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sef 03-13-2004 10:16 AM

HiedeeHo All!

CHERYL: I had MRI for my back. I went in the tube feet first and my head was in, but I was able to roll my head and eyes back far enough I was able to talk to the talk for a few minutes and calm myself before she out me in the rest of the way. That MRI took about 45 minutes. This one they put me in head first and for some reason it made a world of difference to me. The tech was talking to me as I glided in and then all of a sudden I lost it. Didn't know I would react that way.

I didn't realize there was a difference in the quality of a closed vs open. When I had knee surgery that doctor sent me to an open one, apparently he used it routinely. We learn something all the time, don't we?

Take care,

THE BIG ORANGE BABE 03-13-2004 12:17 PM


Spoke with THE DUNGEON MISTRESS this morning while she was out making her Saturday haul. Said to say hello to everyone!

NAT...So sorry to hear about your DGF...I'll be sending good thoughts for your DGM and for you too!

This is a drive by, but wanted to give you your WEEKEND MOVIE LIST


I'm going out this afternoon with my SIL. I'll talk with y'all later!


Solly 03-13-2004 05:10 PM

Hi ladies.

Sorry I haven't been on here. Went to oncologist yesterday. We will start the Chemo on the 25th. If we started next week it would have me taking a treatment Derby week and our vacation week. Derby week is big here. So we will wait another week. DH also went to dr. Still has the blood clot, but it is better. He goes back in 3 months and will have to wear the thigh high stockings or have the veins stripped. I don't think he will do that.

I was totally exhausted yesterday and even took a nap today. That was the first nap since I have been out of the hospital. I think not sleeping is catching up to me. Dh does not have to go back out of tow, well he does but he is not staying all night.

Eating has not been good, but we did gt out and walk 2 miles today and plan to get back on track with eating and exercising by Monday for sure.

DD is home for spring break but leaves for Vegas tomorrow until Wed. Her roommate just turned 21 and her mom is taking them out there. I feel better with adult supervision even if she is 21.

Woodfrogs, prayers for your Mom's remission.

Deb, hope you enjoyed your unexpectd time with Eli. McDonald's always does that to my DH.

Melf, hope that pain the the hip goes away. You are doing great at the gym.

Fillise, Congrats ont he 2#s.

Jenn, Welcome back. We have asked about you many times. Your baby is absolutely precious. I hate that it was a rought time, but look at the wonderful result. Hope you stay with us.

Pancho, sorry yur gym time was ended. Hope you got there today. So sorry to hear about your GF. Prayers for your GM.

Mlia, Welcome! This is a great board. Glad you are doing so well on SB. Hope you stay with us.

Missy, still saying special prayers for you. Have fun practicing.

Teensy, sounds like you had a busy day but a fun one.

Heart, hope Boogie is ok.

Country, garden time already?? We were going to work in the yard today but it is too cool.

Sef, glad you got that MRI rescheduled.

Bob, Don't be spoiling that baby too much :lol:

Need to run, DD wants to go out to eat.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


Teensybean 03-14-2004 12:36 AM

Hey all--

Didn't have the energy to get on here last night. Another beautiful day Friday. Got some more yard work done, and also walked the dogs again. I turned them loose after we got inside the gate, and they just had a ball. When Bazal got to where he wouldn't come when I called him I made him go back on the leash. My little girl Basset went up to him and got right in his face and started woofing at him, just like she was telling him to start behaving. It was so funny that I couldn't help but let them stay for awhile longer. Boy, did they sleep last night. But then so did I!

Today was our weekly pot luck. Not too many people though. One of my Aunt's Grandpa just passed away, and the other Aunt's dh's Father is dying. They are just trying to keep him comfortable now. So it was a pretty somber day.

Dh is taking my Mother and I out for Brunch tomorrow at the Casino. We haven't been anywhere in such a long time. This will be a real treat. They have a wonderful Brunch, and we will try our luck at a few machines too.

Brant called and his Dr took all the packing out of his nose. He said it hurt like H***. Everything is looking good except for the incision in his mouth. They cut above his teeth on the left side, and it isn't healing well. He has a special mouthwash that he is supposed to use twice a day. He still has swelling, but it is getting better. I am anxious to see him next weekend.

Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday, and will talk to you all tomorrow.

cherylco 03-14-2004 09:57 AM

OMG your little girl is so cute! Congratulations!! Great work on losing all the baby weight so fast!

Mlia Welcome to the board

Pancho sorry about your GF :(

I had 2 rounds of intravenous Cytoxen and my mom did radiation treatment after her cancer. What kind will you be doing?

Well I have a nephew's birthday party to attend today. It's real nice out like 45. Supposed to be 55 later! Woohoo heat wave! I'm bringing the puppy so she can be outside playing instead of stuck in the cage. She sleeps a lot so it's no bid deal. Plus she'll be able to meet all the family.

THE BIG ORANGE BABE 03-14-2004 10:40 AM


The Grandparents left at 4:30 a.m. and are well on their way home. Tracy's Mom is on her way to stay with Jeff and Tracy for a while to help out. The little munchkin was asleep when I went over yesterday, so I didn't get to hold or pinch him. He did mark his territory though....no one told the kids that when you remove the diaper that you need to cover a little boy right away, and he peed straight up and all over their bed! Jeff was so beside himself that he put the diaper on backward! They have a lot to learn, but will be excellent parents. They need to get him on a schedule of some kind though...he kept them up for two hours 1:30 to 3:30 a.m. and they were so tired.

I spent the afternoon with my SIL yesterday. It was a much needed time together. We settled a lot of things that needed to be settled, and she confided a lot in me that she needed to talk about. It felt really good.

CHERYL...Thanks so much for the welcome for my little guy . I plan to not interfere, and will be there if they need me.
They are quite territorial right now and that's understandable. I'll get my time, and I know it, but I just have to be patient! Since he's brand new, I want them to have their time to bond.

JACKIE..BLESS YOUR HEART SWEETIE....I know what you're about to go through, and my only advice to you is to be SURE to ask for something to settle you stomach before starting your treatment every time. I continue to send good thoughts your way....every day...You've got a lot of love coming your way :love: :love: :love: :goodvibes :goodvibes :grouphug:

I know there are a few newbies so I'll do a group ((((((((((welcome)))))))) from BOB and I promise, I'll get to each and every one of you eventually!

COLLEEN....Sending good thought Brant's way...Have a good time at the casino...

MISSY You know I love ya, and I'm only thinking good things about these treatments....all fingers are :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:

I've got to go....I'll see y'all later.


Ellen 03-14-2004 12:41 PM

Just a quick hello from Spa Monet. Yes, I am alive. I am doing moderately well, too. I finally quit my job, and now have time to concentrate on my arts ministry stuff for church. There is a lot coming up, and I am going to be busy as all.... I joined Curves last week, when they had their big special. So far, I love it!

BOB: Congrats on being auntie to the little bruiser! He has a good start on being a football player! Of course, it CAN change! My biggest baby was Laura, who weighed in at 9 lb 8 oz, and happens to be my smallest adult child, at 5'10" and 160 pounds! (her sister is 5'11, and has now lost 50 pounds on SB, with about 30 more to go, and her brother is 6'4" and I will not venture to guess what he weighs...but somewhere around 250 I bet...)

FILLISE: What I want to know is, WHY were you looking at stuff on Krispie Kreme doughnuts on line???? Is this a secret fantasy, or something? I hope they have more than one flavor.... ;)

TEENSY: I sure hope all is well with Brant's recovery. I can imagine having the packing out would not feel so good. (shudder) I loved the image of your girl doggie cussing out Bazal for not behaving! My kitten is a tattle tail. He comes in yakking in a whiny voice when the old cat cuffs him for trying to play with him when he wants to be left alone. Animals are so much fun!

JACK: Its good to see you online. Will keep you in my prayers as you go through the chemo treatments. Goodness, I can't believe you are not napping more! Please do! Sleep is when your body heals best.

COUNTRY: Hope you are over your sore muscles! I am dreading getting out in my garden this year. Its about time to prune the roses...all 60 of them. That is a big job, and I am not looking forward to it. Then, I have to start seeds for the vegetable garden. Ack! And its time..the daffodils are all in bloom and have been for a week!

JENNINMINN: Did anyone explain that the board crashed back a month or so ago and they had to restore it from an old backup? That may be why you had problems logging in. I believe it is case sensitive as well. You daughter is precious! Congrats! Good to see you! I have wondered how you were doing.

DEB: Don't make me come down there and kick you in the butt! I don't need much of an excuse now that I am not working. I can stop and see Auntie Bob on the way... Save your $$ for the hypnotist, and give it to me for gas...no way on God's green earth am I gonna fly. I will get you back on track in no time. It doesn't matter if you have gained...I am still bigger than you are. I promise not to break BOTH your arms....

:wave: to everyone I missed! Later Gators! (hmm, WHERE is Gatorgal??? Not in France yet is she???)

Teensybean 03-15-2004 12:56 AM

Hi all--

We had a great time today. Brunch was wonderful. I stuck to my guns and didn't eat off plan, though the biscuits and gravy sure looked good. I did eat more fat than normal due to what choices I made. Instead of pancakes, french toast, hashbrowns, gravy, I choice the meats. And an omelet with some cantaloupe and honeydew. I didn't do too bad. Money wise I was almost down $100. when I hit a couple of pots. Ended up even!! Mom ended up even too, but dh lost $80. All in all it was a great day.

Walked the dogs again when we got home. They sure do enjoy their time out. Then I raked some more in the yard. We have a gravel driveway and when dh plows in the winter a lot of the gravel gets blown into the grass. The lawn is still pretty damp, but I am just trying to rake the gravel back onto the drive and get it out of my grass. With my bad shoulder I can't do as much as I would like to. Soon it will be time to power rake the grass. But supposed to have rain tomorrow.

Well, can't think of much else, so will hit a couple of replies.....

BOB-- You are going to have such fun spoiling that little guy. Babies are so wonderful.

Monet-- Good to hear from you.Thanks for the well wishes. Guess I had my time with him while he was recouping.....things are getting back to normal. He is a busy boy, with something going on all the time. I will get to see him this coming weekend. My Sis from Nevada is going to be up for their Spring Break, so the family will all be around.

Sweet dreams!!

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