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beachgal 05-17-2005 08:37 AM

From the May 17, 2005 Daily Dish:

The Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Good news for chocolate lovers — a study published in the March issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating dark chocolate can decrease blood pressure and lower the risk of developing diabetes in healthy individuals.

Chocolate is one of a number of foods containing antioxidant-rich compounds known as flavonoids. Flavonoids, which have been shown to help improve heart health, are present in a variety of fruits (citrus fruits, grapes, and blueberries) and vegetables (onions and broccoli), as well as red wine and green and black tea.

The study looked at the effects of adding dark and white chocolate to the daily diets of healthy individuals. Researchers found that eating dark chocolate reduced insulin resistance while significantly lowering blood pressure. No such result was observed for white chocolate — not too surprising since white chocolate is made without cocoa and therefore does not contain flavonoids.

Doctors don't know exactly how much dark chocolate you need to reap these health benefits, but for the purposes of The South Beach Diet™, it's best not to overdo it. Starting in Phase 2, try dipping four to five strawberries in dark chocolate, or limit yourself to one to two dark chocolate wedges as an occasional treat. Keep in mind that milk chocolate, made by diluting cocoa with milk, does not contain as many flavonoids as dark chocolate.
I eat 1 oz of dark chocolate every Saturday when I'm in Phase 2. :T I've experimented with lots of different kinds. Sometimes I have homemade cookies (SBD safe) with semi-sweet chocolate chips. Sometimes I have dark chocolate from bars. Recently, I tried Hershey's Swoops in Dark chocolate with Almonds. They don't have a lot of cocoa, and they set my blood sugar rising. :yikes: Those were immediately given to DH.

I also recently tried Newman's Own Dark Chocolate with espresso beans. OMG! :cloud9: That chocolate is amazing!!! So good and so rich that you need to nibble the square and let it melt in your mouth. It's intensely satisfying, especially since the proceeds from Newman's Own are given to charity. :goodvibes: I'll definitely be buying another of those!

What dark chocolate (or semi-sweet) do you have? How do you eat it? :chin:

2BFIT1 05-17-2005 09:22 AM

I'm not a big chocolate eater but that Newman's Own sounds Heavenly :cloud9: I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

Heidi 05-17-2005 09:53 AM

I usually get the Lindeman's 85% cocoa. One day I saw one with 99% cocoa but didn't grab it right then. Since then I haven't seen it in the store and my dh thinks it was in my dreams.

HottieInHiding 05-17-2005 10:04 AM

I bought two bags of Easter Dark Chocolate eggs when it was clearanced out (Nestle and Dove) and stuck them in my freezer. I was saving them for Phase 2, but I had some my first time on Phase 1!!! But this most recent time I didn't sneak any at all! So now I'm on Phase 2 - I know they are there when I need it.

I LOVE dark chocolate - my fav being Milky May Midnight, but that's not OP!


beachgal 05-17-2005 10:46 AM

Wow...99%??? That sounds very dry. Wonder if it would be good? :chin:

The 85% sounds heavenly.

We sometimes dip strawberries in the melted chocolate like Dr. A suggests. It's decadent! :T I just put 2 oz of chocolate, broken up or in chips, in a Pyrex custard cup in the micro. I zap it for 30 secs, stir, zap it for another 30, stir, and keep going until it's melted. Then I use a small spoon to spread it on strawberries, which I lay on wax paper and then stick in the fridge to cool. (I know...chocolate shouldn't go in the fridge, but it works for me. ;) ).

Sil, that chocolate is worth checking out. :cloud9:

Hottie, those eggs sound great...especially because of portion control. Dove chocolate is divine! :T

beach bum 05-17-2005 02:46 PM

I :love: :love: :love: Love Chocolate :m: :chockiss::m: .Don't have the craving since on the SB[salty snacks another story] But when have the craving for chocolate candy[Which isn't often] I get the low carb type[splenda] with 1 -2 gram net effective carbs. Hugs :) BB

beachgal 05-17-2005 03:27 PM

BB, eating real dark chocolate would be healthier for you (and you would avoid the frankenfood of the low carb candy). Try it next time...:)

Bamiegurl 05-17-2005 04:08 PM

I love chocolate! I'm just not a big fan of dark! So I just avoid it.I love chocolate milk...I wonder if I could make it with cocoa powder and splend? Hummm there's a thought. Has anyone else tried it?

AdiaFaith 05-17-2005 04:16 PM

Bamie, it works with cocoa and splenda. I've made hot cocoa and chocolate milk that way for years.

Laurie - OMG, we were at Wegmans this afternoon and I picked up a bar of Newman's Own Dark Chocolate Espresso.........WOW! One square was all we needed! I can't wait to try other flavors in dark of his!

Bamiegurl 05-17-2005 04:26 PM

Thanks Adia..Feel better soon!

beachgal 05-17-2005 04:27 PM

Adia...glad I'm not the only one that thought it was fabulous! His microwave popcorn is to die for...I'm not sure what makes it so good, but I switched to the natural (97% fat free) for the times when I'm dying for some popcorn. I know we're supposed to eat air-popped, but this is so close to the fat level, and the kind of corn he uses just makes it so good, so I splurge. ;)

Bamie, I make hot cocoa every night. I posted the recipe somewhere, but basically I just follow what it says on the side of the Hershey's cocoa box, but use SF syrup instead of sugar. The flavor in the syrup just makes it even more yummy! :T Right now I'm on a SF Kahlua hot cocoa kick. :cloud9:

AdiaFaith 05-17-2005 05:28 PM

Bamie - Right back atcha on the feel betters!

Laurie - He's got his own blend of corn for air popping that we always enjoyed. Personally, we LOVE his salsa! The man sure does know food! (and racing....and acting......and man, what a catch he was!)

fireflynova 05-18-2005 08:58 AM

I'm in love with Dove Promises in dark chocolate.

beachgal 05-18-2005 09:05 AM

Adia, I had no idea he had corn for air popping! Is it in the Nature's Market part of Wegman's? Do you need to get it in Corning or do you think Elmira would carry it? :chin: Wow!!! :D Thanks!

Firefly, Dove makes excellent chocolate. And prewrapped means it's eaiser not to overindulge. Those promises are cute, too. :)

I hope Adia and Bamie are both feeling better today...I know it won't be overnight for either of you, but I hope each day is better than the last. In the meantime, have some chocolate! ;)

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