I would just defrost them partially in the microwave so I could mash them. How do you make your 100% fruit spread. Do you use any kind of sweetener?

Woodfrogs - That's fabulous that you have lost almost 64 pounds in one year. I wish you luck in reaching your goal. Just set mini-goals for yourself and it will be attainable.

Well I am back from eating my dinner and I feel stuffed but it was really delicious. I don't think I will need to eat anything else this evening except maybe a few grapes later on. And tomorrow I must get back to protein and veggies for lunch and dinner.

Have to go and sort out what clothes I will be taking for my mini vacation. I did find a nice lavender blouse to-day which goes well with both my navy and black jersey pants. And it was a good price - reduced from $48 to $23. I don't know how I will manage to leave the house at 4.45 a.m. on Sunday - probably won't sleep all night.

Have a great weekend everybody. :wave:


sef 06-18-2004 08:11 PM

HiedieHo Everyone!

Yesterday, I wasn't feeling too peppy. Went to NH, rested awhile and then headed out to entertain. By then my throat was feeling scratchy. I was able to sing over the throat for the most part but had to do only one verse of one song, the band just finished it as an instrumental. On the way home I stopped at the pharmacy and bought some throat spray and lozenges.

Today I did wash, vacuumed and made supper between bathroom trips. I had a PT appointment and cancelled it, but I forgot about a YAH BBQ and forgot to call the hostess and the person I was giving a ride to. A senior moment for sure.

I decided that I;m going to change the sitting room. DS will do the bull work. Am going to switch the chairs and sidetables. It might not look as nice but I'm the only one that really sees it. That was I can reach my stitching supplies with my left and will be more comfortable I think.

Thanks, I think, to this board I have been doing better with my eating. I'm not 100% but I have not pigged out the last two days. I am really trying to do better, it's just good enough effort yet.

PANCHO: I don't wan to give up, but I amvery discouraged and not happy with myself.

COUNTRY: I love horses, the fondest memories of my youth include have to do with horses. Enjoyed the pictures. Tha paint is beautiful.

TEENSY: I'm hanging, but the thread is thin and I'm not!

ROSALIE: I guess I will have to check out if I can get into chat room. When I was able to in the begininng I really enjoyed it. Than all of a sudden it wouldn't let me in, even with my password.

MONET: I have used my cast iron pans for almost 50 years and have never broke one. What was he using? A cutting torch? A cooking class sounds like something I would enjoy too. Okay I see where further on you answered the quation, guess I never dropped mine. I would have overspent at the market too. GD and I saw Harry at th IMax theater. It was good, just thought they were so into the special effects that they forgot to flesh out the story a little more.
I love the books and movies!

HEART: I know how hard it must be trying to stay OP. I guess it's not an exclusive club. Just when I'm struggling I think I'm the only one in the world who has the problem. Then I come here and find solace.

FILLISE: I remember once when I was in an "holier than thou" mood, a friend wanted a definite NO-NO. When I told her she didn't need that, she said "It's not a question of need, it's a question of what I want." I tsked, tsked. Now once again I am trying to ask myself, in the right attitude, if I want something or need. Need is supposed to win and I am struggling to make it happen.

WOOD: Glad your allergies are better, they can drag you down.

JACKK: Glad your treatment is going well.

Sitting here too long, but there were so many posts, Hope I didn't miss anyone.

May good things happen


Tranquil 06-18-2004 09:34 PM

Hi All: Sorry for being so absent...I get home so late, then start working on the house getting it ready for sale - but no buyers yet - have an agent now - Deb called from Las Vegas and asked me to post because she wanted you all to know she is having a great time, film festival going on so she has seen a lot of stars (eg. Dennis Hopper), and she sounded great! She also wanted me to let you all know that her computer at home is crashed and probably will not be up and running when they get back from vacation. I will probably start the board again if she is still down when she gets back. Hope you all have a good SBering, Safe Weekend - and will see ya later!!!

Sabrina :)

Fillise 06-18-2004 10:26 PM

Evening all!

It has been a loooooong day today, but I wanted to stop in before I pop off to bed. Good day food-wise.

B= I chicken biscuit minus the biscuit (I was on the road), coffee.

L= chef salad, Bleu Cheese Dressing.

S= a couple tbl of peanut butter

D= Bowl o SF baked beans, 2 slices of SF WW bread.

Tomorrow I am supposed to go to Mobile for a Crawfish boil. But tonight I really don't want to go. I'll have to make a decision in the morning.

Jackie--Glad the treatment went well! The baked beans are: 2 cans of Navy beans. 1 small onion chopped, 2 tbl tomato sauce, 1/2 cup agave (or splenda) 2 tsp prepared mustard and 1/4 tsp black pepper, 1 cup hot water. But the beans and onions in a baking casserole, mix the rest of the ingradients in the hot water and pour over the beans. Bake for 2 hours. They are quite tasty and have gotten better as they have "aged."

Monet--Darn, I so wanted to see you in that competition! The onion rings sound delish!

Sounds like lots of folks are getting ready to leave for vacation. I hope everyone has a great trip!

Sorry I can't get to everyone--but I really need to crawlinto bed.

Have great OP weekends everyone!


Ellen 06-18-2004 10:26 PM

Good evening! We went out to eat with daughter #1 and her hubby. We so enjoy these double dates with them. We went to our favorite Mexican place. They are doing SB, but are naughtier than we are. They got chips and I ended up eating a few of them. I also got something different tonight. It had two tacos on the plate, so I ate them. So I ended up eating no nos, but hopefully not too terrible.

PANCHO: The onion rings were rather easy. After you slice and separate them into rings, you dip the rings in flour, then a batter that is made with milk, flour, a bit of oil and baking powder, salt and pepper. Then you put them in the hot oil and fry until golden. Its kind of a tempura batter, and worked rather well. I think it would be better if it had been really cold, so I will make it ahead of time next time and chill it for 30 minutes or so. I can PM you the actual recipe if you like. I got it off another web site, so I don't feel like I can post it, since its not my recipe.

SEF: That is a good idea to rearrange your furniture to accomodate your shoulder. Afterall, who cares about looks, furniture is for our convenience! I was surprised that the iron skillet broke too, but he had just pulled it out of a very hot oven and then dropped it due to the flimsy oven rack. I felt bad for him, since he loves using a cast iron skillet for steaks. He sautes them in the skillet, then put them in the skillet in a hot oven to broil. They turn out really good.

ROSALIE: I hope you have a great time on your trip! I am glad you found a blouse you liked. I snickered about the beans and the bus trip! I know what you mean, but you could always get some Beano! HAHA!

TONI: You could make some oat bran muffins to keep in the freezer. They make a nice filling breakfast for when you are on the go. If you need a recipe, let me know. I may have posted mine a while back, but I can post it again. I think Fillise makes a whole wheat muffin that might be a good one to have too.

TEENSY: I have made strawberry jam with frozen strawberries. Its just been so long I can't remember how I did it. I know you can make strawberry jam that you FREEZE instead of seal in glass jars. You are going to cook them to mush anyway, so I would think it would not matter if they had been frozen. I love strawberries! I am too lazy to go pick them though! :)

JACK: I am so glad you are feeling good. I hope you have a great weekend.

BOB: Where are you?

FILLISE: Hope everything is settling down. How did you get this intern? From the University? How long do you have him for?

TRANQUIL: Thanks for the report on Deb. I am glad she is having a good time in Vegas. Tell her to win a lot of moola so she can buy a second computer and put in a network, then she can get online even when her kids need the computer! ;)

FRUIT: Behave yourself this weekend! :)

COUNTRY: I love your horses! Such wonderful creatures! What do you mean by lunge?

WOOD: You are doing awesome! :cb: You are going to break that 200 point soon, I am sure!

Ellen 06-18-2004 10:39 PM

Man, I did it again. I forgot to post my menu! Here it is:

B- 1 cup milk with 1 1/2 scoops of whey protein, banana, hot tea
S- orange
L- onion rings, hamburger pattie, half tomato, orange
D- poblano chili relleno, refried beans, two tacos, unsweetened ice tea

Water: 64 oz. (not enough..will try to get in more before bed!)

THE BIG ORANGE BABE 06-19-2004 11:20 AM

HERE I AM MONET...... :love:

I just didn't get a chance to drop by yesterday.

I'm kinda stuck at home this weekend...got lots of stuff to do...my house definately needs some TLC on the insides....CLEANING!!!!!

Everyone who is going on VACATION, HAVE A GREAT TIME!!! we'll be here when you get back to cheer you on as you strive to
get rid of those vacation pounds ;)

SUSAN....This goodie bag is wonderful...have you tried their mascara? There is NO BRUSH!!!! I haven't given it a whirl yet, but I'll let you know... the two
eyeshadows that came are good fortune and well rested one of them is a glimmer, but it doesn't say which one :?: Here's the defination of the "LIQUID LOOFAH....Granules of crushed black walnut shell in a luxurious, creamy lather, combining gentle exfoliation and cleansing, leaving skin smoother and more radiant than ever as for the KABUKI brush....dangit...I just bought a full sized one from Janice.... :mad: Oh well, this way I can use the smaller one for travel...
I envy you going to a crawfish boil!!! How I love them...could eat my weight in them.....OH MY GAWD....would that be a table full!!!! Have a good time if you decide to go...

MONET....Too bad you didn't let the kittys come to live a SPA MONET you would be in competition with my friend here....12 cats and a Jack Russell.....going over to her house is like going to a pet store! Have a great weekend.


SABRINA...hope all goes well with the house..... :crossed: WHERE'S WENDY???
You tell her that I said to GET HER SORRY BUTT on the board! ;)

Well, I'm off to get started...see y'all later!


Ellen 06-19-2004 11:32 AM

Good Morning! I slept poorly and feel surly. Just warning you all...

Tom is planning his work for replacing the deck. It needs it badly. Not sure how much he will get done before we have a big party planned here for July 3, but hopefully, he will get at least the steps replaced, since they are rather rickety. I would love to redesign the whole thing, but when I mention changing it, he gives me a pained look.

I had a bowl of Cheerios for breakfast. And hot tea. Not sure what I will have for lunch. I have a few hours before I get hungry enough to eat.

It seems weird that today is Saturday. Having Tom home on Friday is so nice, but it makes Friday seem like Saturday..and Saturday seem like Sunday. Its going to be nice when tomorrow is Sunday. I know you all are following that, and shaking your heads at my impeccable logic. :)

BOB: I too should clean, but why? Never do today what you can put off until next week, I always say. I think I will go paint some on my huge canvas. I recently painted it black to get started on a new idea. :)

Off to talk more deck talk... :wave:

sef 06-19-2004 12:25 PM

HiedieHo Everyone!

The start of a new day and I am determined to be good! Had lf cottage cheese with sf apricot preserves for breakfast. Need a second cup of coffee since only half my heart is pumping. :coffee2:

TRANQUIL: THanks for your hard work on our behalf and thanks for the update on Debbie. :cp:

FILLISE: did you go to the boil?

MONET: I would love it if you wold send me the onion recipe too. I love onions and miss the batter fried ones which I used to eat frequently. The Blooming Onion at Outback....sigh. You learn something every day! To sear my steaks I usually broil on high on both sides then lower the broiler heat or the rack. I'll have to try searing them in skillet then broil. I love the tips we get from each other! I like your philosophy. I used to knock myself out cleaning every nook and crannies, now it's one or the other but not both! :D

BOB: :wave: back at 'cha. I'm turning southern in many ways but crawfish isn't one of them. I can eat them but give me a shrimp anytime! You should sell the makeup you are a good spieler!!

Are you sometimes amazed by your children? My DS has turned into a real Mr. Gardener! When he was a kid he would help me with my flower beds if pressed into service. Now he is always into a new project. Heard some noise in the backyard, looked out and he is putting in another flowerbed. I wish my window was so I could sit and look out at the scene below. I have the best view of it. When we first moved here he wasn't all that interested, keep the lawn mowed is enough. The last couple of years he has blossomed and so is the yard! All I can to him is :bravo:

My project for today. Clean out an old file box to use for all my music accumalation. I am getting quite a collection of lyrics and music. Remember, I don't play an instrument and only sing from the heart. I know "every good boy does fine and face" but I don't read music. I have been looking for silly or novelty songs, I try to do one in every program we do. Have found a couple of good sites. If anyone has a suggestion let me know.

Time to get that second cup of coffee! :coffee:

May good things happen


THE BIG ORANGE BABE 06-19-2004 01:22 PM


Check out this article....


THE BIG ORANGE BABE 06-19-2004 01:26 PM

For those of you who like cinnamon



Rosalie 06-19-2004 04:42 PM

Good Afternoon Everyone

I was afraid to get on the scale this morning after the carb-fest I had the last couple of days but I was pleasantly surprised to weigh in at 194.5 lbs. That is 0.5 lbs less than the low I reported a few weeks ago and two pounds less than yesterday. So what am I to do? Eat more carbs or less. :spin:

This is what I have had to-day so far:

B - Allbran Bran Flakes with 6 oz 1% milk. Coffee with 5% cream.

L - Egg salad (2 eggs) on two slices sgww bread with mixed salad greens. Coffee with cream.

Sn - Grapes - about 1/2 cup. 1 oatmeal cookie. Hot tea with milk.

Not sure yet what I will do about supper. Not hungry yet but may go out to the restaurant later for chicken and salad/veggies.

Went to watch my 11 year old gs play soccer this afternoon. He has two games to-day and I planned on watching them both but there was such a cold wind that I decided to come home after the first one. It's a sunny day and if you get out of the wind it is warm but it was like a gale blowing around the soccer field.

Monet - I feel the same way about housework - not doing to-day what you can put off until next week. But it reminds me of another saying: Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do to-day. You might like it and want to do it again tomorrow. ;).

BOB - That's an interesting article about vinegar and insulin sensitivity. It's another good reason to add vinegar/lemon juice to our meals/salad dressings as it has already been documented that it can reduce the gi of a food.

Sef -That's sweet that you say you "only sing from the heart". Reminds me of a man I cared for in the NH a couple of years ago. He was 90 years old and would go out swimming a couple of times a week and belonged to the choir. He would always say "I swim for my health and sing for my soul". :).

Tranquil - Hope you get a buyer for the house soon. And thanks for giving us an update on Deb. Next time you talk to her please tell her she is missed around here. And I forgot to thank you for starting the board for us this week.


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