3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Kelly J 04-04-2006 06:55 AM

Tuesday Chat - April 4
Time to get Up, Up, Up Chicks!

Morning Chicks! Quiet Tuesday here which is just fine with me. We were suposed to wake up to snow :yikes: this morning, but looking out the window it looks like it missed us. Well - time to get the littles up; I'll check in later from work.

Sarah - I'm sorry you're having a rough time with work right now. I hope everything works out for you and I have to say CONGRATS!!!! :bravo: on the run - you should be excited!!!

Debbi - I hope you & your family is feeling better today. DD had that bug on Saturday - it's no fun!

Want2b - Slip ups are part of life. When I go off with something little I usually just carry on with normal P2. If you feel yourself having cravings, maybe go to P1 for a day or two to get rid of them, but other than that, just keep going on.

Ruthxxx 04-04-2006 06:56 AM

Tuesday Chatter - April 4
I'm off to the greenhouse this morning but need to take Miss Lucy to the fur stylist before I go. I'll pop in later.

chipper15173 04-04-2006 07:02 AM

Morning Kelly & Ruth and everyone popping in as the day begins.
I slept again all night. It feels so good to be getting back to some kind of normal.
Plan for today, get some light house cleaning done. Don't want to over do it.
Right now I am going to go get dressed and on the treadmill and then eat some breakfast.
Everyone have a great day

Schatzi 04-04-2006 07:23 AM

pOPPIN In and Poppin out! We had thunder and lightening , high winds and torrential rains most all day and night ! Need to go out and gather up downed branches, find the garbage can--etc!!!

weezle 04-04-2006 07:50 AM

Morning all. Made the mistake of falling asleep on the couch at 9:30 last night. DH woke me 20 minutes later (by holding my nose shut...nice guy huh?) and I came to bed and couldn't fall asleep for over an hour and a half. Then I had weird dreams and woke myself up all night long. I'm POOPED.

Ran 2.5 miles last night and it wasn't so bad. Of course, it was inside, not out in the humidity. Going to try again tonight after work but before volleyball.

Gotta eat some oatmeal and get a move on. Hope everyone has a lovely day!


want2babeachbabe 04-04-2006 08:20 AM

Good morning everyone!
After my graham cracker binge yesterday, I am going to press on. (Thanks Kelly) I am not going to dwell on this slip up. Have I mentioned how great this forum is? I love being able to bring my concerns and questions to those going through the same thing. Thanks chicks, have a wonderful day!!

cottagebythesea 04-04-2006 08:59 AM

Morning all,
After my workout at Curves I stopped at the grocery store, then came home and made a crockpot full of Wendy's Chili for tonight. It's so nice to come home and not have to think about what to make for supper.
It's back to the cold weather for us, although it's supposed to get up to 48* later today. That's still cold to me! We had some bad thunderstorms throughout the night and a lot of people lost power but we were lucky this time. There are a lot of branches down and debris all over the place though.

Chipper ~ I'm so glad that you're starting to feel better! I was really concerned about you! :hug:

Sarah ~ Keep a positive attitude, maybe this change will be the best thing that's ever happened to you, job wise. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that it all works out for the best. :crossed:

Hi to everyone else :wave:

SarahinBalance 04-04-2006 09:08 AM

Mornin' ladies -

Eating my cereal, drinking my coffee, and just can't stop thinking about my job change. Really just bums me out that I'm leaving this company that has taken care of me for 8 years.

Went out last night with my BF who was playing a gig downtown. It was "appreciation night" and so everyone got free drinks. I can tolerate emotional eating (although I'm trying to curb that) but emotional drinking is something completely different. Needless to say drank too much but had a BLAST. Oh well, the scale was kind to me this morning and I'll just have to "binge" on water all day.

Hope everyone has a great day!

batmomm2000 04-04-2006 09:19 AM

hi all! I'm fluctuating up 2lbs and am getting pretty ticked. Of course if I'm honest, I know I've loosened the reins up quite a bit, so back to hard core...

I need to get my mind wrapped around the need to plan again, esp now with all the outdoorsy activities and out of town guests. I don't think think I'm going back to phase 1 (unless I just get wild) but def 1.5 with a little more care.

So today i had my eggs and a nice glass ofmilk and am off to the gym...

soon2Bfab 04-04-2006 09:26 AM

Morning everyone! Quick stop.....I have to get ready to go to Curves. Tongue lady came into Old Navy yesterday....& she recoginzed me & said hello. I was nice back....had to I was at work! See you gals later...have a great day!

jazztap10 04-04-2006 10:14 AM

Morning everyone!

Boy did I have a busy night last night. After a 7 hour shift, I got called into to work another 4. I would have refused but they said they had tried everyone else and that I was the only one left :tantrum: Oh well, I definitly like the overtime hours on payday!

It's sunny sunny sunny out so I'm going to take a quick run before work, and then walk to work. I love being able to be outside more often in the sunshine! Summer is on its way! :flow1:

My mother and I are going out for dinner to a really nice greek restaurant. I love their food *especially their bread* but I will try my absolute hardest to keep on plan!

Kelly& Schatzi- Thunder and ligtning? Snow? Wow, its nice and sunny out here. Where do you girls live?

Weezle- That's too funny. When I was younger I used to always try and lay awake until they fell asleep, then I would plug their noses!:o

Sarah- Sorry to hear work isn't treating you well. I hope things look up for you.

Bat- I'm sure you'll get rid of that weight quick enough.

To everyone else- Good morning!

Well I'm off for my run- have a good day everyone!:hug:

jenne1017 04-04-2006 10:21 AM

morning ladies! long time no see. Just checking in to make sure you're all ok! I am thinking about detoxing on phase 1 again! First, April is my gym challenge: 3-4 times a week all month. Then, May might be South Beach, yet again! I've gained and lost the same 15 pounds for 2 years now. With the wedding so soon, I really want to get with a program, ANY PROGRAM! Not so much for the wedding day, but for life!

Hugs to all! Will try to read back today!

dare2love81 04-04-2006 10:48 AM

Morning Chicks! :wave:

Not too much to report on the Wisconsin front today. Went to the gym last night, walked on the :tread: for an hour and then did some circuit training. After my weekend binge eating :sumo: at the waterpark, I need to kick things up a notch to get this weight back off now. The good news is I've already dropped most of it (I think it must've been all the sodium) and now that's just about out of my system. TOM should be arriving tonight or tomorrow, so I'm expecting the scale to reflect that. Needless to say, I will be so glad when this week is over!! :cheer:

I always forget how tough the first few days of P1 are, I'm so tired. :faint: I'll have to remember this the next time I think about cheating!!! :no:

It's actually a sunny day here, and while I was letting the dogs out this morning, I noticed that some flowers have poked their little heads out to stretch towards the sun. I can't wait for the next few weeks to pass so that I can start gardening! It's so relaxing!

Okay, back to the daily grind of work. :yawn: Is it 4:30 yet?? :coffee:


mama.dragon 04-04-2006 10:59 AM

Good morning. We slept in. We lucked out and didn't get the storms or tornados that they were calling for. Today is cleaning day if I can keep dd occupied.

Lore1 04-04-2006 11:05 AM

Good morning everyone! Gosh, I feel like the late comer here! LOL Being west coast time, all you east coasties are almost ready for lunch by now.

I started back to Curves last night after being gone for 3 weeks due to a knee injury. It sure felt good to get back into it. While I couldn't do all the machines because of my knee, I did a few workarounds that I think will work while it continues to heal.

I made the chicken jambalaya last night out of the SB cook book. It was wonderful! Even my family liked it :) Brought the last little bit for lunch today. It's supposed to be a rainy day and what a great lunch for a day like this....kinda like having hot chili or hot soup on a cold, overcast, blustery day!

Hope you all have a GREAT OP day!

soon2Bfab 04-04-2006 11:14 AM

I'm back from Curves....tomorrow is weight in/measurements - wish me luck!
JENN - HI, welcome back. I read your site every once in awhile to see what you & HB are up to. Love the pic....you look great!

Stephanie Osborne 04-04-2006 11:35 AM

Ok so I am saving you all from reading my serious post. I figure it and my frustrations don't belong here in the daily thread. I always try to keep it positive in here but I am in need of some help and advice. I will post it as a new thread.

Kelly - I think your snow may be coming to my house, boy is it cold out there today.

chipper - you are so faithful to your treadmill, I wish I was as inspired as you.

Schatzi - Don't get blown away yourself hun!

weezle - Sounds like my husband, he would try to lull me out of sleep by suffocating me too j/k. I know how sleepless nights go. Have fun at volleyball.

w2b - I agree with Kelly about just pressing on. Binges are going to happen as long as they don't happen everyday I see it as normal and just something you have to accept and move on from.

cottage - chili sounds delightful on a cold day like this. Props to you for getting the dinner makin out of the way early.

sarah - I am sorry to hear about your frustrations hun. Life and especially career life very rarely goes smoothly and makes us face some really tough decisions. You just have to have faith in yourself and your ability to do right by yourself without doing too much harm to others. I have a friend who is in real estate and another who is a broker assistant. I understand the importance of commission. I think you are making the right (but hard) choice.

batt - Have fun at the gym girl and do some cardio for me too...lord knows I need it.

soon - Have fun at curves.

Rachel2 04-04-2006 11:50 AM

Hello everyone! Today is my first day on Phase 2 so I decided I'd better drag my butt over to this thread so I can stay motivated!

My name is Rachel, I'm 25, married for 3 years and have a 2 year old son. I work evenings so I'm pretty much a stay at home mom during the day. This is my second South Beach attempt and I'm proud to say that this time I made it all the way through 2 weeks of Phase 1 and lost 6 lbs!

I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and hope that I can keep up with all of the posts :)

Barb0522 04-04-2006 12:59 PM

Welcome back, Jenn! Good to "see" you again.

I've been swamped today. You know it will be a busy day when you turn off the shower and your pager is going off. I got on the phone and started working and this did have to take a break to throw some clothes on and wake up Brian. We actually have two separate issues we are working today so it is crazy. I have a little break now so I'm eating some leftover soup. It is the Chicken soup with mushrooms, leeks, and brussel sprouts. Not bad.

I had fun last night meeting with the Wolf den to tell them about summer camp. Tonight my den has a den meeting. I need to remember to bring all my empty oatmeal containers so we can make drums. Fun!

tar675 04-04-2006 02:08 PM

Hey girls! How is everyone? Life has been sooo busy lately! I'm gonna have to start waking up earlier so I can get on here with ya'll and chat. Here lately I get up in just enough time to shower, make coffee, and let Shy out to go potty! Then the kids start arriving! Daycare is filling up so it seems that every minute of the day is full. Right now everyone is napping so I do have a few minutes to catch up on everyone's posts. Tonight I'll be out to the ball field most of the evening. Austin and Aaron both have practice. Matter of fact, I need to get my roast started so they can eat dinner before they go. I think I'll make the eggplant parm for me. I've been so terrible with my eating these last few days! I feel really down on myself. I see I'm not the only one having problems with self control, which makes me feel a little better. I don't know why I start out so "gung ho" and end up goofing it all up! I get so angry with myself when I do this!
This weekend we stayed busy outside cutting grass, weedeating, disassembling the old swingset(junking it), staining the back deck, taking the cover off of the pool. Dh insisted on taking the cover off of the pool which I thought was silly because we'll just be dumping chemicals into a pool that is not warm enough to get into yet! Big waste of $$ Can't tell him anything though...he has everything figured out:dizzy:
Well, I better go and get our dinner straight...I know once the children wake up they will be ready to go out and play! Have a great day girls. I need to make it here every morning atleast so I will feel like I have to be held accountable to someone! I'm back sliding BIG TIME! I just sat here and ate 4 Reese's cups!:( Chat with ya'll later! ~TARA~

JanaM 04-04-2006 06:39 PM

Hey everyone. Sorry I didn't get to post earlier. It's been a crazy day - kind of like Barb's. Last night I got a call at 11PM from DB (in my case, that's "Dear Boss" :) ) with a problem on one of our programs. We talked through options and being the nice guy that he is, he let me off the hook and let me go back to bed. Unfortunately, even after looking at it today, we still don't have it figured out. We have a way to work around it, but it's one of those "vague" errors are such a pain in the arse. Okay, enough rambling.

Sounds like there are lots of people struggling this week. I'd been doing pretty well this week, but today's stress has me teetering on the edge. Thanks to everyone for posting - makes me realize that I'm not alone and that it's my decision whether to eat a salad with chicken or to call Pizza Hut and devour half of it before I realize what I'm doing. Think I'll opt for the salad.

Off to make dinner and then watch Idol. Everyone have a great evening!

chipper15173 04-04-2006 08:00 PM

I found the new Coke Blak. It taste like a cream soda. It's suppose to have a coffee flavor. I don't taste that. It has been hard to find. We found it at Hess gas stations. Not all of them. They are just putting it in trial places right now. It's good, don't know if worth 45 cals. My first thought was to mix with rum or white Russian. Now I not a drinker. Haven't had a drink in over a year. Hungry girl said to mix it with soy vanilla milk. I did that too, taste good.
Well, off to take a breathing treatment to keep the asthma at bay, mowed lawns this afternoon, now the dust is getting to me. Don't want to upset that cart again. Was just getting back to normal.
See y'all in the morning.

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