3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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H-ko 01-06-2006 04:01 AM

TGIF chat! (1/6/2006)
Well, here I am again, up late studying. I can't believe it - classes started on Wednesday, and I have an assignment, a quiz, and a lab all due Saturday before midnight! That's just 4 days to complete a bunch of reading and finish all that up! And I can't work on the labs while DS is around - some of the mineral samples are small (choking hazard) and some contain lead. I'm going to read until I finish reading ch 1 at least - I'll work on the rest later, I guess. It's nearly 1 am here, and I'm only 1/2 through the chapter. And I haven't even opened my sociology text yet! (moan, moan, moan, moan, moan!) Well, it beats being bored!

DH ran to the store while DS was napping this evening to get salad for taco salads for dinner - but he also picked up a carton of my favorite ice cream! Ugh - I cannot resist ice cream - it's my weak spot! So, yes - I ate some. And now I feel icky. Bleah! Maybe if I drink a few gallons of water I'll feel better! Maybe I should toss it out - DH will be annoyed, but I just can't resist the stuff! Was it payback for the choccy I gave him at Christmas? At least his choccy is OP (now and then)! It was probably just misguided kindness though - he isn't vindictive (at least, not towards me, he isn't!).

I'm sorry I'm too busy to post a personalized "guten morgen" to each and every one of you, but I'm thinking it even if I'm not typing it! Have a great day on the beach, chickies!

Ruthxxx 01-06-2006 04:40 AM

Oh Heather, you are really burning the candle at both ends. I know it will be worth it but it sure is a lot of hard work. I used to do many all nighters too.

This wakening up too darn early has to stop! I think I'll crawl back into bed and see if I can doze off before the Girls start their anti-terrorist barking.

Back later.

Ruthxxx 01-06-2006 05:16 AM

Back after cruising the Forum. We are really busy this week which accounts for some of the tech problems. If you check out the home page, you'll be astonished at how many folks are registered and that we have nearly a million posts! (Stats are at the bottom of the page.)

Suzanne made a change to the handling of signatures as they were impacting system performance. They will now appear only with the first post you make in a thread. That should help a bit. I must confess I usually keep signatures turned off (see profile options) because they just take too much time to scroll through.

Well, this is a pretty boring post! i'll go check out the Girls and see if there's anything exciting to say. It sure would be nice to see the sun today - it's been three weeks!

Ruthxxx 01-06-2006 05:17 AM

Whoops! There's my signature. The change isn't in yet. Ignore me! :lol:

Ruthxxx 01-06-2006 05:22 AM

Now it's in. Oy!

tazcat 01-06-2006 05:39 AM

Morning Chicks,
It is 6:29 and freezing rain. Getting ready for work, I work the weekend so I will stay OP. I went to the dentest yesterday, I have a small cavity My first in my adult teeth? Well it will be fixed 2 weeks from now.
Then I went shopping.
So much to say but no time, I am going to have to get up at 5:30 if I want to take time to post.
I didn't tan yesterday as I am burnt
I had my picture taken last night for a passport and I had to take my post out of my brow as you cannothave it in for that picture no face jewllery,
I had that pearced, and a tatoo for my 50th birthday.........
Must go I cannot find my car Keys.
Love Tazcat

tazcat 01-06-2006 05:39 AM

Why cant I get a ticker on my post?

Ruthxxx 01-06-2006 05:45 AM

Taz, you need to create one and paste it into your signature. See the Home Page and Forum help for instructions. Just PM me if you need help.

RNMOM 01-06-2006 06:03 AM

Morning girls
Wow, it's 0400 here and there's already some of youse up already!;) My dh took my son to his military unit to begin a few weeks training before they go to Ft. Bliss then to Iraq............I'm a bit numb right now.

So I'm ready to go into day 6 on phase one! Whew, I made it through work yesterday. I decided that one of the reasons I eat too much at work is because I don't have time to sit down and eat right. It's easy to grab something and stuff in my mouth, but it's very difficult to "stuff" salad in your mouth and chew it as you go from room to room seeing and triaging patients. Takes to long to chew.............not easy. You actually have to sit and eat a salad and accompanying SB friendly food. I've gotten pretty good at inhaling sf jello though. They take 1/2 hour out of my check for lunch, I need to start demanding time to eat.

Well, I could hardly keep up with reading yesterdays posts, you were all very clucky:cofdate: Sounds like Schatzi is taking her new position very seriously...keeping everyone entertained!

Ruth, I hope you get more sleep...........take some time to do something for you.

Me, well, I think I'm going to try and get the Christmas decorations down. I have to work the weekend and I don't want to face them on Monday. Today I'm going to go have an acid peel done on my face, the on Tuesday I'm going to a spa that one of our ER docs owns and have a facial massage, a massage and a pedicure. That's my reward for making it so far on phase one. I'm so excited....pampering!

You all have a great day on the beach!

RNMOM 01-06-2006 06:04 AM

Oh Ruth
It's cool that there are so many visitors to this website. A real tribute to Suzanne and all those of you that make it work!!!! Thanks! Is it the New Year's resolution thing? Or is it that TV show The Biggest Loser that's inspiring people? Or maybe we just want to be healthier and sexier!

Kiko 01-06-2006 06:45 AM

Good Morning!!

Here I am- waddling my way back to the beach. Hope there is still a chair for me somewhere. :)

I haven't gained too much- but it is time to refocus, reenergize, and get some weight off!

I will catch up later- I am giving the baby a bottle and typing with one hand.

Can't wait to fimd out what everyone has been up to!!

cottagebythesea 01-06-2006 06:49 AM

We're busy already here, today!:carrot:

I'm sitting here enjoying my morning tea and cruising the boards before I run to Curves. I tried to get on last night, but my computer was acting goofy so I finally just turned it off. I surprised that it's working fine now, so far.

RNMOM ~ I just can't imagine what it would be like to have a child going to Iraq! I'll pray for his safe return to you daily.:hug: You're doing great on Phase 1, today is Day 5 for me, and it's going pretty well, too, but I've only lost 3 lbs. so far. You are right that we need to slow down to eat. I'm usually in a hurry when I eat, and I've gulped the food down before I even taste it. I'm taking the time now to eat slowly and enjoy each bite, and I do feel more satisfied afterwards.

Ruth ~ I hope you went back to bed for a while!

Tazcat ~ Yuk, freezing rain! We've been lucky here this week, it's been rainy but mild. What's an acid peel like, does it hurt? Sounds frightening to me!

Heather ~ If my DH brought home ice cream right now, I think I'd lock him out! Ice cream is my absolute biggest downfall, and I can't have it around, I can't even stop at a few spoonfuls. It's all or nothing! I hope you can find the time to take a long nap, you sound so busy.

Yikes, it's time for me to go! See you later!

zombiemommie 01-06-2006 08:16 AM

Heather, at least he brought home ice cream and not, say, cookies or some sugar-carb thing. Even in the SB book if you balance the ice cream its not THAT bad with the blood sugar thing, right ?

RN Mom, sorry to hear your son is going to Iraq. I'm sure you are very proud of him, and you should be. Although I would be petrified, I'd be a strutting proud mamma hen to have a son who is brave and strong and caring enough to be in the service. ((hugs))

So here I am on day 5. Day 5 and I'm still alive !! I ate about 1 1/2 cup of ricotta dessert at 2 pm though (but I skipped it for night). Listen ladies, I'm having a hard time warming up to the veggies. I'm scraping by with the bare minimum but don't have the "taste" for salad or anything right now (and normally, if I go out or somewhere, I love salad but I'm not in the "mood"). Any suggestions ? I've been loving the spicy V8 with breakfast. Getting AM veggies in spinach in my eggs, and I've been having cabbage shredded and sauteed for dinner with my meat (both green and red cabbage) and brocolli with dip during the day. But I can't get beyond that. And I love veggies. ACK., I'll weigh myself on Sunday at work. Hopefully, good news LOL

Have a great day all.

cottagebythesea 01-06-2006 08:34 AM

Zombiemommie ~ I usually love salads, too, but when I start getting bored with them I switch to veggie-filled soups, or raw veggies w/ hummus or ranch dressing. Try melting some LF cheese over your veggies, or try sauteeing them in olive oil, or make a veggie stir-fry. I hope this helps you.

djett626 01-06-2006 08:39 AM

Good Morning ladies!

I have to make this quick. As I got scolded for internet usuage at work last night by my DH/Boss.

I started the New Year with a 4 pound gain from the holidays. I weighed last night and I lost that plus 1 pound. I got to move my ticker down to 155. However, I must confess. I have not been a model student. I have had bites here and there of my DS's naughty food. I must learn to control myself. 5 more pounds and I can finally kiss that 50 lb slot good bye on the scale. I have been doing phase 1 when behaving and plan to do one more week of it. Hopefully, it will help me through.

Gotta get to work.

Everyone have a sunny day on the beach!

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