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Ruthxxx 12-08-2005 07:41 AM

Thursday On The Beach - December 8
Good morning! I hope your day started better than mine!

I went downstairs to discover two huge brown puddles on the kitchen floor! :( Luckily they smelled wonderful! The Girls got into my baking supplies last night and ate the chocolate! I am assuming they threw it all up but will keep an eye on them and dash to the vet for ipecac later if need be. Brats! :nono: Yesterday Lucy stole one of my mousetraps (baited with peanut butter) and took it outside. I didn't hear a yelp so I assume it snapped. I need a dog nanny!

This morning I am doing Thera-Paws orientation for a new volunteer and her dog at the nursing home. I have no problems with the dog who is rightly named "Angel" but the woman may be a problem. She is one of those folks who insists on telling you all her aches and pains and residents of nursing homes have their own. We'll see how she does. My rule is to talk about the dogs and not yourself.

The electricity will be off here on Saturday so I need to do some prep. When it's off there is no water so I usually stock up. Coffee is another problem but I think I have a wee propabe stove somewhere and there's always the BBQ!

So....what's happening on your stretch of the strand? :cofdate:

cottagebythesea 12-08-2005 08:28 AM

I have the morning off so I was trying to get a few things started before I checked in. So I have a Pesto-coated pork loin in the crockpot, 1 load of laundry in the dryer and another in the washer, and I've been to Curves. I just made a pot of coffee and some mock oatmeal, so now I can relax for a moment. The last few days have been crazy, and Jake is PO'd that I haven't been getting home til late, but what can I do? I told him that's my job, and I don't have too much control over my hours. My employers are so good to me, though, and make up for all the time I give to them in a lot of ways. Jake isn't happy about having to eat supper alone every night and not having anyone to talk to. I can understand that, but he knew what my life would be like when I decided to go full-time, and the money looked real good to him at the time. Now when I come home, instead of just relaxing with a book or doodling on the computer, I feel like I have to devote all my free time with him. Are all men high maintenence, or is it just him?

Sorry, I just needed to vent a little.

So today it's pick up the girls from school, home for lunch, then finish making homemade decorations for their special tree in the playroom. Audrey, the 4 yr old, has been wrapping almost all her toys and putting them under the tree. She doesn't get it that Santa brings the presents, she thinks she should give presents to him. Bless her, she has the heart of an angel, and I admire her way of thinking. The only time she is selfish is when her sister touches something of hers! Anyway, today doesn't look to be a late night, at least not yet. We're expecting a snowstorm overnight, so maybe I'll have off tomorrow. Not crossing my fingers, though. This will be the 3rd time this week a significant snowfall has been predicted, and so far we've only had about 1" each time. This weekend I want to finish up my shopping and get the rest of my baking done. I haven't even thought of making candy yet! Right now I should get to work on my Christmas cards, so I'll see you later.

H-ko 12-08-2005 08:33 AM

Ruth - how terrible - I hope your girls are okay! I've never had a dog that ate chocolate - does chocolate poisoning happen right away (if it's going to) or can it take a while? It can be cumulative, is that right? Those girls of yours are just too clever for their own good! Good luck with the volunteer - I know what you mean about the folks in nursing homes (I used to work as a CNA in a couple, years ago). They don't need to hear all her rigamarole!

DS is in daycare only a half day today, so I intend to pick up his toys and vacuum (a chore which was sadly neglected during the quarter), as well as do dishes and laundry. I have two big baskets heaped full of clean clothes as well as a dryer full, all waiting for me to have time to fold them. Whee! It'll be nice to not have to dig for clothes for everybody each night, though.

I can't seem to get back in the habit of sleeping yet. I got about 3 hours of fairly deep sleep, but then I woke up thinking about a friend(?) who has been the source of a lot of confusion and anguish lately - not just for me, but for everyone in her life. I'm probably one of the least affected, so I can't imagine what she's putting her family through.... Needless to say, I couldn't get back to sleep after that, so I did some dishes and hopped online for a while.

Hope everyone has a terrific day!

H-ko 12-08-2005 08:39 AM

Cottage - just missed you! I don't think most of them need "me time" so they don't get that we do. Do you have a predictable work schedule, or do your hours vary? If they are pretty much the same, maybe you can work out "me time," "us time," and "family time" schedules with your DH? Sometimes things like that just have to be scheduled, or they don't happen.

djett626 12-08-2005 08:56 AM

Good morning ladies-

I'm back to work today after catching a "bug". I don't know if it was the same that DS had. If it was... no wonder he wanted to lay on his mommy the whole time. DH stepped up and took care of DS so I could rest. Thank goodness. It would be difficult to care for a needy 3 year old when you have to keep running to the potty.

I ate things like noodles and cereal. I'm still kind of yucky in the eating area, but when I do eat I am going to try to make it on program.

Gotta go make up for lost time!

pearshape 12-08-2005 09:17 AM

Hey chicks! I've been good lately but am not weighing myself since it's TOM. Tomorrow I leave for CA for a month. I can't wait. All I have to do today is fine tune my map project that's due at 2:30 and weigh some soil samples. Then it's all about packing and cleaning up my house.

This leaving is always bittersweet cause I get to see my bf who I havent seen in 3 1/2 months but I leave by furbabies who mean everything to me. I just worry about them when I'm gone. My dog is boarding at a vets office so I know she'll be physically OK I just worry that she'll be lonely. My cat is staying here at home with two of my friends checking up on him almost everyday. I bought him an automatic feeder and waterer just in case something happens and they can't get here on time. My two rats are at my friends house who will take good care of them but I'm afraid they won't remember me when I get back. My little Percival, who is a big ol' mama's boy, did not want to go back in his cage when I was leaving my friends house. It's like he know something was up. Poor little guy kept clinging to me and then trying to squeese out the 1/2 in bars. Alfred promptly started rearranging his bed and after a few kisses and licks for me went right to sleep! I dropped them off yesterday since today we're expecting lots of snow and I hate driving in the first big snow of the year. I like to let the road crews work out all their screw ups before I get out on the road. I'm from Hawaii and am still not comfortable driving in snow even though I love it!!

Ruth: Your girls sound like a handful. I'm sure they'll be OK though. My dog are an entire bar of bittersweet baking chocolate a few years ago....on a holiday when all the vets were closed. But she never had any problems at all. Stay off your knee and get some rest!

Cottage: Pesto pork loin!! Yum! I've never used a crockpot to cook but it sounds yummy. And don't worry, yes, all men are that high maintainance. AT leat mine is. You'd think the fact that my bf's in CA and I'm in KY would make him a littleless but nope! He gets terribly cranky and upset if I don't spend 2-3 hours everynight on the phone with him. Time that I just dont have. Men...what are ya goona do? ;)

H-ko: Try some SleepyTime Extra from celestial seasonings. It knocks me right out every time. Plus it tastes yummy and soothing. Perfect to relax and chill with at night.

Djett: Sorry to hear you've been sick. Drink some tea and have some noodle free chicken soup :D ! Hope you feel better.

crk05 12-08-2005 09:21 AM

Ruth - I hope your girls are OK! I hope all goes well with the orientation this morning.

Heather - I hope that you're able to get a little rest today!

Dana - I'm glad that you're recovering from your bug. I hope that you continue to feel better!

cottagebythesea - I'm sorry you've been going through some stress lately! I hope that you can have a relaxing time working on the Christmas cards today.

Not much going on in my stretch of the beach today. It's gloomy but warm weather, and I have the same old school stuff going on. Today I have to work on a project that I've been struggling with for weeks. I may have to cave in and beg my graduate advisor for help. I'm also hoping to squeeze in some Christmas card writing this evening. I haven't started yet!

Have a great day everyone!

Hollyhock 12-08-2005 09:22 AM

I woke up really sick. Raging sore throat, headache, dizzy, hot and cold flashes. 4 kids here. I managed to get DS on the bus.
Last night, all 4 of us went in hubby’s car with the newly inflated spare tire to put it on my van. We desperately needed groceries. kids wanted to come. I just assumed hubby would go back home. He stayed until we were done so he could follow me home. Sometimes he acts like he might give a sh*t, LOL! Shocking .
There are downsides to being capable and independant. 1) I dont need help with very much. 2) I assume I have to do everything myself. 3) I automatically do everything myself.
I was laughing about the women chatting( in the journals) about hubbies not wrapping Christmas gifts yesterday. My hubby has never bought a gift.... he has still to propose marriage......... It is not the end of the world.
It was -17 C this morning going up to -6( 24F). I feel bad for my guy working outside in this weather.
Last night before bed I felt monumentally fat and incredibly ugly. I am now assuming it was this bug.
There is a lot I want to do but today will involve laying on the couch and feeding kids.

Cottage~ I have so been there lately. I am not sure men get it or that they know how to communicate what they really feel. It is like mind reading some days. My hubby does not need alone time at all. Just wanted to offer a HUG!
Hiya, HKO ,Ruth,djett.

Time to lay down.

Barb0522 12-08-2005 09:54 AM

Well, almost all the schools are closed in the Dallas area. We only got a few flurries but we got lots of sleet and freezing rain and everything is covered in ice. I'm working from home again today. Brian is in the living room crocheting a potholder and watching Dragon Tales. I love how independent 8 year olds are! He understands to check if I am on the phone for work before he comes to ask me a question. The temp was in the teens last time I checked with 20mph winds and a wind chill of 4! We did make it to the mass and potluck last night but we probably shouldn't have risked it since the bridges were really icy.

It should clear by later today. I'm really hoping it does since I have District Roundtable and the commissioner called me last night to ask if I would get volunteers and do a sample Tiger ceremony. He sent the script and it looks like fun and counts toward my Wood Badge ticket items so I told him I would be glad to do it. My poison ivy is much better today. The cortisone shot and prescription antihistamine have really helped.

RNMOM 12-08-2005 09:55 AM

Just a quickie note. Between school, flu and work and dead computer, I haven't even said hi for about a week or so.


We're freezing cold around here. 20 below in a neighboring county. We're only 12 below!

Well, I'm at work, gotta rush!

Have a great day!

Hildy 12-08-2005 10:05 AM

Good morning ladies! You have all been so busy already this morning, I think I need to start working on revamping my sleep pattern! Start rising earlier, sounds like a good new years resolution, especially since I will have to start getting up at five to get to the hospital by seven..ughh, anything better than the darn crowds at the mall this time of year. I had a run in with some cashew brittle yesterday, I had a peice the size of a quarter and turned down a cookie late last night, my friend tried to justify because we got stuck at work till midnight but I said no can do and thought of how I would ruin everything I have been doing to get rid of my cravings, and becasue I ate the smallest piece of brittle possible I gelt like I had already cheated enough! WHOOHOO!!
AS for men being high maintence I must say that I am pretty jealous..mine just sits on the couch and plays video games for hours....be glad he wants to be with you eventhough it might be frustrating.As for the pups that are sick they will be fine as long as theya re not really little doggies. MY GSheps ate a pound of those fantastic choclate candies we all hold so dear to our hearts, just don't make it a daily activity.
As for me being new to this board it is taking me a while to get used to everyone so I apologize if I don't resond to everyone, but my support is here.
Well I hope you ladies have a great day and does anyone if the beach chicks have developed a special shopping list based on the p1 emergency handbook and revised food list, I think it couldbe very handy. Just wondering.

Tammy70 12-08-2005 10:19 AM

Good mornin' ya'll

It's snowing here this morning, well snow and ice...not pretty. I had to go to the grocery last night, we were out of so many things and wouldn't you know everybody in the county was there buying up milk, bread canned goods!! I just wanted to get the heck out of dodge!! I'm hoping if it's going to get bad, it will get bad enough for the office to shut down tomorrow :D that would be so wonderful!!! But I'm not a lucky person so it'll be off to work I go in the morning. Overall everything is going great here, DH is such a sweetheart, I've been noticing little things he does for me a lot lately. This morning I get up (he works 3rd shift) and he has set the coffee pot to delay brew for me and left a note for me to have a good day, ahhhhhh:love:

ya'll have a great day ;)

Oberon 12-08-2005 10:23 AM

Hi everyone,

Well, I've been to work this morning, then home as hubby was going out with the lads to Grimsby for Warhammer games. Not sure what it entails, but I gather there's a lot of painting of small model monsters, and quoting of Star Trek. Well, if it keeps him happy.

My SBD has gone out teh window today! I've not cheated, but haven't stuck to the mael plans, as I didn't have time to do lunch, and missed brekkie. I popped out to the local shop in between crazy old ladies, but was really surprised to find NOT ONE THING on the shelves that I'd feel happy eating - ie didn't look like a cheat. The yoghurts were stuffed with sugar, and there wasn't anything else available. I ended up with some low fat cheese dip that came with little crackers. So not 100% brilliant, but better than a toasted teacake and butter. Got some homemade tomato soup on the go at the mo, so looking forawrd to that. DD is having a nap, bottom covered in nappy rash and still grazzling with her tetth, but she's a good baby so I can let her have the odd grumpy day!

3 lb down, still feeling motivated, still feeling confident. I AM going to look fabby for Xmas!

Gotta rush, have a good day everyone!

jenne1017 12-08-2005 10:42 AM

Happy new month

Been struggling, feel down.

Out and out nuts - mom has cancer, sister is having contractions and Jenn puts everything in her mouth.

I need to knock this weight off and am tired of making excuses. URGH!

Hope you all are doing MUCH better!!!!

soon2Bfab 12-08-2005 12:00 PM

Oh Jenn (((hugs))) please pm if you need to vent or if there is anything I can do for you hon!! Just remember that stuffing yourself isn't helping anyone...easier said than done - I know trust me!!
Ruthie - your little ones are so smart!! I had a wonderful sharpei when I was in high school....her name was Shelbie & she had the BIGGEST sweet tooth. My mom had 2 doughnuts in a brown paper bag in her tote & Shelbie got into those I can remember my mom being impressed on how neatly she opened the bag. Shelbie also got into my band candy I was selling....thank goodness she never got sick.
Pear - I'm going to miss you, but I do hope you & the bf have a wonderful time. You'll have to tell us all about it when you come back. I'm sure the furbabies won't forget the dear mommy!!
AAGH - just heard the news 8 inches of snow overnight...what the ____!?!
I gotta go grocery shopping & find the shovel - AGH! I hate MI weather!
Gotta run....

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