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ilovemyluckycat 05-28-2005 08:14 PM


I'm visiting the forums while baking an eggplant lasagna. I got the recipe here, I'll let you know if it works.

Thanks to everyone for the encouragement on my running. :) Today was a garden day, mow the lawn...blah blah blah...it's just nice to have na extra day.

Schatzi: I'm glad you feel better on P1...I noticed you are 200, you are on the cusp of the 100's and great things!!!!

Barb: Great weight loss, your temperatures made me laugh! We hit about 75 today and it was exciting! We've been in a rut lately (as you've noticed the complaints).

Soon to Bfab: how is your mom? It has to be tough. My thought are with you!

Love to All! :wave:


Bamiegurl 05-29-2005 12:13 AM

Well I'm the late chickie today! It's been a rough one. My sister called me last week and said she was gonna move to Fla. sometime in June and then when I got here yesterday my mom told me that Dad was on his way up to get the first load and they would be back for the second Thursday and they would be gone. I'm like oh my gosh that's to soon. Well....he gets here and I go over there today thank goodness because they decided they could get it all in the first load and they are gone! Ragan my niece said isn't Florida closer to Alabama? I said not to me it's not. She was just sure she was gonna be closer to me. I'm very sad. I just hope she made the right choice. she is the baby and has always had everyone to take care of her. Well I'm headin to bed. I have been on my knee way to much today and it is letting me know about it!

Anchor...Mom is on yet another antabiotic. Seems she has yet another infection and she is still pretty sick and yet they have no answers. They said they have checked for everything. Who knows???? Thanks for askin.

Soon...Hope all goes well with your visit!

Ruthxxx 05-29-2005 08:01 AM

Good morning!

Why oh why can't I sleep longer than 5 AM? I really hoped it'd be another 6 AM morning but no! :( Church is not until 10:30 this morning, a combined service, so I'm up too darn early. I'm actually considering skipping and doing some gardening because the weather is still OK. I don't know where the three days of rain is hiding but we've had nary a drop!

Let us know about the eggplant lasagna recipe, Sandi. I nearly picked up an eggplant on Friday but didn't want to do my usual recipe.

Bamie, you have too, too much happening in your life right now. I hope you are enjoying your visit with your Mom.

Barb, you are going to be so buff when you meet your sister! Will she be jealous or happy for you?

Anchor, too funny about the ironing board cover. My Mum used to get a new one every so often and just put it on over the old one. It sure made for a thick and somewhat lumpy board. (Must check mine although I don't iron much.)

Soon2Bfab, I can really relate to you and your situation with your mother. It is so hard on everyone. Time for Sis to step up to the plate so tell her! (((Soon)))

Schatzi, we all need to take off our cranky pants! :lol: I can't even use first week detox as an excuse!

Sorry I can't post to everyone. Mr Pouty is up and is insisting on bacon and eggs for breakfast since I don't have to dash off to Church for 8:30. He remembered it is Sunday! Duty calls!

ellis 05-29-2005 08:44 AM

Ruth, you need to hang a heavy blanket at your window to block out the light. Oh, and before you go to bed, get out your BB and shoot every song-bird in sight. :lol3: Geez, they're noisy! Those darned finches!
We had a very brief storm here yesterday. DH and I were sitting in the backyard, and suddenly there was this enormous crack of thunder right over our heads. I just about crapped myself.

Bamie, I'm sorry about your sister, hon. :( Sisters are (well, most of them) very special, and I know how important it is to have them close by. Hopefully this won't be for long. Sending you sister-hugs... :grouphug:
And I'm still saying prayers for your dear Mom. Thanks for letting us know how she's doing... I hope the doctors figure this out soon, sweetie.
And you take care of that knee, hear me? I think you're trying to do too much. Take some time for yourself. :grouphug:

Barb, that's so exciting about seeing your sister! She's going to be so proud of you!! :love: Another long-distance sister, eh? :( My sister lives about 7 blocks away, and I'd really miss her if she wasn't around.

Amy, too funny about the ironing board cover. :lol: I hate ironing. When we bought our first house about 13 years ago, I told my DH to leave the ironing board behind. :lol3: We haven't had one since, and I plan on never having one again. If we're really desperate (like about once a year for a wedding or something), we'll spread a cloth on the floor and iron on that.
Happy Anniversary to your parents!! :hat:
You reminded me of my parent's 40th. My sister and I had a little surprise "do" for them at our house. My father was never able to show affection. He was staunchly British, and just couldn't bring himself to tell us he loved us, or to put his arm around any of us.
We were all standing around Mom and Dad in the living room with glasses of champagne, and one of their good friends made a toast to them. When he'd finished, my Dad suddenly put his arm around Mom, and started singing her this lovely old English song! I was so stunned that my glass slipped from my fingers to the floor. :lol:
It was a really beautiful moment, and I'll remember it always.

Soon2befab, I'm sorry about your Mom. :( I hope this weekend isn't too stressful for you. Continuing prayers for your Mom, hon. :grouphug:

I think I'll get out in the garden for a bit. It's not very nice out there... looks as though it might rain soon. Back later... hope you're all enjoying the long weekend, girls! :wave:

HistoryChick 05-29-2005 08:50 AM

Hello everyone!!

How's everyone doing? I've been super busy lately...but I'm still hanging in there...I'm working the whole holiday weekend...no fun at all...since everyone is out of town and not shopping..go figure...so why are we still open??? oh well I hope you all are still doing well! I miss you guys!!

Kiko 05-29-2005 09:05 AM

Good morning!

It has been gloomy and rainy here in Dallas. It has forced me to stay home and get organized though! Much needed, let me tell you!

Sounds like everyone is hanging in there- either continuing to lose or maintaining, which isnot always easy!! My plan is to rejoin WW and do a combo of that and SBD. I don't think I can handle the cooking load with a new baby that SBD required for me last summer.

The school year ended on the 21st without much fanfare. I have been resting and working, getting ready for the baby's arrival. I am due on the 21st, but am actually having my doctor induce labor on the 9th. My DH has a new crazy schedule and my doctor is going to be out of town the following week, so we decided that inducing would be the best route to go. I am a bit nervous about it, but am also quite excited!

We have been offline for a few weeks here at home and are finally up and functioning! I am going to attempt to attempt to catch up on what everyone has been up to!

Have a great Sunday!

anchor weight 05-29-2005 10:34 AM

Morning everyone!

Remember what I said about the fact that it is mandatory that it be crappy weather in Michigan for Memorial weekend? Well it has been sunny and nice. Not too warm but just warm enough. Hope it hangs with us through Monday so I can go to the flea market.

Ellis - What a great story about your Dad. :lol: Isn't it funny how all families have thier little quirks. DF is not a talker - we used to joke that he was like the old commercial for EF Hutton where when EF Hutton talks everyone shuts up and listens :lol: - DM never shuts up she is a social butterfly.

Ruth - I don't iron that much either. I usually just squirt the Downey wrinkle stuff on my clothes. :lol: However - the Ebay stuff I press and iron before I take the picture so it looks nice. I don't pay to have it dry cleaned before putting it on Ebay - cause that would defeat the profit. I figure if someone is getting a suit that I paid a bundle for - for 20 or 30 bucks - they can dry clean it. :lol:

Bami - I hope your mom gets better soon. She has had a tough road. I always have to stagger the end of antibiotics. Break the pill in half for the last two days to wean down. Otherwise your body just waits for the antibiotics to be gone and then you get sick all over again. Take good care of her.

Kiko - Wow you are almost done! I'll say a prayer for you and your family.

Me - my day just got turned upside down. DS called and asked if I would pick him up at the cabin because the X has decided to stay up their an extra day. I said I would come and get him at noon and the X said no good come at 4. So I finally relented and after negotiations I'm getting him at 1:30 - 2:00 pm. So I got up and ate a larger than normal breakfast because I thought I would be on the road for 3 hours and then DF says - I'll go and get him. :lol: So now I'm back to shopping with DM at the nursery and grocery shopping too. DS will be happy because DF will watch him ride his dirt bike for hours and I watch one little turn around the woods and say that's enough - let's go! :lol:

Hope you chicks are having a great day!

Barb0522 05-29-2005 12:29 PM

Kiko - It's so good to hear from you. It won't be long now for you. I was induced a week early with Brian because he was so big (and pre-eclampsia but we had already planned the induction). Please keep us posted.

Ruth and Ellis - My younger sister will be so pleased for me. I do miss her but it is just too far to get to South Carolina very often. I also have my older sister in Florida that I need to see sometime but she doesn't have air conditioning so I really would not want to see her in the hottest time of the year.

Me - Brian and I rushed to an earlier mass than usual so he and DH can get to the model rocket launch. It is awfully late for them to be driving an hour and a half to get there but DH doesn't get moving very early. I think they may try for a night launch though if the weather holds. The field didn't get as much rain as we did yesterday. I'm not sure what I'll do with my free time without them but I still have laundry and grocery shopping so that will probably take up most of the time. I'd like to get to the gym too. Hi to everyone!

mama.dragon 05-29-2005 05:05 PM

Ruth: glad to hear that you're having sunny weather. Ours is grey and so humid I'm not sure why it isn't raining.

Ellis: hugs to dd:grouphug: I haven't read yesterday's threads but do I have to come up there and kick your behind part. How has today gone?

Angleshine: great on the loss. :cb: The strawberries sound great. I tend to eat peanut butter in my yogurt.

Schatzi: glad to hear you're over the crankies. Life on the beach does get better.

Sandi: I love eggplant and lasagna. I can't wait to hear how it came out.

Bamigiurl: I'm sorry that your baby sister is moving. I know I wish I was closer to my sister.

Amy: sounds like a very confusing day. :dizzy:

as for me: friday I took dd with my for a girls night out with my best friend and her adult daughter. We went to Olive Garden and I was mostly good. Saturday was crazy because dd had dress rehersal (ballet and tap) and they didn't start until 6. Sheesh. Today was the recital. DD was in cranky mode because of no nap:tantrum: . We're watching videos on the couch so guess who's taking a nap even though she didn't think she needed one.:s: No, not me. I'm talking to all of you.


Bamiegurl 05-30-2005 12:26 AM

A late check in again! It has been crazy here! Family in and out all day at Mom's. She has a little one bedroom apartment and at one time there were 10 of us in here! Half of which were kids! It's been wild. The X called to say he was takin DS to the ER because he fell on his arm that he had broken a week ago that the ortho doc didn't think needed a cast! I have been waitin for him to call and let me know what was up but no word yet. He was goin at 6:15!!!!!!!!! I better go. I think I'm gonna have to take a pain pill tonight! Maybe I'll sleep good! lol Goodnight all!

Ruthxxx 05-30-2005 05:14 AM

And early check in here! Why oh why can't I sleep later than 5! I was awake at 3:30 and finally got up at 4. :( Never mind. I'll work in an afternoon nap.

Weather permitting, I'll be in the garden most of the day. :) The earth is probably too wet for digging after yesterday's deluge but I can certainly deadhead and dig dandelions and dream.

What's happening in your part of The Beach?

a broad abroad 05-30-2005 05:32 AM

Fake 'n Bake Tan Lines!!!

On Saturday we went to a wine fest with some friends. Before we went I decided to apply some tanning cream. I thought I did pretty well blending and preventing splotches, that was until I got out in the real light. After we sat down I saw a couple of streaks on one leg, but they weren't too noticable. And compared to what we saw later I was a masterpiece. There was a woman who had also applied tan cream, but she didn't remember to blend! She was wearing a tank top and when you looked at her from behind, you could see two dark handprints on the backs of her shoulders, like the invisible man was standing there holding her in place. Gave us all a good chuckle!!

Ruthxxx 05-30-2005 05:35 AM

:lol: I used it many years ago and thought I looked great until a friend who was a nurse asked if I had jaundice.
By the way, I just love your doggie avatar. He/she looks so regal!

Schatzi 05-30-2005 06:04 AM

Good Morning Morning Larks!
*sigh*, Ruthie I know how you feel... I get up automatically at 4:30.. Sometimes I wish I could sleep later, but then I would miss having coffee on the deck, seeing the sunrise and enjoying the gardens in solitude...

Abroad: Your story gave me my first chuckle of the day! Thanks for starting my day off with a smile... and Ruthie is right , your dog is a beauty...what kind is she? Blast those thumbnails and my old eyes, but s/he looks like a Saluki to me....

Have a great day! :)

ellis 05-30-2005 08:13 AM

Lydia, cute story about your DD. :) I remember when my DD used to take ballet lessons... they're so sweet at that age.
This is a secret I'm only sharing with you. Food wise... not great. However, I did get on the treadmill yesterday for the first time in months!
I hope you're doing well!! :hat:

Bamie!! :yikes: How could your son fall on that arm! What on earth was he doing... climbing a tree or something!? :?: Does he need a cast now? :(

A broad, too funny about the tanning stuff. :lol:

Schatzi, I'm with you re: the morning time. It's the best time of the day! :)

Still no rain here, Ruthie. :shrug: Watch out for the mosquitos.

I'm getting ready to see my psychi. For some reason that I can't remember, I need to tell him I can't make it on the 20th. Does anyone here know what I'm doing on the 20th? :lol3:

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