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Schatzi 05-05-2006 06:33 AM

Fabulous Friday Chat on the Beach
RISE N SHINE! :sunny: :flow1: CAWFEE's a Brewin! :coffee2: Tea Kettle's a Whistling :genie: and Poppin Tops of Diet Coke and Mountain Doooooo!...:coach: Git yer Caffeine Fix Here!

I'll be back in a bit.. gotta let the girls out and pour me a cup a joe and we can sit and have a chat :cofdate:

Ruthxxx 05-05-2006 07:01 AM

Real quickie! I just got up and have a ton of stuff to do before I leave. Not only am I not packed but I've not decided what to wear! If I don't get a chance tp peck in, be good!

chipper15173 05-05-2006 07:28 AM

Morning Schatzi and Ruth;
Ruth have a great trip.
Schatzi I have my diet coke and ready to take on the day.
Suppose to have my new windows reinstalled today. They are suppose to come out and take them out and put them back in properly. The general manager is doing it.
Alltel said that they are suppose to be sending me a new bill with just the days we used the phones. That's fine, wrote down name of person who told me this, just in cause. Sad you can't take anyone for their word anymore these days.
Off to do my normal morning routine and get ready for the window man. Said he would be here this morning after he went to Lowe's to get the wood he needed, (that the others destroyed).
Hope everyone has a great day.
Oh, changed my weigh in day to Fridays instead of Mondays, cause I know what weekends can bring sometimes. I have to change my ticker still, but, down 3 POUNDS :)
Pop in later, Chipper

Schatzi 05-05-2006 07:44 AM

Have a wonderful visit Ruth! :wave:

and a big Happee Birthday to Jazztap! :hb:

Today I go to get my hair cut and colored.. I'm sporting a horrid TRI Tone coloring... My dyed brown, with very dark brown roots with Gray/White streaks! :yikes: I'm lookin forward to the pamperin... It's been like soap opera round this cul de sac for the last few days and not sure how it happened but it seems that I've become the den mother.. :( .

one neighbor who is moving (thankfully) has a habit of showing up at our door at 10:30 at night drunk.. The other day I was watching her DD when I get a call asking if I can keep her overnight.. ok... her DD is a little angel! Turns out she got picked up for DUI, I then ended up having to take her to pick up her car...

Other Dear neighbor has been having chronic headaches, ended up in the ER, the next day I took her for a "emergency" MRI... then last night she calls me at 10 pm with chest pain... I go over... seems like anxiety.. but I tell her chest pain aint something to dismiss, she calls doc who calls 911... she declines treatment.. I go home ... 11:30 the dogs are barkin at the door... Here is little Angel crying hysterically that she can't wake her mom up... I go over...momma is passed out drunk on floor... I couldn't get her up, so I made sure she was on her stomach in case she vomited, wrote a note that I have her DD... It just makes me soo mad and sad. They are moving in 2 weeks, and I'm glad..because I've "bailed" both her and her DH out of messes.. (both I think are alcoholics )-and have "gently" try to talk to them about it... but I sooo worry about their darling daughter..

OK, gotta run, as little angel is up and I got to get her home to get ready for school and see if her mom is okay...

This is why Schatzi wants 2 acres of land with neighbors not sooo close!

ellis 05-05-2006 08:20 AM

Ruth!!! You're not PACKED!?!? :lol3: Have a wonderful time, sweetie... love you lots. :hug:

Hey, Schatzi, you old fool, you. :wave:

Sorry to bust in on your thread... as you were. :rofl:

JessieW 05-05-2006 08:21 AM

Gosh Schatzi, I don't blame you for not wanting neighbors! That is insanity!

I have my Diet Cherry Pepsi popped upon, not that I would refuse a good cup of coffee! Honestly, though, cokes are my caffeine fix and I just like coffee for the comfort. :)

I am proud to say I've lost FIVE pounds so far on Phase 1. It's not been hard to follow at all. DH, my best friend, and I went out last night to a bluegrass club...they drank and had popcorn and good Jessie had diet coke. We had such a big dinner I don't know how they ate popcorn anyway!! I made Dijon Almond Chicken breasts (which were huge, I only ate half of mine), pinto beans with ham, roasted broccoli, and artichoke dip with veggies (and whole wheat baguette for my friend and hubby!). YUM YUM YUM.

Here's to 3:30..I am taking a short lunch today and I get in at 7 AM, so I will be outta here then. Weekend!! We are going to the outlet malls tonight. Tomorrow I am meeting up with most of the team I went to Thailand with, the ones who don't live in Music City are coming in for a disaster relief training. Very excited since I haven't seen them in over a month. The rest of the weekend I want to SLEEP and READ.


smokepole 05-05-2006 08:47 AM

Good morning all.

AW SHOTZI: what a good neighbor you are. You didn't mention how old the young girl is. I hope not too young. I work with youth in our church and nowadays because of so many abuses taking place by trusted people, we are trained to look for neglect & abuse. Required by law to report any concerns. I know they are moving but you can put in an anonymous call to your local child protection services. Don't mean to tell you what to do, but a child raised like that statistically does not have a very good chance of a breaking the chain.

RUTHIE: Sounds like you are feeling better. Have fun on your trip.

CHIPPER I'm new to the board but it sounds like you are building/remodeling. You are very right to keep track of every person you talk with. When we were remodelling I kept a calendar right next to the phone. Not only did I write down the name, I wrote down the time an what was said. It got us a refund on our kitchen linenoleum (sp) So many people do not care about the quality of their work and if you don't complain they get to do it again!! Good luck. Stay strong :-)

Jessie, WTG girl staying on plan. I did good too last night. My mom's bday and we went to a wonderful italian restaurant. Everyone had lasagna, spagettil, veal parm, lots, and lots of wonderful bread. I had no bread, salad with FF dressing, grilled haddock and broccoli. Yeah ME!!!

No challenges for me today. Down almost 3 lbs this week. I tried to look up phase 1.5. Not there but I think you all mean that it's the phase where you add one fruit OR starch PER day PER week. Right? I'm torn between the starch and the fruit. I read that our body disgests the whole grain starch better, so maybe I'll had a bread or oatmeal. That'll let up on the eggs for bkfast!!

Have a good day everyone. It's a nice sunny day up here in central new york!!

jazztap10 05-05-2006 08:54 AM

Good morning!

Thanks schatzi :)

Just a quick hello before I'm off to step. I will try and come in again before work but we will see what happens.

Hope everyone has a great day today!!

cottagebythesea 05-05-2006 09:07 AM

Happy Friday, everybody!
I'm enjoying a relaxing morning while I can. My day will get busy by noon, I have no doubt. I want to get some work done in the flower beds before I leave for work, and I need to write some checks for some bills, too. This has been such a stressful week and I've been getting home much later than I normally do, and haven't had time to get anything done around here. I could always bring the girls here for the day, but with the price of gas I try to do as little unneccessary running around as possible. Cindy has been treating one of her horses all week that became lame, and yesterday she finally had to put him down. He was one of her best polo horses, and she raised him from a foal, so she was very upset about it. I've been staying late to help out, and do what I can. Such a shame.
I'm spending the weekend at my daughter's, her church is having their annual Mother-Daughter Banquet tomorrow, and we're going to see "Menopause" tomorrow night. My SIL is the musical director for that, so we get to go free! I get to see a lot of shows that way, and I really enjoy going!

Ruth ~ You're probably on your way now, but have a safe trip and I hope you're feeling better, too!

Schatzi ~ Sounds like a lively neighborhood! Thank goodness you are there to take care of your neighbor's daughter, I worry for her once they move.

Jessie ~ Your dinner menu for last night sounds wonderful, what a feast! CONGRATULATIONS! on the weight loss!! Enjoy your day with your friends!

Chipper ~ Hope your window fiasco is taken care of today! You are wise to record names, dates, etc! It's a shame, but in today's world that's how we have to do business.

I'd better get going if I want to get anything accomplished this morning. Have a wonderful day!

cottagebythesea 05-05-2006 09:10 AM

Good Morning, Smoke and Jazz!

lottie63 05-05-2006 09:45 AM

morning ladies.. :)

Today IF I don't go to a concert I SWEAR laundry will get done,and I prolly won't be going to the concert cuz I don't think I have a ride! :(

Augh, laundry is like my nemesis!


MonicaCan 05-05-2006 10:06 AM

Hi all!
I am new to the forum but am happy to be here and read about the wonderful support that you all give one another. I will try to check in each day and be support for you also. I am 46, mother of a 5yr old. I began my journey to health in May of 2003 and lost 110 lbs on WW. I backslid probably due to my carb and sugar addictions and gained some back. Now I am in my second week on SB and really love how I feel without the "junKfood" that I was allowing myself WAYYYY too much of. Good Luck to everyone and have a great Friday!

soon2Bfab 05-05-2006 10:29 AM

Morning all.....TODAY IS MY DAY OFF!!!! I've been so busy & tired lately. Last night I crashed....went to bed at 7pm & woke up this morning at 9. I was tired! PLans for today....order my AVON, email my district mgrs (for both jobs!) send a fax, do some laundry, pick out my outfit for tongiht, curves/tanning, clean my kitchen. Tonight is the concert....I'm soo happy!
See you gals later

chipper15173 05-05-2006 10:40 AM

Well the general manager is here redoing my windows. He said he is just going to work on the den/bedroom one for today, since rain is being called for at 3 this afternoon. Which is fine, since that one has to be completely rebuilt almost, from the frame of the house, and it is a huge window 106" by 5/6 feet) I asked him if the people who first installed these are still working for him, he said oh heck no. In fact someone else is redoing another one of their jobs, and there are still 2 more to redo.
Just thought I would update you.

TropicalKitty 05-05-2006 10:47 AM

Morning Ladies!

So I didn't get to do my walk yesterday because my back decided it wasn't in the mood to cooperate. :yikes: Luckily I was able to get into a chiro to fix me. I'm still nervous to move or anything in fear of the pain from yesterday will return. Otherwise, I'm a lil worried about how things are going with SBD for me. I've had my daily starch (in the form of bread) and I don't know how well my body is reacting to that. I've cheated and stepped on the scale and it hasn't moved since my weigh-in on Tuesday. I know I shouldn't freak yet, but I can't help it. I may try doing a P1.5 and see how that changes things. *sigh* And lastly, it's Cinco de Mayo. I should be able to go out n celebrate, but noooooo I have to work until 11pm. LAME. Oh well, at least in a lil over a week I'll be gettin out of this town for a few days to go have a blast with a buddy. :)

Ruth- Have a nice trip. When in doubt, go naked.

Schatzi- How stressful! That poor little girl being stuck in such a bad situation. You really are a kind person to help both of those families as much as you have.

Jessie & Smoke - congrats on the progress!

Cottage- have a great weekend with your daughter!

Lottie- what show is it? and if you dont go, will you do my laundry too? :)

Lastly, but not leastly, Greetings Monica! Welcome to the Beach!
Everyone I hope you have a great day!

-Jessy :)

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