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Barb0522 01-07-2006 04:26 AM

Weekend on the Beach
I am so exhausted, girls. I did some work tonight then went to catch a nap. My pager went off over 30 times. I had to get up to change the battery. THen caught a little more sleep and then got paged to work. I'm done now and heading back to bed. I have to be up in 2 1/2 hours for Scout training but I thought I'd start you all off.

H-ko 01-07-2006 05:03 AM

Wow - I hope you get some rest, Barb!

I'm up late, too (2am PST) - I just finished some homework, then got a bite to eat, and soon I'll be off to the Land of Nod! DS is going to go visit his auntie and uncle and cousins tomorrow (Saturday) from about 10-2ish, so I'll have some time to do homework while he's gone (like my quiz!). Boy, this is going to be one busy quarter!

I broke it to DH that while I appreciated his motives with the ice cream, I'd rather he not repeat it! I think he was a little crestfallen. He said maybe he could get ice cream I don't like (so he could have some, maybe?) - until he remembered me eating ice cream I didn't like out of desperation! I really, *really* have no self control when it comes to ice cream! So I think we've reached an understanding - no ice cream in the house, except very rare occasions (like to go with DS's bday cake). Now the tricky bit will be to keep him from forgetting!

Ruthxxx 01-07-2006 05:10 AM

Barb, I do hope you are sleeping soundly. Your life reminds me of mine back in my early IT days. You need to work on becoming a manager asap so you can get rid of the callbacks.

It's darn cold in here although bed was nice and warm. I'm into a stupid early morning wake-up routine. 5:00 AM is OK but 4:00AM is not. I'm showered and dressed and ready to start the day which will be very hectic.

After breakfast, I'll bake a rum cake for tonight's dessert. Claire and her DH are coming to move some dump-bound stuff out of the basement this morning. The Hyper Pypers will be here after lunch and I must get a job list ready for the kids. I have a lovely pork loin to cook and the table to set plus continuing the basement sorting! It'll be a wild afternoon. The Hyper Pypers all talk at once and their dog, Bailey (Lucy's sister), will be playing with Lucy while Hershey barks her disapproval. The dogs settle down after a bit but the people......! It's certainly stimulating. Luckily Candice came to clean yesterday (she's been away) so I don't need to vacuum and dust.

I'd better get started on the day. I love it when I get to wake up The Girls. Yes, I do bark at them when they are still asleep! :lol:

Have a lovely Saturday. I'll pop back in later. Just checked and it's -2ºF!!!! I need coffee very badly. :cofdate:

Ruthxxx 01-07-2006 05:12 AM

Hi Heather! We were posting together. Sounds like you got through to DH on the ice cream. I hope you can sleep fast as it sounds like a busy Saturday again. :hug:

tazcat 01-07-2006 05:32 AM

Happy Saturday.................On My way to work. very hard to type as Vivian likes to sit in front of me and purrr while I type. Have a stay op kinda day as I have lunch pach\ked adn ready.
Ruth Iplease save me a piece of rum cake.........
Love Cathy

tazcat 01-07-2006 05:40 AM

going to catch up tonight....so much to read. i will put a picture of my tatoo and eye pearcing in a post????

Schatzi 01-07-2006 06:06 AM

I'm tip toein' in :sssh: ...
Oh Barb:hug: , I bet you felt like throwin that *&^%#@ pager against the wall!:headache: I've been an IT Project Manager and a multifunctional business PM, and man, I spent more sleepless nights in IT than the other..needless to say, I'll be lookin fer a job on the Business side again :D
HKO: Loook into my eyes...You are getting slllleeeeepppy, verrrrry sleeeeeepy.:tired:
I get worried when you don't sleep! No more fainting :faint: spells like a few months back darlin!
Taz: Would love to see yer Tat.. I find them fascinatin'!

Ruth: You have a chockful day planned! Enjoy the HyperPypers :hyper: !!!
Did you say CAWFEE?????:coffee2: :coffee2: :dance: :dance:
Ahhhhhh, all is well in the Schatzi household.. I got a Turbo Charged with Overhead Cams Cuisanart Grind-n-Brew.. YEHAW! :cp: and filled it with High Test Jamaican Blue Mountain Cawfee Beans! I am having the most delightful cup-a-joe :coffee:, and the kitchen is filled with that heavenly cawfee smell!!!
And I will be BING BING BINNNNNNG Ricochet :hyper: Rabbit in no time!!!!

I'm making DH and I Zucchini Scramble and we are heading out to "the $300 Club" (aka Costco) for our quarterly stock up on Chicken, steak, pork chomps, and other bulk items since we are starting Phase 1 on Monday. Then Ok , I'll admit it .. I am a clean freak...and actually get "excited" about new cleaning gadgets and products.. I know I live on the edge...:bubbles: so, I got this new stuff to clean and seal floors and granite and well, it did such a nice job on the fireplace, that I'm gonna scrub the floors and seal it with this stuff. I know I know... You can't stand all the fun I have.
Darby and Casey are sitting her just staring at me... Time fer some Puppy cuddles!!!

anchor weight 01-07-2006 09:06 AM

Morning chicks!

I missed yesterday cause I had to shuttle DM around to doc appointments and such for the rotator cuff surgery. They all said her recovery is above average so that is good. She has a goal of golfing in April so she is doing her best at Phyisical Therapy sessions. One must have goals.

We went out to lunch yesterday and I did pretty well. I had french onion soup and a salad. I didn't eat my croutons in the soup so I'm feeling pretty good. TOM started so I'm a little bloated but I'm not going to let it get me down. I find that the last few days of TOM is when I usually blow my diet so I have them marked on the calendar from last month and I'm going to get through it next week with no cheating! :p

Barb - I remember those days. Luckily when I was an IT project person I was 24! :hug:

H-KO - Cookies are my downfall. I could eat a whole box. Sugar cookies put me on such a sugar binge last month. It lasted 1/2 the month! :hug:

Ruth - I'm cracking up - you finally get to wake the girls up. :rofl:

Schatzi - I'm brewing organic Peruvian coffee with distilled water, in keeping with my organic SBD this year. I'm training myself to like coffee with no sugar or sweetner. I had my first black cup yesterday!

Taz - Morning! Have a good day at work. This is my first weekend off cause during Christmas my company was physically moving across town. I have a Board of Directors meeting for one of the charities I work with at 10 am then the rest of the weekend is mine! Kind of - I have laundry and a cleaning to do. I should work out too! Got to find the motivation for that. :p

For all the chicks to come! :wave:

Kiko 01-07-2006 09:51 AM

Good morning! It is nice to "see" so many familiar chicks!

I am waddling my way back to the beach after several months of not worrying about dieting. I have only gained about 3 pounds, so it wasn't too disastrous!! I really want to lose these 25 pesky pounds by the end of my school. Very doable- as that gives me until the end of May.

Been keeping busy- had a great holiday. My mom, myself, and my two girls drove to Ohio from Texas. It was quite a haul, but we really had a fantastic time seeing lots of relatives.

Heather- WTG on talking to your husband about the ice cream. Hopefully he understands!

Ruth You would die to feel the warm weather here in the Dallas area. It seems awfully unnatural to me to be 60 degrees in January!

Schatzi Man- I wish I was born with that gene to clean. I cannot stand it!! I noticed you are now a moderator. :) Woohoo!!

Barb I am such a wimp when I sleep deprived. The baby (7 months in a few days!!) was sick over break and I was up with her quite a bit. It stinks when you are back in the mode of getting sleep and then it is interrupted.

Taz Morning!!

Alright, I need to get myself moving here- a bit more coffee (plain 'ole Folgers) and I should be good to go!!

angelshine90 01-07-2006 09:58 AM

Looks like it is going to be a very productive Weekend for you chicks!

I am down a POUND woohoo...all this excercise is paying off....I hope all of you have a great weekend!

seachick 01-07-2006 10:13 AM

Morning all.
Had a rough night last night and ate terribly. Some things going on in my life that I'm not adjusting to very well.
Today is another day and my plan is to make it through the weekend OP. If I can do that I'll be back on track again.

beach bum 01-07-2006 10:15 AM

Hi Chicks:)

Sorry for Whinning the First week of Phase 1 is gone and I gained 2-lbs,due to the sugguary meds I was on for two weeks now. So dissapointed as I throw all the goodies away,followed Phase 1 strictly and no results.GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! I hate this time of the year when you can catch any kind of GERM.

Well heres to next week Hugs :) BB

SynergyJoy 01-07-2006 10:32 AM

Good morning Chiquita’s,

Looking forward to getting to know you all. I started on Jan. 1 and the scale god blessed me with a 5 lbs loss already. I didn't even have to balance on one foot, with my arms stretched upward in a begging motion!

I am learning from everyone's posts. Just loved putting all the info into FitDay to see what I was actually doing-portion control is a big thing for me. If I weigh and measure everything I stay on target. If I don't, a portion could feed a third world country. I need parameters.

Here's the first question of the day (I'm sure). One of my g'friends is doing SB-sorta. She's never even read the book. She's all of 5'7" and 135 pounds. Her stepmother is a dietician and is doing SB. She does what she calls a Mediterranean b'fast and lunch. I'm already SICK OF EGGS and wondering if this was ok:

Turkish b'fast: 2-3 small tomatoes, sliced English cucumber, olives or olive tapanade (how many??) fresh Mexican fresco cheese (again how much?); 1T goat cheese, raw pecans and walnuts (she says she does 1/2 c. or more which sounds too much to me).

Mediterranean lunch: Hummus (how much??) snap peas, cucumbers, red peppers, etc.

Dinner: she just does steamed chicken or fish or tofu (would this be the same portions as chicken?), salad OR a broth made with tofu and eggs, and vegs and oyster sauce.

So what do you xperts think, would this be ok, and how about the portions? I know, I know we don't do portions, but as I said, I need to weigh and measure otherwise, heck I'll eat a cup of nuts without blinking.

cottagebythesea 01-07-2006 10:38 AM

Good Mornin to you all ~

It's busy already in here today, and not even noon yet! There are too many of you for me to individually reply to, so "happy weekend!" to everybody, and lets try to keep the noise down so Barb can get some sleep!
Today was my 300th workout at Curves ~woohoo!~ and I'm now an "Elite Member" (whatever that means). Anyway I got to order a free t-shirt. Afterwards I stopped in for coffee and a chat with Mom & Dad, and now I'm waiting for my daughter and granddaughters to come for the day. I'm going to make the Kale & Cauliflower Bake for dinner, and probably a Bean Cake,too. I haven't had that in a while. I'm on Day 7 of Phase 1, so I'm not really supposed to have the breadcrumbs in the casserole, so I'll try to pick them out of my portion.
Well, they just pulled in the drive, so I'll catch you all later!

Schatzi 01-07-2006 11:00 AM

Syn, your off to a great start! Here are my 2 cents...
SB stresses healthful eating, and in Phase 1 I would try to get use to the changes yer making...
I ran everything I ate through Fitday to give me an idea of How much Fat/Carb/Protein/Sodium I was consuming and how many calories... :Yikes: As I definitely suffer from "Portion Distortion" I count calories (but this is me and not part of the South Beach plan) I stay between 1200 and 1500 cals a day.. I tent to consume alot of FAT so I have to watch that. Once you get into the groove, you will have a feel for portion sizes..

My Baseline, is to go by the serving sizes outlined in the Good Fat/Good Carb handbook... and I adjust those amounts if I am very hungry or not. (for example, I might have a 4oz piece of chicken or 6... depends...)

You can definitely mix it up , sometimes we eat leftover dinner for breakfast the next day... you can eat what you like thats on the phase 1 or 2 (depending on what you are on) at anytime. Here's a link for other breakfast items http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=57532

Turkish Bfast: Looks like its all healthy stuff, but you might want to watch the amount of Fat.. Opt for LF/FF cheeses and Tufu when you can.. Same with Olives (they're considered a Fat) and Veggies you can have to your heart's content --no real portion control there...(cept if its very fiberous, like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli .. you may want to slowly add them in...)
Pecans are limited to 15 halves.
Pistachios - 30.
Almonds - 15
Olives and other items: I go by what the Little SB Good Fats Good Carbs book lists as a serving. Eg Black Olives - 8, Green Olives= 10.

Chickpeas ( and Hummus..Hummus is smashed up Chickpeas) 1/2 cup is considered a serving.

Don't get tooo bogged down with all this.. the hardest for me was being faithful with Fitday... it was very informative and a great tool.

I'm sure the chicks here will chime in toooo with great advice!!!!!!

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