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BeachinInBoston 01-11-2006 10:13 AM

Did I mess up already?
Hi All, I'm a veteran dieter but new to south beach. I'm in week two of phase one, and I mistakenly had a glass of wine last night... have I undone all of my "carb undoing" from the past week? Do I need to start over? (oh pleeeease say no!).

Also, is the second week of phase 2 as productive as the first (will I lose as much weight)?

Help me- wise beachers!

Ruthxxx 01-11-2006 10:17 AM

Welcome to The Beach! You didn't screw up so relax!

One glass of wine will not negate your detox. If carb cravings come back, just do Phase I for an extra day or two.

The results in Week 2 depend on how much you need to lose and also on how much you lost in Week 1. Some chicks lose nothing the first week and drop it all the second; others have the reverse situation.

seachick 01-11-2006 11:02 AM

'Mistakenly' had a glass of wine? I LIKE that excuse! :D I always MEAN to have one, or two. LOL
As a fellow veteran dieter I will tell you this...do yourself a favor and ditch the guilt. You chose to have a glass of wine and it's done. Big deal! This is about a life change not a diet. I drank an occasional glass of wine with my meals during P1 and enjoyed it and still lost. I choose to keep wine and popcorn in my life because I enjoy them. You can enjoy the things you like and make them work within the program. It's all about choices. But when you make a choice you feel was not the right one don't beat yourself up over it. The road of life is full of potholes and you fell into one. Just climb out and keep going. ;)

BeachinInBoston 01-11-2006 11:42 AM

slippery slope
Hey- Thanks- I just worry that the 'guilt free on occassion' wine turn back into the nightly half bottle! How do you keep yourself from slipping into old habits?

kyemom 01-11-2006 11:54 AM

You keep the WOE at the forefront of your mind. Having a glass or two every once in a while is not gonna kill u.....choose your battles with your body!

rotten_banana 01-11-2006 12:33 PM

I have a glass of wine a couple of nights a week and I do just fine. I just try to make it special, not just like every other day. That way it feels like a treat and I don't feel guilty. Of course, on days I plan to have wine, I also watch my caloric intake so that it fits in. Do what works for you.

chilichick 01-11-2006 01:04 PM

We have to remember if we adopt south beach as a lifestyle and not as a diet then we will suceed. diets fail, they are a temporary measure. I am learning how to eat healthy and I know carbs are my downfall. I know we need carbs to live, but I need to do whole grains. I do not have any carb cravings and I thought I would never give up rice and pasta. While I have them on occasion, I find I am satisfied with a very small serving and load up with veggies. I had a glass of wine last night. I could not hold out. I savoured every sip. :D

seachick 01-11-2006 01:23 PM

The only time I find myself slipping into old bad habits is when I tell myself I SHOULDN'T or CAN'T have something.

BeachinInBoston 01-11-2006 01:25 PM

That's true- I'm on day 11 (with one lapse of reason) and I noticed that when I walk by the pastry case at Starbucks, I dont stare like I used to. However, I'm dying for fruit now. I almost ripped an apple out of a coworkers hand yesterday!

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