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beachgal 02-21-2006 09:20 AM

Wow...I'm actually up early enough to post in the daily when it's only ONE page long! :lol:

I know I can't get to everyone (though I'd LOVE to...), but I did read everyone's posts. It's so good to see the daily so active! :D

Freaky, I do better on a schedule, too. :yes: Hopping back on the wagon after a slip up is a sign of future success, hon...good for you! It's possible that you felt sick either from low blood sugar or from lack of water. Both can cause you to feel nauseous. Try eating a little something, if you can (or even sip a tiny bit of sugared soda (no bubbles...get rid of them with ice) or juice) and drink some water...see how you feel. Hope it gets better! :hug:

Schatzi: snoring and snarfling! :lol3: Mine does the same. What puzzle do you do in the morning?

Mamacita, I hear you! :coffee: Mine is brewing downstairs...I set it before I took my shower. :yawn: I'm trying to motivate DH to go to the gym by going with him...at 5:30 a.m.! :tired:

Cottage, enjoy your cut n' color! I have to get mine done...I love the way my hairstylist does my highlights, but I asked her to do a specific haircut and brought her seven pictures of it so she'd know exactly what I wanted. I didn't get it. So now I'm trying to decide if I should get it done somewhere else...I'm also motivated by the fact that this hairstylist is an hour away! :eek:

Kiko, it's great to hear you sounding so cheery! :hug:

Ruth, :lol: about 2 months of flossing...didn't Suzanne's (or was it Jennifer?)gum issues scare you like it scared me? :yikes: I've been flossing like a crazy woman ever since. :D <---See my teeth? Drive safely and enjoy the late mornings...you deserve them! :hug:

Debbie, you can easily affect your weight loss with nuts. Stick to one serving a day and no more. They have tons of fat and calories. If you can't control your eating with them, don't eat them at all...have something else to get your healthy fats, Omega 3's and Vit. E, okay? :D Don't feel bad about that...there's several Beachies here who've had to give up nuts because they can't stop eating them! That said, are you craving now? I know I would be after that meal...if so, do Phase 1 until the cravings are gone. It'll also get you back on track with your weight, I believe. :goodluck:

Pear, congrats on the new ratty! :D :hug: Does he have a name yet? I didn't realize that ratties purr...how cool! Is it a tooth grind or a noise they make in their throat? Lots of people are surprised when I tell them about my bunnies' purring (buns purr by slowly grinding their teeth in pleasure).

Feel better, USM! :hug:

Sil, congrats on your hard work this month! :hug:

Sound like a lot of people are so close to goal this month...that's awesome! :cp: :hat: :cb: Unfortunately, I'm not... :( I was, for a while, but now I'm up quite a bit. Could be water from strength training yesterday...or a side effect of only getting 3 hours of sleep the night before last...so I'm just not going to sweat it. I know I'll get there. These last 20 pounds are SO hard to get rid of!!! :mad:

I'm frustrated that my view of my body seems to change at will. One day, I'm thinking how tiny I am compared to before. The next day, I'm thinking how fat I am as I look at the rolls I still have. :( Wish I could stay in the first mindset because I think it'll lead to better health!

Have couples therapy this morning and am really not looking forward to it. Our therapist was super-hard on my last week and I'm not sure what she'll whip out today. :sorry: Then the rest of the afternoon is mine. I think I'll work some on my late v-day gift for DH and then box up some of the presents I have from our France trip...they need to be mailed out!

Have a bright :cool: and sunny :sunny: day, chickies, even if it is cold. Spring is coming...sometime.

3darlingsmomma 02-21-2006 09:25 AM

Good morning chickies!

Today is day 6 for me OP and I'm so glad that I've managed to stick with it. I feel so good following this, I'm sleeping better, I'm no longer bloated. Granted I'm still fighting the urge to chow down on junk, I know that it's just a mental thing now and that I have to work through it.

Freaky - I know if I've over done it with my workout I've felt ill before. Hoping you're feeling better!

Schatzi - My husband snores too, I hate it most of the time but I do miss it when he's been gone a few days.

Cottage - Hope you enjoy your morning at the salon, I love having my hair done.

Jana - I haven't even started my taxes yet. I need to call the IRS, I have a question about something before I begin and I keep putting it off.

Kiko - I love it when things are going good, I try to treasure those days.

Mamahulk - My children are always losing the remote, drives me crazy!

Debbie - Just keep at it, sometimes I feel like I'll go along not losing and then it's like whoosh and I've lost 3 pounds.

Pear - Your rat is so cute! My daughter has a guinea pig, she's 2yrs old and the neatest little animal. Her name is Precious, she's black and white, like an oreo cookie and we call her the diva pig. She likes things to be a certain way and acts up if she doesn't get her way.

usmchoney - Sorry to hear you pulled your back, take it easy, no more lifting!

2BFIT1 - Congrats on the 1 pound loss!

kyemom - I've never thought of eating a salad for breakfast, thanks for the idea!

I'll check back later, have a great OP day!


Schatzi 02-21-2006 09:50 AM

Welcome Theodore!!!! Pearsy, darlin, honestly, yer becoming our female version of "Willard" (hmm, fer you baby chicks, that was a B Horror flick in the 70')...And how is my Cecil??????

BG: I've been a crossword addict fer years... my favorite puzzler is Merl Reagle. You can read about him here.... http://www.sundaycrosswords.com/
I have all his books, and actually restarted them since no one compares to his level of wit and clever construction.. for example, I'm working on a puzzle called "anagram nicknames", and a clue is "director who is into wild parties"..The answer is "orgies Leone" HE HEEEEEEEEEEEE! or another..."an ultra trim golfer?..answer: NOLARD Palmer AACK!!!

yeah weird eh? I made the most of our 2 days of 70 degree weather..Washed the car, raked the yard etc and took a hikette at Harris Lake.

Debbieo5: I'm NUTTY fer NUTS! :crazy: perhaps we were both squirrels in a prior life

Ruthie: enjoy sleepin later..you deserve it darlin!

all you other great chicks have a MARVY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alrighty chickas... Gotta go ---- WHOOSH---- got a full day planned!

pearshape 02-21-2006 09:55 AM

beachgal: Yes, it's called bruxing. They grind their teeth, puff air in and out of their mouths, and if they are REALLY happy their eyes bulge in and out. It's the weirdest thing to see. They can also brux when they're stressed just like cats will purr if their stressed or in pain sometimes. BTW, I've had rabbits when I was a kid but they always died so quickly. Last year I met a girl who had one that had free range of the house and was potty trained. She said her bunny was the best sweetest pet she ever had. Maybe one day I'll have a bunny too, but I'd need to research them to make sure I could give them what they need. :)

Thanks to everyone for the positive comments about my rattie babies. It warms my heart. I get so many weird and even hurtful comments about them when people find out I have rats as pets that positive ones, and I do get those too, really lift my spirits. The weirdest one was "Well at least you don't look like the type of person to have rats".....What exactly does a rat lover look like?? Another person, who I didn't really even know, said she was going to give me rat poison for Christmas. How cruel! How would people like it if I made comments like that about their puppies or kittens?? If people could just get over their preconcieved predjudices they'd see what fabulous little affectionate babies they are.

OK, I'm hungry but am going to wait for lunch....back to hit the books! ;)

pearshape 02-21-2006 09:58 AM

Schatzi: Cecil is fabulous and is getting big. He is the gentlest and shyest of all the boys but is very sweet. His favorite cuddle spot is in my bathrobe in the morning. BTW, he wants to visit his godmom for summer vacation :lol:!

Schatzi 02-21-2006 10:13 AM

AACK !Opposites attract! My shy gentle leetle Godrat can come visit anytime... He will be returned chubby and happy and well dressed in a pink boa..

Why no girl rats? yes, a Prunella! Is there no alpha fighting amonst the boys?

SunLit 02-21-2006 10:33 AM

I'm hoping to get back to the gym this evening -- I haven't been since Friday morning and only had putting together a bureau as my exercise over the weekend (which involved carrying several large pieces of fake wood up two flights of stairs, so I think it counts).

I'm down one pound this week. I added in a fair number of fruits and grains, though, so I would expect the slowdown. Not more than 1 or two servings a day -- but I'm concerned it's going to make me gain weight. Also, I tried to increase my caloric intake with beans and olive oil spread on some of my veggies and couscous. I'm going to a nutritionist this week, so we'll see what she says. It's weird, though, I've stopped craving sweets and salty snacks even when they're in my presence.

Beachgal -- I vary day to day on how I'm feeling. Today, I feel quite svelte. The other days, I just tell myself, "Well, I'm feeling healthier than ever!"

Pearshape, I'm very in favor of people being devoted to their pets (My family doesn't have 7 cats for nothing) -- but I have to admit, white rats with red eyes scare me. :o Deep-seated fear, like my fear of cacti. But that's MY reason for not having rats -- I wouldn't malign your love of them!

Can't respond to everybody, unfortunately, because work calls:dizzy:

soon2Bfab 02-21-2006 10:35 AM

Pearsy, Pearsy...you make me giggle. Another furbaby....you'll have fun moving all those babies when you graduate!
Schatzi - still holding on to the pink boa idea huh?
Ruthie - you sound like me...I'm not a fan of flossing, but I have to. If I don't my teeth are just gross.
3 - Stick with it - you'll be happy that you did. Junk food is over rated!
Beachgal - have fun..maybe the therapist won't be so tough today.
Cottage - enjoy your cut & color...I hope it looks good!
Freaky - take care of yourself
Mama - Hello! Make sure Freaky doesn't over do it!
Mamacita - my coffee is brewing as well, I need to kick in the pants!
Debbie - I have the same problem with nuts & peanut butter - I can't do it!
kiko,kye, usm, & sil - good morning
Me....I'm trying to feel better after this awful weekend. I finally made up with my crazy sister - she's still crazy, but I love her & I want her to know that. We talked for over a hour last night. My eyes are still swollen from crying & now my leg hurts. I have a husky kitty that feels the need to comfort me by sleeping on my leg. So I now have a heating pad on my leg. Well I'm off to start my taxes - fun!

Demeter 02-21-2006 11:09 AM

Oh boy! Tuesday Tell All. Sounds scandelous! Are you ready? . . .
Tomorrow is going to be my last required AA! For those of you who don't know, in March 05, I got a DWI & have been paying for it ever since. I'm not really an alcoholic but I made a stupid mistake and I've been treated like one ever since. I am so sick of it & tomorrow will be my last AA meeting!!! I can't breath a sigh of relief quite yet though because I still need to complete a 6-week outpatient treatment program. Just thought I'd let ya'll know. So working (major recent changes in management & new products), going to the gym, AA, cooking, cleaning, & all the other things in life have sure been keeping me busy! Somehow I'm finding the strength to keep eating OP & keep up my recent "no smoking" lifestyle.
Praise the Lord!
Tonight, I'm signing up for a year long membership to my gym!!! I'm excited to get there 'cause I haven't weighed myself in almost 2 weeks & I know I've lost weight! DH guess is 6 lbs, mine is 1lb! I can't wait to find out.
I hope everyone has a fab day!
:wave: :wave: :wave:

Barb0522 02-21-2006 11:15 AM

Morning, everyone! I've been working for quite awhile but only now have a break to chime in. Tonight is our Blue and Gold dinner at our Cub Scout Pack meeting. It is a spaghetti dinner and I do plan to take a small portion and eat lots of salad. I'll bring my salad dressing so I don't have to worry about being tempted by something unhealthy like Thousand Island. I'm planning to load up on veggies at lunch and snacks since I know there aren't any planned on the menu. Brian will be presented with his Bear rank tonight so it is a special night for him.

I finally got a nice workout in last night. It felt good to get back to the gym. Today is the TAKS reading test for Brian. All kids have to pass it to go to the next grade starting in third grade. I'm sure he will do fine but it is a lot of pressure for some of the kids that aren't good readers.

pearshape 02-21-2006 11:18 AM

OK, so I just made the Thai Shrimp soup from the new cookbook. It's good but tastes like somethings missing. It's surprisngly mild tasting. I added soysauce to it but still a little bland. It's good, nice and refreshing-very citrusy tasting. I would recommend it but would say to try to spice it up a little more. Maybe some garlic??

Schatzi: No girl rats because I don't want to have to deal with separate cages and definitely don't want baby rats, even though they would just be adorable. My boys share a huge 5 ft tall rattie "penthouse"...plus girls get tumors more frequently than boys and are not as snuggly..but my friend has girls and they are funny, boistrous, and very kissy.

Sunlit: One cuddle with my Percival would quickly cure your fear. He is my sweetest most friendly,kissy rat, loves nothing more than to snuggle and be pet while bruxing and bulging his eyes like crazy...and new baby Theodore is quickly following in his big PEW (PinkEyedWhite) brothers footsteps. ;)

Soon: Glad you're feeling a little better! Taxes, that reminds me!! Gotta get on that. Did you get the check for the AVON? Oh, and yes, it will be an adventure driving cross country with 5 rats and a dog! HEHEE! Can't wait! :lol:

soon2Bfab 02-21-2006 11:58 AM

Thai shrimp...sounds good. My cookbook is MIA...will have to find. Pear - haven't check the mail yet....not of fan of bills! Did you like your AVON samples? I can send you some more...let me know which ones you like.
Still haven't done the taxes yet.....heehee

weezle 02-21-2006 12:31 PM

The good news: this flu has made me lose a ton of weight. The bad news: I know as soon as I get better that it'll come right back. The other bad news is that I didn't work out Sunday, yesterday, and I don't think I'm going to have the energy today.

Just a quick pop-in while I'm in my Nyquil-induced daze. I called in to work today. I'm down to 130 lbs but I have a feeling that me not being able to drink anything might have something to do with that.

Thanks for all the prayers and happy thoughts. I had the fever from early morning until 5pm yesterday and then poured sweat for four hours. I feel like crap, but have managed to keep myself medicated constantly so hopefully I won't have to go through the fever again today.

They need a DISINFECTANT DUST thingy.

Hope you all have a great day.

kyemom 02-21-2006 01:01 PM

OHH GOSH< Get better weezle!!

beach bum 02-21-2006 01:13 PM

Hi Ladies:)

Had a an appointment with the :stress:TAX MAN:stress:this morning.We don't have to pay, we're getting refund. YIPEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Made a different type of lasagna for lunch no :no: noodles just rice it come out good,except the rice didn't have a crust like the noodles make.

Have a good afternoon Hugs :) BB

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