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Grumbleworts 03-04-2006 08:25 PM

I went to NY & Co...tried on the next size down and they fit...button and everything! Woohoo! They are still a little tight, so I will wait a little longer before I buy anything...but that made me so happy...esp since I am leaving in 4 days to go visit a friend I havent seen in a year. I wanted to have new clothes to wear...but I will take this instead...

Plus, I've seemed to notice people (esp guys) seem to take a little more notice of me. I don't know if its just a fluke or waht...but they do...esp today since I splurged and went to the clinique counter and had the lady show me how to do my makeup. (of course, my hands are still shaking over the sticker shock...I'[ve never spent so much on makeup, ever. but then, i never wore any really eiother.)

I look like a real girl! Its only taken me 23 years to decide to try and look like one....but better late than never, right? lol:p


katielab'smom 03-04-2006 09:41 PM

:bravo: :cp: Way to go! I'm finally able to get into clothes I haven't been able to wear in about 18 months--it's such a great feeling. Clinique is about the only thing I can use--I have psorasis parts of my face and it doesn't aggravate it during my breakouts. I very seldom wear makeup, especially at work, I work in an instutional kitchen and the steam from the dishwasher would melt whatever I had on, but I get a free steam facial on the days I work:dizzy: Have a great time visiting your friend.


Misti in Seattle 03-04-2006 09:47 PM


Woo hoooooo good for you!!! You must be sooo happy!!! :rofl:

Less of Lena 03-04-2006 11:07 PM

Hooray for Vanessa!!!

Grumbleworts 03-04-2006 11:08 PM

Dance and Katielab'smom....thanks!

Good to know its good for sensitive skin...I had heard good things, and it was oil free...i have super sensitive skin...the last stuff i bought was oil of olay and it made my face peel like i'd had a horrible sunburn!

Dance....I am HAPPY!!! :) And more about the clothes than the boys...that part was just a little wierd... ;)

*happy dance*

Margarita 03-05-2006 11:34 AM

It's always a thrill to find that you can fit into a smaller size. Keep up the good work! :)

ArtsyGirl 03-05-2006 11:40 AM

CONGRATS!!! I hope you have a blast visiting your friend.

Misti in Seattle 03-05-2006 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Grumbleworts
Dance....I am HAPPY!!! :) And more about the clothes than the boys...that part was just a little wierd... ;)

Oh yay! I understand completely!!!!

blues4miles 03-05-2006 05:05 PM

Good for you Vanessa! I am happy to hear too that you are having fun and treating yourself to some "girly" things. I have never worn makeup for more than a few days in a row myself (my interest in it goes away faster than my interest in dieting :lol:) but lately I too have been buying a few select items here and there and slowly trying them out. It is amazing how fast your confidence improves when you are losing, regardless of how many lbs you are or how many you've lost.

cinnamonspice 03-06-2006 12:44 PM

Congrats girl! And remember to pamper yourself a little every now and then, we all deserve it :)

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